Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

In only three days, the entire landscape of the 2024 presidential election has been transformed. The anxieties felt by many Democrats over the candidacy of President Biden have been replaced by a frothy enthusiasm for the Party’s likely new standard bearer, Vice-President Kamala Harris.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Now it’s the Republican Party that is awash with anxiety over their pitiful and unpopular candidate, the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, Donald Trump. And now he is the only candidate that bears the stigma of advanced age and conspicuous cognitive corrosion. As a result, the GOP is scrambling frantically to reconstruct their defunct campaign strategy that was carefully designed to defame Biden.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

Fortunately for the failing Trump team (or unfortunately as it’s likely to turn out), their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is stepping up to fill in the vacuum left by the GOP’s loss of Biden as a target for their smears. The Fox crew has spent the past 72 hours brainstorming approaches to shatter the excitement that Harris’ promotion has generated. And the best that they have come up with so far is that she laughs.

LOLOL: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

On Wednesday morning, Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, took a stab at fortifying Trump’s defense. And you have to hand it to her for taking such a bold stance on behalf of her Dear Leader. Bartiromo’s plan was to align herself and Trump with the China state media operation that has long favored Trump over Democrats and democracy. She said that…

Chinese state media is reportedly slamming Vice-President Kamala Harris’ performance in the White House as mediocre, saying she lacks the experience and achievements to serve as president.

So there you have it. Fox News is acting as China’s affiliate in America to dispense their anti-American screed. If the Chinese press considers Harris “mediocre,” then that’s good enough for Bartiromo and Fox News. Never mind that Harris’ experience and achievements are well documented and impressive. The state-run press of China thinks that they are lacking, so Fox needs to apprise Trump’s cult followers of this breaking “news.”

And that’s not all. Bartiromo’s guest for this segment was GOP Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. He joined in proudly saying that “I’m agreeing with China on this” Which is typical of today’s Republican Party that can’t resist aligning itself with America’s autocratic enemies. Trump himself regularly brags about his friendship with, and admiration for, China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kin Jong Un, and of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

It isn’t surprising that Fox News would unleash vicious attacks on Harris or any other Democratic politician. In fact, it’s expected of them. That has been their mission from the beginning. But it is a bit more unnerving to see them recite and embrace propaganda directly disseminated by China’s state media. How far do they have to go before they are required to register as foreign agents? Trump crossed that line long ago. And he is dragging Fox News and the Republican Party over that line more with each passing day.


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Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

In the days preceding Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, the media generously regurgitated the GOP fairy tale that Trump would be rebranding himself as a uniter with a calm, rational approach to governing. Never mind that this is the umpteenth time that Trump was supposedly going to pivot to a new persona that is light years from anything he has shown for decades.

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Donald Trump TV Set

How the press justified spreading that malarkey is a mystery considering that Trump has never been anything but a divisive purveyor of rabid hostility and infantile insults aimed at anyone – Democratic or Republican – who was not sufficiently worshipful. His idea of unity means to unite behind his messianic eminence. It is not so much about bringing people together as it is about purging every dissenter.

SEE THIS: Felonious Trump Says Uniting the Nation Means Giving Him the Freedom to Commit Crimes at Will

When it came time for Trump to deliver his highly anticipated unification speech, he didn’t disappoint the critics who knew at the outset that he couldn’t pull off that sort of transformation. What he unleashed to the glassy-eyed cult disciples in the convention hall was a stream-of-consciousness harangue that went on for 96 minutes without ever providing a single policy proposal or affirmative vision for the future. It was nothing more than a rehash of his America-bashing rally rants, except spoken in a slower, more stodgy style.

So no one should be surprised that Trump was ecstatic about his own performance. He posted a couple of comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, exalting himself and lying about his reception by the public. He began by bragging about…

“Big TV RATINGS last night for the Republican Convention, the best and most successful in history! Fox led the way. MSNBC was dead last. Four Great Days!!!”

Fact Check: FALSE! The ratings for Trump’s speech were less than stellar. The first three nights of the MAGA-fest were not exactly barn burners. And while the final night’s tally was an improved 25.38 million viewers, that’s only 6% more than the COVID-hampered 4th night of the 2020 RNC convention. Even worse, it was about 20% lower than the 2016 affair.

Speaking of Fact checks, Trump was found to have lied more than twenty times during his speech.

