Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Donald Trump may have just provided Democrats with the best campaign tactic to deploy against him. Not that his atrocious record in office, or his vicious hostility, or his infantile behavior, or his humiliating ignorance, or his 34 felony convictions, or his 54 other pending felony indictments, or his half-billion dollar judgment for having committed financial, or his adjudication as a rapist, or his aspirations to be a dictator, weren’t enough.

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Donald Trump, Pennywise

At his most recent traveling cult revival show, Trump delivered a speech that was replete with his standard playlist of bizarre and offensive commentaries. This was his first rally since his disastrous nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. That speech was widely panned for its litany of lies and for being so boring that his own cult disciples were leaving early and/or falling asleep.

SEE THIS: Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

At his rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump effectively to put rest any notion that his recent brush with “ear” death would moderate his behavior and cause him to seek unity. He spent the entire time insulting his political foes with his typical kindergarten style put downs. And high on the list of his targets was Vice-President Kamala Harris.

The significance of Trump singling out Harris was greatly expanded when the news came out that President Biden is standing down from the race, and endorsing Harris. This development will shake things up and leave the race with only one crazy Old Coot – a convict out on bail – running against a former prosecutor. So what is Trump’s leading argument against Harris? She laughs!

“Kamala, I call her laughing Kamala. Did you ever watch her laugh? She is crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh. She’s crazy. She’s nuts. She is not as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Crazy Nancy.”

OMG! Harris is a confidant, capable, compassionate, experienced, public servant who is also a happy, well adjusted, human being who enjoys life. How can Trump run against that? It’s so unfair. He is a miserable, noxious, repulsive, despised, loser, who if he laughs at all, it is only at the misfortune of others. The only enjoyment he gets out of life is mocking people and whining about what a poor, pathetic victim he is.

At the same rally Trump revealed something about himself that was already well known by anyone who has been paying attention. He has no sense of humor or ability to appreciate joy. He grouched that…

“They laughed at me. I hate when people laugh at me. I hate it. It’s so disrespectful. They laughed at me.”

That’s right! And “they” will continue laughing at him because he is such a clownish figure who seems intent on embarrassing himself. The entire General Assembly of the United Nations laughed at him. Dictators like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un, laugh at him as they exploit his weaknesses.

So thanks, Don, for letting Harris and other Democrats know that we can combat your lies and drive you crazy(er) by just continuing to laugh at you. Which we, and so many others, do anyway.

Of course, late night comedians also laugh at Trump, along with the millions of viewers in their audiences. In that respect, he is a bottomless well of comedic material…

SUCH AS: The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

However, as we are laughing, we must not lose sight of the fact that what stirs such uproarious guffaws is often a cathartic release triggered by Trump’s abhorrent remarks and attempts to undermine democracy. He remains an imminent threat to the principles enshrined in the United States Constitution. And our laughter must be tempered with the reality that, for the sake of the nation and the world, he must be prevented from ever holding any office of authority. In the meantime… HAHAHAHAHAHA

And then there’s this…


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5 thoughts on “Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

  1. Until the Democratic convention in mid August, Trumpler won’t have a confirmed target, so he’ll have to start slagging off a whole slew of potential opponents. That will dilute his effectiveness but he’ll concentrate on Kamala anyway, because she’s his idea of a soft target: a woman of color. He despises both those things and will now reveal an even uglier facet of his warped personality than we’ve seen thus far. Instead of kicking an old(er) man around, he’ll now try to put the boot into a mere woman, and a black one too. His racist MAGAts will love him for it but I suspect the normal, sane women of America, already seriously angry over Roe, will make him pay heavily come election day.

    • As I have said before…Any woman, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, who is of child bearing age should, or perhaps, MUST, vote Democrat all up and down the ticket! All women of any age should also vote Democrat. If tRump wins, more than just reproductive freedom will be lost.

      • It is more than apparent to me, as a 79 year young white woman, that trump and the current MAGA controlled House of congress is in a culture of fascism. All the rights women of all colors and any so-called minority are in serious trouble if trump is re-elected. He will not only strip away black, white and brown women’s rights but also those of LGBTQ+ people and anyone they (the “right”) consider a threat to their control. And It isn’t going to be limited to health issues, but every part of our lives will be under their scrutiny.

  2. Trump’s idea of what white women want is his owning us and “protecting’ the white ladies from…. men with melanin. He keeps melting down that he isn’t misogynist if he wants to rape “hot chicks” and imagines women like him if he has rich-lady groupies.

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