Zimmerman Verdict A Victory For Trayvon? Here’s Why.

This evening the jury in the trial of George Zimmerman returned a verdict of not guilty for the charge of murder in the second degree, and not guilty for the lesser included charge of manslaughter. Many will be surprised that the jury did not consider what occurred at least manslaughter given the fact that Zimmerman had pursued Trayvon Martin, who had done nothing wrong, and later shot and killed the teenager he had called a “fucking punk.” However, there is a reason to be grateful for the verdict and it is simply this: There was a verdict!

What people need to remember about this case is that there almost was no case. Immediately after the shooting, the Sanford, Florida police department abdicated their responsibility to conduct a proper investigation. They did not interrogate Zimmerman as a suspect. They did not interview witnesses. They did not collect evidence. They did not even test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol. The police simply bought Zimmerman’s story, concluded that he had a right to shoot Martin under the “kill at will” law (aka “stand your ground”), and closed the case.

If there was any indication of racism, it was with law enforcement in Sanford. Their neglect of duty resulted in turning this local crime into a national drama. And eventually, justice was served when the people rose up to demand it, and the Republican governor of Florida agreed to appoint a special prosecutor who found that there was sufficient evidence to try Zimmerman. What’s sad is that it took a month for authorities to make an arrest.

Zimmerman - Martin
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That’s what this is all about. And now there has been a trial and the jury has spoken. It was not perfect by any means. The prosecutors failed on many levels to make a convincing case. The jury cannot be faulted for the shortcomings of counsel. But the very fact that a trial has been concluded when at the start of this whole affair it was not even considered, is a victory. Trayvon deserved to have his day in court, and while the decision is not the one his advocates had hoped, at least his killer was put before the bar of justice. That nearly didn’t happen.

And this is still not over. In a post-verdict press conference, the defense attorney said that Zimmerman would not have to see the inside of a courtroom again, but that is not true. There is a federal case pending for the violation of Martin’s civil rights. There will also likely be a civil suit for wrongful death on behalf of the Martin family. In the civil suit Zimmerman cannot decline to testify. There may be some interesting new evidence unveiled due to that alone. Also, a civil suit does not require a unanimous decision by the jury to find a defendant liable.

It should also be noted that the vile cretins who predicted race riots were, as usual, wrong in their presumption of bad behavior by disappointed citizens. Just the fact that scumbags like Rush Limbaugh entertained the notion is proof of their inherent racism. The unfounded fear mongering about violence, and even worse, the suggestion that everyone from civil rights activists, to liberals in the media, to President Obama, actually wanted an adverse verdict so that they would have an excuse to act out with wanton destruction, never panned out. But those who spewed such repulsive predictions will forever be stained as the bigots that they are.

I believe that Zimmerman should have been convicted of manslaughter, at least. I believe that the prosecutors dropped the ball in several instances, while the defense seemed more motivated and better prepared (except for that stomach-turning knock-knock joke). I believe that Trayvon deserved better than to have his killer acquitted and that justice failed him in that respect. But I also believe that, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” And the fact that the people demanded and got a trial, after the law had brushed it aside, is a profound victory that should not be dismissed in the midst of these other defeats.

While there is much to regret in this outcome, it is important to remember that Zimmerman was not found innocent. When members of the jury come forward for interviews I expect that they will tells us that the state did not overcome the legal burden of reasonable doubt. And given the state’s poor case construction, I can’t say that I blame them. Prosecutors allowed their own witnesses to advantage the defense. They unnecessarily conceded much of the defense’s version of events (i.e. that Martin was on top during the struggle). They failed to offer a compelling story that explained what happened the night of the shooting. Zimmerman’s acquittal was due more to the inadequacy of the prosecution than to the status of the facts. A more aggressive, competent prosecutor could have got a conviction, but the absence of that is still not innocence.

Hopefully what people take from this is a more conscientious perspective of conflict resolution. I suspect that George Zimmerman will not pull out his gun so easily in the future. And anyone else in a similar situation should also think more than twice. While Zimmerman was not convicted, he did endure 16 months of criminal litigation, and his trials are far from over. I doubt anyone would want to go through that, particularly when another jury in another case might arrive at a different verdict.