The only plausible claim of historical success was that Fox News drew its highest number ever for a nomination acceptance speech. But it isn’t exactly news that Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda did well while airing their Dear Leader. Even so, more people watched on networks other than Fox.

What’s more, Trump’s viewership was likely lower than these numbers represent because he didn’t begin his marathon monologue (the longest ever at 96 minutes) until about 10:30 ET, and didn’t finish until after midnight. These ratings don’t detail any viewing after primetime, which ends at 11:00. And the audience generally declines as it gets later in the evening.

The other Trump comment on Truth Social was his expression of gratitude for the reception he received…

“Thank you to all for the great reviews of my speech last night. It was my great honor to make it!!! DJT”

As usual, Trump is wallowing in pool of narcissistic delusion. What follows are just a few of the reviews of Trump’s widely panned spiel…

  • Politico: “Trump Derailed His Own Convention Speech”
  • New York Times: “One of the Truly Awful and Self-Indulgent Performances of Our Time”
  • Mediaite: “Trump ‘Diehards’ at RNC Get ‘Restless’ as Subdued and Rambling Trump Speech Runs Over 90 Minutes”
  • Washington Post: “Donald Trump missed his chance with his convention speech”
  • Daily Beast: “Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Wasn’t Just Bad and Mad, it Was Boring”
  • Fox News: “Trump’s lengthy RNC speech ripped by ‘The View'”
  • The Hollywood Reporter: Donald Trump Returns to Bad Form — and Gives the Democrats Hope
  • Newsweek: “Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Appears to Send Attendees to Sleep”

Ironically, the musical coda to Trump’s speech was the aria “Nessun Dorma” from the final act of Puccini’s opera “Turandot.” The title translates from Italian to “No one sleeps.” If that was intended to be an order, they should have done it before Trump started talking.

For the record, Trump’s speech underperformed similar public addresses by President Biden, whose final night in 2020 drew 24.6 million viewers. That’s slightly less than than Trump’s, but it was delivered during a virtual convention due to COVID. More recently, Biden’s State of the Union address drew more than 32 million viewers earlier this year. The Biden/Trump debate had an audience of 51 million.

All in all, Trump’s ratings are nothing to brag about. But that doesn’t stop him from doing so. He is obsessed with numbers, whether it’s ratings, or net worth, or crowd size at his cult rallies. And he will lie profusely in order pump himself up. It’s the one thing we can rely on from Trump.

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The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

The 2024 Republican National Convention has officially wrapped with the certification of convicted felon Donald Trump as the Party’s presidential nominee. And few observers will dispute that it was everything that it promised top be: A festival of angry, racist, cult followers devoted to an aspiring authoritarian and make-believe messiah.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s closing speech was notable for its interminable 90 minute length (the longest ever), it’s abundance of lies, its overt bigotry, and it’s extraordinary sedative effect. Convention delegates were seen nodding off or leaving early as the speech extended until past midnight without offering a single policy proposal or any solutions to real problems that the American people care about. And home viewers, the ones who stayed up, were similarly unimpressed…

SEE THIS: Trump’s MAGA RNC Convention Suffers Sharp Ratings Decline From Prior Years and Biden Speech

Instead, Trump spent an hour and half tearing down the country, denigrating the institutions that provide benefits to its citizens, and exalting himself with delusional portrayals of his term in office that is best remembered for COVID mortality, tax cuts for the rich, job losses, and hate speech.

Jordan Klepper of the The Daily Show was among those who noticed just how awful this convention was. He focused part of his monologue on the roster of speakers for the affair. But even more significant, were the people who were prominent in the Trump administration who didn’t bother to show up. And not because they were otherwise engaged. Klepper noted that…

“The campaign for president is basically one big job interview. The convention is where America checks the candidate’s references. And to be sure, there were plenty of people willing to vouch for Donald Trump. He’s got ex-cons, domestic abusers, fake wrestlers, fake friends, his children, people sleeping with his children, and of course, the esteemed mayor of Whoville.

“But if this is a job interview, it’s worth noting who we didn’t see: Most of the people that actually worked with him at the White House. And if American is gonna do our due diligence, we might as well call our references to hear what they have to say about him.”

