IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Trump More Than Their Own Pastor

To those Americans who have not been indoctrinated into the Cult of Donald Trump, His appeal is bewildering. He is neither handsome nor intelligent. He speaks at a third grade level. And his emotional response to criticism is even lower. When he isn’t whining petulantly (a sign of weakness), he’s inciting violence. And he has a mortal fear of facts, as demonstrated by his award winning litany of lies.

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Donald Trump Messiah

That said, Trump’s feeble-minded cult devotees are thoroughly engulfed in his bizarre babblings. They have bought his wild assertions that he won the presidential election by a landslide, despite the absence of even a shred of evidence. His having lost nearly sixty lawsuits – many before Republican-appointed judges – doesn’t diminish their glassy-eyed reverence for Dear Leader. They are totally on board with his downplaying of the Coronavirus pandemic, even after the deaths of more than 330,000 of their fellow citizens, and over two million infected. They believe his every boast of abilities superior to those of recognized experts in the military, medicine, economics, and whatever else happens to wander through his sickly thoughts.

A new poll by NPR/Ipsos reaffirms what many have already acknowledged are cult-like attitudes that permeate Trump’s superfan base. The poll found that “A significant number of Americans believe misinformation […] as well as conspiracy theories like QAnon”:

“Forty percent of respondents said they believe the coronavirus was made in a lab in China even though there is no evidence for this. […]

“And one-third of Americans believe that voter fraud helped Joe Biden win the 2020 election, despite the fact that courts, election officials and the Justice Department have found no evidence of widespread fraud that could have changed the outcome.”

The poll broke down some of the responses by political affiliation. Not surprisingly, Republicans most often were the ones that swallowed the nonsense conspiracy theories. A majority (53%) are opposed to “a smooth transition of power to the Biden administration.” That’s probably because most of them (71%) also believe that “There is a deep state working to undermine President Trump.”

However, when respondents were asked about who in public life they considered most trustworthy, the Republicans revealed just how deeply immersed in the crackpot swamp they really are. Naturally they don’t trust Joe Biden, or Dr. Anthony Fauci, or Rachel Maddow. But the poll shows that they trust Trump (76%) more than they trust their own religious leaders (72%).

The first rule of any cult is that only the Leader is telling you the truth. Everyone else is lying to you and means you harm. That rule has been absorbed by the Trump cultists. That mindset was especially prominent among those who “were Republicans and if they got their news from Fox News or conservative online outlets like Breitbart or the Daily Caller.” Fox News was this year’s recipient of the Misinformer of the Year award from Media Matters. However, Trump himself has had a love/hate relationship with the network for most of the year. Most recently he was nursing some imagined offense when he tweeted that…

It’s likely that Trump was watching Fox News when this video of Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff aired. Ossoff was questioned by Fox’s Peter Doocy when he launched a blistering attack on Republican incumbents Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue:

That would have been more than enough to set Trump off. And when Trump is mad at Fox News his followers are going to hear about it. The result is that they are abandoning Fox in droves. Ever since election day, CNN has been regularly beating Fox News in the ratings. Consequently, we are witnessing the irony of right-wing Trump supporters boycotting the network that is actually fueling their political agenda. It’s a glorious spectacle that progressive hope will continue well into the new year.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Relentless Election ‘Fraud’ Whining Only Exposes His Irrelevance and Impotence

Relax America. The Whiner-in-Chief is on the job. Donald Trump is vigorously discharging his duties at his luxurious Palm Beach golf resort while the rest of us are struggling to put food on the table, pay our rents and mortgages, and avoid contracting the deadly coronavirus. At least we can rest assured that Trump – who regards his “duties” as bitterly complaining about how terrible he is treated – can whine better than anyone else. He said so himself, bragging that “I am the most fabulous whiner.”

