Breitbart Bites: A Tea Party At Disneyland With Junkfood And Chili Peppers

Breitbart News has an arduous task as it seeks to produce a daily menu of moronic musings to satisfy their dimwitted readers. It seems a near impossible mission to continually churn out the quantity and quality of idiocy that they somehow manage to maintain. Here are a few recent examples of the prime cuts of cretinism that have graced their puerile pages.

Breitbart Bites

Ray Bradbury: Science Fiction Legend; Tea Party Patriot
The news that Ray Bradbury, author of classic books such as Fahrenheit 451 and The Illustrated Man, passed away Wednesday surely stirred pangs of grief and memories of inspiration for millions. But for the Breitbrats it was a morbid opportunity to polish their egos by sponging off of the reputation of a beloved storyteller. These parasites can’t even set aside a time to mourn without attempting to turn the occasion into a partisan political affair. At 91, Bradbury had a long life and expressed a wide variety of views. In his later years he did tend to lean to the right, but he never associated himself with the Tea Party. For the Breitbrats to assert that after his death is not unlike the disturbing Mormon practice of Baptizing Jews posthumously.

Disney Kneels Before The State: Bans ‘Junkfood’ Ads
To today’s conservatives, the worst thing that any business can do in the age of Obama is to align itself with any initiative whose purpose is the well-being of society and it’s inhabitants. That’s the cliff Disney stepped off of when, in partnership with First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign for children’s health, they unveiled plans to keep junk food ads off of their child-focused TV networks, radio stations and Web sites. To the Breitbrats, when a business chooses to refrain from indoctrinating kids with unhealthy messages, it is not the free market at work, but a capitulation to a tyrannical government. Breitbrat John Nolte begins his advocacy of Big Mac brainwashing by denying the existence of the very real problem of child obesity. But then he launches into a surprising justification:

“The left’s rebuttal is always the same: Well, we have to pay the health care costs for the obese.

Yes, we do, but the cost of liberty is not always fair — but it’s worth every damn penny.”

Get it? Nolte favors passing on the costs of treating illnesses resulting from obesity and malnutrition to society-at-large. Sounds like universal healthcare (aka socialism) to me. He thinks it’s perfectly OK for all of us to pay for the consequences of behavior that will drain the nation’s treasury if that behavior was freely chosen by the patient. And he shudders at the thought of people being informed about their health choices, even if the person is only ten years old. At the same time, he opposes paying for medical care for those unfortunates who might randomly develop kidney disease or multiple sclerosis or any number of other illnesses that are not behavior driven. That’s because he values liberty so highly that even socialism is justified to preserve our right to totally screw ourselves up.

Chili Peppers Rally For President Kardashian
The Breitbrats like to see themselves as trendy fashionistas who are hip to the scene, man. That’s likely an emotional reaction to their having been such pathetic outcasts in their youth. So now, in adulthood, they strive pitifully to fit in with what they think is cool. The result is an attempt to ridicule President Obama by arbitrarily associating him with a Kardashian. And as if that weren’t lame enough, they go on to insult the Red Hot Chili Peppers who provided free entertainment to thank Obama campaign volunteers for their service.

Breitbrat Christian Toto derides the Red Hot Chili Peppers as “aging punksters.” OK, the Red Hots aren’t 20-somethings, but my guess is that Flea would kick Toto’s tail in a contest to see who rocks harder. What’s more, when the most prominent rocker in the Romney is camp is Ted Nugent, a senior citizen has-been with a gun fetish, you might want to lay off the age jokes. Nugent spends his weekends at state fairs on nostalgic reunion tours, while the Red Hots fill stadiums and still chart hits. This one is currently at #17:

In these few items the Breitbrats have thoroughly demonstrated that they are shameless partisan hacks, incoherent hypocrites, and wretchedly feeble culture critics. No wonder their model of obsession-fueled, juvenile journalism (i.e. “vetting” the President) is such a sorry failure. Somehow they have managed to make Andrew Breitbart’s laughably weak and transparently biased blog conglomerate even dumber and less consequential.

Michelle Obama’s Anti-Whitey Activism Finally Exposed

Ever since Glenn Beck announced that Barack Obama has “a deep-seated hatred of white people,” the conservative media has searched for conclusive proof that would unambiguously affirm that the President has a long standing racial bias against his own mother and her familial heritage.

