Nearly 70% are More Worried About a President Who is a Liar than One Who is Old – Trump is Both

A new NPR/Marist National Poll was released two weeks after the Biden/Trump debate that has triggered so much pundit anxiety and politico consternation. The headline finding was that, despite what was widely panned in the press as disastrous for President Biden, he is now leading Donald Trump 50-48 percent.

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Donald Trump

That’s a remarkably favorable result under the circumstances. And it is an embarrassing repudiation to the doomsayers who have written off the President’s chances of prevailing in November. Many of those pessimists have been Democrats and media that have generally been more balanced and focused on real world analysis.

SEE THIS: WTF? According to the New York Times ‘Biden Should Leave the Race’ AND ‘Trump is Unfit to Lead’

However, the topline numbers in the poll were not the only good news for Biden and portent of peril for Trump. Notably, the survey found that…

“Americans are overwhelmingly more concerned about a president who plays fast and loose with the facts than someone who is too old to serve. Nearly seven in ten Americans (68%) think it is more concerning if a president does not tell the truth. Nearly one in three (32%) think it is more concerning if someone is too old to serve.”

This finding weighs heavily on Trump, the candidate who is known as both a pathological liar, and an elderly sufferer of severe cognitive disability. As for Biden, well, he’s just old. But Trump’s derangement manifests in utterly bizarre tirades that are completely detached from reality. Such as his oratories on the threats of sharks and batteries, windmill cancer, nuking hurricanes, George Washington’s Army taking over airports, and injecting bleach to cure COVID. And then are these comparatively minor, albeit frequent, verbal gaffes…

The poll also found that 64% of respondents “do not think Biden has the mental fitness to serve as president.” Which is not particularly good, but not unexpected considering the constant media harping on the issue. Conversely, the poll also found that 49% have the same concerns about Trump’s mental unfitness. And that’s without the same amount of media bias influencing those opinions. It’s just Trump craziness shining through.

What’s more, the poll showed that a majority (52%) of Americans believe that “Biden has the character to serve as president.” By contrast, an even bigger “majority of Americans (56%), including 18% of Republicans and 58% of independents, do not think Trump has the character to be President of the United States.”

These numbers paint a picture of a race that Biden should be leading by wide margins. Unfortunately, in today’s media environment, other factors come into play that warp the both the polling and the potential electoral outcome. Which means that Democrats cannot become complacent in the weeks and months ahead. They must remain motivated and energized in order to fend off the threat that Trump and his MAGA cult pose to democracy.

It also means that they must be flexible and able to quickly pivot if circumstances change. Although Biden is adamant that he will be the nominee to the end – and he surely has the ability to win – the odds of his stepping aside are greater than zero. Were that to happen, the same poll shows that every candidate tested (Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, and Gavin Newsom) did at least as well against Trump as Biden did.

So it’s safe to harbor some optimism as we face an unprecedented future this election year. And we must never let the nation forget the real choice before it…

President Biden: an honest, intelligent, and compassionate leader who reveres the Constitution.

Or Donald Trump: with 34 felony convictions, judgments against him for financial fraud, defamation and rape, and pending indictments that include inciting a violent coup and stealing classified documents, and conspiring to overturn an election, who seeks to impose an autocratic dictatorship.

That shouldn’t be a difficult choice.


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LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

Even before Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of felony falsification of business records (in his so-called “Hush Money” case), he and his MAGA media minions were salivating over the prospect of his conviction. That’s right. They were convinced that it would result in some sort of alternative universe backlash and that his popularity would skyrocket.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Never mind that at the same time that Trump was supposedly happily embracing the legal catastrophe he faced, he was also engaged in daily diatribes against the court, the judge, the prosecutors, the witnesses, the jurors, the Department of Justice, and the Biden administration. All of whom he sought to blame for his circumstances that he portrayed as both awesome and abominable.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

However, a new poll was released after the verdict was handed down that may conflict with Trump’s delusional appraisal of his situation. And the findings are not merely that Trump is guilty, but that he deserves his next term be one that is behind bars. As it turns out, the nation’s voters may not be as anxious to board the Trump train as he thinks…

“In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction last week for falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to a porn star, President Biden (46%) now leads his Republican rival (44%) in a two-way race for the White House for the first time since October 2023, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll” [and also that] “more Americans think Trump should get a prison sentence (43%) than think he should not (40%).”

