The kids at Breitbart News, or as I call them, the Breitbrats, are giddily wallowing in their “exclusive” discovery of “evidence” that President Barack Obama is indeed a secret Kenyan usurper to the American presidency.
That’s right. Now it finally comes out. “Obama’s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: ‘Born in Kenya'” This is front page news at the Breitbrat site. And why not? It proves that the President is an illegitimate occupier of the White House. Maybe now the Breitbart Tea Partiers can revoke health care and make all the tax cuts for the wealthy permanent while expanding offshore oil drilling and outlawing abortion and gays.
Except that, for some reason, the article heralding this monumental news is prefaced by an editorial disclaimer saying…
“Andrew Breitbart was never a ‘Birther,’ and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of ‘Birtherism.’ In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.”
Hmmm. That sort of contradicts the whole point of the article. Or rather, the article contradicts the whole point of the disclaimer. Either way, it reflects the amateurish efforts of the Breitbrats as they endeavor to smear Obama regardless of whether their assertions make any sense.
The article by Joel Pollak is an unfocused rambling of accusations that lead nowhere. He aimlessly recites the content of a pamphlet that is promoting the clients of a literary agency that includes a young Barack Obama, and he bores readers with his description of the typography, as if it had some special significance. Then he seeks to impress with his questions directed at individuals associated with the agency, except that he doesn’t get any actual answers. And all the while he insists that his examination of the evidence that Obama is Kenyan isn’t really an attempt to suggest that Obama is Kenyan.
Perhaps even worse is a follow up article by Breitbrat John Nolte who begins his harangue by stating that…
“Never once have I doubted that President Obama was born in Hawaii. There’s no way in the world that little constitutional issue would ever have got past the Clintons during the 2008 Democratic primary. Now that we’re clear on that…”
So the only reason he discounts the claims that Obama is not an American is that Bill and Hillary would have told him if it were true. He does not discount them because they are demonstrably false and that documentary evidence is readily available. The big problem, as Nolte defines it, is “the abject failure of the mainstream media to vet” Obama, and this clipping from a twenty year old pamphlet is proof of that even though he denies that the pamphlet proves anything. Still, Nolte considers the existence of this pamphlet as proof that the media has fallen down on its duty to investigate the President.
Let’s look at that claim a little closer. Nolte is saying that the media failed because they didn’t discover and report on a pamphlet that Nolte concedes means nothing. So according to Nolte, in order for the media to have done their job properly, they should have published this story about a meaningless blurb in an old pamphlet that has zero significance to Obama’s identity. Seriously. Nolte goes on to ask “what will the humiliated media do?” But I still can’t figure out how they were humiliated if the pamphlet, by Nolte’s own reckoning, is not indicative of anything.
Not to be deterred, Nolte insists that “there are plenty of follow-up stories here; plenty of questions to ask and reporting to do.” But the only questions he suggests are “If it wasn’t a mistake, let’s ask why. If it was a mistake, let’s ask how.” But he just finished making repeated assertions that it was a mistake and that he is certain that Obama is an American citizen born in Hawaii. That leaves the only question to be how the mistake was made. I think the answer to that would be “Who cares?” It was just a mistake. And the media cannot be regarded as irresponsible for not reporting that a mistake was made twenty years ago on a promotional pamphlet that was never distributed to the public.
Nolte and Pollak need to make up their twisted little minds as to whether this is a trivial error that in no way reflects on the President’s lineage, or it is proof that the Birther conspiracy has been revealed. And via their repeated declarations, they obviously believe that Obama was born in Hawaii and, therefore, this pamphlet has no news value and the media are blameless for not harping on it – the way the Breitbrats are.
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For the record, a real journalist actually did what journalists do and contacted the person responsible for the pamphlet. Taegan Goddard then reported that Miriam Goderich, of the literary agency that produced the pamphlet, issued the following statement to Political Wire:
“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”
Case closed. Except for all the hysteria that still embroils the infected brains at Breitbart News and their fellows in the Birther community. And the ghost of Andrew Breitbart rolls his eyes.
