‘We’ve Got Hulk Hogan’ – GOP Pundit’s Consolation After Bruce Springsteen Endorses Kamala Harris

The Republican Party has always been a morass of mendacity and hypocrisy. But it has gotten immeasurably worse since Donald Trump took it over, making it a cult of personality disorders, and a haven for greedy grifters, who appeal to the lowest uncommon deplorable.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

The Trump cult is propped up by the MAGA minions who fluff him in the media. Their purposeful deceptions make them even more disgraceful than the willfully ignorant, glassy-eyed disciples who habitually attend Trump rallies. And yet, Trump engages in pure projection to malign the rational Americans who prefer the democracy championed by Kamala Harris to the tyranny aspired to by Trump.

SEE THIS: ATTN: Trump Says Pretty Much Everyone Who Supports Kamala Harris Must Have Their Heads Examined

On Thursday night CNN’s Republican pundit, Scott Jennings, addressed the recent endorsement of Kamala Harris by rock superstar, Bruce Springsteen. Jennings attempted desperately to assuage his fears by trying to convince himself that Trump has the upper hand with more admired and influential celebrity supporters…

“I can’t think of anything I care about less than some moron celebrity…we’ve got Hulk Hogan, and that’s all I need.” […] Jennings said he wants to see “directionally a center right government, and I don’t give a crap what some celebrity thinks about it.”

Seriously? Jennings thinks that Springsteen – an artist with a catalog of brilliant compositions that millions relate to – is a “moron celebrity,” but that Hulk Hogan – a jock who performed in phony wrestling matches – is some sort of Rhodes Scholar? Does Jennings really believe that an endorsement by the “The Hulkster” is as valuable as one by “The Boss”?

Apparently the answer to that question is a resounding, “NO!” Because immediately after bragging about Hogan, Jennings admits that “I don’t give a crap what some celebrity thinks about it.” So that must include Hogan, right?

Republicans love to pretend that they aren’t interested in celebrity endorsements. So you have to wonder why they keep promoting them from losers like Kid Rock, Scott Baio, and Roseanne Barr. It’s a contest that they can’t hope to win when Harris has supporters like Taylor Swift, George Clooney, John Legend, and Oprah.

For the record, Springsteen’s endorsement was an eloquent and moving expression of why Harris is fundamentally superior to Trump. He touches on both Trump’s fatal flaws and Harris’ distinguished assets…

“Donald Trump is the most dangerous candidate for president in my lifetime. His disdain for the sanctity of our Constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him from the office of president ever again. He doesn’t understand the meaning of this country, its history, or what it means to be deeply American.”

Celebrity endorsements, of course, should not be used to determine how to vote for any candidate. But they can be good reference points by creative people who have a demonstrated ability to connect with others. Their insights are appreciated specifically because they are adept at envisioning and expressing what many others see and feel. Their opinions often have just as much merit as the paid partisan “experts” who populate news programs. And in the case of Jennings, infinitely more merit.


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