Uh-oh! A plurality of the American people think that Trump should be sent to the Big House, not the White House. And it’s even worse than it seems. While the 43-40 split may not appear to be a significant difference, many of the 40% who did not agree that Trump should go to prison still believe that he committed a serious crime, that he should be held accountable, and that the verdict was fair…

[More people – a 51% majority] think the New York jury reached the ‘right verdict’ in Trump’s hush money case than think the verdict was ‘wrong’ (30%). Likewise, more Americans than ever (54%) now believe Trump committed the crime for which he was on trial.” [Also] “Overall, 52% say Trump’s conviction was a ‘fair outcome meant to hold him accountable for his own actions’; just 35% who say it was ‘an unfair outcome meant to damage him politically.'”

So Trump still maintains his base – and ceiling – of cult disciples at about 30%. Everyone else thinks he’s guilty and that some sort of punishment would be appropriate to hold him accountable. And that’s just with regard to the just concluded case in Manhattan. It doesn’t take into consideration the three other indictments he’s facing in Washington, D.C. (for inciting an insurrection), in Florida (for stealing and lying about classified documents), and in Georgia (for election interference).

Trump apologists on Fox News and elsewhere are at a loss for any rational explanations to arrive at some form of exoneration for him. They all sing from the same hymnal that their Dear Leader is a victim of nefarious forces bent on destroying him and America. For example, Jonathan Turley, the Trump-fluffing law professor who frequently waxes idiotic on Fox News, had this to say…

“It would be absurd to sentence him to jail. He is an elderly first offender. Non-violent crime. In a very controversial prosecution.”

First of all, the only thing controversial about Trump’s prosecution is that he has become the first former president to ever be convicted of felony crimes. The jury voted unanimously 34 times to convict him. Apparently it wasn’t controversial to the people who saw all of the evidence and swore to uphold the law.

Secondly, many first offenders are sentenced to prison. And that includes Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. And Cohen’s conviction and sentence were for crimes related to the very same ones that Trump was convicted for and, in fact, initiated.

Finally, Turley’s assertion that Trump shouldn’t get a prison sentence because he is “elderly” is especially telling. If Trump is unfit to serve time for crimes he committed, how can Turley – or any voter – regard him as fit to serve in the White House?

In the meantime, Trump is continuing behave as if he’s daring the judge to incarcerate him. In a speech to his cult followers at a Las Vegas rally on Sunday, Trump spoke out in defense of his fellow criminals that assaulted Congress on January 6, 2021. He said that…

“Those J6 warriors. They were warriors, But they were really more than anything else — they’re victims.”

Just as a reminder, we’re talking about violent mobs that put 140+ police officers in the hospital, battered down doors, broke windows, vandalized the seat of American democracy, and threatened the lives of members of Congress and their staffs. And Trump has variously described them as FBI operatives, Antifa agitators, and hostages. But now he says that they were “warriors.”

Which makes them, in fact, an army of insurrectionists who had declared war on the United States with an invasion of its government facilities. And it was all at the direction of now-convicted felon Donald Trump. So do you think he should be sentenced to prison? That shouldn’t be a controversial question for most Americans.


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Fox News Touts Their Own Poll that Reveals How Delusional Republicans Are About the Economy

The 2024 presidential election season is heating up as both candidates exert their best efforts to draw voters to their cause. Which for President Biden means campaigning vigorously in every swing state and advancing initiatives that benefit all Americans. For Donald Trump it means dining with rich pals at Mar-a-Lago, golfing, and sitting in courtrooms scowling and whining.

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Fox News, Fake News

The media’s horserace coverage of the campaign is predictably useless as they focus almost entirely on polls, while ignoring the substantive actions taken by the candidates. For instance, Biden is building national infrastructure, creating jobs, and protecting healthcare, including women’s reproductive rights. Trump, on the other hand, is pledging to cut Social Security, promising to release all of the violent January 6th insurrectionists, and doing infomercials for Trump-endorsed bibles.

