Trump Whines that the Media Didn’t Praise Him Enough After His Lie-Riddled Debate with Biden

The first presidential debate of 2024 is now history – in more ways ways than one. It is the first ever presidential debate where one of the candidates – Donald Trump – was a convicted felon, with 54 more felony charges pending, and was ordered to pay $454 million for financial fraud, and who incited a violent coup, and was adjudicated as a rapist.

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Donald Trump, Wah

Those uniquely distinguishing characteristics of Trump, however, were not the only things that guaranteed the CNN debate with President Biden a place in the history books. It was also a debate wherein Trump likely set a new world record for telling the most lies in a 90 minute slice of political television. And the record he beat was probably his own.

SEE THIS: FTR: Felonious Trump Gave 3 Times as Many False Statements as President Biden in the CNN Debate

In the days following the debate, the media has decided to place their focus on what many of their pundits are describing as the substandard performance of Biden. Ordinarily, when the press is criticizing your opponent, most politicians would be satisfied to let that criticism go on without interruption. But Trump is most certainly not “most politicians.”

Consequently, Trump is complaining about the bad press that Biden is suffering. Not because he thinks it is unwarranted. But because it is deflecting media attention from himself. And there is no greater offense one can commit against Trump than to fail to be thoroughly engrossed with his every word and deed at all times. He is the most sickly, egotistical, manifestation of Glenn Close’s character in the movie “Fatal Attraction,” who declared that “I will not be ignored.”

On Saturday morning Trump took to his floundering Social media scam, Truth Social, to lash out the press for failing to obsess over him. He wrote that…

“As I walked off the stage on Thursday night, at the end of the highly anticipated ‘Debate,’ anchors, political reporters and all screamed that I had had the greatest debate performance in the long and storied history of Presidential Debates. They all said, effectively, ‘Trump was fantastic!’ This theme was universal, even at CNN & MSDNC, but by Friday evening it was all about the poor performance of Crooked Joe, and not so much about how well I did. Oh well, that’s the way it is but, importantly, the result is the same!!!”

There is so much wrong with that puerile outburst that it requires a deeper dive into its derangement. Beginning with Trump’s utterly delusional assertion that all of the anchors and political reporters “screamed that I had had the greatest debate performance” in history. He was probably right about the screaming, but not for the reasons he suggests. And they surely didn’t regard his litany of flagrant lies as “fantastic.”

What’s more, how would Trump know what CNN and MSNBC – two networks that he insists he would never watch – were saying about Biden’s debate performance? If he had watched them he would have seen them talking about both Biden’s shortcomings and his own brazen and shameless dishonesty.

However, Trump makes it clear that his biggest problem with the press coverage of the debate was that it was “not so much about how well I did.” One explanation for that might be that he didn’t do what any rational person would describe as “well.”

More to the point, Trump is exhibiting his flaming narcissism by squealing about the press failing to devote all of their attention to him, even at the expense of their determination to bash Biden. Meanwhile Biden, while not delivering his best performance, was at least honest and, unlike Trump, stuck to the facts in his responses that actually related to the questions he was asked.

It is illustrative of the bizarre nature of our times that a candidate who appeared somewhat slow and detached during one debate is being urged to drop out of the race, but not the candidate who has been convicted of 34 felonies, surrounds himself with fellow felons, lies pathologically, exudes hostility and racism, and was affirmed by a judge to be a rapist. When these pundits start to call for Trump to drop out, we can start to take them seriously.


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FTR: Felonious Trump Gave 3 Times as Many False Statements as President Biden in the CNN Debate

Lets get this out of the way… President Biden had a bad night, and it was a serious missed opportunity. That said, Donald Trump is still a convicted felon, a rapist, a bigot, a flaming idiot, and an aspiring authoritarian who is an imminent threat to democracy. And, as emphatically demonstrated in last night’s debate, Trump is a also pathological liar.

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Trump Lies

So after the CNN debate, the choice for president remains one between an honorable, intelligent, elderly man with a poor memory who stutters, or a psychotically hostile wannabe dictator with the morals of an alley cat. That shouldn’t be a difficult choice for most Americans. And the coming days will affirm Trump’s unfitness for office as he is sentenced for the 34 felonies he was recently found guilty of, followed by the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city he regards as “horrible.”

