Trump’s Fourth of July Tweets Were a Manic Eruption of an Ego Gone Wild

The Independence Day debacle in Washington, D.C. lived down to it’s hype. Donald Trump managed to avoid overtly partisan political comments, but he failed to provide a presentation of leadership that anyone can be proud of. His remedial lecturing on American history fell flat. And his exploitation of the military only reminded people that he is a five-time draft dodger who frequently insults veterans.

Donald Trump

Trump’s speech (which was carried live only by Fox News because, well, they’re Fox News) contained no memorable lines that will be quoted for their insight or inspiration. However, he did make a couple of painful gaffes that will surely go down in history. Most notably, Trump told his enrapt audience of Deplorables that the Continental Army “took over” the airports during the Revolutionary War.

Trump’s White House nannies can still mark this one down as a victory for having kept Trump from engaging in his customary bragging and hostile political grandstanding. However, following the speech, Trump was no longer able to control himself. He unleashed a tweetstorm of epic proportions before the grounds at the National Mall could even dry from the day’s rainstorm. In fact, before and after the speech there forty-two tweets or retweets in all. This may be a record for Trump’s Twitter tantrums.

Most of the posts were about his speech and praise of it by himself or his glassy-eyed Trump-fluffers. But a good percentage were outbursts of the political angst that he was holding in during the speech. For instance, he tweeted…

  • A criticism of the week-old Democratic debates.
  • An attack on Rep. Justin Amash for quitting the Republican Party.
  • A Breitbart video allegedly of communists burning an American flag.
  • Ted Cruz berating Congress for not doing whatever Trump says on the border.
  • A GOP Rep on Fox News ranting about Mueller and Deep State abuse of power.
  • An article on Biden’s polls dropping against other Democrats, but still beating Trump.
  • Fox News wingnut Byron York being upset with Colin Kaepernick.
  • The Wall Street Journal touting Trump’s scam “health reimbursement” accounts.
  • Byron York (again) dissing Kamala Harris.
  • Another Fox Newser, Mollie Hemingway, on the border again.
  • A conspiracy crackpot plugging the ultra-right One America News Network.
  • Trump touting job creation with a link to the disreputable Breitbart News.
  • Trump touting job creation with a link to the disreputable CNSNews

These tweets will forever stand as a historical record of a president whose mind was a frothy lump of mush. Albeit the sort of mush that had healthy portions of hate, fear, and ignorance mixed in. It’s evidence that Trump never lets his hostility drift far from his thoughts. And we can always expect it to be released in torrents, even if he manages to keep it pent up for an hour or two at the urging of desperate and embarrassed staffers. This is who Trump is and will always be.

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