Obama’s Lawyers Admit Birth Certificate is Fake!
Obama’s Lawyer Admits Birth Certificate is FAKE, & Birthers target Mitt Romney
Which would explain why the GOP does not want to go after the birther issue since Romney is in the same boat as Obama.
The issue is not if Obama was born in the US, but as the Judge said if he is a natural born.
“A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN is one who is born in the country that both parents are and your parents must BOTH BE CITIZENS.”
Jeremiah Wright hints that Obama did not renounce Islam
OOPS?? Again??
Click the Birther links at your own risk 😉
Well, you warned me. I went anyway. So sad and laughable at the same time.
hahaha, it’s funny how the obots always try to pretend like the Borther links are VIRUSES, that why no one will see the truth!
If ya can’t beat the truth, LIE about it!
No ooops. Uh oh for you.
For a second there, I thought they were just gonna start having sex.
Methinks you should check out U.S. Code Title 8, Section 1401, before you spout about what constitutes a “natural born citizen”. You’ll find that you posted is waaaaaay wrong.
The actual “admission” you and all your Birther Buds have gotten so dizzy to the point of puking excited about is the documents we’ve all seen online is a “digital fabrication.”
In other words, it’s a computer scanned copy of the document and not the actual, original piece of paper.
Which camp do you belong to, Trench? The racists Birthers who embrace ignorance or the racist Birthers who embrace dishonesty?
That’s hilarious.
Are you actually arguing that the document, which the publisher said is real, is photoshoppped?
You may be the all time dumbest person in this blog. And that’s a tough competition…
I know this is quite a task for all things Birther, but try to keep up, dummy.
Trench presented a link to a story that claimed Obama’s lawyers admitted that his birth certificate was fake.
No such “admission” was made. During a court hearing in which another group of racist Birthers attempted to have Obama’s name removed from the New Jersey ballots and an “internet image expert” was brought in to offer testimony. After a bit of legal jousting all sides agreed that the electronic image was, indeed, an electronic image and not a piece of paper.
Where did I get this information? Why, from the Birther Lawyer himself.
You’ll note that in his account he makes no claim of an Alexandra Hill stating that the birth certificate was a fake, a forgery, a fraud, or anything else that could hint at it being phony. The only thing that is agreed upon, by both sides, is that an electronic image viewed over the Internet does not carry the same legal weight as a certified legal document and therefore cannot be presented in court as evidence of anything.
Same question to you that I put to Trench; are you one of the racist Birthers that embrace ignorance, or one of the racist Birthers that embrace dishonesty?
In your case, perhaps both.
Isn’t that the EXACT SAME thing that Obama’s long form birth certificate is, a digital fabrication? Isn’t it a “computer scanned copy of the document and not the actual, original piece of paper” that NO ONE has seen?
LOLOL, what an IDIOT!
See above, racist idiot.
It’s pretty obvious to anyone but an obsessed birther that the “simple mistake” was borne out of the fact that Barack Hussein Obama SENIOR was born in Kenya.
I’m still laughing over the forged birth certificates from the country later named Kenya before it became independent that Orly Taitz waved around as proof. What next?
Mark, I think they’re just killing time and occupying print space until the lengthy expose on how Obama goons killed Breitbart is completed.
Clicked a link @ work. Got this warning:
You have attempted to access a blocked website. Access to this website has been blocked for operational reasons by the DOD Enterprise-Level Protection System.
Category: malware-sites
URL: trenchpress.com_?p=11222
Be aware
It is possible to show that Obama was the official birther, without believing that he was telling the truth.
Those of us who believe that the president is a liar who padded his resume on several occasions (or created ‘composite’ characters, in his bio) have long ago figured out that the president tailors himself to his audience.
In this case, “born in Kenya” sounds a lot more exotic, and a better story, then “born in Hawaii.” One suggests struggle. The other suggests sunny beaches and all of that hellishness that comes up with living in Hawaii.
