In the wake of the election of Joe Biden as President, Fox News has clearly made an editorial decision on how best to disparage him and the Democratic Party. Fox’s CEO Lachlan Murdoch even admitted publicly that he regards his network as “the opposition” saying “That’s what our job is now with the Biden administration.”
Consequently, the network has focused intensely on an issue that is near the bottom of the American people’s priorities. Fox News is rabidly attacking immigrants – mostly children – and the Biden administration’s handling of the border and detention facilities. While there are serious problems in that regard, Fox’s campaign is a blatant attempt to demean Biden and distract from polling that shows overwhelming approval for the President, particularly with his handling of the COVID pandemic, which is near the top of the people’s concerns.
Chief among the killjoys is the Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. His program seems to be dedicated to anti-Democratic bluster and conspiracy theories that appeal to his audience of QAnon disciples. On Wednesday Carlson visited with the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. The discussion was predictably filled with fear mongering of “others’ invading America to destroy it. The segment began with a question from Ainsley Earhardt:
Earhardt: What do you make of what’s happening now on the border? Is that our biggest issue right now?
Carlson: Well, yeah. Unlike so many issues we face, this one we know for certain will change the country forever. The stakes couldn’t be higher. The question is a central question. This is a democracy. So when you change the population, you change the outcome of the vote, which means you change the way the country is run. And that of course is the whole point of this. […]This is an effort, basically, to pack the electorate. So if you open the borders and then sponsor legislation giving citizenship and voting rights to the people you’ve just admitted illegally, what are you doing? You’re trying to change election outcomes and that’s what they [Democrats] are doing.”
Carlson isn’t just against immigration. European immigrants have come to America for decades, becoming citizens and voters. What Carlson believes will “change the country forever” is the prospect of non-white people becoming a larger part of the American electorate. So he has invented a conspiracy theory that Democrats are plotting to grant undocumented immigrants immediate citizenship and register them as Democrats. There is, of course, no such plot, no such legislation under consideration, and no Democrat advancing this malarkey.
Carlson is pretending to be worried about “packing the electorate” in order to “change election outcomes.” And he’s frightening his viewers with his wholly contrived horror story of aliens seeking to “change the nature of the people who live here.”
“The Democratic Party is extremely frustrated by the idea that there are Americans who don’t vote for them, who reject their programs so if you change the nature of the people who live here, then you win forever.”
The notion that it is Democrats who are frustrated by a lack of voters is especially bizarre while Democrats are sponsoring legislation to expand access to the polls for all American citizens. The bill (H.R. 1) is a historic and comprehensive solution to election problems that have plagued the nation for decades. It includes reforms for campaign fundraising, gerrymandering, registration, security, and much more.
So naturally, the Republican Party is committed to killing it. Likewise, Fox News is serving as the GOP’s PR division to disseminate flagrant falsehoods intended to deceive voters. They persist in propagating debunked allegations of widespread election fraud as their justification for opposing these critical reforms.
Tucker Carlson is at the forefront Fox’s campaign to spread these racist lies. His only concern is keeping America’s rapidly declining white majority in power, despite the inevitable demographic changes that are already taking place. And rather than seeing those changes as the positive contributions that they are, he maligns people of color as “dirty,” and diversity as a threat to “traditional” America. And he’s doing it all with the knowledge and approval of his bosses at Fox News.
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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
If the f-x entertainment company doesn’t know how to use sarcasm and cannot tell the truth they need to be regulated such as facebook and twitter needs to be regulated or legislated (including f-x) out of business.
What *ucker Carlson needs (& I’d like to hive him) is a “high-5” …in the head, with a chair.
Tuck, Tuck, Relax, calm down and focus on your own priorities! Like, how do you keep your buddy Matt from implicating you as his accomplice in “jail baiting”?