Tough Guy Chuck Norris Is Afraid Of Obama’s Gay Boy Scouts

Conservatives have made bashing Hollywood a cornerstone of their strategy to defeat the evils of Liberalism. They jump at every opportunity to criticize celebrities who dare to exercise their right to free speech unless, of course, they speak ill of liberals. Then, suddenly, celebrities are brilliant observers of the human condition.

One of the reasons that conservatives hate Hollywood in general is that there are so many respected, productive, and successful actors who recognize the benefits of a progressive agenda. Compare that to the washed-up losers who slobber over right-wing dogma – people like Ted Nugent, Victoria Jackson, and today’s special, Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris - Gay Boy Scouts

Yep, you read that right. Obama is turning Boy Scouts gay. Who knew? He must be building an army of polite, well-prepared children to wage his war on marriage. Norris made this charge in an article for AmmoLand (where else?) and it is based on his delusional claim that Obama manipulated Ernst & Young CEO James Turley, who sits on the board of the BSA, into becoming an opponent of rules that ban gays from joining the Scouts. The devious method employed by Obama to force Turley’s hand was to invite him to parties. The scoundrel. They must have been fabulous parties.

However, Norris doesn’t bother to speculate as to how Obama manipulated Mitt Romney into having the very same position as Obama and Turley. In 1994, Romney responded to a question on the subject during a debate for the Senate saying…

“I believe that the Boy Scouts of America does a wonderful service for this country. I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue. I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation.”

Since Obama was a young lawyer in Chicago in 1994, who had never run for office, it appears that Romney may be the one who is responsible for turning the Boy Scouts gay. Norris ought to do a little more research and get back to us on that. And, just for the record, Romney was also pro-choice in 1994, whereas today he is for overturning Roe v. Wade. So the fact that he once supported gays in the scouts does not mean that he does so now. Once you shake that Romney Etch-a-Sketch all bets are off.