Ratings for Biden’s Oval Office Address on Passing the Torch to Kamala Harris Burn Trump Up

If there is one thing that Donald Trump has become notorious for (other than lying, hate speech, porn stars, etc.), it’s his MAGA-ified ego that consumes the vast majority of his badly crippled consciousness. Whenever Trump speaks there is a better than 99% chance that he’s talking about himself or whining about someone or something that he believes is disparaging of him.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Being a malignant narcissist is a full time job. And among the duties are showing petulant outrage at any and every slight, no matter how petty or tangential. That’s why Trump spends so much time and energy attempting to ridicule his perceived enemies with infantile nicknames and asinine attacks for things that never actually happened. It’s ironic that he tries to use humor when he himself has no sense of it.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Given Trump’s background as a reality TV game show host, he remains inordinately obsessed with ratings and reviews. If he doesn’t have the highest ratings, the biggest crowds, and the most devoted disciples, he is inconsolable. Consequently, he must be fuming over the news that President Biden, who is no longer running against him, is still beating him.

Biden’s Oval Office address on Wednesday evening drew an audience of nearly 29 million viewers. That’s 16% more than the 25 million that Trump had for his big nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention a few days before.

So Trump’s most highly anticipated speech of the year – that was poorly received and went on for an interminable 96 minutes – scored far lower than Biden’s brief, impromptu remarks explaining his passing of the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, which had already been reported.

MORE HERE: Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

Trump is clearly troubled by his poor performance on television, particularly because he was beaten by his nemesis, Joe Biden, a man he regards as a senile communist. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted his predictably scathing review of Biden’s speech, along with his pathetic and desperate denigration of Harris…

“Crooked Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech was barely understandable, and sooo bad!” […and…] “We’re not ready for a Marxist President, and Lyin’ Kamala Harris is a RADICAL LEFT MARXIST, AND WORSE!’

Notice that Trump provided no coherent analysis of either Biden’s remarks or Harris’ politics. He merely lashed out impotently with childish insults. Which is totally in character for Trump. He couldn’t put together thirty seconds of a substantive critique without diverting to electrified sharks or Hannibal Lecter.

Yet somehow the Republican Party is still all-in on their nominee, who is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, financial fraudster, and aspiring dictator and/or messiah. This says so much about what was once called the “Grand Old Party” (GOP), but which is now neither grand, nor a party. All it is today is a cult led by an old and feeble-minded clown who is still losing to an opponent who is no longer in the race. If schadenfreude were a meal, Trump is catering a feast.


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Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

In only three days, the entire landscape of the 2024 presidential election has been transformed. The anxieties felt by many Democrats over the candidacy of President Biden have been replaced by a frothy enthusiasm for the Party’s likely new standard bearer, Vice-President Kamala Harris.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Now it’s the Republican Party that is awash with anxiety over their pitiful and unpopular candidate, the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, Donald Trump. And now he is the only candidate that bears the stigma of advanced age and conspicuous cognitive corrosion. As a result, the GOP is scrambling frantically to reconstruct their defunct campaign strategy that was carefully designed to defame Biden.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

Fortunately for the failing Trump team (or unfortunately as it’s likely to turn out), their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is stepping up to fill in the vacuum left by the GOP’s loss of Biden as a target for their smears. The Fox crew has spent the past 72 hours brainstorming approaches to shatter the excitement that Harris’ promotion has generated. And the best that they have come up with so far is that she laughs.

LOLOL: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

On Wednesday morning, Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, took a stab at fortifying Trump’s defense. And you have to hand it to her for taking such a bold stance on behalf of her Dear Leader. Bartiromo’s plan was to align herself and Trump with the China state media operation that has long favored Trump over Democrats and democracy. She said that…

Chinese state media is reportedly slamming Vice-President Kamala Harris’ performance in the White House as mediocre, saying she lacks the experience and achievements to serve as president.

So there you have it. Fox News is acting as China’s affiliate in America to dispense their anti-American screed. If the Chinese press considers Harris “mediocre,” then that’s good enough for Bartiromo and Fox News. Never mind that Harris’ experience and achievements are well documented and impressive. The state-run press of China thinks that they are lacking, so Fox needs to apprise Trump’s cult followers of this breaking “news.”

