Bill O’Reilly has gone over the edge. He is literally descending into madness on our very own TV screens. Those of you who actually don’t slow down on the highway to see gruesome accidents may want to avert your eyes.
[See also They’re Coming To Take Me Away for detail on O’Reilly’s meltdown]
- “These operations have been viciously attacking me.”
- “The far left Web sites simply don’t know what to do. So some of them are attacking me.”
- “…in the liberal media category, some of them are attacking me and FOX News.”
- “Howard [Dean] is out making money attacking me.”
- “So this weekend, some in the media stepped up to attack me.”
- “…obviously a far-left person, used a bogus Indiana University study to attack me.”
- “…they’re set up to assassinate people with whom they disagree.”
- “They hate me. They hate, you know, across the board.”
- “…there is no shortage of people trying to marginalize me, or worse, destroy me.”
- What’s actually happening is that a group of very powerful media people, including Mr. [Andy] Rooney, are trying to destroy Mel
- “[CNN is] out to destroy me and Fox News.”
- “CNN has joined NBC News in parroting far-left propaganda in an attempt to destroy me.”
- “…they are going to do anything and everything to destroy me, or try to, or try to. And it’s a war. It is a war.”
When asked to elaborate, O’Reilly said…
“I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist perversion and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.”