Trump Chickens Out of the Debate with Kamala Harris and Proposes a New One on Fox News

The 2024 presidential election cycle promises to be historically significant for many reasons that historians will recall with awe and wonder. That will not be just because it led to the election of Kamala Harris, America’s first woman president, who is also Black and South Asian. It will be partly because these historians will also recall 2024 with anguish, and too often, laughter, due solely to efforts of Donald Trump and his acutely psychotic narcissism and authoritarian aspirations.

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Donald Trump Chicken

The core personal feature that Trump has struggled to present to the nation for the past several years is what he regards as his uncommon strength and bravery for taking on the forces of evil on behalf of the peasants that he seeks to lead and protect. Never mind that he relentlessly acts out his pitiful victimhood and has literally bragged about being “the most fabulous whiner.”

SEE THIS: Victim-in-Chief: Trump is the most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President
Trump: “I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine, because I want to win. I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.”

Trump has now offered another example of his innate cowardice by backing out of a previously agreed upon debate with Harris. And he did so with his typically incoherent and egomaniacal flair that has become a hallmark of his severely flawed character. The manner of his retreat is worth a deeper dive because it says so much about him and his self-serving motivations that belie any claim to courage.

It all began with a pair of posts (here and here) on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social that started off with – surprise – a lie. He then continued to misrepresent everything related to him backing out of the only debate that was actually agreed upon. What follows is a point-by-point factual breakdown of Trump’s emotional breakdown.

“I have agreed with FoxNews to debate Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 4th.”

While Trump may have agreed with Fox News, he did not agree with Harris. He didn’t even discuss it with her. He merely stated his desire to schedule a debate hosted by his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, on his preferred date, with his choice of moderators (Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum), and his conditions that it be held in an arena with a live audience. That’s because he requires constant feedback from his cult disciples to nourish his ego and waste airtime with sycophantic cheering. He went on…

“The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant, and I am in litigation against ABC Network and George Slopadopoulos, thereby creating a conflict of interest.”

Trump claims that the original debate agreement “has been terminated,” as if someone other than he himself has terminated it. In other words, he’s quitting. Also, his complaint that the ABC debate can’t go forward because of a lawsuit he has filed against ABC and George Stephanopoulos (whose name Trump mangles in his typically infantile manner) is ridiculous. That lawsuit was already in progress when he agreed to the debate in the first place. Why wasn’t it a conflict of interest then?

MORE HERE: Trump Sues ABC and Stephanopoulos for Accurately Reporting a Judicial Opinion that He’s a Rapist
“[Trump] is asserting that Stephanopoulos defamed him by referencing the rape charge. But Stephanopoulos was merely reporting the findings by the judge in the case where Trump was recently found liable for sexually assaulting writer, E. Jean Carroll.”

“As everyone knows, the Democrats have Unconstitutionally taken a Candidate, who was acknowledged to be defeated, and unceremoniously replaced him with a new Candidate.”

“As everyone knows” there is nothing unconstitutional about the Democratic Party choosing its own candidates in a manner they see fit. The Constitution doesn’t even mention how parties select their candidates. What’s more, Biden voluntarily stepped aside, putting the country before his personal interests, and endorsed Harris. Which doesn’t require a ceremony. It was an act of selflessness that was greeted with unprecedented enthusiasm from Democrats, Independents, and even some disaffected Republicans.

“This has never been done before, and is a Threat to Democracy, but I am totally prepared to accept the results of this ‘coup,’ and replace Joe on the Debate stage with Crazy Kamala Harris.”

Trump is the “Threat to Democracy” and only accuses Democrats of it as part of his childish “I know you are but what am I” campaign strategy. And his willingness to “accept” Harris as his opponent is hysterical. He has no choice in the matter. Although his reference to a “coup” is rather curious because it will just remind people of the one that he instigated on January 6, 2021. Also, he has apparently settled on his witless nickname for Harris as “Crazy,” after “Laffin'” and “Lyin'” fell flat. But “Crazy” is a recycled nickname that he has previously attached to women such as Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Mika Brzezinski.

I spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars, Time, and Effort fighting Joe, and when I won the Debate, they threw a new Candidate into the ring. Not fair.”

Trump closes by complaining about the money he’s spent so far on his campaign, which almost surely was not “Hundreds of Millions of Dollars.” He’s spent most of his campaign funds on his lawyers and the multimillion dollar judgments against him for financial fraud and sexual assault. But he makes sure to whine at the very end by saying that it – like everything else that doesn’t go his way – was “Not fair.” Now Trump is using this to chicken out and invent another debate, which appears to be on the advice of Sean Hannity of Fox News.

MORE HERE: Hannity Thinks Trump Shouldn’t Debate Kamala Harris Because the Moderators Will Be Mean to Him
Hannity: “Maybe it’s time for Trump to reject any appearance at ABC. For example, why would he show up at their debate if these ‘journalists’ clearly have opinion want to debate Trump themselves? Maybe he should just accept the Fox News Channel’s offer to debate?”

UPDATE: Trump posted yet another comment about the debate that reeks of fear. In it he says that “Kamala Harris doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate against me, scheduled for September 4th.” So he is resorting again to childish insults and lies. Harris will demonstrate her mental capacity for him if he bothers to show up for any debate. But as of now, the only one that is scheduled is on September 10, to be hosted by ABC News. Trump’s comment also said “I’ll see her on September 4th or, I won’t see her at all.” So what happened to “any time, anywhere, any place”?

For the record, the Kamala Harris campaign has already responded to Trump’s cowardly refusal to honor his original agreement…


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One thought on “Trump Chickens Out of the Debate with Kamala Harris and Proposes a New One on Fox News

  1. Isn’t it funny, Nazi tRump is friends with?? China leader who is a communist. And friends with the crazy North Korean leader who is a communist and an offshoot of China. And he is also deep in friendship some say love with the Russian murderer Putin. Now where would somebody’s loyalties lie who has all of these different friends who are communist and murderers.??

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