And that’s not all. Bartiromo’s guest for this segment was GOP Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. He joined in proudly saying that “I’m agreeing with China on this” Which is typical of today’s Republican Party that can’t resist aligning itself with America’s autocratic enemies. Trump himself regularly brags about his friendship with, and admiration for, China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kin Jong Un, and of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

It isn’t surprising that Fox News would unleash vicious attacks on Harris or any other Democratic politician. In fact, it’s expected of them. That has been their mission from the beginning. But it is a bit more unnerving to see them recite and embrace propaganda directly disseminated by China’s state media. How far do they have to go before they are required to register as foreign agents? Trump crossed that line long ago. And he is dragging Fox News and the Republican Party over that line more with each passing day.


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Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

It’s been only two days since President Biden announced that he would not seek reelection, and passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. In that time Harris as united the Democratic Party behind her candidacy and raised a record $81 million from grassroots supporters.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

In that same short period of time, Harris’ opponent, Donald Trump, has exhibited an array of acute psychoses triggered by his inbred cowardice and innate inability to confront a competent, compassionate leader whose intelligence and moral character intimidates him. That’s especially true when that leader is a woman – a Black woman. Under such trying circumstances, Trump’s notorious weaknesses pour out in the most bizarre and pathetic ways…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

In the first few hours following Biden’s announcement, Trump behaved as if he was still running against the President, posting numerous comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. But eventually someone on his nursing staff advised him that he has a new opponent. And with that Trump commenced an onslaught of vitriol and infantile tirades aimed at Harris. None of which contained any shred of truth or rationality. He began with this expression of surprise…

“Wow, just watching the Fake News, and they’re doing their very best to turn the Worst President in the History of our Country into a ‘Brilliant and Heroic Leader’ (He was heroic because he quit!), and to turn ‘Dumb as a Rock’ Kamala Harris from a totally failed and insignificant Vice President into a future ‘Great’ President. No, it just doesn’t work that way!”

There’s a boatload of malarkey in that commentary. First of all, Trump’s characterization of Biden is certifiably false. A survey of 154 presidential historians ranked Biden in the top third of U.S. presidents. They ranked Trump dead last. Secondly, Biden’s display of courage and patriotism was recognized in his selfless devotion to his country over his personal interests. Thirdly, Trump reverts to his natural obnoxiousness by insulting Harris’ intelligence and distinguished record of accomplishments.

But Trump’s reprehensible ranting was just getting warmed up. He went on to introduce his new nickname for Harris, “Lyin’ Kamala,” a pejorative prefix he has recycled several times already (e.g. Hillary, Comey, Cruz). he criticized her for her work on the border, which was never a part of her portfolio as vice-president (she was a diplomatic liaison to the Northern Triangle countries of Central America). He mocked her “terrible pole (sic) numbers.” And he laughably described himself as a “brilliant young man.” Yeah, he’s a regular prodigy.

However, perhaps the best indication of how deeply disturbed Trump is by the elevation of Harris, he is floating potential excuses to chicken out of the already scheduled debate in September. In fact, this is the second time that he has suggested that he wouldn’t participate. The first time he proposed that the debate be moved from ABC News to Fox News. Now he’s doubling down for no reason other than that he’s scared to show up at any forum that isn’t hosted by his Ministry of Propaganda. He raged that…

“ABC Fake News is such a joke, among the absolute WORST in the business. They try to make Crooked Joe into a brave warrior because he didn’t have the ‘guts’ to fight it out — He quit! They then tried to make ‘Sleepy’ look like a great President – he was the WORST, and Lyin’ Kamala into a competent person, which she is not. ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, is not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many! MAGA2024”

Clearly Trump is terrified by the prospect of debating Harris and is desperately searching for a way out. And bone spurs likely won’t do the trick this time. Although he may have let slip what is actually driving his dread when he posted a comment saying that “Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!” That would explain his trepidation. He’s afraid that if he does show up for the debate that she will destroy him. And in that respect his fear is well warranted and you can’t really blame him for wanting to hide out at his Mar-a-Lago bunker.


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Trump and GOP Big Shots ‘Endorse’ Kamala Harris and Want Her to Become President Immediately

In the few hours since President Biden stunned the nation and the world by announcing that he would not be seeking reelection, the response from Democrats has been unbridled joy, excitement, and anticipation of a brutal beatdown of Donald Trump and his MAGA, Project 2025, goose-stepping march toward totalitarianism.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

The elevation of Vice-President Kamala Harris to the likely Democratic nominee for president quickly drew record breaking donations that exceeded $67 million in less than 12 hours. And it’s still growing as Americans vote with their wallets for a competent, experienced, compassionate leader. As opposed to the the convicted felon, financial fraudster, and adjudicated rapist that the Republicans are slobbering over.

