The 2020 presidential election has begun in earnest with the first Democratic primary debate done and the second a little over a week away. On the Republican side the primary is being aggressively ignored despite the presence of a credible opponent to Donald Donald, former Massachusetts governor William Weld. But Trump himself is fully engaged in his battle to win reelection.
There is nothing Trump likes better than campaigning. He prefers it over being president so much that he has never stopped doing it. He has held sixty-four (64!) of his campaign cult rallies so far, with the latest being his “Send Her Back” racist extravaganza last week in North Carolina. That works out to about one rally every two weeks. Add that to his time spent golfing, tweeting, and watching Fox News and you have to wonder how he has any time for presidenting. Which may be a blessing.
On Saturday morning Trump continued his campaign crusade by posting a video on Twitter of his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, cheerleading for Eric’s daddy and commending his alleged list of accomplishments. She says, without a hint of shame, that “He’s delivered on all of his promises.” There’s just one small problem. That list is a long scroll of blankness, unless you’re counting all the examples of harm Trump has thrust upon the nation. Let’s take a look at what Lara said, and what her sugar-daddy-in-law thinks is proof of his success.
“I always said I don't think it matters who the nominee on the Democrat side is, because this President is so strong, the economy is so strong. He’s delivered on all of his promises.”-@LaraLeaTrump
— GOP (@GOP) July 20, 2019
PolitiFact keeps a running tally of the status of Trump’s campaign promises. They currently show that only 16 percent are graded as “Promises Kept.” The other 84 percent are distributed between “Compromise, Broken, Stalled,” or “In the Works.” That is hardly a record that anyone should be proud of.
What’s more, of the top five promises Trump has made, he has achieved precisely ZERO!. They include his failed promise to repeal Obamacare. While he has managed to cut into its effectiveness with executive orders that hurt millions of Americans, he has repeatedly fallen short in Congress and many of his executive orders were overturned by the courts.
Then there is his pledge to build a wall along the southern border and make Mexico pay for it. With his term more than half way over there is still no wall and nothing but ridicule from Mexico. Instead, Trump has been trying desperately to build a fence and make the American people pay for it.
He also promised to suspend immigration from terror-prone places. On that item he did push through an abhorrent and discriminatory ban on Muslim refugees. But he left many countries that are known to harbor terrorists off of the list. For instance, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. And since there weren’t any terrorists coming into the U.S. from the countries he listed, the only thing he accomplished was to prohibit legitimate refugees from seeking safety from terrorists.
Trump also said that he would cut taxes for everyone. Had he said “everyone who is wealthy or a corporation,” he might have been able to claim this one as a success. Instead, the fact is that most Americans did not get a tax cut, and many got increases. Which makes this just another Trump failure.
Finally, Trump promised to lower the business tax rate to 15 percent. However, he only got it down to 21 percent, which was still bad enough to produce a trillion dollar increase in the national debt. And it did nothing to benefit the workers at those companies.
Those are just the top five promises that Trump made. There are many more that he enumerated in his “Contract with the American Voter.” And with a few exceptions, those were mostly unfulfilled as well.
Donald Trump is constantly congratulating himself for his alleged "accomplishments." But by his own measure he's a TOTAL FAILURE.
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) July 20, 2019
What Trump has succeeded in is dividing the nation, emboldening racist hate groups, cozying up to foreign dictators, fouling the planet, appointing corrupt government officials, suppressing voters, and advancing an economy that works only for corporations and the rich, while average Americans struggle. Congratulations, Donnie. You’ve delivered on all of your promises to your wealthy friends and foreign tyrants.
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