George W. Bush: The Hardest Thing I Have To Do…

Back in June of this year, the President made an appearance before the White House Stenographers Association Radio and Television News Directors Association. Among the subjects he addressed was his obligation to visit with the families of fallen soldiers. Here’s what he had to say:

“The hardest thing I have to do is sit down as the President with loved ones who’ve either lost a soul or have a wounded person, severely wounded. I try to do a lot of it. It’s my obligation as the President. It’s an amazing experience. First of all, I’m a crier, and I weep a lot. On the other hand, when it’s all over, I feel incredibly strengthened by the strength of the parents or the wife or the kids.”

With Cindy Sheehan, and the other Gold Star Families, camped outside his vacation villa, the Crier in Chief is demonstrating just how hard it is for him to fulfill his obligations. While it may be an amazing experience, it’s one he’s demonstrating extraordinary self-discipline resisting. This may just be another example of his well-known steadfastness in the face of massive miscalculation.

Actually, this is really just an example of the most crass form of hypocricy. This President can shamelessly shed psuedo-patriotic crocodile tears before chummy audiences, but in real life, he’d rather meet with a sports hero (i.e. Lance Armstrong) than a grieving mother.

Perhaps if he met more often with the families he has turned into mourners, he could use the strength he says it gives him (ala Lestat) to renounce the members of his party who have been hurling the most despicable insults at Ms. Sheehan. They have said she is hateful, a liar, and is exploiting the memory of her dead son. Bush’s silence can only be interpreted as agreement or, at best, acceptance as a useful political tack.

The stenographers in the White House Press Corpse©, many of whom personally witnessed the speech above, have yet to even ask the President if he approves of the repugnant remarks of Rush Limbaugh, David Horowitz, Michelle Malkin, et al. The press, it appears, is also in need of a pint of strength.

It’s Hard Work
The President Says So
Harry Shearer Says So


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