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Donald Trump, King

The problem for Trump is that his whining is having no effect whatsoever on those to whom he is directing it: the press that tells the truth about him; the public that decisively rejected him; and even his own Republican comrades who don’t listen to him. In fact, Trump’s obsessed whinery is so witheringly ineffective that it only serves to make him look more feeble and eminently ignorable. Which is what he is experiencing today by the barrel full.

So you have to wonder why Trump continues his impotent griping when it is so obviously useless. Just in the past week he has posted these plaintive wailings that have succeeded in getting him nothing at all:

The only message Trump is sending with this non-stop blathering is that nobody – not even his “friends” in the wingnut media and Republican Party – are paying any attention to him. They surely are not complying with his demands or he wouldn’t have to repeat them so frequently – and desperately. With the exception of a few ultra-cultist Trumpies (i.e. Louis Gohmert, Josh Hawley, Kelly Loeffler, etc.), he is being brushed off like an unwanted fleck of orange-stained dandruff. And yet, he keeps crying out for attention and obedience that he isn’t getting. Which further proves how weak he really is.

Is this the image of a strong leader that Trump hopes to present? Do his dimwitted disciples see how pitiful he is in the eyes of his assumed allies? Is he completely oblivious to the fact that this incessant whining reveals the pathetic loser that is hiding behind his transparent facade of machismo? Or is he just too lost in desperation and the fear of what awaits him – financially and legally – in civilian life?

Either way, Trump is displaying more of the lack of character that has been his hallmark for most of the past half century. So why would anyone expect anything different now? And for good measure, Trump also tweeted this woeful whine on Wednesday morning as if to affirm his laughable inadequacy:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Shill McEnany Visits Fox News to Drop Another Flagrant Election Fraud Lie

Next week the Electoral College will certify that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. But even as this date approaches, and the outcome is unquestionably certain, Donald Trump continues to babble incoherently that he was the winner “by a landslide.” It’s position that just gets more pathetic every day as Trump affirms his departure from reality and psychotic deterioration. Unfortunately, he’s also veering closing to open advocacy of violence.

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Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump

However, it isn’t just Trump who is suffering from this deeply delusional defect. It has spread like an epidemic throughout Trump World. His dimwitted cult disciples are fully indoctrinated into believing that a cabal of thousands of coup conspirators have “stolen” the election without leaving behind a single shred of evidence. And Trump’s remaining dead-ender confederates in the White House persist in propagating a victory that exists only in his diseased mind.

Chief among those stubborn Trumpians is his combination press secretary and campaign mouthpiece, Kayleigh McEnany. She spent some quality time Monday night with Senior Fox News Trump-fluffer Sean Hannity where she tried to pass off a provable lie about alleged voting irregularities:

“This happened in the places where it needed to happen. Which is why the four metros, the only four where Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton, were Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Detroit. The four he needed in the four key states.”

McEnany’s disinformation appears to have been cribbed from a tweet by the ultra right-wing pollster, Rasmussen. Their tweet linked to an article by the notorious Internet conspiracy crackpot, Gateway Pundit, who sourced his info to the website Townhall. Of course, the article was utterly fictional. Even Townhall later disclaimed their own post. But the presence of blatant falsehoods have never stopped McEnany, or Hannity, before. CNN’s Jake Tapper put it succinctly this weekend when he described his standards for booking Trump administration guests:

“There are some people that are just so mendacious I just wouldn’t put them on air. Kayleigh McEnany, I’ve never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him. These are just people, they just tell lies the way that most people breathe. There was no value in that. […] This is what she does. She tells lies all the time. She can’t acknowledge reality.”

