In the topsy turvy world of Donald Trump’s disease riddled brain, we now have another example of the President failing to maintain a coherent thought for more than a few hours. Last Sunday Trump set loose a pack of racist diatribes aimed at four Democratic congresswomen of color, telling them to “go back” where they came from. Everyone with a functioning cerebral cortex knows that’s a well worn racial assault on minorities and immigrants.
The blowback from his abhorrent comments was swift and broad based. Trump seemed to be stunned by the criticism of what he thought it was a perfectly fine thing to say. He surely considered it a positive step in advancing his political prospects. And since a subsequent poll showed that his approval among Republicans increased, he was right, albeit in a very limited, partisan way. It also showed that the more racist you are, the more Republicans will like you.
However, the near universal condemnation of his remarks must have stung. Trump later rattled off a frantic flurry of tweets defending himself for these bigoted screeds. But rather than mitigating the harm, he only succeeded in extending the scandal. And when it erupted into a full-blown, neo-Nazi style chorus of hatred at his cult rally in North Carolina, he was finally worn down and now seems to have had a change of what’s left of his heart. Which lead to this exchange with the press on Thursday morning (video below):
Reporter: When your supporters were shouting, chanting “send her back,” why didn’t you stop them?
Trump: Well, number one, I think I did. I started speaking very quickly. It was really a loud – I disagree with it by the way – but it was quite a chant. I felt a little bit badly about it. But I will say this…and I did, I started speaking very quickly. But it started up rather fast, as you probably know. […] I was not happy with it. I disagree with it. But, again, I didn’t say that, they did.
First of all, Trump did not try to stop the chanting in any way. He expressly allowed it to simmer to a boil for fifteen seconds before he returned to the mic to continue his speech. He said nothing at all about the bigoted sloganeering he just witnessed.
Secondly, his emotional outpouring of empathy consisted of a rather weak statement that “I felt a little bit badly about it” (such a snowflake). And he dismisses any responsibility for the chanting because “it started up rather fast” and was, therefore, totally out of his control. It was those rowdy rally goers who were saying those despicable things, not him. He after, all, disagreed with it. Or so he says now.
And therein lies the most peculiar part of this commentary. Trump is blaming his cult followers for the loathsome harangue that erupted. It’s all their fault. You have to wonder what they are thinking now that he has accused them of being a racist mob.
Likewise, Trump’s legions of defenders on Fox News had jumped into the fray immediately upon hearing the chant, which they all thought was just awesome. But now their excuses have been cast aside. They spent most of Wednesday night scrubbing Trump clean and praising his speech and the enthusiasm he stirred in his audience. What will they say now that he is distancing himself from the whole affair that in retrospect is being portrayed as ugly?
The reporter that asked Trump about the chant challenged Trump’s sidestepping, noting that the crowd was “echoing what you said in your first tweet.” Trump replied that “I don’t think if you examine it, I don’t think you’ll find that.” So for the record, let’s examine it. What Trump tweeted was “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” Those places, of course, are New York, Michigan, Ohio, and Minnesota.
So Trump’s flailing attempt to extricate himself from this is just another self-serving, finger-pointing, barrage of lies. But this time he’s throwing his own rally goers and his confederates at Fox News under his wildly careening bus. Which should serve as an object lesson for Trump followers: In the end he will betray anyone and everyone, no matter how devoted they were, if he sees that it’s in his interest to do so. You’ve been warned.
UPDATE: And as expected, Trump is now disavowing his disavowal. He really is brain damaged.
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