One sign that the 2020 presidential campaign season is in full swing is that Fox News is pulling out all the stops for their State TV approved candidate, Donald Trump. Of course, Fox has consistently supported Trump since his inauguration, even through episodes where he took Vladimir Putin’s side on the election hacking, or declared that he and Kim Jong Un “fell in love.” And Fox News has unflinchingly defended Trump’s unsavory relationship with Russia and flagrant obstruction of justice, as revealed in the report by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Meanwhile, Trump continues to incriminate himself, as he did during his ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos. And Fox News continues to cover up the impact of his increasingly severe, and often incoherent, meltdowns. Calls for Trump to be impeached are growing rapidly, with more than sixty Democratic members of Congress (and one Republican) voicing that view publicly.
So naturally, Fox News joined other media outlets in polling voters on that question. Their results could not have pleased Trump. The survey found that 43 percent think that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Another 7 percent favor impeachment without removal. That’s a 50 percent majority versus the 43 percent who say he should not be impeached at all.
However, Fox News reported on these results with a graphic that said 50 percent oppose impeachment or removal. That’s a blatant lie that misrepresents their own poll. It was so egregious that it resulted in Fox issuing a rare “clarification“ to correct their error. Fox and Friends First host Heather Childers said that…
“We would like to make a clarification to a poll we aired earlier this week. The graphic that we showed had responses to the question ‘Do you think President Trump should be impeached OR removed from office?’ Well, the actual question question in the poll was ‘Do you think President Trump should be impeached AND removed from office?’ As seen on your screen right now.”
HUH? The wording was indeed wrong on the graphic, but that was hardly the main problem. Fox is deliberately trying to suppress the fact that most Americans want to see Trump impeached, and most of those want him removed as well. To be clear, there was another question in the poll that didn’t differentiate between impeachment and removal. It did find that 50 percent said “no.” However a follow up question found that 12 percent of them still wanted Trump to be impeached, but not removed.
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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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So no matter how you slice it, Fox is mangling the results of their own survey in order to protect Trump from bad news. They are doing this to disinform the public as to how much support there is for Trump’s impeachment. They are also doing this to pacify the fragile ego of the Narcissist-in-Chief. And finally, they are doing this to avoid triggering an onslaught of outrage from their glassy-eyed, cult worshiping viewers. But in the end, they will fail on all three counts, because the American people are not as stupid as the subset of them who watch Fox News.
MAGA: Manipulating America’s Gullible Authoritarians!!!
So much winning I think I’m getting tired of always winning under Trumpf (R), oops I mean whining- so much whining!
Just noticed on the Fucks Spews “clarification” video that they even changed the poll results. THIS one said
NO = 50 %
YES = 43 %
Yes, six percent “don’t know.” The REAL results said 7%. So, now they can claim that more people do NOT want impeachment than do. And they have been. Fucking liars….