For the record, USA Today conducted a study of “the country’s 10 largest cities — or the counties in which they’re located, if data by city was not available — plus Detroit, Milwaukee and Fulton County, where Atlanta is located.” It found that Biden actually did outperform Clinton in 10 of those 13 locations:

  • Chicago by 19,613 votes
  • Philadelphia by 20,150 votes
  • Milwaukee by 6,004 votes
  • Houston by 210,279 votes
  • San Antonio by 128,902 votes
  • San Diego by 226,849 votes
  • Dallas by 137,496 votes
  • San Jose by 103,574 votes
  • Phoenix by 337,867 votes
  • Atlanta by 84,093 votes

As further evidence of how far off McEnany et al are, Biden actually appears to have underperformed Clinton in Detroit. Another study conducted by the conservative National Review confirmed USA Today’s study. They found that “Biden improved his margin of victory compared to Clinton in 31 of 36 urban counties.” They also found that “There’s no evidence that swing states had more than 100% voter turnout.”

McEnany’s penchant for poisoning her diatribes with untruths is well known. She began doing it on day one of her employment as Trump’s press secretary, ably filling the deceitful shoes of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Following Tapper’s public rebuke, McEnany spitefully turned to Twitter to hysterically claim that she doesn’t lie. Which is just another lie in her ample supply of prevarication.

But if McEnany is really so offended by people accurately pointing out her aversion to truth telling, she just might want to take this advice…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Utterly Insane Statement on the Signing of the Omnibus and COVID Relief Bill

Well, Donald Trump finally signed the bill that keeps the government running and contains vital relief funds for the American people who are suffering due to the coronavirus pandemic. His pointless delay still caused much harm to those whose benefits expired. But he didn’t sign it quietly or with dignity. Not that anyone would have expected that from him. True to form, Trump signed the bill with a self-serving statement that was riddled with lies, insults and undeserved boasting. In other words – – same as he ever was.

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Donald Trump

In the very first sentence of Trump’s statement he injects pure politics by referring to COVID-19 as the “China Virus.” Of course, it would be more accurate to designate it as the Trump Virus, since his negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance were wholly responsible for its devastating and preventable spread in the United States. His relentless lies about the perils of the pandemic earned PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year” honors.

Trump’s brazen politicization continued in the statement’s second sentence where he falsely blamed small business closures on “harsh actions by Democrat-run states.” That, of course, is typical of Trump’s acting out with childish hostility and an insatiable compulsion to divide Americans from one another. It also ignores the reality that economic hardships are not distributed according to political affiliation. If Trump believed his own spin, then why would he give any relief funds to the GOP-run states that presumably wouldn’t need it because of their supposedly superior management? The truth is that many red states are worse off due to their lax response, dismissal of CDC safety guidelines, and prioritizing of profits over people.

Moving on, Trump lavished himself with glowing praise for his “work with Congress,” that consisted of neglecting the entire negotiation so that he could play more golf. He gave himself credit for having “avoided another Great Depression.” And if that wasn’t enough of his delusions of grandeur, he actually bragged that “my Administration and I developed a vaccine.” The scientists and pharmaceutical companies may take issue with that.

Following that, Trump claimed that he “told Congress that I want far less wasteful spending and more money going to the American people in the form of $2,000 checks.” However, the truth is that Democrats were the ones advocating for more generous relief funds. Trump came late to that party, and has still failed to bring his Republican comrades along. What’s more, the “wasteful funding” he is now criticizing came straight from his own budget request.

Still not satisfied with his impotent expressions of imaginary power, Trump demanded “many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974.” He seems to think that that gives him something akin to a line item veto. It doesn’t. It’s merely a mechanism to make a request that can – and would – be summarily dismissed by Congress. And again, he insists that the “wasteful Items” in the bill – the ones that came from his budget – be removed.

Finally, Trump claims to have signed this bill only after securing an agreement from Congress to “review” a couple of his pet projects. These include starting “the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud.” Big Whoop! So the Senate will review Trump’s obsession with Section 230, a regulation that actually makes for more free speech on the Internet. Trump is bitterly opposed to that because it enables too many people to freely speak about what an idiotic and embarrassing failure he is. And the review of alleged voter fraud won’t find any more of it than the investigations already conducted by Republican officials in several swing states, and even by Trump’s own Justice Department and FBI. They all found nothing. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from escalating his increasingly hostile campaign to overturn the election.

