When former White Director of Communications, Anita Dunn, said that Fox News was an arm of the Republican Party, she was merely articulating a fact that was known to many for years. And now that it has been revealed that Fox’s parent company, News Corp, made a $1,000,000 donation to the Republican Governor’s Association, there can be no more doubt. But it gets even worse as reported by Sam Stein at The Huffington Post:
In a brief interview with the Huffington Post, Nathan Daschle, the executive director of the DGA, said that he has tried on numerous occasions to go on Fox News to discuss the donation made by News Corp. None of his entreaties have been answered as of 3:30 p.m on Tuesday.
“We haven’t gotten a single phone call or email returned. We want to engage in a discussion with them about this,” Daschle said. “But they didn’t even respond.”
The story further details that emails were sent to numerous Fox producers on several different programs, but no one responded. I wouldn’t assume that there will be no coverage of this story at all in the next few days, but it will be coverage after Fox has had time to develop their spin and formulate an attack strategy to blame the “liberal” media for the whole affair.
It’s typical that Fox News is presently consumed with a non-story about a non-mosque that is not at ground zero, but doesn’t have time to even respond to the head of the Democratic Governor’s Association on an unprecedented matter that concerns the network itself.