BONKERS TRUMP Calls Fox News to Whine and Lie Following the Kamala Harris Convention Speech

The Democratic National Convention of 2024 has wrapped and it is destined to reside in history for a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which is that it certified the nomination of Kamala Harris, who is likely to become the first woman President of the United States. The four day celebration was well received by a nation that is ready to move forward.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

The convention was an affair that presented the stark differences between Harris – an experienced, qualified candidate, with integrity and passion, who resonates joy and the pride of patriotism, and Donald Trump – a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist who is consumed by hatred, vengeance, and a dark vision of America. And the lower Trump sinks in the polls, the darker his vision becomes.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

The final day of the convention featured Harris’ nomination acceptance speech (here it is in full). It was a critical moment for her campaign, and she rose to the occasion. She provided a heartwarming biography, a resume of experience and achievements, the case against Trump, and inspiration for the path forward. All in a succinctly written and sincerely delivered package.

Meanwhile, Trump was seething in his jammies at his Mar-a-Lago bunker and live-trolling the speech on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, for the tiny and shrinking audience of cult disciples who actually use the website. Here is a representative sampling of his keen commentary…

At the conclusion of Harris’ speech, Fox News dispensed with reporting on anything newsworthy that might have occurred. Instead, hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum immediately turned to a special guest for some “insightful” analysis. That guest was – you guessed it – Donald Trump. He was phoning in to the network from his Palm Beach hotel/home for a knee-jerk repudiation of whatever Harris had to say. And it was ten minutes of spittle-inflected lunacy and unbridled fear (video below). What follows are some choice excerpts. He began by asking a typically ridiculous question…

“Why didn’t she do the things that she’s complaining about? All of these things that she talked about? ‘We are gonna to do this. We’re gonna do that. We’re gonna do everything.’ But she didn’t do any of it. She could have done it three and a half years ago.”

So Trump thinks that Harris, as Vice-President, ought to have accomplished everything that she is currently advocating. He can’t comprehend that she might have new proposals or that prior initiatives were incomplete due to obstruction from Republicans. He also doesn’t realize that the same question could be asked of him. He had four years to do everything he’s talking about now, but failed to do. And he was actually the president. Also, Trump is intent on framing Harris as “complaining.” Which he’s likely upset about because that’s his thing. How dare she?

“It was a lot of complaining. […] She didn’t talk about how 70% of our people are living in property (sic: he presumably meant poverty). […] She didn’t talk about child trafficking that she allowed to happen because she was the border czar.”

Perhaps the reason that Harris didn’t talk about the “70% of our people are living in poverty,” is that that is a preposterous falsehood. The poverty rate is currently less than 12%. Also, Trump must have fallen asleep when Harris actually did talk about child trafficking. And she was never the “border czar.” That’s a tired right-wing fallacy.

In this part of his rant Trump also lied that Harris didn’t talk about several other issues (Russia, China, Ukraine, economy, housing, etc.), all of which she talked about. He also claimed that she didn’t talk about interest rates that he said “are getting now close to record rates.” Interest rates are currently about 5.5%. The record is about 20%.

MacCallum then asked about Harris’ proposed middle-class tax cuts and Trump’s plans that will cost Americans $3,900.00 more per year. And she incorrectly states that that number came from Trump’s Project 2025. To which Trump replied…

“Well she knows I have nothing to do with Project 25 (sic). They throw out – a group of people got together – they did this thing, I haven’t even seen it, I don’t want to see it, I told them specifically, I don’t want to see it.”

First of all, the amount of the Trump taxes didn’t come from Project 2025. They came from Trump’s proposal to put tariffs on virtually every imported product. And as for his ignorance of Project 2025, the facts are that its principals are largely Trump associates who have worked in his White House and campaigns. Which doesn’t necessarily mean that he isn’t ignorant anyway, knowing Trump.

Baier then asked Trump about his efforts to kill the bipartisan Senate immigration bill, and whether he was ready to debate Kamala Harris on that. He went immediately to a narrower reply about debating, saying that he was “willing to debate on September 4th on Fox.” Which was never agreed to by Harris.

MORE HERE: Crybaby Trump Runs Whining to Sean Hannity When Kamala Harris Passes on Biased Fox News Debate

After rambling incoherently about that, Baier reminded Trump about the immigration question.

“On the immigration it’s very simple. The bill was horrible. It would have allowed millions of people to pour into our country. Would have been horrible. It was a horrible bill.”

