In an interview with the Martha’s Vineyard Times, Chris Wallace reveals that his re-education program has been successfully completed. Having been fully immersed in the Fox News program for attitude adjustment, Wallace has emerged a changed man. It took four and a half years but now he finally realizes that all the time he spent at what he calls the “mainstream media” was nothing but a delusional fantasy:
“…when I was in the mainstream media, when I was working at NBC and ABC – those were my big jobs for about 25 years – I thought we were fair and balanced. But since coming to Fox four and a half years ago, I have come to see things a little differently. And I, in fact, do believe there is a bias in the mainstream media and that is something I was only able to understand when I was outside of it.”
Wallace’s acknowledgment of media bias is a major breakthrough. And his repeated, mantra-like, references to mainstream media reflect the fullness of his indoctrination. He never bothers to explain how Fox, the number one cable news network and part of the vast Murdoch family of international TV, newspapers, and magazines, is not itself mainstream. But he does explain why Fox is an important player in modern media:
“…whether you like Fox News or don’t like it, it seems to me that it is a healthy development if only because it creates another view point.”
As we all know, it is essential that new viewpoints be “created” if we are to effectively manipulate public opinion. Even if that creation is the product of fiction writers at Fox headquarters. However, by conceding that Fox propounds a manufactured position, Wallace comes dangerously close to exposing the heart of the rightist conspiracy. He may need a little more Kool Aid after all.
Thursday I watched Fox News’ latest addition to their stable of right-wing pundits with their own show: Just In with Laura Ingraham.
The video is on my blog if you need to see it with your own eyes – I recommend you don’t – where she does a lot of lame liberal-bashing comedy. And I mean lame.
So how does Chris Wallace explain a show like this on Fox News?
Like you point out, he uses the right-wing buzzword “mainstream media.” Fox News is corporate owned and on cable TV. Can you get any more “mainstream” than that?
The other key phrase is “another viewpoint.” I’m sure Wallace apologists will claim he alludes to a “fair and balanced” one but, of course, he means a conservative perspective.
Conservatives who whined about liberal bias, at times, had a point. And who can criticize their calls for fairness and balance? However, when you see the news sources they cling to – Fox News and right-wing talk radio – you quickly realize it’s a complete sham.