And that’s what makes this verdict a victory. The fact that there was a trial and a verdict may help to prevent another tragedy such as the one that befell Trayvon Martin. We could not have said that if the Sanford authorities, who originally chose to do nothing, had their way. But the people’s voice was louder and we got the trial we demanded. And if we stay united and committed there will more and fuller victories to come.

Fox News Editorial Calls Men “The New Second Class Citizens”

In the twisted universe that Fox News has been working so feverishly to construct, whites are the only victims of racism, education is hurting our children, there isn’t enough carbon in the atmosphere, and now, men are second class citizens who are oppressed by a society that inhibits their freedom and disparages their character.

War on WomenNever mind that men control virtually every powerful institution in America. In the Forbes 500 list of top corporations there are only 18 women CEOs. Women hold only 18.3% of the 535 seats in Congress. Of the 772 full-time judges in the U.S. District Court and Courts of Appeal, just 30.4% are women. A mere 25% of colleges have female presidents. Women continue to get less pay for the same work as men. And predominately male politicians are legislating decisions that ought to be left to women, their families, and their doctors.

Yet somehow Suzanne Venker of Fox News has concluded that it is men who are being short-changed by society. This is an opinion that she has articulated many times before in Fox News editorials and in books published by the Wingnut Supremos at WorldNetDaily. Her first article for Fox was titled “The War On Men,” where she argued that the battle of the sexes was all the woman’s fault. Then she wrote that “‘Submission’ Is Not A Dirty Word,” it only demonstrates that you trust your partner. Her article “What Men Want,” lamented the decline in women who took pride in taking care of their man. The persistent theme in her views is that women ought to be happy to be subservient to men.

In her latest column Venker continues to berate society for its conspicuous favoritism towards women and prejudice against men. She begins by asserting that…

“The most obvious proof is male bashing in the media. It is rampant and irrefutable. From sit-coms and commercials that portray dad as an idiot to biased news reports about the state of American men.”

Venker doesn’t offer any documentation of her claim that male bashing in the media is irrefutable, mainly because there isn’t any. Sure, there are a few representations of dads in sit-coms who are less than competent. But it doesn’t come any near the way that media portrays women as sex objects, bimbos, screw-ups, and bitches. What’s more, who are the media honchos who are producing these characterizations? Overwhelmingly men. So even to the minimal extent that men endure unflattering images, it is men who are providing them. It is also men who are providing the much more common unflattering images of women. But worse, Venker complains that the media makes too big a deal out of the mistreatment of women.

“[The media] would rather feed off stories that paint women as victims. And in so doing, they’ve convinced America there’s a war on women.”

Aside from her disturbing dismissal of the very real problems women face as victims of both discrimination and violence, Venker has utterly misconstrued the notion of the “war on women.” It has nothing to do with a literal war that involves casualties. It is a reference to the social and legal assaults on women’s rights in the workplace, in the courts, in the home, and particularly with regard to making personal decisions about their own bodies. These are concepts that seem foreign to Venker who seriously contends that it is men whose welfare is in jeopardy. This was expressed explicitly when she said…

“Yet it is males who suffer in our society. From boyhood through adulthood, the White American Male must fight his way through a litany of taunts, assumptions and grievances about his very existence. His oppression is unlike anything American women have faced.”

I’m going to just let that hang there and sink in. It is so steeped in delusion that it needs no response. Venker’s perverse sympathy for the beleaguered “White American Male” says so much more about her, and her detachment from reality, than anything I could muster.

And isn’t it appropriate that Fox News provided Venker with this platform? It’s a network that features notably misogynistic male anchors and contributors, balanced by an army of blondes with no journalism credentials. In fact, just this week Fox promoted one sexy blonde with no reporting background to primetime, and replaced her in the daytime slot with a former Miss America. As for misogyny, Fox’s Erick Erickson just tweeted this after the nation’s most severely anti-choice bill was passed in Texas: “Dear liberals, go bookmark this site now.” The link he posted was to a site where you can buy coat hangers. That reference to the tragic past when women died during illegal abortions is about as disgusting as it gets.