SEE THIS: Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

There are factions within the Democratic Party that are panicking and now believe that Biden should step aside. Meanwhile, Republicans are ecstatic about Trump flooding the zone with flagrant falsehoods. Something is very wrong with American politics if Democrats will panic when Biden stutters a bit, but Republicans will celebrate when Trump lies constantly.

CNN made the astonishingly irresponsible decision to refrain from fact-checking during the debate. That played into Trump’s hands, allowing him to lie incessantly for 90 minutes without consequence. After the debate, CNN got around to fact checking, and the results, while predictable, couldn’t be worse for Trump. They found that Trump lied at least 28 times – about once every three minutes. Which means that virtually every response he gave contained a lie. Biden, on the other hand, was found to have made only nine disputable comments.

The difference between the character of the falsehoods was also notable. Trump’s were serious misstatements of irrefutable and consequential facts. However, Biden’s contained some items that clearly didn’t belong on a list of false statements. For instance…

  • CNN disputed Biden’s claim that Trump wants to get rid of Social Security. But Trump has said that he would make cuts to the program that he falsely claims is an entitlement.
  • CNN disputed Biden’s claim regarding Trump’s proposal to inject bleach as a cure of COVID. But Trump did make such a suggestion, just using the word “disinfectant,” rather than “bleach.”
  • CNN disputed Biden’s claim that billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes. Which is true if you factor in their unrealized investment income. And often they pay less, or even zero.

The list of Trump’s lies, however, was far longer and more substantive, including…

  • Trump’s lie that “everybody” wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, including Democrats.
  • Trump’s lie that Democrats support killing babies “after birth.”
  • Trump’s denial that he had called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.”
  • Trump’s claim that his 10% tariff on all imported goods would not raise prices on Americans.
  • Trump’s lie that Biden and his Justice Department were behind his four indictments.
  • Trump’s relentless repetition of his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen.”
  • Trump’s attempts to blame former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the January 6th insurrection.
  • Trump’s taking credit for the Veterans Choice health care law that was signed by Obama.
  • And 20 more lies…

The disappointment over the performance of Biden during the first debate will dissipate in a matter of days. And Biden will have more opportunities to demonstrate his wisdom and compassion. But the lies that are continuously being disgorged by Trump will persist in the minds of voters who actually care about the welfare of the nation. And on November 5th they will reject him, just as they did four years ago.


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Trump and His MAGA Minions are ‘Working the Refs’ for the CNN Debate. Will CNN Fall for It?

The pre-game banter in advance of the big Biden/Trump debate has begun and is consuming an inordinate amount of airtime on every news network. For the most part that time is spent with partisans and pundits speculating wildly about how they think the debate will unfold and who will emerge victorious.

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Biden, Trump Debate

The Biden team has been conspicuously quiet throughout this promo extravaganza. That’s because the President is too busy being President for such games. And when he isn’t performing his duties as Leader of the Free World, he is preparing for the debate in a responsible manner by studying the issues and polishing his message. Meanwhile, Trump and his team are preparing by reenacting his rally rants, engaging in puerile propaganda, and demonstrating just how truly terrified they are of facing Biden.

SEE THIS: CNN Bumps Flaky Trump Flack, Giving Steve Bannon and Trump Another Excuse to Dump Biden Debate

Much of the focus of Trump’s tirades is aimed at the debate hosting network, CNN. That should come as no surprise as Trump has been attacking them for years as “fake news” and has relentlessly predicted their failure. Which, like every other Trump prediction, has not come to pass.

As debate night approaches, Trump and company are furiously laying the groundwork to explain why Trump is going to lose the debate to Biden. Among other things, they are accusing him of using performance enhancing drugs. Although if there were drugs that could improve a person’s intelligence and communication skills, shouldn’t we all be using them? Certainly every president should be required to use them.

SEE ALSO: WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

However, that isn’t the only objective of the StormTrumpers. They are also “working the refs.” They believe that by accusing moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of being biased against Trump before a single question has been asked, they can influence (i.e. intimidate) the moderators to alter their questions so that they can’t be criticized for allegedly favoring one candidate over the other.

What that means in practice is that they would formulate questions that are overtly hostile for Biden. In order to project a phony sense of “balance” they might require Biden – but not Trump – to comment on whether he is too old to serve. Or they might ask him about the conviction of his son Hunter, which has nothing to do with the presidency or the welfare of the American people. And again, they won’t seek any comments from Trump about his corrupt family that has been found liable for running a fraudulent charity, university, and for receiving billions of dollars from a Saudi prince.