Having failed to uncover any credible evidence, the race-obsessed right-wingers have proffered wildly delusional theories to advance their contention that Obama is fundamentally prejudiced against whites. The latest attempt at this characterization is the effort to smear his Harvard law professor, Derrick Bell, as a some sort of black supremacist merely because he advocated a more diverse faculty at Harvard Law School where he was the first black professor to receive tenure.

Continuing with this venture into the college history of the President, these rightist investigators have now expanded their inquiries into the past of the First Lady, Michelle Obama, who also attended Harvard. What they found is sure to blow the roof off of the White House. Apparently there is video documentation of someone that may or may not be Ms. Obama participating in a demonstration at the office of the law school’s Dean.

The video comes from the archives of WGBH, who covered the demonstration in May of 1988. It shows some students engaging in a peaceful protest to get the school to hire more minority teachers.

The discovery of this video is attributed to J. Christian Adams, a notorious race-baiter who has accused Obama of promoting a racially divisive America. Adams published his findings back on May 7, in his column at Pajamas Media where he wrote…

“A treasure trove of information is coming out regarding Barack Obama’s time in college. Over at the Breitbart sites, we are learning how Obama inserted himself into a fight to implement hiring on the basis of race at Harvard Law School. The Obama tapes also seem to show the other Obama – Michelle. […] In May 1988, Harvard Law students, borrowing from Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and foreshadowing the Occupy movement of 2011, occupied the Harvard Law School’s dean’s office.”

Isn’t it interesting that Adams employs buzzwords like “Alinsky” and “Occupy” to describe what everyone else would recognize as garden variety protests? Adams goes on to state that one of the students in the video “appears to be Michelle Obama.” That’s right, he has no confirmation that the woman seen briefly from a distance in a 22 year old video is actually the future First Lady. Yet that doesn’t prevent him from publishing an article that not only alleges her participation, but infers that it has some meaning beyond the sort of standard campus activism that is a part of college life and a cherished freedom granted by the Constitution.

The Adams article was later picked up by the ultra-conservative DailyCaller, where they repeated the assertion that the “footage shows a young woman who appears to be Michelle Obama.” This is how the Right-Wing Noise Machine operates as they attempt to spread their derisive propaganda out to the racist audience they have so carefully cultivated. The next step should be an appearance on Fox News to discuss this bombshell.

The fact that these pseudo-journalists have no shame in disseminating false stories with nakedly prejudiced inferences should not surprise anybody. Recently the Breitbrats published an allegation that Derrick Bell had visited the White House twice in 2010 without first checking to ascertain whether it was the Harvard law professor (it wasn’t). And the right has been asserting for years that there is a mystery video of Ms. Obama using the term “whitey,” but it has never materialized.

And therein lies the harm. The object of these rightist rags is not to be accurate or honest. It is to plant seeds of hatred that they know will take root even after they have been exposed as false. There are people who currently believe that the “whitey” tapes have already been released. And as much as 30% of the Republican electorate thinks that the President is a Muslim. These distortions of reality exist because they were deliberately planned out with the knowledge that any subsequent fact-checking would not hinder their infestation into the right-wing community that is already predisposed to believe these racist lies.

Clearly there is a measure of desperation setting in amongst the right. These slanderous assertions are almost comical in their ineptness. They harken back to the Sarah Palin pronouncements that Obama was “pallin around with terrorists.” Those wild allegations came near the end of a campaign that they likely knew they were about to lose. And these new allegations are popping up now for the same reason: The right is increasingly fearful that their incompetent and unpopular candidates are headed for defeat. They also realize that their policy platform, consisting mostly of propping up oil companies and pushing down women, is alienating the electorate in a big way.

The sad thing is that we are still seven months from the election and these sort of nauseating and divisive attacks are probably going to get worse. Our only hope is for the public to express themselves and to make sure that there is a price to pay for spreading hate and lies. November cannot come soon enough.

Fox Nation Paints Michelle Obama As A Very Angry Black Woman

Continuing their campaign to disparage the Obama family at every opportunity, Fox Nation posted an article this morning that asserts that Michell Obama is engaging in “damage control” because “people try to paint me as some angry black woman.”

Hmm. I wonder who would try to paint Mrs. Obama as an angry black woman. Could it be Fox Nation, who last October published an article calling her “The Very Angry First Lady?”