Trump closed his statement by whining that “Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230!,” and that “Voter Fraud must be fixed!” And he associated those ludicrous boondoggles with his promise to “never give up my fight for the American people!” Never mind that none of that holds the slightest benefit the American people. They are purely talking points in Trump’s agenda for elevating his own selfish goals.

And with that Trump signed the bill that he previously insisted was a disgrace. He signed the bill that he could have signed five days ago without creating needless tensions and anxieties. He signed the bill after upending months of difficult negotiations and humiliating his GOP chums. And he signed that bill while taking credit for an array of imaginary achievements and empty agreements for a future that he will have no part in.

Nice work, Donnie Boy. In about three weeks we’ll have a president who actually cares about the people and will work on their behalf for real relief and progress. We just have to remain strong and vigilant until then.

ADDENDUM: It’s interesting that Trump tweeted this 17 hours ago…

…and he hasn’t tweeted anything since. No follow up info. No bragging about the signing. No whining about the bill’s flaws. No praise and/or condemnations of Congress. No next steps. NOTHING!

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Trump-Fluffer Geraldo: Trump ‘Has Behaved Like an Entitled Frat Boy’

It’s official! Donald Trump and his Republican confederates don’t give a damn about the American people. That was obvious long ago, but now we can declare it officially. Today unemployment benefits ran out for about fourteen million people. In a few days the moratorium on evictions will expire. The government could get shut down around the same time. And the coronavirus relief funding contained in an omnibus appropriations bill that a bipartisan Congress voted for are still sitting on Trump’s desk at Mar-a-Lago without his signature as families are suffering.

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Donald Trump, Subway

Meanwhile, Trump is golfing at his Palm Beach resort and Mike Pence is skiing in Vail, Colorado. Trump managed to squeeze out a couple tweets on Saturday impotently demanding that the “politicians” in Washington increase the relief funds from $600.00 to 2,000.00. For the record, it’s the Republicans who are blocking that. Democrats long ago advocated for more money. But Trump refuses to put any pressure on his GOP comrades, or even say aloud that they are the obstacles.

Aside from his scant mentions of the coronavirus and its devastating impact on the nation, Trump has been furiously tweeting about his delusional belief that he won the presidential election. Never mind that he has lost more than sixty lawsuits on the matter for lack of evidence. He continues to pursue this figment of his diseased imagination in ever more ominous tones that suggest a call for violence.

That position is still supported by most of his bootlicking sycophants in Congress and on Fox News. However, one of the sheep seems to have briefly strayed from the flock. On Sunday morning Geraldo Rivera tweeted that…

No one should praise Geraldo for this faint-hearted blather. To begin with, he is proudly restating his four year idolatry of America’s first reality TV game show host president. That’s an achievement that proves (and forever tarnishes) the old adage that, in America, “anyone” can become president. Geraldo goes on to malign Democrats and other progressives, who comprise the majority of the populace, as “creeps.” And he dismisses the fully documented Russian interference in the 2016 election about which Trump was aware and approving. He was impeached for trying to cover it up and obstructing justice.

However, the most preposterous assertion in Geraldo’s twantrum was his admission that, since the election, Trump “has behaved like an entitled frat boy.” The description of Trump’s all-consuming narcissism itself isn’t the problem. That’s a diagnosis that many psychiatric professionals made before the 2020 election, and even before the one in 2016. Although they do concur that he’s getting worse.

The bigger problem is Geraldo’s assertion that this behavioral trait only recently surfaced following Trump’s humiliating loss to Joe Biden, a candidate he maligned as a “sleepy” socialist who is mentally unfit to serve. The American people felt differently, with most saying that Trump is the mental deficient.

