As the Delta variant of COVID is spiking throughout much of the country, Fox News is determined to help it infect and kill more people. Because it is primarily spreading among those who refuse to get the shot that could save their lives and defeat the virus, it has been called the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.” But it would be more accurate to call it the “Pandemic of the Fox News Infected.”
All of the available data shows that the COVID hot zones in America line up perfectly with areas dominated by Republicans and Fox News viewers. These willfully ignorant folks are endangering, not just themselves, but all Americans, including those who have been vaccinated.
The disinformers on Fox News would have you believe that that is a admission that, as Tucker Carlson keeps saying, the vaccines don’t work. But they are either too stupid, or too intent on lying, to acknowledge that a viral pandemic is a fluid event that changes as the virus does. And the more available hosts there are, the more opportunities the virus has to mutate.
On Wednesday Fox News hosted law professor and Trump-fluffer, Jonathan Turley, He is a frequent guest on Fox since he argued incoherently in a congressional hearing that the impeachment of Donald Trump was unconstitutional. However, he is now representing the rights of the coronavirus to spread unchecked. He told Fox News that…
“The Biden administration is all in on a type of coerced consent approach. And what that involves is getting private companies to make life as difficult as possible for people who are not convinced. And you would like to – CNN’s health expert said ‘we have to make their life as miserable as possible.’ Even in Germany, you have an official saying you’re gonna have fewer freedoms unless you consent.
All of this is to force people who are against getting vaccines into sort of a smaller and smaller point of existence, a very difficult space. But it also means that private companies become a type of shadow state. They become the vehicle by which the government can do indirectly what it’s not doing directly.”
Fox News, which has mandated vaccines for employees, hosts a guy to attack private companies that are mandating vaccines for employees
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) July 28, 2021
There’s a lot of flagrant foolishness in that comment, beginning with the phrase “coerced consent” Turley is employing it as a purposefully scary buzzword. But an alleged constitutional expert should know that it actually describes something no more frightening than a common law. Does Turley think that red lights are “coerced consent” to stopping at a busy intersection?
As for making people’s lives miserable, nothing would do that more than contracting COVID. Getting a shot or wearing a mask is a trivial imposition by comparison. And Turley surely knows that all laws technically “reduce” freedoms. Society makes a choice between unfettered freedom (i.e. anarchy) and reasonable regulations agreed to by the people and their representatives. Does Turley miss having the freedom to kill his annoying neighbor? You’ll have far fewer freedoms if you’re intubated in a hospital bed – or dead.
Turley’s argument that “private companies become a type of shadow state” seems almost deliberately dishonest. Regulations that make life as safe as possible are common, necessary, and popular. They are supported. by virtually all of Society’s institutions including government representing the state’s interests, corporations representing employer’s interests, and unions representing the interests of workers. A recent survey found that 70% of U.S. employees support making vaccines a requirement to return to the office.
Those who are against getting vaccines deserve to be segregated from the rest of the population who don’t want to be forced to be exposed to their higher degree of risk. And private companies are not serving as “shadow states” when they implement vaccine mandates. They have always required certain behaviors that insure the safety and well being of their workers and customers. That’s why you’re required to wear a helmet if you work on a construction site. You’re required to wear goggles if you’re a welder. You’re even required to wear a hair net at McDonald’s.
Many companies already have vaccine mandates, including Disneyland, Morgan Stanley, United Airlines, Google, and many hospitals and universities. And – oh yeah – Fox News! That’s right, Fox requires its employees to be vaccinated and has even created a vaccine passport program that they call “Clear Pass.”
So Turley is arguing against private companies imposing mandates while he’s on a private company’s network that imposes mandates. That’s how deep the hypocrisy and has sunk on Fox News. And it should be embarrassing to both Turley and Fox News that their legal analysis is bereft of logic or reason. but then again, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be on Fox News.
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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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There should be a public mandate of consent, of everyone who has received a vaccination since the government has paid for all vaccines and vaccinations. Fox employees (and commentators) should not be allowed to answer, “Have you been vaccinated,” by claiming that is too much of a personal question to ask, especially when they have a double standard. (They speak with a forked tongue.)