SEE THIS: Rev. Trump is Peddling His ‘God Bless the USA Bible’ to Pay His Judgments for Fraud and Rape

Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is playing its staunchly Republican part in this political potboiler. They just released a poll that shows Trump leading Biden 50-45%, within the margin of error. And Fox’s Harris Faulkner thinks that she knows why Trump is enjoying a small lead.

“A new round of Fox News polling shows former president Trump widening his lead over President Biden. One big reason? The economy. Fifty-two percent of voters say they’re worse off financially today than they were in 2020, just before Biden took office.”

Faulkner appears to be oblivious to the fact that four years ago the nation was locked up in their homes, terrified of a deadly virus, losing their jobs as companies closed, and unable to find toilet paper or other household goods at the grocery stores. And The Republican respondents to the poll also seem to be suffering from the same selective amnesia.

Digging a little deeper, the poll found that among Democrats only 28% said they are worse of today than four years ago. However, it also found that 72% of Republicans consider themselves worse off now. That’s a disparity that makes no sense if it were actually tied to real world economic conditions. So the GOP respondents are either having memory lapses (a symptom of Long COVID) or they are lying to the pollsters for political reasons.

Another possibility is that Republicans actually are suffering more severe economic circumstances than Democrats because they live in states run by Republicans, where conditions are worse due to bad management and the insensitivity of GOP leaders to the real problems of their citizens. If that’s the case, then the Fox News poll is helpfully exposing the harm caused by electing Republicans.

It says something unmistakable that 72% of Democrats say they are the same or better off now, but only 27% of Republicans are saying that. Is that a problem caused by the President, or the GOP losers who are doing so poorly during a time of economic growth? Based on the results of this poll, who would you rather be now, a Democrat or a Republican? And based on your answer to that question, who would you rather vote for in November? And if you say “Republican,” you are validating the absurdity of the GOP responses in this poll. And what’s more, you deserve what you get.


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FLYING KETCHUP ALERT: Peter Doocy of Fox News Reports New Poll that Shows Biden Beating Trump

The 2024 presidential election cycle is still at a pretty early stage with both candidates seeking their party’s nomination. Joe Biden, of course, is the incumbent Democratic candidate with no serious competition. Donald Trump, however, is in a near panic, despite the fact that he has faced relatively light opposition from Ron DeSantis, who has dropped out, and now Nikki Haley, who is ramping up her attacks.

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Donald Trump, Mask, Fox News

For the past several weeks Biden has trailed Trump in many polls, and has suffered with low approval ratings. But Trump’s approval hasn’t been any better. Nevertheless, Trump and his MAGA media minions have made a point of celebrating every poll that showed Trump ahead, even if it were only by a point or two and within the margin of error. And yet, Trump still can’t find any comfort in the numbers that he slobbers over.

SEE THIS: Even After Winning, Trump Has a Post-Primary Meltdown, Attacking Friends and Foes and Fox News

On Thursday morning, Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, was interviewed by his father, Steve Doocy, on Fox and friends. The subject of the segment was a new poll by Quinnipiac that put President Biden ahead of Trump by six points (50-44). It appears that the American people are starting to feel the the positive effects of Biden’s leadership, and that is beginning to be reflected in the polling. The younger Doocy reported that…

“The trends here may be changing because President Trump, former President Trump, has been leading national poll after national poll over President Biden for the last couple of weeks, but not in this one. And maybe it’s an outlier, maybe it’s not. But Quinnipiac had Biden up on Trump six points, 50 to 44.

“The Biden team has been trying to pivot to general election mode. They’ve been focusing on abortion access and on union jobs. And the Trump team has spent the last week or so dealing with his legal issues.”

Trump is not going to take this well. He has been known to viciously lambast Fox News whenever they are something less than unwaveringly worshipful. And he is particularly infuriated when they dare to report the results of polls that show him behind.

SEE ALSO: Trump Goes on Psycho-Rant Accusing Fox News of Sabotaging Him with Bad Pictures and Polls

Doocy correctly points out that Biden has been campaigning on substantive issues that the American people care about, such as abortion and jobs. He could have also mentioned the booming economy, climate and environment, healthcare, gun reforms, tax equity, and saving democracy.

