It appears that having lost more than 600,000 Americans from the coronavirus still isn’t enough for Donald Trump and his Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News). Despite having known about the severity of the pandemic early on (but deliberately downplaying it), Trump is continuing to lead his glassy-eyed cult disciples astray with flagrant falsehoods about the current state of affairs.
Trump is on a media spree this week with two visits to Fox News, one to Newsmax, and he’s hosting another of his super-spreader cult rallies, this one in Alabama where the percentage of people vaccinated is the lowest in the nation. [Late additions: Joe Pags, Rick & Bubba]
During his second Fox News “interview” with shameless Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Trump unleashed a torrent of lies related to his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the pandemic and where things are going from here. What follows are a few excerpted – and poignantly annotated – highlights from the segment (video below):
“I’ve taken the vaccine. I’m very, very proud of it.”
If Trump is so proud, why has he refused to mount a public service campaign to persuade his devotees (who comprise the bulk of the resistors) to get vaccinated?
“When I was president, you didn’t have this problem with people not wanting to take it.”
First of all, the vaccine was not available until December 14, 2020, after Trump was voted out, and just a month before Joe Biden was inaugurated. As for people wanting the vaccine, it was a time when demand was strong from the majority of Americans who weren’t deceived by Trump and Fox News propaganda.
“They don’t take it because they don’t trust Biden.”
That’s Trump’s psychotic projection kicking in. Any scarcity of trust was due to the deliberate anti-vax agitprop by Trump and Fox News.
“When I was president, you didn’t have people protesting the vaccine.”
Again, the vaccine had only just become available. However, you had plenty of people protesting – sometimes violently – the existence of the virus and refusing to take simple steps to mitigate its spread, like wearing masks.
“When I left it was virtually gone. It was over.”
Oh for chrissakes! The death rate was peaking in January of 2021. But Trump’s lies still seem to have much farther to go.
[On the need for a booster] “That sounds to me like a money-making operation from Pfizer. […] You wouldn’t think you would need a booster.”
Because everything that a grifter like Trump does has to have greed as a motive, he thinks that’s true for everyone else.
More troubling is Trump’s dismissal of the need for a booster shot that has been verified by actual scientists. Just as he has spent most of the last year and a half downplaying the tragic and deadly risks that people are facing, Trump still seems determined to kill off more Americans by convincing them that there isn’t any real threat and they don’t need need to take simple steps to insure the safety of themselves, their families, their communities, and their nation. And naturally, Bartiromo adoringly goes along with everything Trump says.
Trump would rather let more people suffer and die so that he can blame it all on Biden and continue his fundraising pitches to enrich himself and finance his next insurrection and attempted coup. Ironically, the number of suckers available for him to exploit with this lethal scam will decline in corresponding proportion to the number deplorables he can swindle with his self-serving lies.
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Has the need for boosters “been verified by actual scientists”? No, it has not. Show me some clinical trial data, not surrogate marker measurements. Just yesterday some “actual scientists” in government agencies were saying that offering boosters could hamper the goal of getting a larger percentage of Americans vaccinated, and that there was little benefit to boosters. Today, SOME scientists are boosting boosters. What changed overnight? A not-yet-peer reviewed preprint by a couple of Israeli docs? Puh-leeze!
As much as I hate to acknowledge it, on (very) rare occasions, trump says something that may have a grain of truth to it. As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day. This article is not up to your usual standards.
More to my point:
Knew THIS was coming. By tomorrow, every Drumpfian terrorist will be repeating it.
For sure. I’ve never seen anyone do so much damage every time his stupid fat mouth opens and starts going.
“Trump would rather let more people suffer and die so that he can blame it all on Biden and continue his fundraising pitches to enrich himself and finance his next insurrection and attempted coup.”
Yep. And that is at the root of all the horseshit that he spews.
Those so dang stupid to believe all he says deserve no sympathy at this point. They’re choosing to be adoring idiots. I just think they should be made to stay home – away from us, from infecting the rest of us with viral variants!
Maybe it’s just God, “culling the herd”, that they’d choose to idolize Trump to point of illness & death?!
They have the right to be so stupid, but should NOT also have right to be out in public infecting everyone else!
‘Maybe it’s just God, “culling the herd”, that they’d choose to idolize Trump to point of illness & death?!’
I’ve had that thought myself, actually….
“I’ve taken the vaccine. I’m very, very proud of it.” Not only that, he claimed to have created it, and wanted it to be called the ‘Trumpcine.’
“When I was president, you didn’t have this problem with people not wanting to take it.” No, the American people had much bigger problems! Like Trump constantly blaring about the ‘rigged’ (not) election.
“They don’t take it because they don’t trust Biden.” They don’t take the vaccine that Trumpy HIMSELF created?! My word, what is wrong with these people?!
“When I was president, you didn’t have people protesting the vaccine.” Would he have listened to any protest about anything? Seems to be he’d have just gone and played some more golf, as he did whenever he was confronted with anything that didn’t fit his reality.
“When I left it was virtually gone. It was over.” Really?! In the Trumpiverse, perhaps. That alternate world Twilight Zone in which he’s dwelt all his life.
So well said! And hit every point. Do you ever wish you could be the interviewer & just him ’em like that, with the unvarnished truth??!
I do. Would be a very short career, I’m sure ~ but it would be fun while it lasted!
“Speaking truth to power”, what a terrific concept!
Oh, yeah! After tying him to a chair and removing his tongue first, of course….