Nothing exemplifies the desperation welling up in Donald Trump more than his reversion to a dormant whimper from days past. Trump was impeached (for life) half a year ago. Throughout the entire process he produced a plaintive cry of “Witch Hunt” despite the volumes of documentary evidence, testimony, and confessions that proved his guilt.
Trump was fortunate to have a compliant cadre of Republican sycophants in the Senate to allow him to escape accountability for his criminality (for now). You have to wonder if they are all still comfortable with their blindly partisan absolution given the devastation over which Trump has presided in the interim. That includes more than 107,000 deaths due to the coronavirus, the collapse of the economy, 42 million Americans out of work, civil unrest on a national scale that is unprecedented, and his militaristic response that mimics the tyrannical oppressiveness of his totalitarian heroes. He is callously maligning the millions of heartfelt protesters in a manner that even his own staff finds nauseating.
However, Trump now finds himself in an environment where he is floundering politically. Every poll shows him losing to Joe Biden nationally, as well as in the crucial swing states. His approval rating is in the gutter. And it has going nowhere but down as the current crises play out. Consequently, Trump is bringing out his golden oldies collection of crapola. In the past few days he has posted dozens of tweets relating to the investigation of Russia’s interference in the U.S. election that resulted in Trump’s impeachment.
Most of Trump’s reanimated hostilities were stirred by the new Senate hearings chaired by venerable Trump-fluffer, Lindsey Graham. These hearings were intended to smear Trump’s Democratic presidential opponent, Joe Biden. But they are also providing material for both Trump and Fox News to polish Trump’s sagging public image and to change the subject from his recent string of disasters.
Trump’s contribution to this manufactured narrative has been mostly simplistic sloganeering (such as “This Witch Hunt should never have begun!”), and incoherent gibberish (such as “Mueller should have never been appointed, although he did prove that I must be the most honest man in America!”) And he gratefully showered his appreciation unto bootlickers like Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, and others who obediently tow the Trump Cult line.
By dredging up the Russia story, Trump, Republicans, and Fox News are seeking to rewrite the history of Trump’s unsavory relationships. His fraternization with numerous people (Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, etc.) with connections to Russia made the U.S. intelligence community something more than nervous. And by spinning their fictionalized version of events, they are also absolving Russia of any criminal espionage and election tampering, which was previously documented by every intelligence agency with jurisdiction.
Naturally, Trump’s pal Vladimir Putin will be thrilled with this development. And that isn’t an accidental outcome. It is precisely what both Trump and Putin desire. And no one should so naive as to think that it’s just a coincidence that Trump’s agenda and Putin’s are so tightly synchronized. They were similarly aligned in 2016, and they are reuniting for their 2020 tour of deceit and corruption. All the more reason that true patriots need to be vigilant and prepared to defend America’s democracy from these cretins. This isn’t a game. It’s our liberty and our future.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
According to the Kremlin itself, Trumpler phoned his comrade Vlad for advice just before his conference-rant to mayors & governors about getting tough(er) with American citizens in the streets exercising their Constitutional rights of free assembly & free speech. When that didn’t seem to work right away, he decided to activate the military
himself, against those same law-abiding Americans. Everything Trump does makes horrible sense, once you accept that Putin’s setting the agenda.
Many a time I have thought that actions by Trump came after a phone call to Putin for advice. This time we do know. Not from our “transparent” gov’t, but as usual, we hear these things only when the other people mention it.
Putin must be so proud of his little playdoh puppet! “Destruction of the USA from the inside.” Only way Putin could destroy us & take the global power we once held in the world. He holds much over the heads of Trump (loan guarantees for 1), as well as key members of GOP, I bet. It’s the only thing that makes sense when we have an entire party betraying the U.S. at every turn!
When Trump is out of office, Putin needs to take him home with him! It is where he belongs & would be most happy, with Papa Putin, in the type of regime he wants us to live under. No thanks! He’s all yours! No refunds & no exchanges!