Meanwhile, Doocy gently touches on the fact that Trump is wholly consumed by his “legal issues,” which include 91 felony charges and a recent $83.3 million judgment in favor of E. Jean Carroll, the woman he raped and defamed.

MORE HERE: After Losing $83 Million, Big Mouth Trump Hasn’t Made a Single New Attack on E. Jean Carroll

Doocy continued his poll analysis, noting that third party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. take votes from both candidates, but that Biden still beats Trump 39 to 37. Then he observed that Nikki Haley was ahead of Biden 47-42, but that she is unlikely to get the Republican nomination.

All told, this is the sort of report that is likely to trigger a Trumpian aneurism. Mar-a-Lago staff has been put on Red Alert for incoming ketchup bottles. And Dr. Rep. Ronny Jackson, aka The Candyman,” is on call for distribution of additional doses of Adderall and other psych meds.

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HUH? Fox News Can’t Figure Out Why Democrats Support Democrats Over Republicans for President

The bitter and blatantly partisan biases of Fox News have been evident since its inception nearly thirty years ago. But despite the fact that their political prejudices are well known, they still persist in pretending that they are a legitimate journalistic enterprise. They aren’t fooling anyone.

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Nevertheless, Fox News continues to make believe they’re just like other mainstream media outlets. And that futile effort just becomes more conspicuously preposterous every day. You might think that after three decades of dishonest propaganda, Fox News would have gotten pretty good at it. But that is clearly not the case. Even with their hyperactive coverage of the bogus Biden impeachment inquiry being pushed by the Republicans in the House of Representatives, Fox can’t produce a coherent argument to support their position.

SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Impeachment Chair Seek ‘Damning Evidence’ Against Biden, But Can’t Find Any

On Monday morning the cast of Fox’s “Outnumbered,” wherein four conservative women and one right-wing man bash President Biden for an hour, did a segment on a recent CNN poll that found 67% of Democrats were open to candidates other than Biden for president. Setting aside their newfound respect for “fake news” CNN, the Foxies found themselves in a quandary regarding the question on Democratic voter preferences. Their confusion manifested in the following exchange between co-host Harris Faulkner and fellow co-host Kayleigh McEnany (who is also Donald Trump’s former press secretary)…

McEnany: What we are seeing in polling is that 67% of Democrats are say they want a different candidate than Joe Biden.
Faulkner: The problem with that are the 33% that actually want Biden. And the 67% aren’t saying that they’ll take, as I like to say, anybody but Biden. They might not take a Republican. And that is the challenge here. Yeah, they might take a Gavin Newsom or a Gretchen Whitmer, we can’t figure out why, but they might over a Republican.”

So Faulkner and her confederates “can’t figure out why” Democratic voters would prefer Democratic candidates for president over Republicans? Let’s see if we can’t help them out a bit, shall we?

To begin with, Democrats are Democrats. That ought to end the debate right there. But Fox News and Republicans are so ideologically isolated, and so far removed from reality, that they can’t imagine anyone supporting the party that has brought more liberty, equality, and prosperity to the United States than any other party.

So let’s give them a little more to chew on. The examples that Faulkner gave as possible Biden alternatives – Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan – are two of the most successful and effective governors in America. They could be joined by Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Wes Moore of Maryland, and any number of Democrats in other state and federal offices. And that includes Vice-President Kamala Harris. The Democrats have a decidedly deep bench if they need one. Which they don’t, since Biden is running with a record of unprecedented success.

Perhaps the best reason for, not only Democrats but all Americans, to vote for a Democrat is the person currently leading the Republican Party’s primary contest, Donald Trump. The nation certainly doesn’t need a twice-impeached, four-time indicted (on 91 felony counts), ultra-rightist, financially corrupt, Putin-loving, pathological liar, and rapist, who led a violent insurrection to overthrow the government, to be given another opportunity to advance his authoritarian aspirations.

What’s more, the rest of the GOP field (DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott, Pence, etc.) aren’t any better. They are all conservative extremists who oppose the American people on most issues, including abortion, taxes, immigration, guns, climate change, education, etc. They also pledged to support Trump if he is the eventual nominee, even if he is convicted of numerous felonies.