SEE THIS: Nearly 70% are More Worried About a President Who is a Liar than One Who is Old – Trump is Both

Harris has also racked up endorsements from virtually every significant Democrat, beginning of course with Joe Biden. That endorsement was soon followed by others from Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Jim Clyburn, Pete Buttigieg, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and too many more to mention.

What may be somewhat less predictable is the rush of Republicans who seem to be in favor of Harris becoming president, and the sooner the better. Of course, these Republicans are not exactly supporters of Harris, but their vitriol aimed at Biden is so all-consuming that they have lost control of their already enfeebled minds. Their hate is driving them to call for Biden to resign from the presidency, which would result in Harris being sworn in immediately thereafter. They include…

  • Felon Donald Trump: “Crooked Joe, he has no idea where he is. If he can’t run for office, he can’t run our Country!!!”
  • Speaker Mike Johnson: “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately.”
  • Gov. Sarah Huckabee: “Not fit to run for president, not fit to serve as president.”
  • Rep. Elise Stefanik: “He must immediately resign.”
  • Rep. Lauren Boebert: “Joe Biden is fit to serve out the remainder of his term? #25th Amendment”

That’s right! All of these MAGA Republicans – and there more – are advocating for Biden to leave office now and make Harris the incumbent candidate for president. And since incumbency is such a powerful factor in electoral politics, that would be greatly advantageous to her already surging campaign.

To be clear, the argument that these GOP Harris “endorsers” are making is based on a perverse diversion from reality. They are asserting that Biden is stepping aside due to some cognitive disability that would make him unfit to continue serving in office as President. But that’s patently false. Biden’s decision was based on the political realities of the campaign and the pressure from nervous Democrats as to his ability to prevail in November.

None of that impacts Biden’s ability to continue to be one of the most productive and successful presidents of modern times. In fact, his decision to stand down is actually evidence of his intellectual prowess, as well as his selfless devotion to his country over personal concerns.

If the Republicans are looking for a presidential candidate who is unfit to serve, they need look no farther than their own cult master, Donald Trump. Since Biden’s announcement Trump has been frothing at the mouth on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Among the truly deranged comments he has posted are that “Biden never had Covid. He is a threat to Democracy!” Which maybe makes perfect sense to someone suffering from Acute Brain Rot. Trump also posted a comment that reveals his growing fear of having to face Harris in a debate…

“My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you! DJT”

Not only does Trump mislabel Biden’s ranking as President (it’s Trump who is the worst according to presidential historians), and unloads another of his infantile insults (“Slopadopolus”), but he also makes an incomprehensible argument that the network presenting an upcoming debate be changed to his own Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Why? What does Biden dropping out have to do with that?

Clearly Trump is just trying to lay the groundwork for him to chicken out. He knows that he can’t match wits with Harris and is grasping for excuses to avoid being humiliated by her. Which is peculiar because he doesn’t seem to mind humiliating himself every time he opens his mouth. And that is surely going to continue for duration of this campaign.


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Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Donald Trump may have just provided Democrats with the best campaign tactic to deploy against him. Not that his atrocious record in office, or his vicious hostility, or his infantile behavior, or his humiliating ignorance, or his 34 felony convictions, or his 54 other pending felony indictments, or his half-billion dollar judgment for having committed financial, or his adjudication as a rapist, or his aspirations to be a dictator, weren’t enough.

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Donald Trump, Pennywise

At his most recent traveling cult revival show, Trump delivered a speech that was replete with his standard playlist of bizarre and offensive commentaries. This was his first rally since his disastrous nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. That speech was widely panned for its litany of lies and for being so boring that his own cult disciples were leaving early and/or falling asleep.

SEE THIS: Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

At his rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump effectively to put rest any notion that his recent brush with “ear” death would moderate his behavior and cause him to seek unity. He spent the entire time insulting his political foes with his typical kindergarten style put downs. And high on the list of his targets was Vice-President Kamala Harris.

The significance of Trump singling out Harris was greatly expanded when the news came out that President Biden is standing down from the race, and endorsing Harris. This development will shake things up and leave the race with only one crazy Old Coot – a convict out on bail – running against a former prosecutor. So what is Trump’s leading argument against Harris? She laughs!