Geraldo must have been in a coma for the past four years. Trump’s behavior for the entirety of his single term in office could not have been more childish. With every failure he presided over, he whined petulantly, blamed others for his incompetence, and bragged about imaginary achievements. His campaign promises were routinely broken. Regarding his former opponent Hillary Clinton, he didn’t “lock her up!” To the contrary, he released (pardoned) a flock of felons, war criminals, and accomplices. The wall he didn’t build wasn’t paid for by Mexico. He didn’t repeal or replace Obamacare. He didn’t even offer the healthcare plan that he promised in two weeks for years. He didn’t bring manufacturing back to the U.S. He didn’t grow the economy. He didn’t create jobs. He didn’t, to put it succinctly, do sh!t!

The only “successes” Trump could plausibly lay claim to were the tax scam that benefitted the rich, and the ultra-rightist and unqualified judicial appointments. However, not only is it a stretch to call those successes, but they were wholly engineered by GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell with no input whatsoever from Trump. And that’s precisely the path that he’s on today with the failed coronavirus relief legislation. He played no role in it’s drafting, nor its passage.

It’s just another failure to add to his list. But this is an especially repulsive one due to the tragic suffering and loss of life. Not that he cares. Nor does Geraldo. And Geraldo’s glassy-eyed devotion to Trump poisons anything he might say regarding him. He failed to see Trump’s infantile behavior as a problem four years ago, so it hardly matters that he’s seeing it now.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HOLY CRAP! Trump Floats a ‘Fight to the Death’ Over His Delusional Election Claims

Christmas week has seen the coronavirus pandemic reach new highs that exceed anything seen since the virus first appeared. So naturally, Donald Trump is at his Palm Beach golf resort watching Fox News (which he alternately hates and loves) and tweeting furiously and incoherently.

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Donald Trump

On Saturday morning Trump managed to achieve a unique milestone. In three tweets he succeeded in disparaging all three branches of government, much of which he is personally responsible for.

TWEET #1: The Judicial Branch

Trump is attacking the Supreme Court on which three of his appointees sit, along with three other conservative justices. But because they they had the audacity to rule according to the law, rather than his whims, they are deemed “totally incompetent and weak.” And if Trump has “absolute proof” of election fraud, why hasn’t he presented it in any of the nearly sixty cases he has already lost?

TWEET #2: The Executive Branch

Here Trump is attacking his own cabinet and administration officials. It’s false to say that none of them have done anything. They actually did investigate Trump’s bizarre election fraud claims – the few he bothered to submit – and found them all meritless. But Trump is right that “history will remember.’ Just not what he thinks will be remembered.

TWEET #3: The Legislative Branch

First of all, a Democratic candidate did have an election that was stolen. Hillary Clinton’s election was documented to have been marred by interference from Russia with the knowledge and complicity of the Trump campaign. We could also throw in Al Gore’s election where the Supreme Court halted recounts that would prove errors that resulted in Florida handing the race to George Bush.

More to the point, Trump is attacking his fellow Republicans in the Senate for not bending to his demands to unconstitutionally overturn the election results and the will of the people. But even more troubling is that Trump is raising the specter of violence with his apparent approval of a “fight to the death” in order to secure his bid to become president-for-life.

This isn’t the first time that Trump has tested a violent solution to his electoral humiliation. Earlier this month Trump spoke about a move to escalate dramatically the opposition to Joe Biden’s victory and inauguration. It’s a theme he’s adopting more frequently as his time is running out.

For good measure, Trump also tweeted a ludicrous batch of nonsense about how states are managing the coronavirus pandemic. Since his negligence and incompetence have resulted in making everything worse, he’s attacking the states with lies to shift the blame to others:

Does Trump really think that lockdowns will result in “Far more than the damage that would be caused by the [Trump] Virus”? That would mean the lockdowns would have killed more than the 330,000 Americans who have already died due to COVID-19. And his assertion that cases in California have risen since the lockdown is a flagrant lie. The new restrictions were imposed because of the rise in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Furthermore, Florida is doing much worse than California per capita. California just recorded about 61 deaths per hundred thousand residents. In Florida the number is 98 deaths per hundred thousand.

