Two decades ago a conservative media mogul (Rupert Murdoch) and a right-ring political operative (Roger Ailes) colluded to form America’s first overtly partisan news network devoted to advancing a regressive agenda that favored corporations and the wealthy. And ever since Fox News has faithfully served it’s masters, all the while pretending to be “fair and balanced” journalists.
For most of that time the rest of the media sheepishly approached Fox News as just another competitor. They rarely spoke honestly about how Fox was deliberately staining the one profession explicitly cited in the Constitution. Consequently, Fox got away with a lot of brazenly biased propaganda and managed to corral America’s Deplorables into a media pen where they felt safe and secure.
So it was rather surprising to hear CNN president Jeff Zucker’s criticism of Fox at the Financial Times’ “Future of News” conference on Thursday. He nailed Fox News in a way that few media executives have in the past twenty years. While nothing he said would be a revelation to anyone who has watched the network for more than two minutes, coming from a corporate media honcho it is borderline breathtaking. Here’s a quick summary of the highlights as reported by The Hollywood Reporter:
Zucker said that…
- Fox News “is really state-run TV. It is a pure propaganda machine, and I think does incredible disservice to this country.”
- “The idea that it’s a news channel, I think, is really not the case at all.”
- Fox News “has nothing on” the Russian government-run TASS Russian News Agency.
- “I think they are lost in what is a complete propaganda machine.”
In addition, THR reports Zucker saying that “Fox News has changed substantially in the last two years, following the departure of late founder Roger Ailes. He described the change at the network as ‘shocking.'” However the only thing that might have changed is that in the post-Ailes era the executives at Fox were much less skilled at spewing rightist bullshit. Their deceitful machinations are more visible and sleazy. That may be what drove long-time Fox contributor Ralph Peters to quit the network that he now says he is “ashamed” to be associated with. According to THR Fox News was invited to participate in the event but declined.
Fox News continues to be the mouthpiece of the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s most dedicated defender. It serves as the personnel recruiting pool for the Trump administration. Among those tapped by Trump for White House posts were Heather Nauert, K.T. McFarland, Ben Carson, Sebastian Gorka, Richard Grennell, and Jonathan Wachtel. And just today Trump announced that Fox’s John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as his National Security Advisor. And even his legal team is now being stuffed with Fox News personalities, including Joseph DiGenova and, maybe his wife, Victoria Toensing.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
CNN is not without its share of journalistic failures. They were among the news outlets that plastered the airwaves with Trump’s thoroughly un-newsworthy rallies (rants) during the campaign. And they still host Trump-fluffing flacks who are only there to further disseminate Trump’s lies. However, there has never been a presidential administration that was so rife with media shills from a single source. The only people that Trump recognizes are those he’s seen on TV. And the only TV he watches is Fox News. So after a year in office he still behaves like an intellectually shallow reality TV game show host, rather than the president that our nation needs. Hopefully he will be voted off this island soon by Robert Mueller’s team of Survivors.
Well said. I gave up on most tv years ago. It isn’t even entertainment anymore. I’m grateful for the BBC and public broadcasting, which despite having little disposable income, I support monthly. Fox News is a disgusting mirror of traitor trump and his cesspool. Swamps are highly productive ecosystems. Cesspools are devoid of any life save toxic organisms.
Meanwhile, Hair Drumpfenfuhrer just signed the spending bill, then condemned the ReThugs for passing it in the first place. Oh, and he wants a line-item veto and to abolish the filibuster.
Once again, Hair Drumpfenfuhrer violates like none other. And it has even riled up his “base.” Guess they still don’t understand that Hair Drumpfenfuhrer NEVER says what he means and blames his inappropriate comments on the “fake media” again misquoting him, which the TrumpBots will immediately accept and go back to worshiping Their Beloved.
Even Stupid Ann Coulter(tm) is condemning him. She posted this on Twitter:
Whatever, Annie. Not like you have any more credibility than the Fuhrer you will go back to worshiping once Fucks Spews spins this to praise Your Beloved and condemn Democrats for … um, reasons….