Fox Nation Paints Michelle Obama As Angry

In that article Mrs. Obama was described as “ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail.” They provided no evidence whatsoever to support that hateful representation. It was just a dangling invective meant to perpetuate a racist stereotype.

Now the Fox Nationalists seem confused as to why the First Lady would be so sensitive about how the media is portraying her. But it is Fox News who is most guilty of those false, insulting, and racist portrayals in the first place.

Lyin’ Ass Bitch: Michele Bachmann Appears on the Jimmy Fallon Show

You gotta love this. When Michele Bachmann was introduced on last night’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, the show’s house band, played a particularly appropriate number as she walked out onto the stage:

Yep, that was “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” by the incomparable Fishbone. This was an inspired selection by The Roots that went undetected by Bachmann. However, Glenn Beck took note and was overwhelmed with apoplexy. He called Fallon a “despicable human being,” and insisted that Fallon fire the band, saying…

“Fire them! You won’t. You know why? Because you’re a girl.”

Way to go, Glenn. The best insult you can come up with is one that shows contempt for all women? And this is what you use for your defense of a woman running for president. Would Bachmann also be incapable of terminating an employee? What would your pal Sarah Palin say?

Beck claimed that he never would have done such a vile thing. He said that he wouldn’t even do that to Michelle Obama or George Soros. But Beck’s phony indignation is repudiated by the fact that he has been far more repulsive in his attacks. He routinely insults Michelle Obama’s appearance and refers to her as a dictator just because she advocates healthy diets for children. And speaking of children, Beck has called the Obama kids stupid. And after apologizing for that he called John McCain’s daughter, Meghan, fat.

As for George Soros, Beck produced a three day series on his Fox News show dedicated solely to Soros whom Beck labeled the “Puppet Master,” an old Nazi slur for Jews. Beck also falsely accused Soros, a Holocaust survivor, of sending fellow Jews to the gas chambers. Soros was nine years old at the time.

And then there’s Beck’s comments on President Obama. Beck has called the President a liar, an idiot, a racist, and a traitor. While the Fallon show, a comedy program, merely played a few bars of a song with a provocative title without ever mentioning the title or the lyrics, Beck has used explicit language to express his repulsive thoughts and he did so on a so-called “news” network.

Does Beck really think that his direct and repeated insults are less abhorrent than a suggestive musical introduction for Bachmann? It should also be noted that this morning Beck made an announcement on his radio program that, although he does not endorse candidates, he would vote for Bachmann, and then he spent several minutes explaining why she is now his choice for president.

This disgusting little hypocrite continues to prove that he has no moral center whatsoever. He behaves like an emotionally stunted delinquent who mocks people he despises but shrinks back into a defensive crouch if anyone should mock him or his idols. I can’t wait for him to appear on Fallon’s show. The band wouldn’t even have to learn a new song. Beck is at least as much a lyin’ ass bitch as Bachmann.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: On Angry, Unpopular Michelle Obama

For today’s episode of Fox Nation vs. Reality, we’ve got a twofer.

Fox Nation

The Fox Nationalists are reviving an old and insipid insult directed at First Lady Michelle Obama. Right-wingers are obsessed with portraying her as angry, but the op-ed to which Fox Nation links goes even further. Joseph Curl, for the Moonie Washington Times, blasts Obama for being…

“…ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail. A dignified, transcendent first lady? No chance. Michelle is going to break with a hundred years of tradition and play the role of attack dog, heaping derision on her husband’s political opponents like no other first lady before her.”

Seriously, where do they get this stuff? Curl expects us to believe that he is clairvoyant and can predict what Obama will do in the future. And just by chance, everything he predicts casts her as rabidly un-American.

The other Fox Nation anti-Michelle article bears the headline, “Michelle Obama Approval Drops.” Technically, Fox got this one right. The Hill reports that the results of a new Marist poll show Michelle Obama’s approval rating collapsing from 65% in September to 63% now.

Call in the undertaker, it’s all over folks. Obama’s approval suffers a steep decline that is less than the poll’s margin of error. Although her approval still far exceeds her husband, Congress, Republican candidates, the media, and probably ice cream. But Fox Nation selects a headline that is so hysterically twisted that the writers at the Onion are getting nervous.

What is it that Fox is afraid of? The First Lady is a strong, intelligent, accomplished woman, who is popular with fellow Americans. So obviously Fox has to try to turn her into an acerbic witch whom every hates. It is the same tactic they have used with some success to tarnish the President with phony slurs alleging that he is a Kenyan, Marxist, Muslim who wants to destroy the country and re-crucify Jesus.