So as usual, Trump is wrong about literally everything. And his tendency toward hostility and violence is the sort of thing that inspires the domestic terrorists that idolize Trump (i.e. the KKK, Proud Boys, etc.). He is inflaming these extremists deliberately in a futile, though dangerous, quest for power. And his purposefully reckless and irresponsible behavior is something that history will remember as well.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Year of Vicious Bashing – and Devoted Sucking Up To – Fox News in 2020

Let’s face it … trying to unravel the acute psychoses of Donald Trump is an exercise in futility. It’s like trying to explain why pigs prefer poetry to pedicures. Seriously, don’t bother. And it’s particularly evident in his long-running love/hate relationship with Fox News, the propaganda machine that put him in the White House.

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Donald Trump Fox News

For the past year, Trump has lashed out furiously at Fox News for a myriad of perceived offenses. He vilified their pollsters as agents of “suppression.” He castigated their producers for having the gall to book Democrats for predominantly disparaging interviews. He lumped Fox in with “fake” news disseminators like CNN and the New York Times. He whined petulantly any time a Fox shill failed to exhibit unqualified adoration or presented him in a less than worshipful fashion.

Naturally, Trump’s anger was often expressed on his favorite communications platform, Twitter, which he also loves to bash (see his incoherent tirades aimed at Section 230). An example of Trump’s fury at Fox was posted last week when he declared that “Fox News is dead”:

The notion that Fox News is somehow aligned with “Radical Left Democrats” is too absurd to even bother responding to. And it is typical of Trump to single out one of the few Black contributors on Fox for criticism. But can anyone figure out what he’s talking about when he complains about “unedited commercials”? However, that specimen of nonsense was just his latest outburst. Here is some of what Trump has been griping about throughout 2020:

So only Trump knows what has happened to Fox News? And he’s keeping secret? Despite that hail of hysterics, Trump still managed to lavish Fox News with love when it suited his purpose. In 2020 Trump tweeted about Fox 230 times. That’s about once every day and a half. Of those, 79 were shout-outs to Sean Hannity (20 of which announced his interviews). Another 81 tweets were aimed at Fox and Friends (of which 11 announced his interviews). Mark Levin got 67 flattering tweets. Lou Dobbs got 55. Maria Bartiromo got 39. Laura Ingraham got 27. Jeanine Pirro got 21. And Tucker Carlson trailed the pack with 17.

In addition to those praiseful mentions of Fox News flacks, Trump also lathered Fox’s competitors with compliments. The One America News Network (OANN) got 80 tweets. And Newsmax gathered 27.

You have to wonder what’s in it for Fox News. Why would they tolerate this sort of abuse from an obviously disturbed egomaniac that is headed for an epic flameout? Could it be that just the prospect of a temporary ratings boost would cause Fox to accept being Trump’s whipping boy? Are they so wrapped up in their mission to advance an ultra-conservative agenda that they’ll suffer Trump’s contempt? Does Fox News believe that they will recover from this assault after Trump is demoted to civilian rank?

Fox’s ratings have already taken a considerable hit since election day. Newsmax has been gaining viewers and CNN is regularly beating Fox. In fact, Fox is dangerously close to slipping to third place behind MSNBC. What’s more, Trump has been openly speculating about launching a cable network of his own. Given his track record for business ventures, that would probably just be his next bankruptcy. But it could also cause some further deterioration of Fox’s audience. So the question remains: Why is Fox News behaving like a battered spouse and submitting to this abuse? Are they just as brainwashed by the Cult of Trump as his dimwitted followers? Stay tuned!

