Fox Nation vs. Reality: Romney’s Phony Lead Over Obama

Sometimes the brazen disrespect Fox News has for honest analysis is breathtaking. They seem to have such a fierce determination to deceive their audience that no limits are drawn for their blatant biases. Take, for example, the article posted this morning reporting on the results of an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll:

Fox Nation

The Fox Nationalists analyzed this poll (which was co-produced by a fellow Murdoch entity, the WSJ) and concluded that the headline news that it contained was that “Romney Opens Up Lead Over Obama.” Just to give you an idea of how far they had to stretch in order to make this an anti-Obama article, here are some of the actual results from the poll:

  • Obama leads Romney among all registered voters 49% to 43%.
  • Obama leads Romney among African Americans 90% to 4%.
  • Obama leads Romney among Latinos 69% to 22%
  • Obama leads Romney among young voters (18-34) 60% to 34%.
  • Obama leads Romney among women 53% to 41%.
  • Obama leads Romney among Independents 44% to 34%.
  • Obama leads Romney as most likable 54% to 18%.
  • Obama leads Romney as caring about average people 52% to 22%.
  • Obama leads Romney on looking out for the middle class 48% to 22%.
  • Obama leads Romney on being knowledgeable and experienced 45% to 30%.
  • Obama leads Romney on being a good commander-in-chief 43% to 33%.
  • Obama leads Romney on standing up for his beliefs 41% to 30%.
  • Obama leads Romney on being honest and straightforward 37% to 30%.

The poll also found that respondents favored Obama’s approach to the economy by fighting for fairness and strengthening the middle class; that 45% approve of his handling of the economy (a five point gain over last fall’s poll); and that a plurality (36%) believes the president’s policies have helped U.S. economic conditions. In fact, the only economic question in the poll where Romney beat Obama was on who would have better ideas for improving the economy, where Romney led 40% to 34%. And on the basis of that single statistic Fox trumpeted a headline that played up Romney lead in the poll.

To be fair, Romney did lead on some other questions (i.e. white and suburban voters), but that hardly compensates for the devastating beating he took on almost everything else. Sometimes, when you witness such gross misrepresentation, you have to stop and say “Wow.” Just “Wow.” These people have no scruples whatsoever.


2 thoughts on “Fox Nation vs. Reality: Romney’s Phony Lead Over Obama

  1. These are the critical voting areas:

    Obama leads Romney among Latinos 69% to 22%

    Obama leads Romney among women 53% to 41%

    Obama leads Romney among Independents 44% to 34%

    It’s bizarre that they think they can justify a Romney lead.

    • Does it really matter in April – we don’t vote until November and lots can happen either way. We’re screwed either way.

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