But as troubling as it is to hear these ridiculous and childish assaults, what is truly pathetic is that Fox has so many viewers and readers who actually buy into it. Sadly, in the 21st century, there is still no shortage of idiocy.

Fox Nation’s Racist Attacks On Michelle Obama

If there is still anyone who doubts that the GOP/Tea Party/Fox Nation of Beckerheads is overtly and proudly racist, here is yet another example to which you can direct them to try to set them straight.

Michelle Obama Food DesertAn item on Fox Nation links to an article in the ultra-conservative CNSNews that reports on a program to address the scarcity of supermarkets in low-income communities. The program is being promoted by the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and is described in a video on the White House web site:

“As part of Lets Move!, the campaign to end childhood obesity, First Lady Michelle Obama is taking on food deserts. These are nutritional wastelands that exist across America in both urban and rural communities where parents and children simply do not have access to a supermarket. Some 23.5 million Americans – including 6.5 million children – currently live in food deserts.”

What the Fox Nationalists portray as a “scam” is actually a troubling reality for many Americans who have little or no access to affordable, healthy foods. Consequently they have to rely on fast food, junk food, and over-priced convenience stores.

The response to this problem by visitors to Fox Nation is blood-curdling bigotry aimed at the First Lady and the under-privileged consumers she is striving to help. Here is a short sampling of their repulsiveness (link to screen capture):

  • I see that her intelligence matches her looks.
    Do you think this commenter regards her as ugly because of her race?
  • And you know why these “Food Deserts” exist? Because of the high crime, shrinkage’ (shoplifting) and fraudulent, frivolous lawsuits brought against them in these ‘inner-city’ ghettos. Large supermarket chains aren’t willing to take the risks involved with opening a store in these ghettos. And, who can blame them?
    Once again, the ‘Sub-Primes’ bring their ‘hardship’ and ‘struggle’ upon themselves.

    See? All of those poor people are thieves. And “Sub-Prime” is a reference to sub-primate in racist circles.
  • Maybe we can get “meals on wheels” for the food stamp people so they can sit on their a– or run the streets all day selling drugs. Some schools service 3 MEALS a day already. Get off you a–, the walk to the store would do you good. My nearest store is 1 mile away but I have paid for my car myself.
    See? All of those poor people are also drug addicts.
  • She is one dumb skank.
    That one just speaks for itself.
  • Its all about evolution , If a person , group , or neighborhood , is so dumb as to demand fastfood over good food then I am all for natural selection removing these people from my planet ,. They are cluttering up the joint anyway.
    We certainly don’t want any of “those poeple” on “my planet.” Let them all die.

Fox Nation has stopped posting any comment I contribute. Despite the fact that I never use foul language or uncivil rhetoric. And despite the fact that their logo says “All Opinions Welcome.” Yet the disgusting comments above are permitted to be posted and receive praise from their racist brethren who populate the site. And that tells you more about this crowd than anything else I could add.

[Just Added:] I went back to Fox Nation to read some additional comments and found this gem:

  • Synonyms:
    Barack Obama = Bl ack President = Commander in Cheat = Liar
    Michelle Obama = First Lady = Fannie Mae = Blackie-O

And Fox Nation finds this acceptable discourse.

Fox Nation Lies: Michelle Obama Is A Socialist Librarian

I have encountered a good deal of complaints from rightist critics who take offense to my characterization of right-wingers, Tea Baggers, etc., as ignorant. But it’s hard to sympathize with their protestations when Fox Nation does stuff like this:

This image appeared as a featured story on the front page of the web site. It linked to a posting by Rob Port on the SayAnythingBlog. Obviously he will “say anything” without regard to its truthfulness. In this post he regales readers with tales of his recent tour of the White House. While there he snapped a photo of some books on the shelf in the library. Among the titles he observed were “The American Socialist Movement” and “The Socialist Party of America.” Then Port scampered back to his blog to smear First Lady Michelle Obama and effusively gush, “lookie, lookie what I found.” The Fox Nationalists exclaimed…

“It figures. Michelle Obama stocked the White House Library with books on socialism.”

With no apologies to rightists who may object…That’s really stupid! Steven E. Levingston, literary columnist at the Washington Post, quickly refuted the asinine allegation. As it turns out, those books have been there since 1963.