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Tweets Impotent Threat From His Golf Cart to ‘Give Our People the Money’

It’s Christmas Day. Do you know where your president is? If you’ve been paying attention for the past four years it would be easy to offer a guess. That’s right – – He’s at his golf resort in Palm Beach. He isn’t with his family. He isn’t at church. He isn’t working on the coronavirus pandemic or the Nashville bombing or any other matter of importance to the American people.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

Trump is doing what he does best: He’s nursing his fragile ego and reaching out to sycophantic bootlickers to suck in some undeserved adulation. And, as usual, he’s documenting his narcissistic obsessions on Twitter:

Notice that Trump doesn’t mention who he allegedly called or met with. And no one has come forward to corroborate that they spoke or met with him. In all likelihood Trump called some of his most devoted cult loyalists and begged them to escalate their efforts to spread his ludicrous and delusional claims of having won the election by a landslide. He might have met with his incompetent attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to see if there are any courts left where he hasn’t already suffered humiliating losses.

Trump is also pretending to wonder why Congress hasn’t approved more relief funds for the beleaguered American people. He must know that Democrats proposed higher sums months ago, and even passed bills to provide it. But they were met with nothing but obstruction from Trump’s pal Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican caucus. If he doesn’t know that it’s just more proof that he’s mentally deficient and unfit to serve the remainder of his term.

One thing that Trump got right is that the deadly pandemic is not the fault of the people. However, he he’s wrong about who really deserves the blame. That’s because he can’t look into a mirror and see the real culprit. It is his negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance that landed the country in the turmoil it is in today. And his flaccid, toothless demand that Congress “Give our people the money” is all the more pathetic since he refuses to direct it toward the Republican Scrooges who are withholding it.

Meanwhile, Trump is handing out Christmas pardons to his cronies, confessed crooks, war criminals, and accomplices in crime. And his frantic election fraud babbling is just getting more and more bizarre and removed from reality. So with just 26 more days until Trump is booted out of the White House, the American people are holding on for dear life, hoping he doesn’t create even worse calamities before he’s out the door.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

A Very Merry Carol for a Blue Xmas and a Trump-less New Year

The arrival of Christmas in 2020 seemed to take longer than in most years prior. It was preceded by months of hardship brought on by a pandemic that devastated families who lost loved ones and/or struggled to provide food, shelter, and other necessities under dire circumstances. And all of that was made worse by the negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis by Donald Trump, who never cared, and still doesn’t.

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Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

The only thing that has ever mattered to Trump is his own welfare. He has spent the last couple of months whining about having lost the presidential election. And he has directed all of his impotent energy toward a vain, futile, and increasingly pathetic campaign to “prove” that he actually won in by landslide. He is so consumed by that delusional pursuit that he has hardly even mentioned the holidays. Although lately he has played the role of a Bizarro Santa, handing out Christmas pardons to confessed crooks, war criminals, and accomplices in his betrayals of American laws and principles. There are surely more to come, including the possibility of pardons for his family and, of course, one for himself.

Meanwhile, Trump is filling the Christmas stockings of the American people with fossil fuel lumps (aka coal). He is threatening to veto a bill that contains desperately needed COVID relief funds, as well as extending unemployment benefits, the moratorium on evictions, and other programs to help people endure these troubled times. That’s entirely in character for Trump because none of those things are of any use to him personally.

Also in character for Trump, he is spending Christmas day golfing with Lindsey Graham. He isn’t spending it with his wife and young son, or any other family member. He isn’t attending church. He isn’t dealing with the bombing in Nashville, And he still isn’t handling the coronavirus pandemic that is worse now than at any time since it first appeared.

The good news is that Christmas will be followed shortly by New Year’s and the prospect of better times ahead. Despite his psychotic denials, Trump will be evicted from the People’s House and President-elect Joe Biden will begin to restore the nation’s lost dignity, compassion, unity, and optimism. That’s the natural state of the American people, which will emerge again as we heal. And there will be blessedly silent nights and days without Trump’s relentless blathering on Twitter, Fox News, and his lie-riddled Chopper Talks. But even as we recover, we must still remember the casualties of the past year, as well as those who sacrificed for others.