Other biased questions that CNN’s moderators could be coerced into asking might involve Biden’s possession of classified documents, or his alleged profiteering from his White House position, or the flagrant lie that he supports open borders. Never mind that it is only Trump who deliberately stole and lied about having classified documents, willfully profited by extorting funds from foreigners, and brags about having killed a bipartisan immigration bill.

In light of all of that, it is patently absurd for Trump’s team to be working so hard to disparage the fairness of the journalists at CNN. Particularly when they have a virtual Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) covering for them 24/7. Although, they are not even satisfied with that level of glassy-eyed sycophancy. If Fox fails to behave with unflinching adoration, they get hit by Trump…

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

One thing that can be relied on is that Trump, if he bothers to show up, will whine petulantly when he loses. He will blame everyone but himself. He will assert that the whole debate was “rigged” against him, just like the election, the polls, the trials, etc. That’s an argument that they are already planting in the press. GOP Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson recently complained that he “expects that CNN is going to rig it as much as possible and make it as favorable as they possibly can for President Biden.” See? Everything is rigged. Trump isn’t is a loser. He’s a victim. And that’s something we’re supposed to want as a president?

CNN must resist these attempts to coerce them into skewing their moderation of the debate. It is perfectly acceptable to ask both candidates tough questions and seek responsive answers with directed follow-ups. But it is not acceptable to come down harder on one candidate because the other is a big, orange-hued baby who orders his cohorts to try to slant the playing field. Can CNN hold steady? We’ll see on Thursday.


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CNN Bumps Flaky Trump Flack, Giving Steve Bannon and Trump Another Excuse to Dump Biden Debate

One of the most destructive aspects of modern media has been its casual tolerance of flagrant dishonesty by deliberately deceitful politicians and pundits. They justify their submission to liars as a commitment to “balance,” a phony objective that obscures a proper journalistic commitment to truth.

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Donald Trump, CNN

On Monday morning, Donald Trump dispatched his campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, to unfurl a litany of lies on CNN. In her typical fashion, Leavitt attempted to dodge every substantive question and replace coherent answers with infantile insults.

SEE THIS: HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

Since the Trump team has no reality-based criticisms of President Biden, they have to rely entirely on childish personal attacks and wholly manufactured controversies that invariably complain that poor crybaby Trump is a victim of vast cabals that are “rigging” everything from elections to trials, and now to debates. On this occasion, Leavitt griped that Trump is…

“…knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him.”

So why did Trump agree to this debate, with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators, and all the rules, when he’s convinced that they are all aligned against him? He can’t claim that he’s bravely entering the lion’s den if he does nothing but whine about it. Which is all that Leavitt was doing. To her credit, Hunt replied, “Ma’am, we’re going to stop this interview if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues.”

Leavitt did not budge from her mission to malign Tapper and Bash. And true to her word, Hunt ended the interview. That’s exactly how a credible journalist should deal with determined liars. They should do it more often. In fact, they shouldn’t even invite people known to dispense blatant lies on their programs in first place.

This so outraged Leavitt that she scampered off to the safety of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” Internet show to unburden herself of the unpleasantness she endured on CNN. And Bannon provided precisely the sort of sympathy and consolation that Leavitt was seeking in the following exchange

Leavitt: CNN showed their hand with me on their network this morning. The fact that they cut off my microphone simply for repeating words that Jake Tapper himself has said. Lies about President Trump. […]

Bannon: CNN owes you an apology today. And if we don’t get that apology to Karoline Leavitt and to the Trump campaign and to MAGA today, President Trump should cancel this.

First of all, Leavitt was not simply repeating Tapper’s words. She was purposefully mischaracterizing them and sanitizing Trump’s noxious adoption of Hitlerian rhetoric. Surprisingly, an excellent example of this was posted by White nationalist Jack Posobiec…

Furthermore, Bannon’s threat that Trump should back out of the debate with Biden if MAGA doesn’t get an apology is a transparent excuse for Trump to chicken out. And the frequency with which Trump’s sycophants keep coming up with these excuses is the best evidence that he is scared witless and is desperately searching for an escape clause, or at least an explanation for why he’s going to lose. For instance…

WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him

Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden

That’s a pretty thorough campaign of complaining and excuse-making for someone who wants to present himself as a strongman taking on a senile commie. And it’s equally notable that Biden is the one who appears to be confidant and strong and mentally stable. He doesn’t need to do any of this pathetic whimpering because he knows his stuff. And he knows that Trump has always been a coward and weakling and he will be seen as such by the nation on Thursday’s debate.