But the stupidity transcends the easily debunked nonsense that Port unleashed on the First Lady. What if she had personally selected those books? What’s the problem with stocking a library with books that encompass a broad range of the ideological spectrum and of American history? It is utterly absurd to condemn someone because they have books that represent unpopular ideas. In fact, in order to fully understand those you oppose, it would be folly not to own and read the writings of your opponents.

Port made a rather lame argument that the presence of these books represented a pattern in the administration’s philosophy. He asserted that in context these books prove something. He cited the Mao Christmas ornament and comments by former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, all of which were taken out of context. The only pattern I see is how pathetically averse to education the right is. I see how consistently the right seeks to promote a fear of books and knowledge. I see them belittle academics as a path to elitism. We used to admire people with advanced degrees and academic achievements. But today’s conservatives argue that the more you know, the farther removed you are from the common folk. So whatever you do, if you want to serve the public, do not work hard to obtain a degree from a prestigious institution because it will just prove how out of touch you are.

If we are going to castigate people based on the books on their shelves, then let’s start with Glenn Beck. He owns and promotes titles like “The Coming Insurrection,” a communist tract that advocates revolution. He waves it around on his TV show and implores his viewers to buy it and read it. As a result of his promotion the book is currently the #1 Public Policy book on and #14 overall. Beck’s library also includes Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” – another book he has featured on his TV program. He has even cited Hitler as his favorite political philosopher:

The rush to demonize the First Lady for collecting a diverse cross-section of books (even though she didn’t) is emblematic of the stupidity on the right that I have pointed out in the past. It is stupid to disparage the quest for knowledge. It is stupid to seal yourself off from views with which you disagree. It is the very definition of stupid to purposefully abstain from learning and to chastise those who aspire to learn.

If you don’t like being called stupid – don’t be stupid.

John McCain: I Didn’t Really Love America Until…

Dan Abrams has uncovered a video of John McCain saying…

“I really didn’t love America until I was deprived of her company.”

This has the potential to upend this campaign. Given the criticism of Michelle Obama’s remarks about pride, how can the right still press the patriotism of the Democratic candidate’s wife when the Republican candidate himself has made remarks that are arguably much worse?

The quote of McCain came from an interview with Sean Hannity:

Hannity: You spent two years of this five-and-a-half-year period in solitary confinement. What does that do to a person, to spend that much time in solitary confinement?

McCain: I think it makes you a better person. Obviously, it makes you love America. I really didn’t love America until I was deprived of her company, but probably the most important thing about it, Sean, is that I was privileged to have the opportunity to serve in the company of heroes.

Is anyone surprised that Hannity didn’t challenge McCain’s statement?

It doesn’t matter what McCain meant to say in these comments. What matters is that he and his surrogates have to cease their despicable slander of Michelle Obama’s patriotism. After all, If Cindy McCain can get away with saying, “All I know is that I have always been proud of my country,” can’t Mrs. Obama just as rightly say, “All I know is that I have never stolen from a charity to satisfy my drug habit.”

This crap has to stop. And if there is a silver lining to the new McCain dialog, it is that this might lead to the end of these childish attacks.

Bill O’Reilly’s Lynching Party

In what seemed to begin as a defense of Michelle Obama, Bill O’Reilly still manages to stick his foot in his fat racist mouth.

O'Reilly Lynching Party

A caller to his radio program started to offer some uncorroborated gossip about Ms. Obama’s personality. O’Reilly stopped her, saying that whatever she was about to say was unfair because it had not been checked out by, I suppose, him. He proceeded to detail the precise circumstances under which it would be acceptable to spread uncorroborated gossip. Then he let loose with this:

“I don’t want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there’s evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that’s how she really feels — that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever — then that’s legit. We’ll track it down.”

How is this not worse than what David Shuster said? O’Reilly is saying flatly that he wants to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama if he is satisfied with some vague notion of evidence of something or other. Of course, I don’t believe for a moment that he’s in his Long Island garage practicing tying nooses, but this comment is so repulsively insensitive that there is just no justification for it.

Will he be reprimanded by Fox News? Will he be suspended? Will Fox News even report on the remarks? I’m not holding my breath.

Update: O’Reilly smirked through a pseudo-apology last night. As usual, it was not an expression of regret for despicable remarks, but an excuse to placate those who were offended, as if it were their fault for being too sensitive.