The gross negligence and incompetence of Donald Trump has been painfully evident in his tragic mishandling of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. This intrusion of his ignorance and ego (observable at his daily Coronavirus Task Force briefings that make even his allies cringe) could not have resulted in anything but tragedy and loss.
Just as responsible for his personal failings is his reliance on a coterie of imbeciles and bootlickers, many recruited from his State TV propaganda operation, aka Fox News. On Thursday morning it was announced that yet another Fox News talking head has been elevated to a critical post in the Trump administration. Former general Anthony Tata has been a Fox News contributor for several years. His appearances are predictably slathered in adulation of Trump and blind loyalty to Trumpism. That’s been a sure-fire method of attaining employment in the administration of our reality TV game show host “president.” Politico reports that…
“Anthony Tata, a retired Army brigadier general, novelist and Fox News regular, will be tapped as the next Pentagon policy chief, according to three people with knowledge of the decision.
“If confirmed by the Senate, Tata would replace John Rood, who was forced out in February as part of President Donald Trump’s loyalty purge after two years in the job.”
Trump’s embrace of Fox News is an unprecedented merger of media and government. He routinely seeks the advice of Fox anchors who are bursting with shallow opinions, but have no relevant skills. Sean Hannity is Trump’s virtual chief of staff, despite lacking either education or experience. And the Fox News/White House revolving door has seen at least 21 people spinning through its portal. They include…
- Senior advisor Hope Hicks
- Former Fox president Bill Shine
- State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert
- Former Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka
- Former National Security Advisor John Bolton
- White House director of strategic communications Mercedes Schlapp
- Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
- Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell
- Deputy National Security Advisor K. T. McFarland
This is the sort of politicization of critical government roles that insures catastrophe. The White House utterly lacks any assembly of knowledge, experience, or historical memory. Consequently it suffers from a tunnel blind sameness of perspective that is wholly obedient to the Dear Leader responsible for doling out privilege and access to power.
As a recent example of this abysmal absence of leadership and devotion to unflinching personal loyalty, the Trump administration dismissed Dr. Richard Bright, the leading expert on viruses and vaccines at the Department of Health and Human Services. Bright subsequently spoke out about his “demotion” noting that, because he “resisted efforts to fund potentially dangerous drugs (i.e. hydroxychloroquine) promoted by those with political connections,” the administration retaliated against him with a punitive transfer. As it turns out, that drug, that was hyped repeatedly and recklessly by Trump and Fox News actually contributed to more deaths among a trial group of coronavirus patients, than those who did not receive it.
These efforts by Trump to pack his White House with ultra-partisan right-wingers that he finds at Fox News can only only lead to ever more incidents of bad judgment and potentially deadly mistakes, whether by misguided intent or flagrant ignorance. This is particularly dangerous during a time when the nation is engulfed in a pandemic that requires leadership driven by science, not politics. Unfortunately, Trump is incapable of governing that way. So we can expect to see more turmoil, suffering, and disastrous blunders until he is booted out of office. November cannot come too soon.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Unprecedented. There’s a word I don’t ever want to hear again. Used to be it might mean a good thing, but alas, no more. It has only 1 connection for me now. I have to find a new word to replace it in my vocabulary.
Also, the word “trump”, for obvious reasons. That’s a word I didn’t realize I used as much as I do. Need a new word to use for that. Guess I won’t be playing Spades anymore either.
The only other time any person has affected me so badly, to the extent of “word substitution” was when I quit using the word, “bush” & began calling those non-trees in my yard & others, “shrubs” (& shrubbery).
That WAS the only time it got to me so bad that I can’t stand using/hearing a certain word. Now I am adding 2 words that I used without any problems before, but totally hate the words now!
Shrub was EZ replacement to find, but what can replace ‘unprecedented’ & he nasty word, ‘trump’?
Any ideas?
Hey! Hit a milestone just now…
Reading / commenting on 150 of your daily blogs, according to Word Press. My, time flies! And NewsCorpse is still the email I go to 1st, to see what’s up/new that maybe I missed & what you have to say about it. (& maybe see what Kali says too. Is that ok?) I read too much news since the Liar-in-chief began (badly) playing president. The ultimate-ultimate of what to NEVER let get on a ballot again, let alone get elected to anything! Well, maybe if ever need a sacrificial asshole to throw into volcano…he’d be my 1st choice! And with so many to choose from…
Congratulations 🙂 And thanks.
Pleasure is all mine. (She smiles)
As far as replacement names for trump try these: Oil Can Don, grumpy rump, Trumpelstiltskin, Trumpenstein, Trumpelthinskin, Trumpelvirus or dotard 45. We could go on, but maybe these names are not what you are looking for.
Hey! Hit a milestone just now…
Reading / commenting on 150 of your daily blogs, according to Word Press. My, time flies! And NewsCorpse is still the email I go to 1st, to see what’s up/new that maybe I missed & what you have to say about it. (& maybe see what Kali says too. Is that ok?) I read too much news since the Liar-in-chief began (badly) playing president. The ultimate-ultimate of what to NEVER let get on a ballot again, let alone get elected to anything! Well, maybe if ever need a sacrificial asshole to throw into volcano…he’d be my 1st choice, & with so many to choose from!
The best we can hope for is that General Tada has a short career appointment.