Whereupon, Klepper played a montage of some of the top appointees in the Trump administration who are repulsed by him and regard him as a danger to democracy. For instance…

  • Mike Pence: Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president.
  • Mark Esper (Secretary of Defense): I think he’s unfit for office.
  • John Bolton (National Security Adviser): Richard Nixon looks like a choir boy next to Donald Trump.
  • Ty Cobb (Trump attorney): The greatest threat to democracy that we’ve ever seen.
  • Mick Mulvaney (Chief of Staff): He failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.
  • Gen. Mark Milley (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff): A wannabe dictator.
  • Bill Barr (Attorney General): He shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.
  • Gen. John Kelly (Chief of Staff): A person with nothing but contempt for for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
  • Gen. Jim Mattis (Secretary of Defense): The president has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader.
  • Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State): He’s an F’ing moron!

These are not the criticisms of partisan Democrats. They are warnings from the people that Trump had chosen to staff his White House and Cabinet. They know him well and worked closely with him during the tumultuous times of Trump’s troubled tenure. And they are adamant that he not be returned to any position of authority.

Yet somehow, his glassy-eyed cult disciples remain transfixed. They are unmoved (or perhaps aroused) by his two impeachments, his 34 felony convictions, his 54 still pending felony charges, his judgement for nearly half a billion dollars for financial fraud, or his adjudication as a rapist. They aren’t worried about his explicit promise to be a “dictator on day one,” or his “Project 2025” handbook for fascism. Because, after all, his opponent, President Biden, is three years older than he is.

Equally as concerning as the list of people who despise Trump, are those who Trump admires. Along with the convention speakers (i.e. Tucker Carlson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Peter Navarro, etc.), Trump bragged about having the support of Kim Jong Un and the Taliban during his speech. And with friends like that, who needs enemas?


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Trump and the GOP Show Their Fear of Veterans By Suing to Make it Harder for Them to Vote

The Republican Party has never been particularly interested in democracy. For decades they have endeavored to suppress voting and place obstacles in front of citizens (primarily Blacks and other minorities, and Democrats in general) who wish to exercise their rights. It was so bad that, until a recent Supreme Court ruling, states with a history of racial discrimination were subject to a “preclearance” requirement in the Voting Rights Act mandating federal approval before changing election policy.

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Donald Trump WTF

The core tactics employed by Republican campaigns have been to obstruct voting by imposing pointless voter ID laws, prohibiting opportunities to vote via early access and mail-in ballots, and challenging election outcomes. All of which were designed shrink the electorate to just the privileged few who Republicans approve of. They justify it by making wholly unsupported allegations of rampant voter fraud for which they have never been able to produce a shred of evidence. Well, except for GOP fraud…

SEE THIS: WARNING: Lara Trump Swears to Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters – Like Donald Trump?

This week the Donald Trump campaign, along with the Republican National committee (RNC) that is headed up by his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, filed a lawsuit to prohibit voter registration of fully eligible citizens, and specifically veterans. As reported by Talking Points Memo

“The Republican National Committee and Donald Trump’s campaign have filed a lawsuit in federal court against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over their efforts to make voter registration more accessible. […] More specifically, the legal challenge takes issue with a directive Whitmer issued last year, which, under the National Voter Registration Act, designated local Small Business Administration (SBA) offices as well as the Department of Veteran Affairs offices as voter registration sites.”

What better way for Trump to demonstrate his support for veterans – the folks he regards as “suckers and losers” – than to make it more difficult for them to register and vote? And not only veterans, but small business owners as well. Trump surely doesn’t want hordes of “mom and pop” shop owners getting in the way of the wealthy corporations that fund his campaign and pay his legal bills.

More to the point, this is the MAGA GOP’s effort to keep those they consider “undesirable” from voting. They have also opposed voter registration at the DMV, or at colleges, or at public assistance offices, or anywhere else that ordinary Americans might have cause to go. However, they have never objected to voter registration drives and luxury hotels or country club golf resorts.

The lawsuit is also an attempt by “Trump and his allies [to] set themselves up to cry voter fraud in any state the former president might lose in the fall.” He has already begun his incantations of voter fraud in expectation of his defeat. He and his cult devotees are insisting that the only way he can lose is if Democrats cheat. In other words, Trump and his MAGA disciples have no intention of respecting the election results unless he is the winner. Which means that they might attempt another January 6th style coup to prevent President Biden’s reelection from being certified.