Brietbart’s point, which you take great strides to skip over, is that the president had no problem with being “born in Kenya” when it suited him. And just as importantly, there were enough people who knew about this bio who should have asked questions about it before the president was elected.
The president is either a liar, or born in Kenya. I’m going with liar. Which are you?
Right – Obama is the “official birther” despite there being loads of contemporaneous references to his birth in Hawaii. This is the daft obliviousness that makes birthers so obnoxious and laughable.
Mark, you missed my point, and I’m not surprised.
A birther is described as someone who wrongly believes that the president was born in Kenya.
What makes the president the “official birther,” or more appropriately, “Birther in Chief” is that he was the FIRST one to wrongly assert that he was born in Kenya.
As I’ve already pointed out, the Harvard Law professor had no problem with being born in Kenya when it sounded like good press.
Unless, of course, you really believe that he was born in Kenya.
No, you missed my point. There is no basis for your claim that Obama was the first to assert that he was born in Kenya. You cannot cite a single source that Obama ever said that.
And despite your self-serving definition, this notion that Obama pretended to be Kenyan is a variation of birtherism and is just as delusional.
What’s delusional is thinking that a person who was about to publish their first book had no final approval of their biography.
That they never even had a passing interest in the promotional piece that went out about them.
I’ve worked with a ton of writers, actors, and celebrities. They jizz at the first sight of their name in black and white.
Now you could argue that Barack “isn’t like that,” and that he’s not the kind of guy that’s fascinated by celebrity status.
But then you’d have to explain why he’s on The View, Jimmy Fallon, Jay Leno, The Today Show, The Daily Show, etc. etc. etc.
There has been no president in my memory that has been more fascinated with his celebrity status then Obama.
To believe that he never saw this booklet that was, in part, promoting his FIRST UPCOMING BOOK?
Yeah. Right.
By the way, the “Fact Checking” error statement amused me immensely!
How do you accidentally get that someone was born in Kenya without fact-checking it?
Or for that matter, how did that fact not get checked by the author… up until 2007???
You really can’t think of how someone could accidentally get that Obama was born in Kenya? Really?? You’re pretty dense.
It could easily have been a mistake derived from learning that he was “from” Kenya in his family legacy and incorrectly thinking he was from Kenya himself. It could also be the result of learning that “a” Barack Obama was born in Kenya and not making the distinction between him and his father with the same name.
Also, that pamphlet was not a public document. It was for distribution only to clients of the agency and Obama probably never saw it. But I’m sure none of this changes your delusional opinion.
Stop defending birthers!
Yeah… right.
People who write up biographies are constantly making the mistake of writing that people with Chinese parents, are Chinese, or that people who ‘look’ Mexican are probably from Mexico. So instead of making absolutely sure that he was from Kenya, they jumped to the conclusion. “Huh, the dad is from Kenya… so he must have been born in Kenya.”
Oh, but wait.
Then why does it get the part right where it says that he was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii? And why did it make the separation that his mother was an American anthropologist?
Meh… its the little mistakes that count.
Like where someone was born.
Mark, you’re playing with words now. It wasn’t a pamplet (1 page). It was a booklet. The difference being that a booklet costs a lot of money to produce, even for a book company.
I’ll note that you wrote that Obama “probably” never saw it.
Nice Freudian slip there. In that one word, you betray the fact that its not “delusional” to think that a Harvard professor, upon hearing that he was going to be promoted for his next book, would ask to see the copy.
I think that might mark the first time that a new author… not to mention a Harvard professor… had no interest in seeing how they were being promoted. Or insisting that they turn in their own bio, or see their bio first.
Because we both know that the president isn’t interested in how he’s being portrayed. Its not like he was photographed carrying around a magazine with his own image on the front… right?
Look, this stretches every corner of credulity that:
1) the former Harvard professor didn’t turn in his own bio
2) that the BOOK COMPANY didn’t fact check his bio
3) that the former law professor didn’t ask to see a copy of his bio
4) that up until 2007, which is about the time that he was thinking of running for president, his bio at that company STILL said that he was born in Kenya
Again, you can either choose to believe that the Harvard Law Professor padded his resume to make himself sound more exotic, or that he is actually born in Kenya.
