Donald Trump has maintained a virtual radio silence ever since his marauding horde of seditionists assaulted Congress on January 6th. It’s safe to assume he is pouting in his pantry with bags of Cheetos and watching reruns of his favorite parts of the riots as his cult disciples vandalized the Capitol and beat up law enforcement officers.
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The timeline of events now clearly shows that Trump waited hours before posting his disingenuous video asking his Troll Troops to go home and telling them that he loves them as they were ransacking America’s seat of democracy. We also know that he refused to deploy the National Guard to protect members of Congress and his own Vice-President, Mike Pence.
In defense of his deliberate negligence, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley was dispatched to Fox News to explain why Trump failed so miserably to react in a responsible manner that might have saved as many as five lives. Gidley blamed the media, telling Fox’s media correspondent Howard Kurtz that…
“The media are trying to have it both ways. On one hand he should be censored by ‘Big Tech’ and not be allowed to talk. He also shouldn’t say anything because it’s divisive. And then when he doesn’t say anything, and can’t say anything, because the platforms have removed him, they say ‘Where’s the President? Why aren’t we hearing from him?’ The whole thing’s disingenuous.”
Former Trump campaign spox Hogan Gidley claims Trump "can't" denounce the Capitol riot because social media "platforms have removed him" — as though tweeting is the only way the president can communicate with the public
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 17, 2021
First of all, it isn’t up to the media whether “Big Tech” suspends Trump’s posting privileges when he repeatedly violates their terms of service by advocating violence and disseminating harmful lies. It’s Trump’s responsibility to follow the rules, which he was warned about more than a hundred times. Secondly, Gidley’s complaint that Trump might be regarded as divisive is also within Trump’s sole control. In fact, he intends to be divisive.
However, the most preposterous point that Gidley proffered was the one where he claimed that Trump “can’t say anything” because Twitter suspended his account. Someone really needs to tell Gidley – and Trump – that the White House has a massive press operation that is specifically designed to put messages out to the public. They can even use more than 140 characters. What’s more, Trump has a right-wing media menu of outlets like Fox News, One America News Network (OANN), and Newsmax, to spread whatever falsehoods are clawing to get loose from their diseased craniums.
RELATED: Study Proves that Banishing Trump From Twitter Improved the Internet 73%
It’s notable that Gidley was asserting these accusatory grievances to the millions of viewers on Fox News as he was whining about having no outlet. So he knows that that channel for communications is available. Trump, however, hasn’t even made one of his self-serving phone-in interviews with the bootlickers on Fox and Friends to defend himself. it’s also notable that Kurtz didn’t bother to refute Gidley’s ludicrous claims as to Trump’s alleged inability to communicate with the public.
If the media is asking “Where’s the President,” it’s because Trump himself has decided to go into hiding in the final days of his failed term because he has no discernable excuse for the damage caused by his incompetence and malfeasance. And it’s clear that his spokesman isn’t any better able to make excuses for him either. And the same goes for Trump’s Fox News apologists. This is what the end looks like for a narcissistic sociopath with the emotional maturity of a six year old.
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