Morning Joe Unleashes Epic Rant on GOP Liars: My Party is Going STRAIGHT TO HELL’

In the four unbearably long months that Donald Trump has been president his administration has achieved nothing but scandal and worldwide embarrassment. However, the biggest threat to Trump’s presidency and the Republican Party has always been the prospect of other Republicans abandoning him to save their own necks. Until that happens he faces only moderate risk from the criticism of Democrats.

Joe Scarborough

Well, the GOP dam is about to burst. The flood of Republicans distancing themselves from Trump is growing. For the most part that’s due to the tsunami of evidence accumulating about his unsavory connections to Russia. And his own statements that amount to confessions of obstruction of justice don’t endear him to his colleagues either. But while Russia is the most troubling of Trump’s basket of scandals, it isn’t the only one.

Friday morning a prominent Republican and MSNBC TV anchor was through with the brazen dishonesty of Trump’s brand of Republicanism. Joe Scarborough shocked his Morning Joe panel by firing off an impassioned commentary (video below). The trigger was Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney. At a Senate hearing Mulvaney flatly declared that Trump’s proposed budget would not cut Medicare. That’s an assertion that is plainly contradicted by reality. Or as Scarborough out it, it’s a “certifiable lie.” And that was just the beginning.

Scarborough continued with the question that formed the basis of his righteous rant. “Why do the Republicans,” he asked emphatically, “keep looking into cameras and lie?” It would be too easy to reply that “that’s all they’ve got,” or “it’s in their blood.” Scarborough himself couldn’t come up with a satisfactory answer. But his exasperation was showing. He railed against his party pals saying that:

“You’re cutting $850 billion in Medicare for the poorest of the poor. If you want to do it, embrace it. Don’t lie about it. Stop lying about it. We know you’re lying about it. We’re not stupid. And you Republicans in the House have been lying non-stop.” […]

“It’s so maddening. This is my party. My party is going straight to hell politically. They really are. They’re going straight to hell. They have embraced the coarsening of culture where the truth means absolutely nothing.”

This is the kind political crack in the wall that precedes massive defections. And it isn’t just limited to a specific policy. Scarborough made a point of connecting the lies of the GOP with its leader. Saying that “I understand Donald Trump lies all the time,” Scarborough recognized that the fish stinks from the head. And he warned his party peers that “You are selling your soul if you just keep lying about things.”

The only question now is how long it will take for the retreat to reach a tipping point. No elected Republican is willing to lose their seat to defend a crumbling administration that is mired in accusations of criminal conduct with hints of treason. When the light of truth is switched on they will scurry to political safety like startled cockroaches. The thing that voters will need to remember is that, even in their darkened crevices, they are still cockroaches.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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5 thoughts on “Morning Joe Unleashes Epic Rant on GOP Liars: My Party is Going STRAIGHT TO HELL’

  1. Traitor trump lies consistently, McConnell is a filthy , disgusting, lying quisling and Ryan is the same. Don’t expect these pieces of filth to do other than lie to save themselves. They will betray any any everyone to keep their jobs and greed. We must not let them get away anything. All of those guilty GOP quislings must stand trial and go to prison.

  2. Republicans, and too many Democrats, are bought and paid for by the 1%. We keep electing the same type of politician, listen to the same campaign rhetoric, and obey what the powers want.

    Until we can unite under common goals for the majority, until we can understand what is best for the majority, we will keep finding the quicksand to be getting deeper.

  3. “It’s so maddening. This is my party. My party is going straight to hell politically. They really are. They’re going straight to hell. They have embraced the coarsening of culture where the truth means absolutely nothing.”

    Mr. Scarborough, this raises the important question: Why the hell is this STILL your party?

  4. You must have missed this first shot across the bow ~

    ” President Trump’s Taxpayer First Budget
    “President Trump’s first proposed budget shows respect for the people who pay the bills.”

    People on Medicaid don’t pay taxes. Hence the proposed 880 Billion dollar cut.

  5. Why has it taken you so long, you embraced him and all he stood for when he was campaigning. Republicians laughed and made funny of him, until he was elected, then the majority of them could not bend over fall enough for him, Ryan backed him,.McConnelly backed him,Pence backed him and have done his dirty work for him. Republicians backed him,got their hands dirty trying to push and repeal ACA, and they are still being devilish about their health plan,because they know the only people that will benefit are the super 1% rich, so why is it any surprise his budget will hurt middle and lower income families with it’s what( 9 trillion dollar mistake) !

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