One of the most frequent defense tactics employed by Donald Trump is to accuse your accusers of the same thing that you’re guilty of. It mainly serves as a distraction and a method of casting false blame on others. But it’s an irrational tactic that doesn’t actually exonerate the person using it. They remain guilty, but only equally as guilty as the falsely charged victim.
That may be sufficient for Trump’s purposes, which is generally to shift attention away from his crimes until the next scandal erupts. But it also highlights how shallow and deceptive his arguments are. And even more problematic, it showcases his rabid hypocrisy.
Case in point. Trump went off on Twitter about a grassroots boycott of Home Depot after it’s co-founder, Bernie Marcus, announced that he would be donating a large portion of his wealth to reelecting Trump. The President blasted out a three-tweet tirade in defense of Marcus that included an overt threat aimed at his critics:
….to your favorite President, me! These people are vicious and totally crazed, but remember, there are far more great people (“Deplorables”) in this country, than bad. Do to them what they do to you. Fight for Bernie Marcus and Home Depot!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2019
Naturally, anyone who pays tribute to the Narcissist-and-Thief is regarded as “truly great” and “patriotic.” And it is verboten to disparage him in any way. Those who do are “radicals” with ulterior motives. As opposed to free citizens exercising their constitutional rights.
Also, notice that when Trump refers to “your favorite President” he has to explicitly identify himself. That’s because no one would actually think of him in that context without such prompting. He goes on to malign boycotts as “vicious and totally crazed,” but in the very same tweet calls on his aptly named Deplorables to launch their own. And why wouldn’t he? Crazed viciousness is his trademark.
More and more the Radical Left is using Commerce to hurt their “Enemy.” They put out the name of a store, brand or company, and ask their so-called followers not to do business there. They don’t care who gets hurt, but also don’t understand that two can play that game!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2019
Finally, Trump dives head first into the “accuse your accusers” maneuver. After describing the strategy of “using Commerce to hurt” others, and acknowledging that it causes indiscriminate pain, he blatantly orders his glassy-eyed disciples to charge ahead with their own assault on commerce.
What’s most disturbing about this is that Trump is either suffering from some form of Alzheimer’s or he is being deliberately dishonest (or both). In this Twitter tantrum Trump fails to mention that boycotts have been a frequent weapon of choice for his own battles. For the record he has called for boycotts at least ten times, mostly against American businesses: Harley-Davidson, CNN, Apple, Macy’s, Fox News, Univision, Mexico, HBO, Rolling Stone, and most recently AT&T. As seen on his own Twitter feed:
Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2018
Great, and we should boycott Fake News CNN. Dealing with them is a total waste of time!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2017
Boycott all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cellphone info to authorities regarding radical Islamic terrorist couple from Cal
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 19, 2016
When you do your Christmas shopping remember how disloyal @Macys was to the subject of illegal immigration. #BoycottMacys #DumpMacys
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 23, 2015
"@VickyBrush: Do what most of us are doing! Turn off @FoxNews! There is a major boycott going on with them, anyway. Problem solved!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2015
Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2015
Boycott Mexico until they release our Marine. With all the money they get from the U.S., this should be an easy one. NO RESPECT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2014
"@AceBuey: @realDonaldTrump sadly, HBO had no morals and gave that garbage another show @billmaher" BOYCOTT HBO!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30, 2014
"@DillsMama13: @realDonaldTrump What is your feeling about Rolling Stone magazine putting the bomber on the front cover? Boycott!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2013
I believe that if people stoped using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN, which is dying in the ratings anyway. It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News! Why wouldn’t they act. When the World watches @CNN, it gets a false picture of USA. Sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 3, 2019
This is only a partial list. Other victims of Trump’s boycott frenzy include Starbucks, Oreos, Ford, and many more. Clearly Trump has separate standards for himself and everyone else. But there is a bigger problem here. There’s a significant difference between citizens independently voting with their pocketbooks when there is an issue that they feel strongly about, and a president whose bully pulpit ought to never be used against the companies and workers he was elected to represent. Trump is the one who doesn’t care about who he hurts, and he is deliberately causing harm to the American people and economy when he bashes domestic enterprises.
There has never been an American president who so brazenly sought to damage businesses that are major employers of American workers. No other president would have even thought of such a thing. But Trump only thinks of himself. Even when he attacks foreign businesses he is blinded by his selfishness. He went after products made in China despite the fact that many of his (and Ivanka’s) are manufactured there and his businesses buy Chinese goods by the boatload.
The American people should be concerned that their President will so callously attack the companies that employ them, their families, and neighbors. The next target of Trump’s wrath could very well be their own employer. It is unethical and anti-American for any leader to deliberately try to harm the companies that keep Americans working. But then the president that has called the media “the enemy of the people” obviously couldn’t care less about the damage he does to American workers, even including physical assaults and death threats.
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