“Kamala, I call her laughing Kamala. Did you ever watch her laugh? She is crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh. She’s crazy. She’s nuts. She is not as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Crazy Nancy.”

OMG! Harris is a confidant, capable, compassionate, experienced, public servant who is also a happy, well adjusted, human being who enjoys life. How can Trump run against that? It’s so unfair. He is a miserable, noxious, repulsive, despised, loser, who if he laughs at all, it is only at the misfortune of others. The only enjoyment he gets out of life is mocking people and whining about what a poor, pathetic victim he is.

At the same rally Trump revealed something about himself that was already well known by anyone who has been paying attention. He has no sense of humor or ability to appreciate joy. He grouched that…

“They laughed at me. I hate when people laugh at me. I hate it. It’s so disrespectful. They laughed at me.”

That’s right! And “they” will continue laughing at him because he is such a clownish figure who seems intent on embarrassing himself. The entire General Assembly of the United Nations laughed at him. Dictators like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un, laugh at him as they exploit his weaknesses.

So thanks, Don, for letting Harris and other Democrats know that we can combat your lies and drive you crazy(er) by just continuing to laugh at you. Which we, and so many others, do anyway.

Of course, late night comedians also laugh at Trump, along with the millions of viewers in their audiences. In that respect, he is a bottomless well of comedic material…

SUCH AS: The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

However, as we are laughing, we must not lose sight of the fact that what stirs such uproarious guffaws is often a cathartic release triggered by Trump’s abhorrent remarks and attempts to undermine democracy. He remains an imminent threat to the principles enshrined in the United States Constitution. And our laughter must be tempered with the reality that, for the sake of the nation and the world, he must be prevented from ever holding any office of authority. In the meantime… HAHAHAHAHAHA

And then there’s this…


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Fox News Hack Posts Blatantly Racist Op-Ed Attacking Kamala Harris in Murdoch’s New York Post

The obsession by MAGA media operatives to malign President Biden and sow discord within the Democratic Party has been trodding full bore ever since the Biden/Trump debate ten days ago. And naturally they focus solely on criticism of Biden for being old, while ignoring Donald Trump for being a convicted felon, financial fraudster, aspiring authoritarian, and adjudicated rapist.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

The press seems to have a single-minded mission to drive Biden out of the presidential race because he struggled to express himself effectively at the debate. Never mind that, while Trump didn’t have any problem speaking, he had a huge problem telling the truth. And to the press, being a pathological liar isn’t a disqualifying characteristic for someone seeking to become leader of the free world, a position that Trump has already failed horribly at. So the press clutches desperately to their narrative that it’s Biden who needs to step aside. Ironically, not even Trump thinks that…

SEE THIS: Felonious Trump Begs President Biden to Stay in the Race in a Sarcastic Rant Filled with Lies

Adding to the muck, is the notorious muckraking rag, the New York Post. This Rupert Murdoch propaganda spewer published a story by Fox News correspondent, Charlie Gasparino, with the blatantly racist headline, “America may soon be subjected to the country’s first DEI president: Kamala Harris.” It hardly requires reading the article to get the gist of what it is saying. The right-wingers of America have been furiously trying to redefine the acronym “DEI” (diversity, equity, and inclusion) to mean “incompetent minorities and women trying to steal jobs from White men.” The article opened saying that…

“There is a raging debate in corporate America on the future of DEI, aka Diversity ­Equity and Inclusion, because it is literally destroying businesses that go there. And yet the American public may soon be subjected to DEI writ large in the next president of the United States, if Kamala Harris finds her way to the top of the Democratic ticket.”

To be clear, the article is attacking Harris as undeserving of her position as Vice-President, or any position she might have subsequent to that. They are dismissing the fact that she is the former Attorney General of California and a United States Senator. Apparently they don’t regard those as qualification for high office. But they do appreciate wealthy White men who have bankrupted multiple business and bragged about committing sexual assault.

The article also insults Harris personally as “the most irrepressibly fatuous politician in America” and “manifest ­unlikability.” It then goes on to complain about the fact that she has dared to laugh – or in their words, cackle – in public…

The article doesn’t leave out the author’s deep-seated hatred for President Biden either. He adopts Trump’s infantile nickname of “Sleepy Joe,” and offers some preposterous lies about Biden’s policies. For instance, he says that Biden “literally invites terrorists to enter the country and kill people.” Literally? This author clearly doesn’t know what the word means. But he couldn’t come up with any figurative examples of his ridiculous claim either.