Me, I don’t believe he was born in Kenya.
But it made for a better bio. And our president is all about public image. Whether that means appearing on Jimmy Fallon, The View, his wife on The Biggest Loser, or when he hosted SNL.
One of the items, above, I made up.
The difference is that I admit it.
You wrote that he “probably” didn’t see his bio.
Does that mean that you’re “probably” not delusional?
Thank you for proving my point. Four times in your comment above you refer to Obama as a former Harvard professor. That isn’t true. He was never a professor at Harvard. That’s a mistake you made. See how mistakes happen? You conflated his Harvard education with his work as a professor in Chicago.
You also made a mistake in describing the booklet as a promotion for him. It was not. It was more of a directory of the people the agency represented and included many other authors. There is no evidence that any of them saw or approved their bios. What’s more, the person responsible for Obama’s blurb in the booklet has taken full responsibility for the error, so Obama had nothing to do with it. Where is your proof that Obama ever said he was born in Kenya? Huh?
To my credit, I’m not a publisher.
I am not printing anything up today. I’m not spending $10,000 on my internet posting. What I write here is *not* being published.
I am not Barack’s publicist.
Me making a mistake in his background does not equal an actual book agent mixing up where he was born… because anything I write here is not going to be published.
If I were to publish something, I’d do what every single person at any book company does: I’d send it to the author to get it checked for accuracy.
Wait… maybe I’m not being clear.
I put together workshops for improv students. Before I publish the bio of the instructors online, I send the bios to the teachers for approval. And I’m not even getting them printed.
But it doesn’t stop there.
Before I actually post flyers, I send those to the author’s for approval, just to make sure all of the info is correct.
Now I have to correct you.
What I wrote:
The booklet was promoting the authors within it.
If you don’t get that, or won’t accept that, then you’re trying too hard.
Again, nothing of what I write is being published, either today or later this week. If it was, then you could try to make the point that me confusing him as being a Harvard professor (without looking at any source material) is the same as the bio-writer thinking that he was born in Kenya, instead of looking up his birthplace when he was actually supposed to research the person or copy off of the bio that was handed to him.
Furthermore, you found my mistake right away.
Good for you.
Now you’re suggesting that in all of the years that the bio for Barack was up… he never read it? He never even glanced at it?
No one at the agency knew that he was not born in Kenya?
So in that long, defensive response you make excuses for your mistakes but still never provide a single example of Obama saying that he was born in Kenya.
Marks specialty is playing with words John. I am sure you have read some of his other articles. Mark loves to hold onto partial truths because they help support his views and goals, it would be counter productive to his views if he actually viewed all evidence then came to a illegitimate conclusion. Instead he dismisses anything that contradicts his erroneous beliefs.
I notice that Mark skips over the parts of the conversation that is ‘hard’ and creates strawmen.
If it wasn’t for a strawman, this blog wouldn’t exist.
And why does a FACT need to be CHECKED? A fact is a fact! The info might need to be checked, but a fact is a fact is a fact, all the time!
Why don’t you go giddily wallow in this (many more articles claiming Obama was Kenyan-Born)
I almost fell out of my chair with Marks comment “For the record, a real journalist actually did what journalists do and contacted the person responsible for the pamphlet”. Hey Mark, you should take lessons on how to be a REAL journalist.
Case Closed Mark? Look at the above link. There is more evidence than just what you are writing about here.
MY NEW VIDEO (much clearer pics of the Kenyan-Born articles):
Obama literary agent claims Obama was Kenyan-born ~Now Dozens more articles confirm the same!
It’s come out that the writers wrote their own blurbs. Was Obama lying then or is he lying now? Either way he’s a liar.
Nope. You’re the liar.
Yeah, we’ll be needing a citation for that claim, Trey.
I’ve got one where Miriam Goderich says she made the mistake.
Where’s your’s, racist Birther?