LOOKOUT DEMOCRATS! Fox News is on to you and they are ready to blow the lid off of your damnable schemes and deceptions. They aren’t playing around this time. And their investigation is digging deep into the heart of the leftist cabal that has been covertly managed by the master manipulator, Barack Hussein Obama.
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That’s right. The veil is being removed. The curtain is being pulled back. The secrets that have been hidden away in dusty cellars are about to be revealed by the one man at Fox News who has seen through the cons and conspiracies, Jesse Watters. Only he can expose the plots orchestrated by the Obama machine. Just like he did with the election of 2020 that Trump continues to insist was “rigged and stolen.”
SEE THIS: Fox News is Still Pushing the Lie that the 2020 Election Was Stolen that Cost Them $787 Million
On Tuesday’s episode of Fox’s “The Five,” Watters revealed that he had become suspicious of weird “vibes” going on. And who would know better? But he wasn’t gonna sit still for it. He knew there was something fishy in the works, and he knew who was behind it. He told his confederates on the program, and any rubes who happened to be watching, that…
“There is a weird vibe going on. I can’t figure it out. But I will tell you this. Barack Obama is still the godfather of this machine. He gave us Joe Biden as VP. He gave us Hillary [Clinton] as Secretary of State. Then he ‘coup’ed’ Joe, put all his ‘boys’ with Kamala’s team, and had his wingman Holder vet Walz.
“Now he’s at a young 63. He’s gonna be doing this for the next 25 years. He’s definitely gonna interfere in this election. That’s why we will be sending Johnny to Hawaii to get the truth about the birth certificate. This time we will dig deep and find out what really happened.”
HOLY SHIH TZU: Jesse Watters of Fox News is promising to "get the truth about the birth certificate."
He is actually reviving the ridiculous and racist Barack Obama birther garbage — IN 2024!?! #Weird https://t.co/IS02jYlonV
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) August 21, 2024
HOLY SHIH TZU! It has been Obama all along. Watters remains convinced that Obama was born in Kenya and he grew up to engineer a takeover of America. And just because all of that is patently insane – and has been debunked a thousand times – Watters isn’t going to be deterred.
If this tells us anything about Fox News, and the MAGA malarkey they disseminate, it’s that they have absolutely no rational arguments with which criticize Democrats. So they are clinging desperately to ancient absurdities like the ludicrous “birther” hoax and nonexistent election fraud. That’s in between complaining about Democrats eating ice cream, wearing tan suits, hugging their families, or just generally being joyful. Something that is apparently anathema to Republicans.
In the process, Watters and his ilk manufacture myths about evil masterminds like Obama pulling all the strings behind closed doors. And if that isn’t bad enough, Watters frames the imaginary racket in blatantly racist terms as being run by Obama’s “boys,” who, along with his Black accomplices, Kamala Harris and Eric Holder, staged a “coup” against the White president, Joe Biden, who voluntarily stepped aside and endorsed his VP.
Now, in Watters’ warped mind, anything that anyone does to advance the Harris campaign, he will characterize as election interference. Which Trump also does. But that won’t apply to his own mission to dispatch “Johnny” to Hawaii to probe the asinine birther allegations. Nor to Trump’s firehose of insults and lies that he disgorges an a daily (hourly) basis. When it comes right down to it, the whole thing is just WEIRD!
- Crybaby Trump Runs Whining to Sean Hannity When Kamala Harris Passes on Biased Fox News Debate
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