America’s veterans and active military must recognize that Trump is is not on their side. At best he is using them for his own benefit. Which is true about every other voter group in the country. Trump has never cared about anyone but himself. And his actions, such as this lawsuit, continue to confirm that.


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Trump Spokesmodel Tells Fox News that ‘the Left is Godless’ in Post-Shooting Play for – Unity?

Republicans have spent years proclaiming themselves to be the party of Jesus. They regard their people and their policies as the divine product of pure Christian conviction. And therefore, whatever they do and say is sanctioned by god and elevated from merely the political to the pious.

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Flaming Trump

The fulfillment of that feeble faithfulness has finally been achieved with the descent of Donald Trump to the Earthly realm. His MAGA cult disciples revere him as a messenger from heaven, despite his alignment with a place much farther down. They believe that he was sent to slay their foes (i.e. Blacks, gays, and all manner of liberals). The MAGAtists see him that way because he sees himself that way, and who are they to disagree? They will obediently comply and bequeath unto him their funds to purchase his Trump-branded bible and cover his legal expenses incurred from his communion with porn stars and committing fraud. And then there’s this…

SEE THIS: Immaculate Birther: Donald Trump Says He Doesn’t Have To Ask God For Forgiveness

In the days that followed the shooting in Pennsylvania that resulted in Trump’s “Earlobe Stigmata,” many of Trump’s devotees have testified on television that he is the beneficiary of divine intervention by virtue of his having survived. They apparently believe that the Trump fan who died deserved it, so god forsook him. And on Tuesday morning, the preachers on Fox News visited with Trump’s Deputy Director of Communications (aka Propaganda), Caroline Sunshine, to glory in the light of the Don. Trump’s Sunshine engaged in the following exchange with Fox’s Harris Faulkner…

Faulkner: People are praying for him. People have tapped into that. How does the left come against that? What are they gonna do?
Sunshine: I think the left is godless. And I don’t feel like it’s hard to say that. I don’t say that from a place of malice. I say that as a woman of deep faith myself.[…]

The MAGA movement is full of people that love our country, but love god. What president Trump survived is divine intervention. […] It’s good to remember that good does defeat evil.”

Harris is correct that people have been praying for Trump. Including President Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and many more of the Democrats who offered their prayers, but who Faulkner never mentioned, and who Sunshine believes are evil.

Sunshine claims that her accusation that “the left is godless” comes from being “a woman of deep faith.” That is an explicitly anti-Christian attitude. She might want to refer to Matthew 7, that warns “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” And despite her denial, she is speaking purely with malice. There is simply no other way to describe it. Particularly when she elaborates by implying that Democrats are “evil.”

It’s also notable that these malicious comments come so soon after many Americans of all political persuasions have expressed their desire to turn down the harsh rhetoric and seek to unite the country in its common goals. Both Biden and Trump have publicly promised to do so. But only Biden has kept that promise. Trump, on the other hand, has bizarrely defined “unity” as giving him the freedom to commit crimes at will. and his MAGAtists have gone full bore into blaming Biden and Democrats for the violence that Trump has incited for years.

The phony piety of pseudo-religious Republicans has long registered abnormally high on the hypocrisy scale. But now, with Trump’s resurrection from near – er, make that ear – death, it is completely off the charts. Their adoption of Trump as messiah is complete. And they will proselytize that blasphemy from now until November 5th, and probably longer. Especially if he loses. That’s what cults do.


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Felonious Trump Says Uniting the Nation Means Giving Him the Freedom to Commit Crimes at Will

On the same day that the MAGA Republican National Convention began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a shamelessly biased judge in Florida dismissed the case against Donald Trump wherein he was charged with stealing classified documents, hoarding them at his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel, and lying to the FBI about having them. It is a ruling that is steeped in the sort of sophistry that defines cult worship.

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Donald Trump

Judge Aileen Cannon has been serving as Trump’s de facto lead defense counsel from the start of the trial. And now she has, in effect, unilaterally acquitted Dear Leader as his coronation to become the Republican nominee for president becomes official, and just 48 hours after he received the stigmata by having had his ear nicked by a crackpot’s bullet. Which, of course was all President Biden’s doing…

SEE THIS: MAGA World Blames Biden and Democrats for the Violence that Trump Has Incited for Years

America has never before suffered the indignity of a former, or gawd forbid future, president being charged with 88 felonies. And the genuflecting GOP isn’t the least bit ashamed of embracing a candidate who is a convicted felon, financial fraudster, and adjudicated rapist.