SEE ALSO: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

Yet somehow, the folks on Fox News can’t comprehend why anyone would support Democrats for president or any other office. That’s because the Foxies and GOP politicos don’t really give a damn about America or the American people. They are fixated solely on their quest for power and personal greed. And on that measure, they have many candidates who will satisfy them. So expect Fox News to remain loyal to the greediest, most corrupt, power seeker of them all, Donald Trump. In fact, Fox News is just as culpable for the crimes of Trump as Trump is himself.


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Trump Suffers Mental Collapse Over Poll that Asks About His Obviously Collapsing Mental Health

The fragile state of Donald Trump’s massively bloated ego has been observable in his increasingly unbalanced behavior for years. He suffers from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Delusions of Grandeur, and age-related cognitive decline.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

With each new public appearance or posting on his sinking social media scam, Truth Social, Trump displays the depth of his dementia and desperation. His ranting grows more incoherent. His insults become more vicious and unhinged. His attempts to defend himself fall flat, and far outside the bounds of reality.

SEE THIS: UPDATE on Donald Trump’s Deteriorating Mental State

This weekend Trump went online to rage pathetically about a poll by the ultra-conservative Wall Street Journal that asked voters about the mental and physical health of both Trump and President Biden. The poll’s results actually placed Trump in a more favorable light. But just posing the question was too much for Trump to bear. Consequently he lashed out in a pair of comments that only made him look more deranged and decidedly weaker. In the first outburst he whined that…

“In a phony and probably rigged Wall Street Journal poll, coming out of nowhere to softened the mental incompetence blow that is so obvious with Crooked Joe Biden, they ask about my age and mentality. Where did that come from? A few years ago I was the only one to agree to a mental acuity test, & ACED IT. Now that the Globalists at Fox & the WSJ have failed to push their 3rd tier candidate to success, they do this. Well, I hereby challenge Rupert Murdoch & Sons, Biden, WSJ heads, to acuity tests!”

“Where did that come from?” Trump being confused about why the Journal would ask voters about the fitness of two septuagenarians to serve as president is in itself evidence of his “softened” mental condition. And it is similarly proof of infirmity that he reminds people of the test he took wherein he was able to identify an elephant and remember a few words. He gave as an example just some words of things that were immediately around him (person, woman, man, camera, tv). Contrary to his deliberate misrepresentation, it wasn’t an IQ test. It was a simple test given to people who were being evaluated for early signs of cognitive deficiencies.

SEE ALSO: YIKES! Trump Admits His Dreams of Dictatorship, While Bragging About ‘Acing’ a Dementia Test

Trump then goes on to issue a bold challenge to take on Biden and the family of Rupert Murdoch in some sort of competitive Cognition Bowl (Sunday on ESPN?). Setting aside the fact that he would certainly lose, the whole notion is asinine. But he doubled down in his next posting…

“Page 2: I will name the place and the test, and it will be a tough one. Nobody will come even close to me! We can also throw some physical activity into it. I just won the Senior Club Championship at a big golf club, with many very good players. To do so you need strength, accuracy, touch and, above all, mental toughness. Ask Bret Baier (Fox), a very good golfer. The Wall Street Journal & Fox are damaged goods after their failed DeSanctimonious push & stupid $780,000,000 ‘settlement.’ MORONS!!!”

So Trump insists on determining the time and place for his Psycho Sweepstakes. Lay odds that he will suggest one of his own hotel/golf resorts, and that he will charge admission to attend. It’s also cute that Trump thinks he would best Biden, an avid cyclist who regularly works out in the White House gym. Never mind that Trump is averse to any form of exercise, can barely walk down short ramp, and has trouble holding a cup of water. As for his golfing prowess, Trump is a notorious cheater who only seems to “win” his own contests.

It’s notable that Trump didn’t bother to post a link to the Wall Street Journal poll that triggered his tantrum. As usual, he just expects his cult followers to believe whatever he says without question. For the record, according to Newsweek

“The poll found that 73 percent of Americans thought Biden was ‘too old’ to run for reelection next year, while 47 percent said the same about Trump, who is only three years younger than the president. Some 60 percent of respondents said that Biden was not ‘mentally up for the job of president,’ while 49 percent said the same about Trump.”