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POOR BABY: Trump Insists He’s a ‘Legitimate Person’ Who is ‘Under Siege’ in a ‘Banana Republic’

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article with a brazenly biased headline saying that “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” The article featured quotes and baseless allegations that were almost exclusively by partisan Republicans known for their tendency to shamelessly lie to malign President Biden.

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Fox News Sean Hannity

CNN’s Oliver Darcy delivered a detailed and damning dissection of the Journal’s purely political hit piece. They could have covered Trump, a candidate showing actual signs of a degenerating grip on reality, but no. That would have meant being honest journalists, which is contrary to their corporate mission.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

After breaking down the numerous journalistic flaws in the Journal’s “reporting,” Darcy asked “Where are the stories about Trump’s former inner circle raising questions about his mental fitness?” Those stories could have included actual on-the-record sources that know Trump well, such as his former communications director, Alyssa Farah Griffin, or his former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley. Darcy also wrote that…

“Republicans accusing their political foe of lacking the mental fitness to hold office is nothing surprising. Such accusations are made every night on Fox News. And Donald Trump, who at 77 years old has also shown plenty of signs of waning mental faculties, including repeatedly falling asleep at his own high-stakes hush money trial, has made the accusation a centerpiece of his campaign. In other words, these accusations from the right aren’t exactly news.”

It may be too much to expect that a Rupert Murdoch rag like the WSJ would actually produce fair coverage of the candidates in this year’s presidential election. Although, Democrats hardly need any help from right-wing propagandists to demonstrate the mental unfitness of Trump. He does that exceptionally well all by himself. Virtually every word that comes out of his mouth is evidence of his acute cognitive decline.

A perfect example of this occurred on Wednesday during an interview of Trump by his bestie, Sean Hannity of Fox News. Hannity spent half of his time trying guide Trump through leading questions that Trump was too dense to pick up on. For instance, Hannity would pose questions like “You wouldn’t engage in retribution against your political enemies, would you?” To which Trump would equivocate saying that “It has to stop,” but adding that “I would have every right to go after them.”

Despite his hedging, Trump has every intention of persecuting Biden and other Democrats. He and his MAGA confederates have been explicitly calling for the arrest, incarceration, and even execution of Democrats and other critics.. It’s literally laid out in their horrifyingly totalitarian Project 2025 Agenda.

However, Trump’s latest affirmation of how he is showing “Signs of Slipping” is not even behind closed doors. It’s right out in the open, and broadcast on Fox News. During the segment with Hannity wherein Trump embraced his hostile and imaginary “right to go after” his foes, he unleashed the following stream of nonsensicality…

“Look, what I’ve gone through nobody’s ever gone through. I’m a very legitimate person. I built a great business. Everything’s been…I’ve been under siege. Nobody has ever seen anything like this in this country. Now in other countries, in other third world countries, or Banana Republics as they say, a Banana Republic. We’ve become a Banana Republic. At the border we’ve become a Banana Republic. With so many other elements of our country we’ve become a Banana Republic. You take a look at what’s happening with inflation. That’s a Banana Republic inflation what we have.”

Holy Shih Tzu! It appears that Trump learned a new phrase – Banana Republic – so he felt compelled to repeat it six times in less than twenty seconds. It’s behavior that is more commonly observed in proud toddlers who are eager to show off what new knowledge or skill they acquired. In toddlers, it’s kind of cute. In 77 year old malignant narcissists, with a weakening grasp on reality and aspirations of authoritarian power, it’s sad and somewhat frightening.

Trump’s remarks also display the severe anxiety and gnawing victimhood (“under siege”) that has become a hallmark of his perverse persona. In his mind there is no one that has ever lived who was ever more tormented by evil forces, despite the abundance of magnificence that he believes he is responsible for. He is, after all, a “legitimate person.” As opposed to what? A Looney Tunes cartoon character? (Okay, that example may be a little too on the nose).