In this polluted political environment that Trump is accepting his clan’s consecration with the humility of a preening prima donna. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted a comment intended to display a sympathetic side of him that is unexpected – that is rarely seen – that doesn’t exist. It was his attempt, in the wake of a shooting by a fellow Republican, to suppress his decades long reputation as a hate-mongering divider, and to portray himself anew as a saintly uniter. He wrote in his typically long-winded style that…

“As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts — The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia ‘Perfect’ Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!”

Did you catch Trump’s call for harmony in that commentary? If not, it may be because it was it was wrapped in his obsession with himself. To Trump to “move forward in Uniting our Nation” has nothing to do with compassion for others, or moderating his insults and rage, or refraining from lies about his perceived enemies. Unity is solely a function of granting him immunity from any and all crimes he has committed or will commit in the future.

Even in this supposed petition for peace, Trump characterizes the well documented charges against him dishonestly as “Witch Hunts,” with dismissive and infantile nicknames for them all (“January 6th Hoax,” “Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case,” “New York A.G. Scam,” “Fake Claims about a woman I never met,” “Georgia ‘Perfect’ Phone Call”).

Trump then goes on to lie, saying that “The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks.” Actually, only one of the cases he listed was filed by a Justice Department prosecutor. The rest were all state cases that were not coordinated with the feds in any way. What he is really looking for is the absolution that he believes was granted by the Supreme Court’s ludicrous ruling that presidents are entitled to immunity for crimes that they actually commit.

SEE ALSO: Total Insanity: Trump Says the Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision is a ‘Total Exoneration’

Yet still Trump pretends to seek unity by asking “Let us come together to END all Weaponization.” Does that include the GOP Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, shutting down the phony inquisitions by Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan? You know, the ones who have been humiliating themselves in hearings that not only failed to turn up any evidence against Biden or his family, but their own witnesses actually cleared them of any wrongdoing.

Naturally, Trump’s plea to unite by ending all “weaponization” means only that which is directed at him. He still insists that the rabidly partisan Republicans in Congress continue to persecute Biden, his family, and his administration. They just tried, and failed, to have Attorney General Merrick Garland arrested for contempt of Congress because he refused to acquiesce to their…let’s say witch hunt to smear Biden.

That’s the true nature of Trump’s idea of unity. It doesn’t include finding common ground with Democrats. It has nothing to do with lowering the temperature after the shooting in Pennsylvania. It isn’t even about what benefits the Republican Party. As is evident in his Truth Social post, it is wholly built around whatever is in Trump’s personal best interest. Nothing else matters to him. Nothing. That’s it. Will voters – even Republicans – fall for it? We’ll see.


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Fox News Admits that the GOP is Demanding Tapes of Biden So They Can Mock Him for Stuttering

Among the tediously repeated lines that Trump delivers in his traveling cult rallies is a new one wherein he declares that the 2024 presidential election is “the most important election in the history of the United States.” And for once, he isn’t wrong. But he also isn’t right for the reasons that he thinks.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On November 5, 2024, the American people will choose between President Joe Biden, a dedicated, patriotic, statesman, and family man, or Donald Trump, a twice impeached, serial adulterer, who has been adjudicated as a rapist and fraudster, and been convicted of 34 felonies. Inexplicably, there is still a small but noisy contingent of Trump cultists who remain irredeemably devoted to their Dear Leader despite all the evidence of his moral decrepitude. The good news is that most voters won’t have a particularly difficult time making their decision.

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

In the meantime, the Trump-fluffers at Fox News are hard at work spreading lies, right-wing propaganda, and malicious insults that would embarrass an eight year old. Which is what they’ve always done, so that isn’t exactly news. A recent example of this comes from Kayleigh McEnany, a former Trump press secretary who is now doing essentially the same job, but with a bigger paycheck from Fox.

In a segment of Fox’s Sean Hannity show, McEnany addressed a wholly contrived controversy over Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has declined to turn over some audio tapes of Biden to the rabidly biased Republicans in the House of Representatives. Garland advised the GOP that such requests violate precedent when there is an objection on the basis of executive privilege. But in a fit of petulant rage, the GOP voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress anyway.