While the crosstabs for the poll were not published, the gap between Trump’s and Biden’s results is likely due to the lockstep views of brain-dead Republicans. Rational, free-thinking Democrats and Independents probably split on whether Biden’s age was a factor in their responses. But hive-minded Republicans have demonstrated their devoutly uniform anti-Biden biases and responded accordingly in obedient unison. With regard to Trump, Democrats and Independents probably also split, but cult-driven Republicans all vouched for his saintly perfection.

Additionally, the poll found that majorities regard Trump as dishonest (57%) and corrupt (58%). Biden numbers (50% and 48% respectively) aren’t anything to brag about (and are subject to the gap explanation above), but are far better than Trump’s. Which makes the GOP’s adoration of him all the more distasteful. They remain fervently faithful to their Dear Leader even though they concede that he cheats and lies. That’s not only a sick devotion to a messianic poser, it’s a dangerous signal for the future of American democracy.


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Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

On August 24, 2023, Donald Trump made history by becoming the first former president of the United States to be captured for posterity in a mugshot. That’s in addition to the record he set previously of having been criminally indicted four times with a total of 91 felony counts. Second place is a 45-way tie with zero indictments.

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True to form, Trump is pretending to be proud of these “accomplishments.” He claims that these multiple prosecutions are enhancing his popularity and electability. And, like any good wannabe messiah, Trump claims that’s he’s being persecuted for “your” sins, and that the Democratic demons are actually after you, but he’s just “in the way.”

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

However, Trump’s cockiness is profoundly inapt. A new POLITICO Magazine/Ipsos poll reveals what the American people really think about Trump and his mounting legal liabilities. And not surprisingly, the results don’t align with Trump’s delusional distortion of reality. According to Politico…

“The survey results suggest Americans are taking the cases seriously — particularly the Justice Department’s 2020 election case — and that most people are skeptical of Trump’s claim to be the victim of a legally baseless witch hunt or an elaborate, multi-jurisdictional effort to ‘weaponize’ law enforcement authorities against him.”

What follows is a summary of Politico’s findings.

About half of the country believes Trump is guilty in the pending prosecutions.
“48 percent of respondents reporting that they believe Trump is guilty in [the Manhattan District Attorney’s] case [and] majorities said that they believe Trump is guilty in the other cases — 51 percent in the pending Justice Department and Fulton County prosecutions concerning the 2020 election, and 52 percent in the Justice Department’s classified documents case.” NOTE: This also includes a majority of independents.

Most Americans believe Trump should stand trial before the 2024 election.
“59% of respondents in the poll said that the federal trial in Trump’s 2020 election subversion case should take place before the 2024 Republican primaries begin early next year. A slightly higher number — 61 percent of all respondents — said that the trial should take place before the general election next November.” NOTE: This includes 63% of Independents and even 33% of Republicans.

A conviction in DOJ’s 2020 election case would hurt Trump in the general election.
“Nearly one-third of respondents (32 percent) said that a conviction in the case would make them less likely to support Trump, including about one-third of independents (34 percent).”

Half of the country believes Trump should go to prison if convicted in DOJ’s Jan. 6 case.
“50% of respondents said that he should go to prison, including a large majority of Democrats (87 percent) and a slight majority of independents (51 percent).”

Trump and the GOP’s ‘weaponization’ defense appears to be having limited traction.
“Fifty-nine percent of respondents — including nearly two-thirds of independents — said that the Justice Department’s decision to indict Trump in the 2020 election case was based on a fair evaluation of the evidence and the law. […] In fact, more people (53%) believe Trump is guilty of weaponizing the legal system than Biden.”

Trump is the prevailing villain in the story of his indictments
“Respondents provided Trump with a net favorability rating of -31 percent — the worst figure, by far, in this battery of questions.” NOTE: President Biden, Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, and the Justice Department all scored far more favorably.