The article’s case against DEI is profoundly ludicrous and steeped in hypocrisy. Someone needs to tell them about the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report that boasts that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top [and that] An inclusive and diverse workplace is not merely a strategy or business objective—it is fundamentally woven in the fabric of the Company.” It goes on to elaborate more specifically that…

“Our Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy protects individuals on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, family status, caregiver status, sex (including pregnancy status, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related medical conditions), gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexual and reproductive health decisions, reproductive health decision-making, hair texture or hairstyles, military or veteran status, political affiliation, arrest or conviction record, union membership, unemployment status, credit history, status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual offenses, or any other legally protected characteristic.”

So Fox News, to the surprise of no one who has watched it with clear eyes, is hysterically hypocritical. What’s more, they spend much of their airtime vilifying a policy that is “fundamentally woven in the fabric of the Company.” And yet, they still dredge up their inbred prejudices to purposefully ignore and/or misinterpret DEI in order to use it against the first Black woman to serve as Vice-President. But then, would anyone expect anything else from Rupert Murdoch and his Klan Empire?


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Toxic Trump’s Hateful 4th of July Message is – as Usual – All About Trump and Attacking His Foes

America’s annual observance of its independence is a day that is traditionally filled with gratitude and pride among friends and family. To be sure, there will be plenty of that. There will be food and festivities and fireworks in the nation’s homes, parks, and public squares. And hopefully everyone will enjoy themselves and appreciate their great good fortune.

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However, behind the celebratory surface, the nation is slogging through the muck of a presidential campaign that is tainted by the noxious presence of a convicted felon who despises much of what the country stands for. Donald Trump is not shy about disparaging the country that is, in his twisted view, a “failed nation” that is mired in corruption and led by “radicals” and “thugs” who are all determined to destroy the country, and more specifically, him.

SEE THIS: Trump’s 2024 Campaign Theme: America Sucks. Vote Trump, What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?

On this Fourth of July, Trump posted another one of his heartwarming messages in tribute to the nation he finds so deplorable on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. It was a long, incoherent mess of hostility and narcissistic maliciousness. And true to form, Trump turned the holiday into an homage to himself and his own petty grievances. It’s too long and repulsive to post in full. But a few excerpts are sufficient to give the tone of his repugnant regards…

“Happy Fourth of July to all, including to our highly incapable ‘President,’ who uses Prosecutors to go after his Political Opponent.”

Of course, despite his incessant whining, President Biden had nothing to do with with Trump’s prosecutions. And he was found guilty unanimously of 34 felonies by a jury of his peers. As for his capability, Biden’s administration is the most productive in more than 50 years. But Trump wasn’t through kvetching…

“Also, respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin’ Kamala Harris.”

Trump loves to make up infantile nicknames for his enemies. That’s because his emotional maturity stalled at about seven years. It’s telling that the best he could do for Vice-President Harris is a name that notes her jovial nature. Which is something that he must envy considering his rancid personality. It’s also something that the Trump cult has latched onto…

And what Trump rant would be complete without a swipe at special counsel Jack Smith?

“Someone else that I have to compliment is a Deranged Biden Prosecutor named Jack Smith, who has become a Legend in his own mind.”

You have to wonder why Trump spends so much time and money trying to avoid Smith in court, by filing repeated motions to delay the trials. If he thinks that Smith is such a loser, why wouldn’t he be anxious to face him court and clear his name. Clearly Trump is afraid because he knows that he’s guilty and will be convicted of even more felonies.

Trump has once again demonstrated that he is more concerned about himself than his country. He can’t even celebrate Independence Day without turning it into a gripe session to assuage his vengeance-driven ego. It’s a psychosis that he has exhibited for years. And it’s only getting worse.


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Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris Over Fake War on Gas Stoves and Says Democrats ‘Hate Humans’

From its inception, Fox News has had a reputation as a brazenly dishonest purveyor of right-wing propaganda and partisan lies intended to advance conservative Republican agendas and politicians. It doesn’t employ credible reporters, authenticate its stories, and has never been regarded as a legitimate journalistic enterprise.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

Just this week Fox News reported that a car that ran through a U.S./Canada border checkpoint was a terrorist attack that proved that President Biden’s border policies were weak and responsible for this assault on the homeland. Of course, none of that was true. But even after it was revealed that there was no terrorism connection to the event, Fox News still wouldn’t retract or apologize for their panic-inducing, disinformation. They just diverted back to their routine bashing of Biden on unrelated matters.

