On Fox News (Again) Trump Says January 6th Was a ‘Day of Love’ and Doubles Down on Pet Eating

The depths of the derangement of Donald Trump is almost to severe to measure. And as each day brings the election closer to its conclusion, Trump seems to be venturing farther out on the limb of sanity. In recent days he has resorted to rambling discourses on the size of Arnold Palmer’s manhood, and profane insults directed at his opponent, Kamala Harris.

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Donald Trump

Given the bizarre content of his rancid rants, it is hardly surprising that he constrains his public appearances to exclusively MAGA-friendly media where he knows that he won’t face any humiliating situations such as those pesky fact-checks. To that end, cowardly Trump has visited Fox News nine times in just the past month. That’s about twice a week. Within that same time frame he has declined bookings with everyone from 60 Minutes to the NRA. Which is not the best way to expand voter outreach beyond those who are already locked in.

SEE THIS: Scaredy Trump Has Retreated to the Safety of His Fox News Bunker While Canceling Other Media

On Sunday morning Trump made another appearance on Fox News. This time with their alleged media correspondent, Howard Kurtz. This interview produced nothing more than any of the others with sycophants like Sean Hannity and Maria Bartiromo. Although Kurtz did ask a couple of questions that were marginally more challenging for Trump. The problem is that Trump still failed to give rational replies. For instance, on the subject of the deadly January 6th insurrection that he incited…

Kurtz: The other day you called it a “day of love.” And it sparked a lot of reaction with given that many police officers were attacked, and there were mobs shouting “hang Mike Pence.” Can you understand why many Americans would view it as a dark and tragic day in our history?
Trump: The crowd I spoke before, which you rarely see, was the biggest crowd I’ve ever spoke to. and I’ve spoken to the biggest crowds. I’ve never seen that many people…A small group went down to the Capitol. They came because they though it was a rigged election. This was a protest against a rigged election…And there was a beauty to it and a love to it that I’ve never seen before.

Notice that Trump ignored the question asking if he could “understand why many Americans would view it as a dark and tragic day.” Since Trump is incapable of understanding much of anything, he detoured to his self-absorbed obsession with crowd size. Never mind that his claims on that are flagrantly false. It was his way of segueing to a defense of the insurrectionists who he said was “a small number.”

Actually, there were several thousand, of which more than 1,200 were arrested, and over 800 of those have already been convicted. Over 700 of them pleaded guilty. These are people that Trump has called “patriots” and “warriors,” and whom he has pledged to pardon if reelected.

Trump’s response never even mentioned the 140 police officers who were hospitalized, or the threat to his own vice-president, Mike Pence. But he did offer his opinion that this horrific day had, in his warped view “a beauty to it and a love to it.” I’m sure that Jeffrey Dahmer thought the same thing about his activities.

Kurtz also asked Trump about his claims that Haitian migrants were eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. Trump managed to double down on the ridiculous and thoroughly debunked allegation, while simultaneously admitting that he doesn’t know anything about it.

Kurtz: You said you were just reporting what had been said, But why not say now ‘Look, that turned out not to be true…
Trump: [Interrupting] I don’t know if it’s true or not true.
Kurtz: You don’t know? It’s been debunked by local officials.
Trump: What about the goose, the geese? What about the geese? What happened there? They were all missing. I have no idea. I said something.
Kurtz: There was one goose…
Trump: [Interrupting] Howie, I have no idea. I said something. […] But that’s a story that was reported. And I said that, but why don’t you go after the newspaper that wrote it? Don’t don’t, – don’t blame me.
Kurtz: Well, I think it’s been debunked by local officials.
Trump: I don’t think it’s been debunked at all. I think nobody talks about it, except you.

So Trump said several times the he has “no idea” what he’s talking about. Which is something that impartial observers have noticed for years. But even after acknowledging that ignorance, he isn’t swayed from insisting that his wild and hurtful accusations are correct.

Trump thinks that because something was reported by any nutcase with zero proof or credibility, that he is entitled to repeat it for his cult disciples, even after it has been determined to be utterly false. That’s the state of dementia that has overtaken both Trump and his cult. And voters need to make an unambiguous statement between now and November 5th that we are not falling for it.


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