Fox News Is Silent On The Donald Trump/Megyn Kelly “Blood” Feud


It was back on Friday that Donald Trump took a perverse swipe at Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly saying that “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever”

Fox News Megyn Kelly

It’s now Sunday morning and Fox News has not reported on the comment once. It’s complete radio silence. This is a particularly egregious omission considering that Fox did report that Trump was uninvited to the RedState conference sponsored by notorious misogynist Erick Erickson, whose stated reason for the snub was the “blood” comment. So Fox mentioned the revoked invitation, but not the reason.

Furthermore, Trump was interviewed by phone on four of the five Sunday morning news programs. The one exception was Fox News Sunday. They declined because they insisted that the interview be in-studio. So Fox went Trumpless, while NBC’s Meet The Press hosted Trump who had previously said that “Sleep eyes @ChuckTodd is killing Meet The Press. Isn’t he pathetic? Love watching him fail!” In the MTP segment Trump defended his numerous attacks on the appearance of women by saying that “It’s very hard for them to attack me on looks, because I’m so good looking” And so delusional. Even if it were true it doesn’t excuse his reprehensible behavior.

Finally, on Fox’s media analysis program, MediaBuzz, host Howard Kurtz didn’t even discuss the “blood” comment. He played the clip from CNN then led the discussion away from it to Kelly’s debate questions. He explained that his interview with Kelly took place before Trump made the comment, however, his introduction didn’t. He opened the segment saying “I spoke with the host of The Kelly File on Friday night. This was an hour before Donald Trump made his harshest and most personal comments about her.” So Kurtz acknowledged that the remarks were harsh and personal, but never addressed them in the interview segment or the panel discussion that followed.

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Apparently the whole topic makes Fox News very nervous. They can’t be trying to hide it because it’s all everybody else is talking about. They can’t be trying to protect Kelly because the best way to do that would be to make clear what Trump said. So what are they trying to hide?

Addendum: Another notably absent figure is Grizzly Mama and “real” feminist, Sarah Palin. She has not said a single word on this subject. In fact, she hasn’t tweeted or posted anything on her Facebook page since the debate. Way to stand up for women, and former colleagues, Sarah.

Update via Gabriel Sherman, New York Mag: “One Fox personality told me that Fox producers gave instructions to tell in-house talent not to bring up Trump’s controversial comments that Kelly had ‘blood coming out of her wherever’ during the debate.” So this was a deliberate editorial blackout. NYMag has some other interesting items about Fox and Trump in peace talks.


13 thoughts on “Fox News Is Silent On The Donald Trump/Megyn Kelly “Blood” Feud

  1. You are caught lying again. I just watched “Media Buzz”. Howard Kurtz played the sound bite of Trump’s disgusting comment. Both Amy Holmes and Michael Tomasky ripped into this sound bite. What a worthless site.

    • You’re nuts. Kurtz did play the CNN clip (as noted above), but they did not discuss it in the segment at all. They just discussed the remarks in the debate itself. You better watch it again.

      And you completely ignored the fact that at no other time has Fox discussed the “blood” comment. What about that? Even if Kurtz did discuss it beyond playing it once (which he didn’t) that would still be just once in three days. That’s a pretty obvious effort to bury it.

      • I am more sane than you will ever hope to be.

        • Why even bother to reply if you can’t comment on the substance of what Mark is saying? Idiot.

        • Scott, sane or not, you clearly have no answer to Mark’s comment.

    • If this is such a worthless site, why do you keep reading it and entering your substance-less comments? Please have the courtesy to give us something to go on. If you continually prove yourself a laughing stock, how can we take you seriously?

      • I suspect Scott is a paid troll who gets a few cents for every post he makes. So it doesn’t matter if it makes any sense. And actually supporting his dumbass comments with facts would only cut into his posting time. Why else would someone continually visit a “worthless” site?

  2. Fox News may be ignoring it because they are finally figuring out the GOP establishment is HATED by rank and file republicans – and that is clear from practically everything that has transpired during this insanely early election stuff. Donald Trump has not been impacted by any of his statements within the grass roots. Since Fox News represents the establishment – they are best served to keep out of the fight or piss off those who may be future viewers. In fact I would suggest this whole thing bodes badly for Fox News – they may be on the wrong side of history here. They may be next target for these same voters – people are tired of the sell out establishment and its willingness to sell out themselves and all conservative voters for money and power. The Bernie Sanders thing on the dem side is a sign of that on the liberal side.

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