SEE THIS: Biden Deftly Dunks Fox News Hack Peter Doocy’s Dumbass Questions About Age and Polls

In keeping with their mission to deliberately defame Biden and other Democrats, Fox News aired a segment on Friday evening that may be the most preposterous piece of bullpucky to hit the airwaves so far this year. Which given Fox’s proficiency with preposterousness is really saying something. The segment featured Lisa Boothe, sitting in for Laura Ingraham, interviewing Fox contributor Charlie Hurt about one of the nation’s most pressing, albeit utterly imaginary, problems: Vice-President Kamala Harris’ Thanksgiving tweet wherein she was seen using an “evil” gas stove that the cretins at Fox News think Biden is trying to ban.

Fox News has spent untold hours on this topic, which has been picked up by republicans with nothing better to do than whine about the “War on Gas Stoves,” or the “War on Cars,” or the “War on Hamburgers,” or the annual “War on Christmas.” Among the GOP warriors is Ted Cruz, who had a typically puerile response to Harris…

Still, Cruz’s response doesn’t begin to compete with the flaming idiocy of Hurt. His rabid outburst provides an explanation for how he must have gotten his name. He is literally painful to listen to…

Hurt: It’s so funny that people, they saw that, her tweet, they saw her stove. They rightly heckled and mocked her and made fun of her and ridiculed her, and then all of the Democrats got freaked out and jumped online and said, ‘Oh no, wait a minute, they don’t want to take away the gas stoves. That’s misinformation.’ No, they do want to take away the gas stoves and, in fact, they are taking away the gas stoves in any of the places where they control things.
Boothe: Why do they want to ban gas stoves?
Hurt: I think because they hate us, they hate humans, they hate joyfulness, they hate pies, they hate good food. They hate. They want us all to be miserable. They want us to suffer because when we’re not suffering, if we’re not suffering, we are, you know, we’re making things. We’re creating things. We’re joyful. We’re doing wonderful things. Everybody is happy. And that drives them crazy because they’re all miserable. They want all of America to be as miserable and unhappy and unloved as they are, and we are just not going to go along with it.

Hurt was outraged by Harris’ holiday greeting. He was beside himself with redundant glee saying that Harris was “heckled and mocked…and made fun of…and ridiculed.” Really? All of those? Then he invents his own characterization of Democrats as being “freaked out” by the glaring misrepresentation of Harris’ Thanksgiving tweet. He should see Trump’s Thanksgiving message to his cult…

HOLY SHIH TZU: Trump’s Heartwarming Thanksgiving Message Drips with Dread and Hate for His Legions of Enemies

However, if anyone was freaked out, it was Hurt. His overwrought reaction to this non-event is epically asinine. To suggest that Democrats hate “humans,” “joyfulness,” “pies,” and “good food,” is beyond derangement. And to elaborate by accusing all Democrats of being “miserable” and wanting the American people to “suffer” turns the lunatic dial up way past eleven. Furthermore, Hurt really needs to be more specific as to what “joyful,” “wonderful” things he and is ilk are creating when they’re happy. Is it screeds like the one he just disgorged?

For the record, the Biden administration is not – and never has been – trying to ban gas stoves, or any of the other items or holidays that Fox News claims there is a war on. In fact, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, was asked about this by Fox News earlier this year. She responded with a quote by the Chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission saying that…

“Research indicates that emissions from gas stoves can be hazardous and the CPSC is looking for ways to reduce related indoor air quality hazards…But to be clear, I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so.”

For emphasis, Jean-Pierre added that “the President does not support banning gas stoves.” But somehow, the administration’s official reply to the question – posed by a Fox News correspondent – never got back to Fox News and the dimwits disseminating this nonsense. Or more likely, it did get back to them, but they just don’t care.

At fox News it would be an unforgivable betrayal of their commitment to distorting the “news” if they were to diverge from the far-right slant to which they have pledged their allegiance. And their contracts likely stipulate that they must always be waging a war on something, and more often than not, it’s reality.