Finally, Trump has proven that he has no idea what the phrase “Banana Republic” means. He just uses it as an all-purpose pejorative. He mistakenly believes that only small impoverished nations hold their former leaders accountable when they violate the law. And now he’s learning the hard way that even America has standards for legal conduct that do not permit him to get away with criminal acts, like he has for much of his business career. And unfortunately for him, his legal problems have only just begun.


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Hunter Biden Threatens Fox News with Lawsuit Alleging Defamation and Revenge Porn

CNN has obtained a copy of a cease and desist letter from Hunter Biden’s attorneys to Fox News, demanding that they retract false stories that they have been disseminating for more than a year, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support them. Not that lacking evidence has ever stopped Fox News from lying to smear their political opponents before.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

The specific stories addressed in Biden’s letter refer to unfounded allegations that President Biden and his son accepted bribes from Ukrainian officials. The source of those allegations was a Russian operative, Alexander Smirnov, who was recently arrested for having lied to the FBI about these allegations and other disinformation he was spreading on behalf of his Russian handlers. And Fox News was well aware of the deceit because the White House had previously told them so…

SEE THIS: White House Seeks Retraction from Fox News of Biden Smears By GOP and Russian Indicted for Lying

On Monday, CNN’s Dana Bash revealed what Biden’s letter to Fox News said…

“Lawyers for Hunter Biden are telling Fox News to correct the record on bribery allegations made by a discredited FBI informant or face a defamation lawsuit. CNN obtained a cease and desist letter sent to Fox last week. In it Biden’s legal team points to Fox hosts like Maria Bartiromo continuing to push claims that Hunter Biden and his father took bribes from Alexander Smirnov. Even after Smirnov was indicted for lying to the FBI.

“Biden’s team also accused Fox of profiting off of a fictionalized show streaming on Fox Nation called “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” and of violating revenge porn laws because that show unlawfully published, and continues to publish, intimate pictures of Hunter Biden depicting him in the nude.”

This potential lawsuit would add to the legal troubles that Fox News has been facing. They have already settled a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787 million. That suit revealed the myriad lies that Fox News hosts and guests told about Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him. The revelations that emerged included emails that showed that Fox knew they were lies while they were telling them. Fox News is also facing a similar defamation lawsuit by the voting software firm, Smartmatic, for $2.7 billion.

MORE HERE: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

It’s interesting that Biden’s letter named specific Fox hosts as perpetrators of the defamation. In particular, Maria Bartiromo has been a frequent distributor of dishonest “reporting.” Media Matters has documented that her show pushed the indicted FBI informant’s story more than 200 times.”

Hunter Biden has a strong case against Fox News and the network would be wise to issue the retractions and settle with him. Otherwise, Biden’s legal team would begin the discovery process, wherein they could subpoena internal communications that would undoubtedly embarrass the network, its hosts, and executives. But expecting Fox News to do the right thing is always a suckers bet. So as they say…stay tuned.

UPDATE 4/30: Fox News has responded to Biden’s letter defending what they say is “constitutionally protected coverage,” and refusing to remove and retract their reports. However, the First Amendment does not shield them from defamation, known falsehoods, or purposefully “fictionalized” stories that contain stolen, private images. But Fox News is apparently worried because The Daily Beast is reporting that they did scrub the “mock trial” that ran on Fox Nation.

UPDATE 7/1: Hunter Biden has filed a lawsuit against Fox News for distributing “revenge porn.”


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The Supreme Court Immunity Case is Even Scarier Knowing Trump Threatened to Execute His Critics

Last week the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether a president is entitled to immunity for any crimes he or she may commit while in office. Donald Trump has been frantically posting dozens of utterly ludicrous demands for such immunity because he’s currently facing 88 felony charges for violating laws ranging from campaign finance, to election interference, to inciting an insurrection, and even the Espionage Act.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s signature whining consists entirely of his ridiculous belief that a president cannot function if he has to worry about being prosecuted for unlawful activities. But worrying about being held accountable for criminal acts (e.g. deterrence) is one of the main reasons we have laws. What’s more, not a single president prior to Trump has ever asked for or needed immunity in order to make the difficult decisions required of them.

SEE THIS: Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

The Court specifically addressed certain ghastly hypotheticals in their questioning of Trump’s attorney. And his answers were troubling in the extreme. For instance…

Justice Sonia Sotomayor: If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can give immunity?
Sauer: It would depend on the hypothetical, but we can see that could well be an official act.

