YIKES! Trump Admits His Dreams of Dictatorship, While Bragging About ‘Acing’ a Dementia Test

The authoritarian aspirations of Donald Trump have been all too apparent to anyone paying attention for the past few years. He clearly has no respect for the law or the Constitution or the principles upon which this nation was founded. And his flaming narcissism fuels his lust for the sort of unchallenged power of his idols (Vladimir Putin, Kim Jung Un, Xi Jinping, etc.).

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Donald Trump, Padded Cell

Trump’s affinity for tyrants and tyranny has always been evident in his behavior. But during a speech before the ultra-rightist Heritage Foundation this week, Trump explicitly articulated his desire to be a dictator. His reasoning was typically incoherent, but the the message he delivered to the enrapt audience of uber-conservatives was unambiguous:

“First they said not too smart that I did that. Then that all went away. I really did that. I said ‘Doc Ronny, I gotta take a test.’ The problem is that this is essentially a public place. One of the great hospitals of the world, right? But you have a series of doctors sitting here. He said ‘If you do badly the word’s gonna get out.’ I said ‘I know that. How tough is it?’ He said ‘It’s very tough.’ I said ‘Oof. Let’s give it a shot.’

“And I did it in front of a panel and we aced it. And one person said ‘That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone ace it.’ So isn’t that nice? So all of that stuff stops, okay. It was very nice. But then they made me a dictator instead. I don’t know, which would you rather be, a dumb person or a dictator? Perhaps a dictator would be better. I don’t want to be a dumb person.”

So Trump would rather be a dictator than a dumb person? The first thing he needs to learn is that those two things are not mutually exclusive. And he already has the dumb part down. But his juxtaposition of intellect and tyranny isn’t surprising. He recently praised Putin as a “savvy” “genius” for his genocidal invasion of Ukraine.

However, Trump’s utterly illogical pathway to this viewpoint is characteristic of his trademark asininity. For some unfathomable reason he thought it would be wise to remind people of his humiliating dementia test. The one where he was proud to be able to identify an elephant from a picture, and recall five words. He couldn’t even think of five words that weren’t immediately around him at the time (person, woman, man, camera, tv).

Of course, the test wasn’t tough at all. It wasn’t an IQ test. It was a test given to people who were being evaluated for simple cognitive deficiencies. And his account of having astonished everyone because he “aced” it is just one his infamous fantasies. He even references his disgraced doctor – now Texas congressman – Ronny Jackson, who gushed that Trump “has incredible genes” and “might live to be 200 years old.”

Trump’s preposterous dementia test boasting is hysterical, but harmless. However, his dictatorial ambitions are serious and warrant concern. That’s especially true because the obedient sycophants in his Republican Party, such as GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy, are too cowardly to defy him should he try (again) to seize power. So that leaves it up to the people to do in 2022 and 2024 what they did in 2020. Trump and every corrupt Republican must be defeated at the ballot box for the sake of democracy.

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Fox News Ignores Bombshell Recordings of McCarthy Urging Trump to Resign and Lying About It

Fox News continues to be the best source for unassailable evidence that it is not a news network at all. They do this by airing brazenly biased stories that invariably disparage President Biden and other Democrats, and/or fawn over Donald Trump and his puppetized Republicans. Their reporting is rife with flagrant falsehoods and open animus toward anyone who isn’t aligned with their ultra-rightist agenda.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

However, what Fox declines to report is just as revealing as their outright lies. And this week they provided a stark example of how they purposefully turn their political coverage into pure propaganda.

RELATED: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

On Thursday MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow aired a segment exposing Republican House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, discussing with GOP Rep. Liz Cheney their dismay with Trump following his inciting the January 6th insurrection. They pondered the possibility of removing Trump from office via impeachment, the 25th Amendment, or resignation.

When asked about this report, McCarthy adamantly denied that he had said any such thing, insisting that it was “totally false and wrong,” and that “It comes as no surprise that the corporate media is obsessed with doing everything it can to further a liberal agenda.” Unfortunately for him, there were recordings…

And as if that weren’t bad enough, the recordings also captured McCarthy saying that Trump had acknowledged to him that he “bears responsibility” for the violent storming of the Capitol by his supporters:

The significance of these recordings goes beyond McCarthy having been caught in a lie as to what he was saying after the insurrection. It also exposes his candid thoughts in real time about the riots and Trump’s moral and legal liability. It shows that McCarthy’s first instincts were were actually rooted in principle and that Trump needed to be held accountable. It also shows that McCarthy was willing to abandon his “principles” and subjugate himself to Dear Leader Trump.

The McCarthy tapes were covered by most of the media in a manner befitting the explosive nature of their content. This was unarguably newsworthy material that shook the political landscape and warranted detailed coverage. So naturally Fox News ignored it entirely.

Throughout the morning on Friday, Fox News did not mention the McCarthy mess a single time on the air. There was, however, one story about it on the Fox News website, but that story only mentioned the original reporting and McCarthy’s denial. Even though the article was published at 11:22 AM on Friday – long after the tapes showed that he was lying – Fox’s story made no mention that the tapes existed.

RELATED: Fox News Attempts (and Hysterically Fails) to Contrive a Fake Biden Scandal

This is how Fox News manages to keep their audience ignorant and devoted to the Cult of Trump. When they aren’t maligning Democrats, they are suppressing news that reflects badly on Republicans. It is the deliberate and relentless promulgation of propaganda that would make the Putin’s Kremlin blush. And it also why Biden said correctly that Fox News is one of the most destructive forces in the United States.”

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