Idiot Wingnutisms: Obama Shifts To Gun Control To Distract From Refugee Backlash

In the world of right wing media, there is an enduring contest to see who can construct the most asinine analyses of current events. It’s a fierce competition that is characterized by truly gifted producers of utter bullcrap. However, one name that is consistently in contention for the gold is Breitbart News, the journalistic equivalent of virtual fish wrapping.

Idiot Wingnutisms

In another masterpiece of moronic reporting, Breitbart posted an article that sought to reveal the underhanded inner workings of the Obama administration. They sensed a deep-seated deception that upon discovery would unmask the secret intentions of the gay, Kenyan, Muslim, usurper occupying the White House. And with a bold stroke of unashamed stupidity they declared that: “White House Shifts To Gun Control To Distract From Refugee Backlash.” The first paragraph began…

“On November 23 the White House focused on gun control as a means of shifting attention away from President Obama’s contentious push for Syrian refugees.”

Well of course they did! It is just the sort of thing that this administration would do. When they are confronted with a controversial issue that is consuming massive amounts of energy, they deftly deflect by injecting an alternative issue into the debate that is broadly agreeable and not the least bit contentious. Like gun control. That’s right, the Breitbrats think that Obama is avoiding controversy by suddenly raising the feel-good issue of gun control.

But that’s not the only high grade crackpottery in their article. They go on to criticize White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest for “jabbing at Republicans” who just blocked legislation to prohibit people on the Terrorist Watch List from purchasing guns. The Breitbrats complain that…

“Lost on Earnest is the fact that gun control in France is far more restrictive than in the US, yet it proved impotent to halt the slaughter of 130 people and the wounding of hundreds more.”

Lost on the Breitbrats is the fact that the less restrictive gun laws in the U.S. proved impotent to halt the slaughter of more than 33,000 Americans by guns every year and the wounding of tens of thousands more. [For comparison, France has about 35 gun homicides a year. On a homicides per 100,000 people, the U.S. rate is sixteen times higher than France] Also lost on the Breitbrats is the fact that civilians with guns have never once prevented an act of terrorism or mass shooting in the U.S.

The article went on to assert that “Earnest was on a mission to distract,” which they believed was why he brought up the matter of suspected terrorists having access to guns, rather than because the fact that suspected terrorists having access to guns is freaking insane. But this tactic of accusing Obama of employing distractions when he wants to change the subject is nothing new. Wingnuts have been using it for years. For example, they were sure they’d uncovered a whole slew of alleged distractions from ObamaCare.

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Pretty much any time Obama brings up any subject, the paranoids on the right are certain that it’s an attempt to distract from something else. Never mind that it is always something that has been a core part of his agenda. That is certainly the case for gun safety reforms. He didn’t just latch onto this issue in a fit of desperation to misdirect America’s attention from Syrian refugees. They are both critical matters and, unlike his critics, this president is capable of managing more than one crisis at a time.


8 thoughts on “Idiot Wingnutisms: Obama Shifts To Gun Control To Distract From Refugee Backlash

  1. THAT’S why the President is incompetent. I’ve just figured it out. He’s not sneaky enough to lie and mislead America effectively, therefore it’s so easy for everyone to catch him at it. If only he were a conservative, err, I mean a republican, then he would be believable and would be taken seriously and be considered competent while he lied and mislead and hosed America. Their representatives effectively do it, right? It’s the standard fair and has been happening to them for decades. Trump seems to have perfected it. Obama just can’t do that so he’s incompetent.

    BTW, here’s another amazing Federal Bureau of Investigation/State Dept stat I just learned about:

    1) since the year 2000, the number of Americans killed by terrorists WORLDWIDE is 3,073 (that includes those of 9/11)
    2) since the year 2000, the number of Americans killed by gun homicide in this country is 138,306.

    Refugees (mostly women, children and the elderly) and where they come from are clearly our country’s most dangerous threat.

  2. Bigtoe, your acknowledgment that Barack Obama is incompetent is noble given the audience here, even though your reasons for his incompetence are a bit off (I understand the sarcasm). Good to see you’ve woken up to reality. One thing he is totally competent in doing is getting more guns into the hands of Americans by constant threat to the 2nd amendment. So the story isn’t all bad
    And the reference to republican party dishonesty in governing is also true – which is why Donald Trump is doing so well. No one is going to believe or trust any candidate that is perceived to be representative of the republican establishment.

    • Regardless of whether or not you are aware of Toe’s obvious sarcasm and simply pretending to be ignorant of it as a sarcastic slight pf your own, or are utterly clueless, it’s plain to see that your utter hatred of all things left or liberal.

      Funny you should credit him with getting more guns into people’s hands by threatening the 2nd amendment when he has actually done no such thing throughout his tenure. In fact it would be more reasonably argued that he could have done more to PREVENT guns from getting into the wrong hands or being more widely distributed but didn’t. So the accusation that he has aided the proliferation of guns is more one of his negligence in addressing the matter rather than his devotion to the removal of guns.

      The who are crowing the loudest over such a lie are people like you and the NRA because feat sells guns really well, and never mind if you have to make up the threat be it a scary black man in the whitehouse or, more recently, scary Syrian Refugees, many of whom are children, such thing help the NRA and the gun worshipers get their so it’s par for the course.

      And routine too, for the past decade at least.

      Also very telling is your implied support of Trump as well as the belief in his apparent honesty over establishment Republicans who are considered doshonest by default (and somehow according to you, it implies that Trump, simply by not being one of them, is honest. Because all plants are alive therefore anything that is not a plant isn’t?)

      It’s not even necessary to note the apparent honesty or otherwise of establishment Republicans in order to objectively determine Trump’s honesty as a person. Simply note the claims he makes and then check with unbiased sources or repositories of information to see if his claims are true.

      He has made quite a few claims since the Paris attacks, so there should be no shortage of material to use to determine his honesty.

    • Well, bless your pea-pickin’ heart steve. You’re trying to make a funny. I’m sure you’ll do better next time. Now, go back to your corner–I’m sure there’s some lint in your belly button that needs your attention. Thanks for playing.

  3. Lost on Beritbrats too is that around the same time as the attacks in France, Beirut was also struck by a similar terrorist attack that also resulted in large civilian casualties.

    A poignent difference between the attacks is that gun control laws in Beirut are far more lax than in France. In fact the NRA would love for America overall to have the same level of gun control as Beirut.

    But hey I can understand why no one at Beritbrats even mentioned Beirut. It’s Beirut after all, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the “journalists” of Beritbrats have never even heard of the attacks.

    Or if they have, to not care to mention it in their articles because it’s Beirut not some European or American place.

    • That’s an excellent point. Actually, most of the places around the world where terrorism is the most devastating are places where there are very few restrictions on guns. And yet, in those places the people are not successfully defending themselves against the terrorists.

  4. Armed Religious zealots – the only difference between the ones in Alabama, (pick a red state), and Beirut, (pick a middle eastern county), is that one group has more Faith than the other. They will blow them self’s up in the name of their religion.

  5. Donnie TRumphole, still a big steaming pile of horsesh–. So is Breitbart. Anyone that uses that as source for anything, as well as World Net Daily, is absolutely, positively, full of horsesh–. As such, should be instantly dismissed, disregarded, & ignored. (made fun of, if one wants to. Perhaps call them out on their bullsh–.)

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