Other equally disturbing scenarios that Trump’s lawyer sanctioned as deserving of immunity were staging a coup, fabricating false slates of electors, and selling nuclear secrets to foreign adversaries. Apparently no act of treason was too much for Trump or the right-wing Justices he appointed.

MORE HERE: Here’s a Summary of the Crimes Trump’s Lawyer Tells the Supreme Court He Has Immunity to Commit

What makes all of this ever more frightening is that it transcends the realm of the hypothetical. In an interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Trump’s former Attorney General, Bill Barr, was asked about a report that he was present when Trump suggested executing an actual person who was suspected of leaking information. Which led to the following exchange…

Collins: Do you remember that?
Barr: I remember him being very mad about that. I actually don’t remember him saying, executing. But I wouldn’t dispute it, you know? I mean, it doesn’t sound — I mean, the President would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would have actually carried it out. I don’t, you know.
Collins: But he would say that on other occasions? You said he would lose his temper.
Barr: The President, you know, the President had a — I think people sometimes took him too literally. And he would say things like, similar to that on occasions, to blow off steam. But I wouldn’t take him literally every time he did it.
Collins: Why not?
Barr: Because at the end of the day, it wouldn’t be carried out, and you could talk sense into him.
Collins: But just because it’s not carried out, and you could talk sense into him, doesn’t that still mean that the threat is there?

So Trump has actually considered assassinating Americans who he regards as political foes. This is no longer just fanciful musing. And Barr’s dismissal of Trump’s overt threats is pitifully weak. What would happen in another Trump administration wherein there was no one to talk him out of his murderous intentions? Which, by the way, is precisely the sort of administration that Trump is already planning, should he be reelected. It’s one that would be populated by unflinching loyalists vetted by his family and cult confederates.

Putting together Trump’s already articulated desire to rule as a brutal tyrant in the mold of his hero, Vladimir Putin, with the acceptance by the conservative Justices on the Supreme Court of such barbaric acts, paints a dire picture of what the United States would become under another Trump regime.

It would effectively make Trump an untouchable dictator, capable of monstrous savagery. Or, as he puts it, “retribution” for the wrongs he believes have been inflicted on him. But it would not be anything remotely recognizable as the America described by its Founders, its Constitution, or the aspirations of its citizens. And it must not be permitted to occur. If the Courts will not prevent it, the people must do so by voting overwhelmingly for democracy and liberty and justice.

Which means voting for Democrats up and down the ballot. Because Republicans like Barr, and Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz, and Mike Johnson, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, et al, ad infinitum, are all committed to Trump even if he’s convicted of felonious crimes. They’ve said so. Believe them.


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Desperately Seeking a Trump VP Nod, Gov Kristi Noem Manages to Thoroughly Humiliate Herself.

The ranks of servile sycophants swimming around Donald Trump like the symbiotic fish species that leech off of whales is peculiar phenomenon that generally leads to repudiation and rejection. Trump notoriously demands unflinching loyalty from his supplicants, but refuses to reciprocate when they are no longer useful to him.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

This is especially notable in the grueling contest for who will join Trump’s ticket for the 2024 presidential race. There is already a flock of fawners hoping to land the number two post, whose job it will be to prop up Dear Leader’s corpulent husk and ego. They include such bottom-feeding bootlickers as Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Elise Stefanik, Byron Donalds, Kari Lake, and JD Vance. All vying to be the next hangman, aka Mike Pence.

SEE THIS: Trump Renews Whining that Mike Pence is a Deep State Traitor for Not Overturning the Election

Among the throbbing throng of VP aspirants is South Dakota governor, Kristi Noem. And she made a big play for the part of vice-president this weekend on CNN’s “State of the Nation” during an interview with Dana Bash. It went something like this (video below)

Bash: Donald Trump acknowledged in 2018 that he authorized payments to Stormy Daniels and reimbursed Michael Cohen. And we actually have the reimbursement checks to Michael Cohen. Those are the facts. Are you comfortable with this?
Noem: Michael Cohen worked for ‘president’ Trump. ‘President’ Trump paid his legal fees. He paid his Michael Cohen legal fees and bills. And that’s what this trial will bringing forward hopefully is the truth.

