The President of the United States is demonstrating with pride how he is wasting his time and taxpayers money. To be sure, there are a lot of more important matters to address than what he is calling a “Social Media Summit,” but this event is frightening evidence of just how severe his mental infirmities have become.
It isn’t just the fact that Trump has invited some of the most noxious Internet trolls and conspiracy theorists (i.e. Brent Bozell, James O’Keefe, Bill Mitchell, Charlie Kirk, etc.) to the White House. Even though that alone is a dangerous validation of crackpots determined to spread disinformation. Trump’s promotion of this Bizarro Circus of Derp is worrisome business all by itself. He pitched this conclave of kooks on Twitter Thursday morning with a six-tweet essay that reads like the manifesto of a sixties acid casualty. Grit your teeth and read on (each tweet is highlighted with a link):
The White House will be hosting a very big and very important Social Media Summit today. Would I have become President without Social Media? Yes (probably)! At its conclusion, we will all go to the beautiful Rose Garden for a News Conference on the Census and Citizenship.
A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer. The Fake News Media will also be there, but for a limited period..
…The Fake News is not as important, or as powerful, as Social Media. They have lost tremendous credibility since that day in November, 2016, that I came down the escalator with the person who was to become your future First Lady.
When I ultimately leave office in six……years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public. That’s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other.
Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or Alfred E. Newman……or a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1/1024th), as your President, rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!
Sorry to say that even Social Media would be driven out of business along with, and finally, the Fake News Media! Will be a big and exciting day at the White House for Social Media!
The only thing “very big and very important” about this is the signal it’s sending to mental health professionals about trump’s declining cognition and grasp of reality. There has never been any hint of verifiable bias against conservatives online. It is their own paranoia and conspiracy brain-rot that causes them to rant about this incessantly.
It’s funny (in a horrific way) that Trump says the media has “lost tremendous credibility” considering the Bozo Brigade that he invited to this party. However, it isn’t funny that he “jokes” about remaining in office beyond the term allowable by law. That reveals his all too real aspirations for dictatorship that he has expressed seriously on many occasions. It goes hand-in-hand with his oft-repeated affinity for murderous tyrants around the world.
Equally disturbing is Trump’s gleeful fantasy that the media organizations he despises as “the enemy of the people” will “quickly go out of business” when (if) he leaves office. As well as his thinly veiled threat that “they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other.” WTF does that mean?
Then Trump launches into his predictable cascade of infantile insults aimed at anyone he dislikes, and especially political opponents. His tiresome and repetitive nicknames (Sleepy Joe, Alfred E. Newman, Pocahontas, et al) do nothing but remind the American people that the President has the emotional maturity of a seven year old. And he only makes matters worse with his vain and narcissistic claim that he is “great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!”
Every American should be outraged that this sort of behavior is being tolerated by White House staffers, Republican officeholders, and the minority basket of Deplorables who prop up this nutcase. His Fringe Media Summit isn’t really important at all. But the presence of someone with such obvious psychological problems at the head of government is a disaster waiting to happen.
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