A couple of weeks ago, Fox News invented a scandal surrounding the allegedly “secret” meetings that Jon Stewart had with President Obama. The truth of the matter was far less scandalous than Fox News tried to make it appear. There were only two meetings over seven years and neither of them were secret.
Stewart, of course, mocked the the Fox News segment that appeared on MediaBuzz with Fox’s chief hack, Howard Kurtz. With his characteristic exasperated wit he demonstrated the utter foolishness of Kurtz and his lame attempt to portray Stewart as a White House pawn. But that only stirred Kurtz up even more. He followed up the story with another segment featuring professional Stewart-hater David Zurawik of the Baltimore Sun. Zurawik repeated his mantra that Stewart is hopelessly liberal and that…
“He has become more and more and more a tool of the Obama administration. […] If you serve a politician’s ideological agenda, you are a propagandist.”
Indeed. And Fox News was created to serve politicians’ ideological agendas. It is the prime directive of the network founded by an arch-conservative press magnate (Rupert Murdoch) and a far-right, Republican media operative (Roger Ailes). Fox has essentially branded the Republican Party as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Murdoch empire (in partnership with Koch Industries). Particularly with the upcoming primaries over which Fox is exerting an unprecedented measure of control. So for anyone on Fox to accuse Stewart, or anybody else, of being a “tool” of a political entity is hypocrisy on an Olympian scale.
Stewart’s latest rebuttal (video below) to the Fox News hysteria over his alleged political allegiances sought to humorously help Kurtz to prove that he is a leftist toady. The only problem was that each example he provided proved instead that he was fairly even handed with biting criticisms of the President and other Democrats. Even Fox News gleefully reported on those occasions when Stewart hammered Obama. That is something that News Corpse documented years ago. Here are a few (like 45) examples:
- Jon Stewart Continues Piling on Scandal-Plagued Obama: He’s Either Nixon or Mr. Magoo
- Stewart Tears Apart Obama: You Can’t Keep Saying You Found Out About News At the Same Time As Us!
- Jon Stewart Destroys Obama Over IRS Scandal
- Jon Stewart Goes Hog Wild on CNN
- Stewart Eviscerates Obama for Withholding Drone Memos
- Jon Stewart Tears Up Congress for Quietly Scaling Back Insider Trading Law
- Stewart Destroys Former Obama Spox Robert Gibbs
- Jon Stewart Tears Apart CNN
- Jon Stewart Grills Hypocrite Al Gore
- Jon Stewart’s F-Bomb Tirade Against Obama
- Stewart Rips Obama SOTU: ‘Who’s Running This Sh*thole?!’
- Jon Stewart Tears Into Obama’s ‘Attractive’ AG Comment
- Jon Stewart Grills Susan Rice
- Jon Stewart Tears Into Obama Hypocrisy
- Jon Stewart Destroys Media Over Inauguration Coverage
- Jon Stewart Mocks ‘All-White’ Obama Cabinet Controversy
- Jon Stewart Mocks Obama’s Hot Mic Moment
- Jon Stewart Roasts Obama for Failed SOTU Joke
- Jon Stewart Mocks CNN Iowa Coverage
- Jon Stewart Makes Mincemeat Out of Jon Corzine
- Jon Stewart Takes a Weed Whacker to Obama’s Squandered Green Initiatives
- Jon Stewart Ruthlessly Mocks CNN
- Jon Stewart’s Anti-Obama Tirade
- Jon Stewart Turns on Obama: ‘Did the President Just Quit?’
- Jon Stewart Savages Democrats: Your Big Plan Is to Label the Tea Party Extreme
- Jon Stewart Mocks Obama’s Fake ‘Puerto Rican’ Accent
- Jon Stewart Scorches Obama Over Transparency
- Jon Stewart Knocks Obama Bus Tour
- Jon Stewart Mocks Ridiculous Union Protest
- Jon Stewart Rips Obama for Mosque Flip-Flop
- Jon Stewart Ridicules Obama Press Conference
- Jon Stewart: Obama Dances Like White Man
- Jon Stewart: Obama ‘Delusional’
- Jon Stewart Scolds Maddow, NBC News For Saying ‘Teabagger’
- Jon Stewart Mocks CNN to Larry King’s Face
- Jon Stewart Blasts Obama’s Cartoonish Response to Spill
- Jon Stewart Mocks NPR
- Jon Stewart Ridicules Rick ‘Twit’ Sanchez
- Jon Stewart Pokes Fun at MSNBC’s New Ad Campaign
- Jon Stewart Obliterates CNN’s Rick Sanchez
- Jon Stewart Takes Obama to Task Over Weatherization
- Jon Stewart Mocks Obama’s Teleprompter Dependence
- Jon Stewart Slams Democrat Healthcare “Incoherence”
- Jon Stewart Tells Obama to Act More Like Bush
- Jon Stewart Calls Palin a Genius
Clearly Stewart has not shied away from criticizing Obama. And clearly Fox News is aware of that as evidenced by their own giddy reporting. Now Stewart has has addressed this false premise with his own examples of Fox praising his fairness and balance. In each case they qualify their commentary by prefacing it with “Even Jon Stewart…” After a damning reel of Foxies slobbering over Stewart’s Obama-bashing he plaintively asks “How often does a dude have to criticize the President before his name legally changes from “Even Jon Stewart” to “Unsurprisingly Jon Stewart?”
The answer, of course, is that there is no point at which Fox, or the rest of the rightist media, will admit that Stewart has made all sides of the political debate subjects of his satire. No matter what he does or says they will continue to malign him as a one-sided enemy of American values. The same is true for Stephen Colbert. So when he begins hosting The Late Show next month he should ignore the wingnuts who will similarly paint him as a socialist stooge.
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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Probably NSFW, but we gotta say it. We could say that Jon Stewart is a tool, but he’s sticking it up Fox’s a…., no, maybe we shouldn’t say it… I’m sorry. 🙂
Fox is the biggest tool of the Republican Party there is. It is reminiscent of the old news outlets of the former Soviet Union, Tass and Pravda. What little respect they have for their dimwitted audience. When your mission is to misinform your audience it should be no surprise they don’t have any respect for them. Stewart’s comment on they having no sense of irony was great.
Reacting to the news that Jon Stewart and President Obama had secret meetings at the White House, media critic David Zurawik argued that the Daily Show host has become a “tool really of the Obama administration. During an appearance on Fox News MediaBuzz, the Baltimore Sun columnist argued that Stewart’s meetings with Obama expose the liberal comedian’s true ideology.