Noem’s response is a bald-faced lie. Trump was not paying Cohen’s legal fees. He was reimbursing Cohen for the $130,000.00 that Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels to buy her silence, in order to influence the outcome of the election. Then Trump purposefully lied in his financial reporting to cover that up. Those are the facts, and Noem knows it. Despite that, she continued…

Noem: What a ridiculous case that this is. That it is based on a narrative today that is coming from a man that is proven to be a liar. So, I’m hoping that this judge makes the right decision. I’m hoping these jurors can come in and be unbiased. And we’ll let this case go forward in a swift manner that allows ‘president’ Trump to get back on the campaign trail.

Noem is right that this case is based on the narrative of “a man that is proven to be a liar.” Donald Trump. And the last thing that Trump wants is for the case to “go forward in a swift manner.” He has been doing everything he can to delay it from the start. Because unlike defendants who are innocent and want to clear their names, Trump knows he’s guilty and wants to avoid his inevitable conviction. Noem continues…

Noem: Americans deserve to hear from their candidates, and the Democrats and the activists are using this trial to derail him, to keep him in court instead of out talking to Americans about what their real concerns are. And their real concerns are their every day lives. They need a leader in the White House who gets up every day and puts them first and doesn’t raise their taxes. Doesn’t over-regulate them, take away their freedoms and give all our money to other countries instead of making sure that we’re taking care of America first and keeping us safe and secure.

The trial is only going to be in session four days a week. The other three days, and every night, Trump is free to campaign. So far he has not done so any of the days when court has not been in session. He is not, and never has been, a leader who “gets up every day and puts [the people] first.” He puts himself first at all times. He rarely stops talking about himself. And when he does address policies, they are always aimed at benefitting wealthy people, corporations, or his foreign authoritarian pals.

Bash then fact-checks Noem’s utterly unfounded insinuations that Democrats and President Biden had something to do with Trump’s prosecutions in order to “keep him in court.” Which leads to Noem bizarrely unleashing totally unrelated references to imaginary crimes by Biden and the controversies surrounding his son, Hunter. Then Bash interjects…

Bash: I just want to say for the record, there’s absolutely no evidence that President Biden is involved in this. This is a a case that is being brought in the state of New York by the Manhattan D.A.
Noem: Yes, that’s, that’s what I think is remarkable, is that if you look at President Biden, and what he’s done, and what his son has done, and the fact that…
Bash: That has nothing to do with this.

Noem is a strong contender for Trump’s VP slot because she is a shameless lickspittle who will dodge and lie in order to deflect from the illegal and unethical record of Trump’s public life. But she won’t be much help appealing to voters if she persists in these pathetic displays of dishonesty. But then, she shares that with all of the other VP contenders and, of course, with Trump himself. So it’s a lose-lose proposition for the biggest loser in American politics.


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WTF? Trump Hypes CNN Report on His Pitiful Fundraising and Frantic Reliance on GOP Billionaires

The comments that Donald Trump posts on his dreadfully failing Truth Social scam are predominantly vicious attacks on his political foes and delusional exaltations of himself. It’s basically an online journal of a malignant narcissist compulsively whining and lying in desperate pursuit of attention.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

On Wednesday morning, however, Trump may have exhausted his supply of self-reverential content. That could be because most of the news about him is profoundly negative. He continues to lose about 20% of Republican votes in GOP primaries where he has no opponents. He recently lost civil lawsuits that resulted in judgments against him for nearly half a billion dollars. And he is still battling some 88 felony criminal charges on multiple indictments in four jurisdictions. Yet somehow he still has the time to file his own laughably frivolous lawsuits…

SEE THIS: Trump Sues ABC and Stephanopoulos for Accurately Reporting a Judicial Opinion that He’s a Rapist

In desperation, Trump posted a link to an article from CNN with the headline “Republican billionaires rally around Trump for April fundraiser as election – and scramble for cash – heats up.” Let’s set aside the peculiar aberration of Trump promoting content from the network that he regards as “failing” and “fake” news. The article itself was not particularly positive. To the contrary, it focused on his failures as a candidate. CNN reported that…

“Hedge fund founder John Paulson is hosting a high-dollar fundraiser next month to benefit Donald Trump’s presidential campaign that is drawing some of the Republican Party’s wealthiest donors, according to an invitation obtained by CNN.

The April 6 event, slated to be held in Palm Beach, Florida, is a sign that some ultra-rich GOP figures who remained on the sidelines during the primary season – or backed other candidates – are coalescing behind the former president, now that he is the party’s presumptive nominee and scrambles to catch up with President Joe Biden and Democrats in the funding race.”