Given the results of this poll, it is no wonder that Trump’s psychological state has suffered a severe decline. But it is still astonishing that, under these circumstances, Republicans are scrambling to bolster their defense for – and support of – Trump, as the American people become ever more disgusted and repulsed by both Trump and his sycophantic party confederates. All in all, this bodes well for Democrats next year.


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IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

The devotion of Republicans to their Dear Leader Donald Trump is astonishingly steadfast. He is leading his challengers in the primary for the GOP presidential nomination by substantial margins, despite his having been indicted a historic four times with a total of 91 felony counts.

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Donald Trump Messiah

Clearly Republican voters do not regard respect for the law or the Constitution as requirements for public service. To the contrary, their dismissal of Trump’s criminality appears to be an extra incentive to cast their votes for him. They cling ever tighter to Trump, even as he himself seems to be descending into an abyss of psychological trauma, paranoia, and fear.

SEE THIS: UPDATE on Donald Trump’s Deteriorating Mental State

The first rule of a cult is to believe only what the cult leader tells you, and that everyone else is lying. Trump has made that explicit admonition himself in order to keep his followers in line, saying that saying that “what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” Now, a new poll by CBS News confirms that the glassy-eyed Trump disciples have an allegiance to him that transcends all other influencers in their lives…

“Right now, the Republican Party would easily re-nominate Donald Trump for 2024. And it’s not close. The former president now holds his largest lead over his rivals. […] Trump’s voters hold him as a source of true information, even more so than other sources, including conservative media figures, religious leaders, and even their own friends and family.”

This is a level of trust generally reserved for prophets and messengers of God. But the trust that Trump’s followers have for him surpasses that of the people who are most often held in the highest esteem. Some of this absence of faith is explainable. A certain percentage of people will cease to believe their own spouses, parents, and siblings, because they may not be Trump supporters, and may even be (gasp) Democrats. Similarly, traditional conservatives can’t be trusted because some of them have recognized that Trump is a fraud and a loser and have disavowed him.

Perhaps the most surprising finding in this poll is how far down the list religious leaders have fallen. There is little of the sort of ideological treason among them that is attributable to family and pundits. Indeed, their motives are generally regarded as without political baggage.

So the only explanation is that pastors and priests, et al, are competition for Trump, who must be revered and worshipped above all others. It’s the same reason that wars are fought over differences of spiritual affiliations. And that is precisely what makes Trump – and his mesmerized minions – so intractable and, ultimately, dangerous.


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Trump Goes on Psycho-Rant Accusing Fox News of Sabotaging Him with Bad Pictures and Polls

The fits of hysteria by Donald Trump are coming with more frequency and fury as he sinks deeper into the legal quagmire that he created for himself. With four criminal indictments and 91 felony counts pending, Trump appears to be succumbing to the realization that his worst nightmares are now his reality.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

In this distemperate state of mind, Trump is lashing out in every direction, including at those who are his allies and loyal defenders. Consequently, his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is taking a barrage of assaults despite their overwhelming adoration of Dear Leader Trump and their constant apologia for his heinous acts and rhetoric. Not that attacking Fox News is just a recent occurence for him…

SEE THIS: Trump To Be Interviewed on Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

On Thursday morning Trump posted a series of scolds on his failing social media sham, Truth Social, aimed at the ultra-MAGA “news” network. He was clearly upset at them for being less than worshipful, and he was going to let them know about it. He led off with a post saying that…

“FoxNews is going all out, just as they did in 2016, to figure who in this very large, but failing, Republican field, can beat your favorite President, Donald John Trump. They use only the most negative polls.”

Trump has apparently noticed that there is a large field of challengers for the Republican nomination for president. They include governors and senators, and even his former VP, Mike Pence (who is beginning to turn on as well). That fact alone indicates that the party principals’ level of respect and/or fear is fading. Trump went on to whine that…

“Why doesn’t Fox and Friends show all of the Polls where I am beating Biden, by a lot. They just won’t do it! Also, they purposely show the absolutely worst pictures of me, especially the big ‘orange’ one with my chin pulled way back. They think they are getting away with something, they’re not. Just like 2016 all over again…And then they want me to debate!”