To the surprise no one with a functioning cerebellum, Garland decided not to prosecute himself. Not out of personal interest, but because there is no crime to prosecute. This exacerbated the already unhinged anger of the GOP and Fox News. McEnany lashed out saying that…

“This is of great public interest. As congressmen have pointed out, the transcripts were edited to keep out the ‘ums,’ the ‘ahs,’ ‘the stutters. The American people deserve to hear this President in long form.”

So McEnany is admitting that the only purpose of releasing the audio tapes would be to embarrass the President who has had a lifelong problem with stuttering. It’s a sickening request that seeks only to mock an otherwise irrelevant speech impediment. What she is asking is akin to demanding the videotapes of the President’s colonoscopy because the American people “deserve” to see the President’s long intestine.

The tapes do not provide any substantive information that would be useful for any legislative purpose. Congress has the full transcripts of the tapes, and such transcripts always remove extraneous pauses and fillers. But McEnany and her confederates at Fox News don’t have any coherent criticisms to make of Biden, so they are desperate for petty things like this that they can exploit to attack him.

McEnany is not alone on this. The Republican Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson, is also weighing in on the matter. He has announced that Congress is going to sue the Justice Department in an attempt to get the tapes. Johnson is, once again, proving that he believes the role of Congress is to serve as Trump’s private law firm. Rather than pass any bills that actually benefit the nation or its citizens, Johnson focuses entirely on partisan political attacks on behalf of Trump. That’s why this session of Congress has been the least productive in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

What’s more, the goal of disparaging Biden’s mental acuity by Fox News and the MAGA GOP, is one that fails miserably in contrast to Trump’s own cognitive problems. Trump provides frequent evidence of his Acute Psychobabble Disorder (APB). It ranges from rants about succumbing to electrocution or sharks, to ridiculously inflating the size of the crowds at his cult rallies, to claiming to have the solution to every world problem that he can only reveal if he’s elected.

However, the pièce de résistance is Trump’s alleged proof that he is mentally superior to most mortals because he supposedly “aced” a cognitive test given to him by a disgraced former doctor, now Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, wherein he was asked to identify an elephant and count backwards. However, in Trump’s latest attempt to brag about this “accomplishment,” the “stable genius” couldn’t even remember the doctor’s name…

So it is with the backdrop of Trump’s inability to retain information that he refers to frequently, along with his Bizarro World yammering that no one can decipher, that Fox News and the GOP want to get their hands on some tapes of Biden stammering during a five hour long interview, in order to prove that he’s unfit for office. That is how pitifully desperate they are to find anything to dirty up Biden with.

While this might work on the already indoctrinated Trump disciples, it is going to fall flat for everyone else. And the best forum within which to prove that is the upcoming Biden/Trump debate. That is, if Trump doesn’t chicken out.


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Marjorie Taylor Greene is OUTRAGED at Being Called ‘Fringe’: ‘It’s Not Me, It’s Rachel Maddow!’

Last week the unofficial chair of the House MAGA Fringe Caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene, proposed a bill to defund the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an alliance that has protected much of the world from aggression by Russia for 75 years. Greene’s opposition is rooted in her animosity toward Ukraine, President Biden, and democracy.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

Greene is notorious for her bizarre antics in and out of Congress. She is an unflinching disciple of the Cult of Trump. She attacks her Fellow Republicans with unbridled hatred. She is leading the fight to remove MAGA Mike Johnson as Speaker. She has drafted numerous motions to impeach members of the Biden administration simply because they are Democrats. Recently she sought to deny all federal funding for the state of New York because a jury in Manhattan found Trump guilty of 34 felonies.

SEE THIS: Trump Verdict Triggers Marjorie Taylor Greene to Call for Banning All Federal Funds to New York

Any rational observer of of politics would describe Greene as a fringe operative. Although, these days her views have been embraced by most of the Trump GOP. Following the failure of her NATO defunding bill, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow noted that many Republicans voted to withhold critical funds from America’s allies in Europe.

“A fifth of the Republicans in Congress just voted that we should leave our allies all together. That we should break up the big Western alliance. That we should defund NATO. And I think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of Congress. A member of Congress who is known for her publicity stunts, and therefore she is easy to ignore. But it wasn’t just her. forty-six Republicans voted for this thing.

