The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that “politics stops at the water’s edge.” But Trump has never been one to follow rules – or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what’s in his own selfish best interests. It’s a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.
So not surprisingly, Trump shattered all precedent for diplomatic encounters when he arrived in Japan. He also broke with the traditions of patriotism and honesty that the American people expect of their leaders. And what’s worse, he did it with a deliberate and hostile disrespect for his fellow Americans. In the early morning hours of a Memorial weekend Sunday, Trump posted this shockingly inappropriate tweet:
North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2019
In that brief commentary Trump managed to degrade the presidency on multiple levels. First of all, he contradicted his own national security team by dismissing North Korea’s testing of missiles that violate United Nations Security Council resolutions. His insistence that he isn’t disturbed by such breaches of international law should worry all Americans. But what’s worse is his stated “confidence” in the broken promises of dictator Kim Jong Un. Trump is proving that he is an easily suckered rube who will fall for the most transparently deceitful foreign tyrants, so long as they send him charming letters Remember, Trump publicly declared that he and Kim “fell in love“ as a result of those correspondences.
Secondly, Trump says that he was amused by Kim’s disparagement of “Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse.” The spectacle of an American president laughing as a foreign adversary insults a former vice-president (and possibly future president) is reprehensible. Although this humiliation is tempered by the fact that it almost certainly never happened. It’s highly unlikely that Kim would use the exact phrasing that Trump frequently uses to demean a critic’s intelligence. So in this remark Trump is not only embracing the vitriol of an anti-American despot, he’s flagrantly lying. He also misspelled Biden’s name as “Bidan” in a first attempt at this tweet, which he deleted.
On a side note, he also misspelled his thanks to “John” Voight for posting a Trump-fluffing video earlier in the day. It’s typically pathetic that Trump would demonstrate his own stupidity while trying to knock someone else’s intelligence. Nevertheless, Trump not only expects us to believe his obvious nonsense, he pretends that there’s a super secret message to him from his BFF Kim. And if that weren’t enough to make Americans ashamed of his antics, he posted another tweet that further exhibit his utter disrespect and anti-patriotism:
Great fun and meeting with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo. Numerous Japanese officials told me that the Democrats would rather see the United States fail than see me or the Republican Party succeed – Death Wish!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2019
Anyone who believes that Japanese officials said those things about American politicians is terminally naive, and even dumber than Trump. It’s clear that Trump is inventing these remarks because it’s the way he feels about his political foes. He regularly resorts to infantile tirades aimed at those who dare to challenge him. The only way that anyone might think that American citizens have a “Death Wish” is by seeing who they elected President in 2016. But even so, Democrats are hopeful that our nation will be able to survive that nightmarish mistake, and rectify it. Whether by impeachment (preferably) or the election of a sane president, the end of Trump’s reign of error cannot come too soon.
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Trump the ignoramus is projecting, as usual, about his actual treason against the United States! This embarrassing spectacle can not be gone soon enough!
How long are Americans going to let this odious creature get away with his vindictive and childish behaviour! Time the whole pack of them (including the looney religious Vice President) were turfed out of the White House! The only industry doing really well out of this fiasco are late night shows!
It is rare today to watch the visible effects of terminal syphilis play out on the World stage. There is no other logical explanation, for that behavior by an alleged adult alleged to be a “stable genius”. Never forget he’s the best Family Values Republican, and was selected by all Republicans. Never vote for any Republican, please.