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Tucker Carlson Disgorges a Wildly Incoherent and Hostile Anti-Biden and Anti-Democracy Diatribe

Ever since Tucker Carlson was banished from his perch at Fox News, he has been posting irregular tirades on Twitter to satisfy his egomaniacal thirst for attention and influence over his glassy-eyed disciples of wanton wingnuttery.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Carlson’s Twantrums have been mostly venting the same hatred and division that he unloaded nightly at Fox News. It’s just that now he’s doing it for a smaller and even more deranged audience. Although he continues to fail in his attempts to form logical analyses or plausible arguments.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson’s Attempt to Malign Biden as a ‘Wannabe Dictator’ Describes Trump Much Better

Carlson began his latest rambling harangue (video here if you can stomach it) by questioning the reasons for the U.S. support of Ukraine. He mocked any suggestion that it might be because it’s an unprovoked, imperialistic aggression by Russia and its war criminal leader, and Carlson hero, Vladimir Putin – who Carlson as been literally rooting for from beginning of the conflict. Carlson callously dismissed the notion that the U.S. and much of the Western world are defending democracy and the territorial sovereignty of a peaceful ally.

Carlson goes on to play clips of Democrats and Republicans declaring their support for Ukraine. His point was that this bipartisan unity on behalf of democracy is something despicable. In the process, Carlson insulted Nancy Pelosi as “the daughter of the mobbed up mayor of Baltimore.” He made the obtuse argument that fighting to defend the democracy of an ally is pointless and without merit, saying that…

“Without Ukrainian democracy, in other words, we can have no democracy here. If the Ukrainians aren’t free, neither are we. We must make sure they can vote in Kiev so we can continue to vote in Kansas City.”

Carlson has no comprehension of the global commitment to freedom and the solidarity among free nations against tyrannical empires. His position would negate the usefulness on the United Nations, NATO, or any other agreement between aligned countries. He then attempts to malign Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as anti-democratic because Ukraine is postponing an election while it is being assaulted by Russian armies and bombarded by Russian missiles. Carlson portrays that decision as Zelenskyy imposing his personal will in order to oppress his people.

And this is where Carlson predictably turns to smearing President Biden. In an inexplicable segue, Carlson refers to a recent right-wing talking point about Hunter Biden saying that…

“Last week a whistleblower produced WhatsApp messages from Hunter Biden proving that at the very least his father knew about his influence peddling businesses abroad and probably participated in them.”

Despite the fact that there is no confirmation that any of that is true, Carlson calls it a “smoking gun.” He states as fact that Hunter’s message proves that “Joe Biden was in the room with his son when his son was selling influence to an enemy power, the Chinese government.” Of course, it proves nothing of the sort. It’s just an unconfirmed report of alleged comments, made by a drug-addict who was desperate for funds, that has been spread by Republican shills like Carlson. Their promises to provide corroborating evidence have gone unfulfilled.

SEE THIS: HOW CONVENIENT: GOP Oversight Committee Chair Says He Can’t Find His Star Witness Against Biden

What this has to do with the war in Ukraine is anyone’s guess. But Carlson’s non sequiturs are just beginning. He follows this up with an attack on Biden’s age and on Vice-President Kamala Harris. He derides Biden’s mental acuity saying that…

“People imagine that old age is a long predictable progression from Acuity to permanent unconsciousness but often that’s not at all how it actually works. When old people start to slide they tend to slide fast. Joe Biden has begun that descent.”

To support that phony medical analysis, Carlson plays a video clip of Biden telling a story in which he included a quote. Biden ended that portion of the story by noting the end of the quoted portion. But to Carlson, Biden was exhibiting dementia by simply saying “End of quote.” Carlson suggested that Biden was improperly reading the stage directions off of the TelePrompTer. Of course, it’s common when speaking to verbally say “quote” and “unquote” when reciting comments by others. But to Carlson it means that Biden “in a year or two he will be gone completely.” And to Carlson, this would be disastrous because…

“If Joe Biden is re-elected next year and then forced to leave office during his term due to disability or death that means Kamala Harris will become president of the United States and nobody wants that, not even her husband. In real life nobody likes Kamala Harris.”