So in the spirit of the season, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of an alleged savior is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes. It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. Here is Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump Jr: ‘The Bull$h!t Never Ends’ – Even When He’s Right, He’s Wrong

It’s only halfway through Christmas week and Donald Trump has already vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), threatened to do the same to the Consolidated Appropriations Act (which contains COVID relief, as well as all twelve federal spending bills), and then jetted off to Mar-a-Lago on the taxpayer’s dime (actually 34 million dimes).

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Donald Trump Jr

In the midst of the surging coronavirus pandemic, that is worse now that at any time since it first appeared, Trump has devoted his time to an increasingly ludicrous and futile campaign to “prove” that he actually won the 2020 presidential election by a landslide. The only thing he’s missing is the proof. But that hasn’t stopped him from whining petulantly and repeatedly posting false claims of election fraud. His conspiracy theories have even gotten Fox News and other Trump-fluffing “news” outlets into legal trouble.

As Trump struggles impotently to advance his egomaniacal march to an imaginary victory, his imbecile spawn can’t help chiming in with what he thinks is helpful and brilliant blathering. On Christmas Eve morning, Don Jr tweeted…

You’ve gotta hand it to him. When little Donnie is right, he’s still so painfully wrong. Trumpette is retweeting Lance Gooden, a Republican member of Congress from Texas. Gooden’s tweet begins with a flagrant misstatement of fact. The foreign aid for “democracy in Venezuela” is only $33 million, not billion. But his more significant mistake is his suggestion that there should be funds in the Omnibus bill “to investigate the massive claims of voter fraud” for which there is zero evidence. The Trump forces have lost nearly sixty lawsuits because of their inability support their wild allegations with facts.

Boy Don, however, was impressed with Gooden’s moronic babbling. But the comment he attached to it is inadvertently appropriate. Any progressive Democrat could have said the very same thing. The bull$h!t (from the GOP and the Trump family) does seem to go on endlessly. That’s partly because the Trump Brigades are so shamelessly lying about the bill.

To begin with, in Trump’s self-serving announcement of opposition to the bill he says it’s because the COVID relief is too stingy at $600.00. He proposed $2,000.00. Which is what many Democrats proposed months ago, but were met with nothing but obstruction by Republicans in Congress. Throughout that debate Trump was conspicuously silent. Now he wants to take credit for the Democratic position.

What’s more, Trump’s complaints about the foreign aid in the bill are disingenuous at best, considering that the aid is nearly identical to what he asked for in his own budget. The Republicans in Congress know this, but are too cowardly – and too far up Trump’s asinine excuse making – to admit it. They are scared of the Trump Cult of Personality as demonstrated in a recent poll finding that “In the case of a disagreement between Trump and Republicans in Congress, 52% of Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters say they’d be more likely to support Trump.” That’s actually down from 61% in an August poll, but still a majority.

President CHAOS is inspiring this sort of blind and dangerous adulation. He’s got people like Newt Gingrich declaring that he won’t accept President-elect Joe Biden as president. And in a radical departure from reality, he rewrote Trump’s disastrous coronavirus history saying that Trump “did literally everything top scientists instructed.” Really? Does anyone remember when top scientists instructed people to forgo face masks, inject bleach, gather closely in large crowds, expect the virous to disappear by Easter, or advocate herd immunity?

Furthermore, when Roy Blunt, the chairman of the Congressional Republican Policy Committee, was asked about the next moves for Congress and Trump on COVID relief, he replied “I have no idea what he plans to do. We were assured that the President would sign the bill.” This was right after House Democrats tried to pass an amendment to raise the relief amount to $2,000.00 by unanimous consent, but were stopped by Republicans. Nancy Pelosi then sent a message to Trump saying that “If the President is serious about the $2,000 direct payments, he must call on House Republicans to end their obstruction.”

So who can argue with Spawn Don when he says that “The bull$h!t never ends”? Everything that he and his rapidly deteriorating, mental basket case father do and say affirms that analysis. It’s just too bad that he doesn’t understand what he’s saying himself.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.