So Trump apparently wanted his cult followers to know that his fundraising was seriously trailing that of President Biden, who raised a record $53 million in February, contributing to his total cash on hand of $155 million. The article also noted that the “high-dollar fundraiser” by the RNC (now co-chaired by his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump) is “aimed at helping him quickly raise large sums as he works to close the fundraising gap with Biden and Democrats.”

What’s more, the article reported that the admission price for the event ranged from $250,000 per person to $814,600 per person if you want to sit at the former reality TV game show host’s table. And those who continued reading would learn that the fundraiser was also financing a PAC that has been paying some of Trump’s legal bills. Donors who thought they were helping Trump and/or other Republicans get elected might be surprised to hear about that.

Furthermore, Trump’s promotion of the news that he’s begging actual billionaires (unlike himself) for big money bailouts isn’t exactly the sort of information that would endear him to the working-class rubes he has been fleecing for votes and small dollar donations. They might also be put off to learn that two Fox News hosts – Larry Kudlow and Mark Levin – have pleaded on air for wealthy Republicans to finance the half billion dollars in legal judgments (so far) that Trump has been ordered to pay.

Nevertheless, Trump is surely convinced that he won’t suffer any consequences from holding his red hat out to tycoons who later will undoubtedly call in favors should Trump reoccupy the White House. And he will obediently serve their interests, not those of the little people who Trump has always exploited and despised.

Finally, don’t be surprised if the fat cats who bankroll Trump include foreign oligarchs and representatives of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and other dictators that Trump so admires. It’s just another way that he will be putting the democracy and sovereignty of America at risk if he is given the opportunity.


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The Biden-Harris Campaign Exposes the GOP’s Bogus and Failed Biden Probe – on Truth Social

Fourteen months ago Republicans assumed a razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives. What they have done with it since then is a masterclass in incompetence, failure, and humiliation. They have chosen to conduct the business of government in a manner that replicates how Donald Trump conducts business – by driving it into bankruptcy.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

After taking fifteen votes to select their first Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, the Republicans threw him out after only none months. Then they spent three weeks to select their replacement, Mike Johnson, who was their fourth choice. And throughout all of this infighting and chaos, they have managed to score a modern day record for low productivity, essentially accomplishing nothing on behalf of the people they allegedly represent.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Having nothing affirmative to run on, Republicans decided that their only recourse was to stage phony investigations and baseless impeachment inquiries aimed at smearing President Biden, his family, and other Democrats. But even that has ended in abject failure because of one slight flaw in their strategy: They have absolutely zero evidence of any wrongdoing on Biden’s part. In fact, most of their own witnesses have testified that Biden never engaged in anything improper, much less illegal. Consequently, their defamatory scheme is falling apart and will likely be abandoned. As reported on CNN…

“This is not how Republicans thought their 15 month investigation would be going. When they got the majority, investigating the President and his family was a huge focus, But after 15 months pouring over a hundred thousand bank records, interviewing around 40 people, including the President’s son, Hunter, and brother James, their business associates, Department of Justice officials, IRS whistleblowers, Republicans haven’t found any evidence of wrongdoing by the President, and they don’t have the votes to impeach

To make matters worse for Republicans and Trump, this segment from CNN outlining the failure of the Republican smear job was also posted on Trump’s failing social media scam, Truth Social, by the Biden-Harris campaign. Of course, most of the users of that website won’t care much about reporting from CNN, but it still expands the exposure of this news into territory it might not otherwise reach.

However, the story doesn’t stop with CNN. The futility of the GOP’s fake probes has been so obvious that even Fox News had to acknowledge it. In a segment reporting on the current state of the GOP’s inquisition and the prospects for a Biden impeachment, Fox’s Shannon Bream reported that…

“I think it’s increasingly unlikely…I think Republicans are trying to be realistic with the margins that they have. And the Speaker seems to signaling that ‘maybe we’re not gonna push this to the floor for a vote.'”

That’s right. According to Fox News, the GOP doesn’t even have enough votes among their majority to pass the articles of impeachment that they have been yammering about for nearly a year and a half. To be sure, some of the hardcore deadenders will continue to try to push this nonsense. But they will soon tire of beating that deceased old nag. And when they do, the Biden-Harris account on Truth Social will let all of the Trump cultists know what is actually going on.


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