Tough Guy Chuck Norris Is Afraid Of Obama’s Gay Boy Scouts

Conservatives have made bashing Hollywood a cornerstone of their strategy to defeat the evils of Liberalism. They jump at every opportunity to criticize celebrities who dare to exercise their right to free speech unless, of course, they speak ill of liberals. Then, suddenly, celebrities are brilliant observers of the human condition.

One of the reasons that conservatives hate Hollywood in general is that there are so many respected, productive, and successful actors who recognize the benefits of a progressive agenda. Compare that to the washed-up losers who slobber over right-wing dogma – people like Ted Nugent, Victoria Jackson, and today’s special, Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris - Gay Boy Scouts

Yep, you read that right. Obama is turning Boy Scouts gay. Who knew? He must be building an army of polite, well-prepared children to wage his war on marriage. Norris made this charge in an article for AmmoLand (where else?) and it is based on his delusional claim that Obama manipulated Ernst & Young CEO James Turley, who sits on the board of the BSA, into becoming an opponent of rules that ban gays from joining the Scouts. The devious method employed by Obama to force Turley’s hand was to invite him to parties. The scoundrel. They must have been fabulous parties.

However, Norris doesn’t bother to speculate as to how Obama manipulated Mitt Romney into having the very same position as Obama and Turley. In 1994, Romney responded to a question on the subject during a debate for the Senate saying…

“I believe that the Boy Scouts of America does a wonderful service for this country. I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue. I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation.”

Since Obama was a young lawyer in Chicago in 1994, who had never run for office, it appears that Romney may be the one who is responsible for turning the Boy Scouts gay. Norris ought to do a little more research and get back to us on that. And, just for the record, Romney was also pro-choice in 1994, whereas today he is for overturning Roe v. Wade. So the fact that he once supported gays in the scouts does not mean that he does so now. Once you shake that Romney Etch-a-Sketch all bets are off.


12 thoughts on “Tough Guy Chuck Norris Is Afraid Of Obama’s Gay Boy Scouts

  1. Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice!

    • To Whom this may concern,
      I happen to agree with Chuck Norris on not allowing homosexuals lead any group of Boy Scouts. The founder of the Scouts would be rolling over in his grave if he knew that anyone was endorseing homosexuals in a mentoring roll in the Scouts.

      The founder expected the leaders to be of a good moral character and in good standing with the community.

      The sad fact is the liberals are the one’s busy bashing the conservitives. How dare stand up and fight for ourselves. The sad fact is Romney wasn’t even part of this conversation and yet because he is semi- conservitive your liberal paper tries to rope him in and once again who is bashing whom? It is a sad day when anyone is allowed to lead a group of children who isn’t of good moral fiber.

      Yes this would mean I don’t think that homosexuals should be allowed to be parent’s or to adopt. Homosexuality isn’t an illiness it’s chocie and one that can be turned around with the right kind of counciling and support, because I know of men and women who have lived the homosexual life style and got out. I hope and pray that the people of the United States will wake up and realize they are dragging our children down a wrong path by allowing homesexuals to have anything to do with children.

      Armilda George

      • You display your ignorance and intolerance. This is wrong on so many levels. Believing things because [presumably religious] people tell you to,does not make them justifiable or true. Perhaps you think it gives you a ‘right’ to discriminate and hate others? Particularily pernicious and corrosive is the implied message here that homosexuals are all pedophiles,so typical of the kind of hate peddled by churches,who really should know better in the 21st Century.

  2. “One of the reasons that conservatives hate Hollywood in general is that there are so many respected, productive, and successful actors who recognize the benefits of a progressive agenda”

    You must be referring to the “benefit” of the bloated and unaffordable welfare state. We’re oh so much better off – I can feel the benefit when I read my paycheck and see the enormous income and Social Security tax…thanks for all the benefits. Maybe you don’t mean that benefit – some other benefit perhaps?

    • Steve, go fuck yourself you whiny bitch.

    • Yeah Steve, you’re welcome for the all the roads and protection from global threats, aw shit, I’m not gonna go through all of em AGAIN. You don’t like social security?!? Yeah, what an awful idea, that you should be able to live independently as long as you can as a senior. What’s the percentage of seniors, ie those that use social security, that approve of social security?

      God forbid you ever walk a mile in their shoes, steve.

    • If you don’t like it here, there are planes and ships leaving for other countries every day. Sounds like Syria or Myanmar might be more to your liking. Get out of the country or STFU.

  3. Chuck Norris is a drab untalented actor who appeals to all the gun nuts because he projects the persona of a ‘macho’ dude, which is nothing more than an act. He is a not very good entertainer and gets paid well for his craft but has some very right-wing extremist views. Chuck Norris is just one more know-nothing ‘teabaggger’ republican.

    • Randy,
      It is very clear you woldn’t recognize talent if it reached up and bit you. For your information there are many of us “Gun Nut’s” that happen to agree with Chuch Norris and yes my family and I are one of them. I just hope you never need to defend yourself because you wouldn’t know which way to point the gun, and you just might shoot yourself instead of the person who is attacking you.

  4. For all of Republican’s anti-Hollywood rhetoric, they do seem to elect a lot of actors. An I’m-sure-not-complete list:
    Ronald Reagan (R- Death Valley)
    Arnold Schwarzenegger (R- the Future)
    Fred C. Thompson (R- Law and Order)
    Fred Grandy (R- Love Boat)
    Sonny Bono (R- wait… Sonny Bono?!)
    Even Shirley Temple Black was a Republican. The Democrats have elected, um… Al Franken. Sure looks like Democrats prefer substance over celebrity.

    • Loon,
      Why I am even commenting on this is beyond me but sadly you just showed how much intelligence you don’t have, because Regan and Shirley Temple Black and Sonny Bono all had good morals and ethics. Were any of them perfect no, because there was only one perfect man and his name is Jesus I hope one day you get to know him as your Lord and Savior,because he was definitely a conservitive and believed in defending ones self.

      Armilda George

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