Trump’s is typically preoccupied with perceptions of him and matters that weigh on his massive yet fragile ego, rather than anything that concerns the American people. So he is outraged that Fox News would air pictures or polls that portrayed him as the loser that he is. Fox News can’t help it if he looks ridiculous in his orange face paint, or that he is losing to President Biden in most polls. It appears that Trump’s ire was triggered by the following segments on Fox News…

For the record, Biden is ahead of Trump 44% to 41% in the latest Fox News poll. In fact, Contrary to Trump’s lies, in the twenty most recent polls, from early July to the present, Trump leads Biden in only two of them. Meanwhile, Trump has been hammering his former Attorney General, Bill Barr, who has lately been affirming the validity of the charges against Trump.

“Why does FoxNews constantly put on slow thinking and lethargic Bill Barr, who didn’t have the courage or stamina to fight the Radical Left lunatics […] Unless FoxNews starts putting the RIGHT people on, their Ratings will never recover.”

It was thoughtful of Trump to offer advice to Fox on how they can improve their ratings. Never mind that it was Trump and his election fraud lies that cost Fox nearly a billion dollars in the defamation lawsuit settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

Trump also offered some advice to the the GOP, saying that “Republicans must get tougher and smarter, FAST!” By which he means they must be more sycophantic and extremist in their defense of Trump. Which is why they lost in 2020, 2022, and are trailing for 2024. So if the past is any indication, it would be highly advantageous for Fox News and Republicans to take Trump’s advice to heart. Advantageous, that is, for Democrats.


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TRUTH THIS: More Americans – Including 25% of Republicans – Believe that Trump is Guilty

One of Donald Trump’s favorite pastimes is posting polls on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. He seems to think that it’s interesting to his cult followers that he is running ahead of Florida’s wannabe fascist governor, Ron DeSantis, aka “Trump Lite.” So he “re-truths” these surveys ad nauseum.

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Donald Trump Walking the Plank

The polls that Trump posts are, of course, invariably positive. His malignant narcissism demands that he be exalted at all times. While he does post some polls from mainstream sources, others are conducted by right-wing outfits that are shamelessly slanted. He even posts some Twitter polls conducted by such reputable figues as “Catturd.” Only rarely does he post anything that shows him losing. And when he does, it’s only to whine and rebuke the faithless reprobate…

SUCH AS: Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Draws Trump’s Wrath for Showing a Poll that Affirms He’s a Loser

Politico just completed a new poll that reveals the nation’s views of Trump’s legal tribulations. And given the results of the poll, we should not expect him (or Fox News, or any of his media or political flunkies) to promote it. Unless it’s to bash Politico for having the audacity to publish anything that demeans Dear Leader. According to Politico

“Forty-nine percent of respondents — including 25 percent of Republicans — said that they believe Trump is guilty in the pending federal prosecution, which alleges that he willfully retained sensitive government documents after leaving office and obstructed a subsequent federal investigation.

“A nearly identical 48 percent of respondents — including 24 percent of Republicans — believe that Trump is guilty in the Manhattan DA’s pending prosecution, which alleges that Trump falsified business records in connection with a payment to the porn star Stormy Daniels in the run-up to the 2016 election in order to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual relationship between the two.”

The only thing surprising about the broad-based results of this poll is that the number of those who believe that Trump is guilty isn’t higher. However, it is a bit surprising, and welcome, that a quarter of Republicans are convinced of Trump’s guilt. But don’t expect Trump to “truth” that poll, if he is even permitted to see it by his handlers.

The Politico poll is not the first to show that Trump is losing ground among the American electorate. A recent NBC News poll found that, while Biden and the Democratic Party are not exactly universally adored, Trump and the GOP are roundly hated and are underwater by more than 20%. And Trump won’t be pleased to learn that only 33% of Republicans identify as Trump supporters.

SEE THIS: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

It is likely that Trump posts so many of his rosy polls as a defense mechanism to convince himself that he is the shining object of everyone’s creepy desire. He needs to satisfy his humongous, yet fragile, ego. So whenever you hear Trump fluffing himself and boosting his position among the public, remember that he is a pathological liar with psychotic self-esteem issues. The truth that Trump cannot escape is that he was the most unpopular president in modern times, and continues to reach ever deeper depths of disrepute.

RELATED: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

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