This criticism of of the Republican betrayal of our allies struck Greene for decidedly personal reasons. She didn’t care so much about Maddow calling out the GOP for “leaving our allies.” Nope. What bothered Greene was the part where Maddow referred to her as “a very fringe member of Congress.” So Greene scampered off to Steve Bannon’s podcast to complain about Maddow

“”Well, of course, she’s not happy. Rachel’s never accomplished anything real in her entire life. She’s only lied on television for a living. And NATO, all these European countries, they don’t pay their fair share. So why should America continue to pay for the defense of all these other countries when they are unwilling to even pay their fair share?”

REALLY? Most people would consider having graduated from Stanford, becoming a Rhodes Scholar, and getting a doctorate in Political Science from Oxford, something of an accomplishment. Plus, she’s won three Emmys, a Grammy, and written best-selling books. Greene’s resume, on the other hand, consists of little more than managing a small construction company in rural Georgia, and failing to produce anything of substance as a member of Congress. But Greene wasn’t through defending herself from the allegations of fringiness…

“It’s not fringe at all. It’s also not fringe because most Americans also agree that the United States should not be funding a war in Ukraine.”

Greene is, as usual, lying. Polls show that a majority of American actually support funding for Ukraine. But Greene, like her Republican confederates, never lets facts get in the way of a good rant. She continued saying that…

“When we’re going to talk about the question, we’re going to ask the question, who is fringe? It’s actually Rachel Maddow is the fringe person in this story. It’s not me. It’s Rachel Maddow.”

Here Greene is adopting the age-old debate strategy of “I know you are, but what am I?” However, her “rubber/glue” tactic falls short due to the fact that even 157 of her fellow Republicans voted against her bill, along with every Democrat. Although she did get 46 Republicans to join her.

That’s a pretty good affirmation that Greene and her band merry cranksters are indeed the fringe. And no matter how hard she tries to deny that reality, it remains true. Nevertheless, we can expect her to continue attacking her betters, such as Maddow, because glassy-eyed narcissists like Greene are incapable of recognizing their own failures. No matter how glaring.


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HUH? Fox News and GOP Rep Think Democrats Will Draft Michelle Obama Due to Hunter Biden Verdict

As the 2024 presidential election cycle unfolds, one thing is becoming clearer with each passing day. The Republican Party is descending ever deeper into an abyss of desperation and unqualified madness at the heels of their convicted felon nominee for president. Donald Trump’s prospects are rapidly declining, and he is doing absolutely nothing to broaden his base of support beyond the MAGA cult clan that he caters to.

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Michelle Obama, Fox News

In response to this dilemma, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – has leapt into action to buttress his sagging aspirations to reoccupy the White House and impose an authoritarian regime. In addition to embracing his convictions on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records and election finance fraud resulting from his “hush money” payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels, Fox News is clutching feverishly to some of the most bizarre and preposterous rationales to continue supporting their Dear Leader.

SUCH AS THIS: Trump and Fox News Legal ‘Experts’ Call for a Mistrial After Falling for an Obvious Hoax

On Wednesday morning Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed GOP representative, Andy Ogles (TN-MAGA). Their discussion led to the following exchange that reveals just how far out on the limb of sanity they are willing to crawl.

Andy Ogles: I think that also creates an opening for Democrats to slip someone like Michelle Obama in here. The Biden family can say “Hey, we’re gonna take care of our house. We’re gonna take care of our son.” And allow Michelle Obama to come in and run. Because, again, Joe Biden can’t win this election, and they know that. And they are desperate for another candidate.
Bartiromo: I gotta tell you. I am increasingly thinking that Joe Biden withdraws from this race by the time November 5th comes along. I am buying into what you’re saying there because I agree that the Democrats are desperate right now. They are very worried.

That’s right. Bartiromo and Ogles have somehow twisted their perception of reality into one that accommodates an especially extreme crackpot conspiracy theory. They assert that the finding that Hunter Biden improperly filled out a form when he purchased a gun six years ago will somehow doom his father’s candidacy for reelection. They don’t explain why that would happen, but then they don’t have to. Their audience is comprised of cult followers who will believe whatever they are told to believe.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News and GOP Rep Think Democrats Will Draft Michelle Obama Due to Hunter Biden Verdict

For the record, these are the same brilliant analysts who claimed that President Biden rigged the justice system to prevent Hunter from being convicted. After the guilty verdict they claimed that the system was rigged to convict Hunter as a distraction from bigger imaginary crimes. In effect, they are now claiming that Biden rigged the system to push himself out of the race because he can’t simultaneously love his son and serve as President. And their assertion that Democrats are desperate is pure projection.

