Trump Said No One Will Talk About COVID After the Election, But He Is

There are numerous reasons why Donald Trump just lost the presidential election. They range from his abhorrent personality to his dangerous incompetence to his pathetic ignorance to his flaming bigotry to … aw hell, there’s too much to keep listing. But among the many reasons, we cannot forget how horribly he mismanaged the coronavirus pandemic that has killed nearly a quarter of a million Americans and counting.

Donald Trump, Coronavirus

For the most part, Trump spent much of the campaign season pretending that COVID-19 didn’t exist, or was already under control. This week he even took credit for a vaccine that he had absolutely nothing to do with, saying that “the Trump Administration has produced a great and safe VACCINE.” The vaccine was actually developed by Pfizer without any aid from Trump or his phony “Operation Warpspeed” initiative. The American people, however, knew that Trump was dealing in deadly lies. Nevertheless, Trump remained steadfast in his virus denialism. At one point he tweeted…

Trump repeatedly implied that the virus was a politically motivated hoax and that all discussion of it would disappear after the election. Sadly, the reality is that COVID-19 has only accelerated its infections, hospitalizations, and fatalities. No one is talking about low death rates or plentiful hospital rooms. Not even Trump. But he is talking about Congress producing a coronavirus relief bill.

What Trump is neglecting to mention is that the House of Representatives passed a bill months ago that Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, has blocked from getting a vote. And ever since then McConnell has refused to negotiate with Democrats. That is also the position of Trump who actually “instructed my representatives to stop negotiating” way back on October 6th. He left open the possibility of restarting negotiations after the election, but only if he won.

Well, Trump lost (although he’s still in a state of denial about it). And on Saturday he tweeted that “Congress must now do a Covid Relief Bill. Needs Democrats support. Make it big and focused. Get it done!” Of course, there is already a bill that has Democrats support. It’s the Republicans who are balking. And when Republicans deign to speak of it, they insist on a small bill that fails to address the massive needs of people, business, and local governments.

The bottom line is that Trump was wrong when said that no one would be talking about the pandemic; he was wrong when lying about a vaccine; he was wrong when he claimed we had “turned the corner”; and he was wrong in attempting to push for relief while implying that Democrats – not himself and the GOP – were stalling. He was just plain wrong about everything, as usual. And his reliable wrongness is going to result in more illness and death until he is finally out of office. At least there is now a light at the end of that dark tunnel.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be permanently suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Not Nearly a Million MAGA March Massively Misfires

The mass delusion exhibited by the Cult of Trump continues to manifest in the most bizarre and irrational ways. On Saturday a coalition of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, crackpot conspiracy theorists, and of course, Republicans (or is that redundant?), descended on Washington, D.C. like a flock of vultures. The attendees of the hysterically misnamed “Million MAGA March” were intent on propping up the failed presidential campaign of Donald Trump, whose pitiful denial of reality has infected his most fervent devotees with the same deranged notions of an imaginary victory.

Trump Charlotsville

The marchers fanned out along the streets waving banners and shouting slogans attesting to their utterly unfounded belief that the election was stolen from their Dear Leader. There were estimated to be only a few thousand marchers, but they made up for that lack of numbers with their abundance of yelling and blind hostility. Trump himself was watching the parade and was so impressed that he tweeted…

However, nothing that took place advanced their central, and patently absurd, theme that Trump had actually won reelection. There was no presentation of evidence that any voting irregularities occurred. And even their baseless allegations wouldn’t have overturned the results were they all found to be valid. What’s more, Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security found “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

So failing in what was the principle justification for the march, the Trump disciples lashed out at what they have come to regard as their most ardent foe, Fox News. That’s right, the rabidly biased network that is most responsible for putting Trump in the White House is now considered to have betrayed the movement and is working for the socialist opposition. One speaker at the rally expressed the opinions of the hive-mind attendees saying that…

“Fox News sucks! How bad is Fox News now? What the hell happened? What a disgrace. They are the enemy of the people.”

That’s an opinion that is shared by Trump who has similarly castigated Fox News for failing to be unflinchingly worshipful at all times. Even interviewing a Democrat on the network is considered to be treasonous. That’s why speculation is running so high that Trump is plotting to launch a competing network with the express purpose of Wrecking Fox News.” In fact, that may be the true motivation behind Trump’s challenging of the election results. He might just be using that as a means to continue fundraising for his post-presidency media enterprise.

However, if the turnout for this March of the MAGA Munchkins is any indication, Trump’s hopes for a successful venture are likely to land him his next bankruptcy. And also his next indictments after he’s caught funneling campaign funds into his personal business pursuits.

On the bright side, Trump has actually succeeded in uniting America – in opposition to Fox News. Now the left, who have long regarded Fox as a brazenly conservative dispenser of right-wing propaganda and an arm of the Republican Party, are joined by the right, who lately have come to see Fox as being in bed with liberals.

So now everybody hates Fox News. Well, except for Trump. Because even though he whines like a baby whenever he thinks that Fox isn’t sufficiently adoring, he still promotes them by posting clips from their programs and with nearly exclusive appearances on their air. It’s a love/hate relationship that twists on the nebulous winds of whatever he watched last – whether it was Sean Hannity fluffing his fragile ego, or some nameless host reporting that Joe Biden won another state. That’s knife’s edge of Trump’s psychosis. And it is only going to get worse in the days before Biden’s inauguration.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be permanently suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.