Carlson seems to think he knows what every American wants. Never mind that the American people voted for the Biden/Harris ticket and they favor it currently over an anticipated contest against the 77 year-old Donald Trump and whatever bootlicker he selects as his running mate. But Carlson knows better than the voters. He then puts on his prognosticators caps and predicts that Biden won’t be a candidate in 2024 at all. Contradicting his charge that Biden is sinking into senility, he claims that he will be replaced by a strategic mastermind – someone who is as…

“…ruthless and transactional as Joe Biden is. And he’ll need to have flattery skills that are so polished and advanced they’d be considered superior even in the Saudi Royal Court. And there’s only one man in modern America who fits that description. Gavin Newsom the governor of California.”

Carlson criticized Newsom for having the audacity to support and praise Biden, the leader of his party and the nation. But in closing Carlson described Newsom in Satanic terms as having a “forked tongue.” Then bizarrely added that “If you’re looking for the leader of the coup, there he is right there.” So in Carlson’s twisted mind, Newsom is both adoring of Biden and plotting to overthrow him. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

With the latest episode of his Twitter show, Carlson reestablishes himself as the right’s biggest pseudo-intellectual poser. His arguments are tedious and devoid of all meaning. His demeanor is repulsive and arrogant. And in order to humiliate himself like this, he is risking losing millions of dollars still owed to him by Fox News. The network is threatening to sue him for breach of contract by violating his non-compete clause. They could save themselves the trouble and just watch him burn himself out.

RELATED: Fox News Sends Tucker Carlson a Letter to Cease and Desist From His Twitter Rant-Cast

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Kamala Harris Callously Mocked By Fox News for Caring About Children’s Access to Remote Learning

The American right is notorious for its insensitivity to the real problems that ordinary people deal with every day. Republicans repeatedly ignore – and even ridicule – any effort by Democrats to provide assistance to those who are struggling to get by under difficult circumstances. However, that same grit and determination is never demanded of the wealthy and privileged.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

Republicans believe that everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, even they have no boots. And to illustrate that heartlessness right-wingers in the GOP and Fox News went on a petty rage-a-thon over something that Vice-President Kamala Harris said that, of course, they deliberately misrepresented.

Harris spoke at an event in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, to promote the Biden administration’s investment in high-speed internet for rural communities. But rather than address the critical need for access to such services for school and commerce (full video below), the GOP and Fox News chose to malign Harris with childish and wholly unwarranted criticism:

Apparently the only thing that the Republican National Committee found noteworthy in Harris’ remarks was that she highlighted a segment of them for emphasis. There was nothing particularly unusual about that, despite their craven attempts to falsely characterize her as inarticulate. For the record, here is what Harris said in context:

“The governor and I were doing a tour of the library here and talking about the the significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs.

“And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children, and what that means to the future of our nation depending on whether or not they have the resources they need to achieve their God-given talent.”

Naturally, the attack on Harris was regurgitated throughout the wingnut media. Fox News featured it several times with insulting commentaries by Sean Hannity, Brit Hume, Newt Gingrich, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends, where Steve Doocy thought it would be funny to turn into a drinking game. That’s how the Fox “News” crew discusses the difficulties of children in rural communities who don’t have enough bandwidth to engage in remote learning.

In addition to the racist and misogynistic undertones of this assault, Harris’ critics remain blissfully ignorant of the oratorical catastrophes of their Dear Leader, Donald Trump. He has the vocabulary of five year old, at best. He is ill-informed, profane, and relentlessly self-exalting. For example, here he is during his 2016 campaign repeating five times that he “knows” better than anybody how to fix the system that admits he was a part of for decades:

I know it better than anybody that probably ever lived. And I will tell you this, I know the system far better than anybody else and I know the system is broken. And I’m the one, because I know it so well because I was on both sides of it, I was on the other side all my life and I’ve always made large contributions. And frankly, I know the system better than anybody else and I’m the only one up here that’s going to be able to fix that system because that system is wrong.”

Well, he had four years to fix it. How did that go? Here’s another example that deals with children and schooling during a pandemic wherein he repeats himself incessantly while making no sense whatsoever:

“My view is schools should reopen. This thing is going away. It will go away like things go away. And my view is that schools should be open. If you look at children, children are almost – and I would almost say definitely – but almost immune from this disease.”

I would almost say definitely that he is almost cognitively dysfunctional. Well, minus the “almost.” And it is Fox News and the GOP, the party of Trump, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Louis Gohmert, etc., who now have the audacity to claim that Harris is stupid? I can almost keep myself from laughing out loud.

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