But Bartiromo and Ogles weren’t finished spinning their fantastical fairy tale of political intrigue. After dumping President Biden, these two MAGA-nauts went on to predict that Democrats would nominate Michelle Obama in his place. Never mind that Obama has repeatedly insisted that she has no intention or desire to run for office. The suggestion that she would do so is based solely on their fears that Trump is likely to lose again to Biden, just like he did in 2020. However, this isn’t the first time that this suggestion has been floated by nervous Republicans.

SEE ALSO: Trump and Fox News are So Scared Of Biden, They’re Switching in Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama

Fox News and their Republican confederates have good reason to be afraid. Biden has presided over a booming economy. He has championed issues that the American people care about, including reproductive healthcare, tax equity, job creation, voting rights, adherence to democratic and constitutional principles, and support for international allies.

In the meantime, Trump had four disastrous years that left the nation poorer, sicker, more in debt, and more divided than ever. Then he left the White House kicking and screaming about election fraud, stole classified documents and lied about it to the FBI, tried to instigate a violent insurrection, and sought to strongarm state officials into altering election results. Since leaving office he has been adjudicated as a rapist, ordered to pay judgements of half a billion dollars, and has been convicted of multiple felonies.

The contrast between Biden and Trump could not be clearer. And that clarity is why Fox News and the Republican Party are inventing absurd scenarios that they think will deflect from the positive outlook for Biden and other Democrats. But even their manufactured “horror” stories are hysterically off base. Because Michelle Obama is among the most popular Americans of modern times, If she were actually a candidate, she would crush Trump. So you really have to wonder what Fox News is thinking. Or IF they’re thinking.


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Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

The Republican obsession with manufacturing criminal charges against President Biden has suffered for years from an absolute failure to find any crumb of a crime that they could pin on the President. And it is driving them crazy knowing that their failure is the a result of a combination of their incompetence and the fact that Biden has been a decent and honest public servant.

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Nevertheless, the GOP chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, continues in his fanatical and futile fishing expedition despite accomplishing nothing except to further embarrass himself and exasperate his Republican confederates. But undeterred by trivial considerations, like whether or not there are any facts to support his accusations, Comer persists in his malicious mission to malign Biden.

SEE THIS: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

The GOP in the House has been holding their useless and partisan hearings for years now. They somehow manage to set aside the fact that they have failed utterly in their mission to find dirt on Biden. Comer has been humiliated repeatedly by Democrats on the Committee who have pointed out how dishonest and incompetent he and his GOP colleagues are. Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz has even challenged Comer to call for a vote to impeach Biden, if he thinks he has the goods on him. He obviously doesn’t.

Now it appears that Fox News is getting tired of the ineffectiveness of Comer and Company. After Fox’s Maria Bartiromo challenged Comer as to why he hasn’t issued criminal referrals to the Department of Justice on an array of crimes that neither she nor Republicans have any proof ever occurred, Comer replied with a typically vague assertion that his ghost indictments are coming soon. Really, they are…

Bartiromo: Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering? Is that what you just said?
Comer: I think it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent. That’ll probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama/Biden administrations.

Yeah, right! If they do file a report, it will surely contain an abundance of lies that the DoJ will quickly and appropriately dismiss. You can rest assured that if Comer had evidence that “Joe Biden’s committed many crimes,” it wouldn’t be a secret. He would have produced it long ago.

Bartiromo followed up by asking why Comer doesn’t “subpoena these people.” Which, of course, he has already done. That includes the President’s son, Hunter, his brother, James, and several business associates. They all showed up and gave testimony under oath. Comer’s problem is that that testimony produced zero evidence that comes close implicating Biden, or anyone else, in any criminal act. To the contrary, his witnesses actually absolved Biden of any wrongdoing.

It appears that even Fox News is becoming impatient with Comer and other Republicans in Congress, such as Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan, who haven’t been effective enough at smearing Biden. But then, they haven’t been effective at anything else either, such as passing legislation, or selecting leadership. So is anyone surprised?


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