Speaker Johnson Glorifies Dear Leader Trump’s Glorious Health, Rejects Calls for Medical Records

Any rational person who has been paying attention to the MAGA movement led by Donald Trump cannot help but recognize its similarities with cults from the past. He tolerates no dissension from his missionaries in politics and the press. His flock are glassy-eyed disciples who can see no wrong. And he employs the first rule of cults: Only Dear Leader will tell you the Truth. Everyone else is lying.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

The obvious parallels between cults and MAGA should strike fear into the hearts of Americans who value the democratic principles that have formed the foundation of this constitutional republic for 250 years. Trump’s emergence as a demagogic figure threatens to put an end to the freedoms that the American people have enjoyed, and replace them with servitude to the wannabe messiah.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Sunday morning, one of Trump’s most loyal ministers, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, was interviewed on NBC’s Meet the Press. And the sermon he delivered there was extraordinarily reverential and bursting with blind devotion. It was a display of unfettered fealty to his salmonesque savior. The exchange began with host Kristen Welker asking Johnson whether Trump should release his medical records – which Johnson said were “irrelevant” – but descended into flagrant lies and worshipful exaltation almost immediately.

Welker: Should Donald Trump release all of his medical records, Mr. Speaker?
Johnson: He has. He issued – he issued the records of his physicians. Kamala Harris issued her medical records as diversion because she’s desperate, because she’s sinking in the polls. Donald Trump’s health is on display. Everyone in America can see it. The man works nonstop. He never quits. He probably sleeps four hours a night. He doesn’t require as much sleep as the average person. He’s an unusual figure. And this is the strength that we need in a time like this. We’re in the most dangerous moment since World War II. You have to have strength. You have to have a steady hand. You have to have a commander-in-chief that our allies respect and our enemies fear. They do not fear Kamala Harris. They do fear Donald Trump. That’s what people are going to vote on.
Welker: Mr. Speaker, just be very clear, he hasn’t released all of his medical records. He released two letters. Should he release the results of the cognitive tests?
Johnson: It’s unnecessary. He’s on display every minute.

There’s a lot of blatant BS to unpack here. Let’s start with Johnson’s barefaced lie that Trump has released his medical records. He has not. Johnson was, however, correct that Kamala Harris did release hers. And not as a diversion (she is currently leading in most polls), but because every presidential candidate for decades – except for Trump – has done so.

The only thing Trump released was an outdated and letter with no details from last year describing a partial physical that did not include cognitive testing, and two letters from disgraced former doctor, Ronny Jackson, who claims that he treated Trump after his “ear death” experience in Pennsylvania. He did not perform a complete physical on Trump at that time. Jackson is currently unlicensed, and was demoted in retirement from the Navy due to misconduct involving drugs and alcohol.

Johnson went on to assert that Trump’s medical records weren’t needed because his perfect health was evident and that “Everyone in America can see it.” That is hardly an alternative to a physical exam by a qualified professional. Trump could have numerous problems that are not visible to laymen watching him on TV, or measurable without laboratory tests. They could include any number of bio-deficiencies or abnormal growths. And certainly any mental defect would require closer scrutiny. Although there has been a great deal of that evident in Trump’s bizarre and incoherent ravings at his rallies and in recent interviews.

Johnson also lauded Trump’s alleged stamina. But boasting that he doesn’t sleep much is more a sign of depravation than fitness. Likewise, claims that America’s enemies “fear Donald Trump” are preposterous. Mostly they laugh at him. If there is any hint of fear it’s due to his mental instability, not his strength or intellect, both of which he is lacking. Which our enemies know and are adept at manipulating him.

Trump’s failure to release his medical records is certainly due to their having bad news in them. If they were positive he would have released them on live TV weeks ago. It’s the same reason he has refused to release his financial and tax records. He is afraid to let the American people see the truth.

Johnson knows all of this, but he is to deeply indoctrinated into the Trump cult to be honest about it. In the meantime, Democrats and other sane Americans need to stay focused on winning in November. It is more imperative now than ever.


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