That’s about as detailed as Trump can get on anything. He has no knowledge of any issue. What’s more, it is flagrantly false. The immigration bill’s primary author was conservative Republican Sen. James Lankford. And it included most of the GOP’s long sought border initiatives.

MacCallum asked Trump about polls showing the “huge appeal and momentum” that Harris has had, and her success with women, Hispanics, Blacks, and youth. Which drove Trump into a delusional tizzy…

“No, she’s not having success. I’m having success. I’m doing great with the Hispanic voters. I’m doing great with Black men. I’m doing great with women because women want safety. They want safety. And they don’t have safety when they have somebody allowing 20 million people into our country. Many of them very dangerous people.

“No, it’s only in your eyes that they have that, Martha. We’re doing very well in the polls. We’re leading in most of the polls. And in the swing states we’re leading in almost every one of them.”

Wow! Trump’s malignant narcissism is really peaking. He is clinging desperately to fantasies that everyone adores him. And if he actually believes what he’s saying about leading in the polls, he is truly a candidate for involuntary institutionalization. In the RealClear Politics poll of polls, Harris is leading in 7 out 10 of the ten most recent surveys. And two of those where Trump is ahead are by the disreputable Rasmussen.

Look for Trump to get even more deranged as his electoral prospects continue to decline. And watch for that to be aired as it happens on Fox News. In recent weeks he has gone from calling Harris “Laffin’ Kamala,” to “Comrade Kamala.” in this phone-in to Fox News he raged “Look, she’s a Marxist. She always was. She always will be.” It won’t be long now before he accuses her of being Lizard Person who is controlled by Hannibal Lector.


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Trump Issues An Impotent Threat of Mass Incarceration of Imaginary Migrant ‘Election Fraudsters’

The authoritarian compulsions of convicted felon Donald Trump have exhibited themselves in his frequent and public declarations of overt intentions to seek “retribution” against his perceived enemies, including all Democrats, insufficiently worshipful Republicans, independent judges, domestic and foreign diplomats, disloyal business leaders, and, of course, the media that he refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.”

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Trump’s obsession with getting revenge on those he believes have wronged him has been the single most motivating factor in his campaign to reoccupy the White House, with the possible exception of his fear of being sent to prison himself for his multitude of crimes. His response to that fear is to threaten his foes with prosecution, including charges of treason that carry the death penalty.

SEE THIS: The Supreme Court Immunity Case is Even Scarier Knowing Trump Threatened to Execute His Critics

On Tuesday Trump extended his threats to a group of people that he has long detested: Immigrants. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted a comment in support of a new Republican bill aimed at making it illegal for undocumented immigrants to vote in federal elections. Which is a blatantly transparent political stunt because, of course, that is already illegal. Trump wrote that…

“Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep. Non citizen Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote […] Our whole voting system is under siege.”

To no one’s surprise, Trump is lying. There aren’t any “Non citizen Illegal Migrants [who] are getting the right to vote.” And his baseless assertion that the “whole voting system is under siege,” is utterly delusional. If that were true, why didn’t Trump do anything about it in the four years that he was pretending to be president? Where is his evidence that it is happening now? But despite his complete departure from reality, Trump went on to issue a foreboding threat…

“If I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!”

So Trump is specifically threatening to arrest and imprison Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, along with hundreds (thousands?) of others whose names he allegedly already knows, but whom he has declined to report to the authorities. Are you one of them?

This threat is consistent with Trump’s often hyperbolic proclamations that immigrants are running rampant throughout the nation, committing crimes with the approval of the Biden administration. He has promised to deport some 15 million people whose immigration status he can’t even certify. That would undoubtedly lead to untold numbers of American citizens being shipped off to foreign lands that they never knew.

Trump has never explained how his deportation scheme would be carried out. But for the record, it would take some 75,000 flights to transport 15 million people to other countries around the world. That would cost at least $7.5 billion. And that isn’t counting the billions it would take for law enforcement to round them up, or to build and staff the internment camps where they would have to be housed until their status and country of origin were established.

Trump is also advancing the virulently racist “White Replacement Theory” that posits that Democrats are trying to import foreigners in order to shift the balance of the electorate. Never mind that it would take many years for any immigrant, much less an undocumented one, to be granted legal status and eventually citizenship.

Trump is engaging in another impotent threat that is based on solely on his seething hatred and perverse perspective of the world. He couldn’t carry it out even if he were reelected. And reality has shown us that nearly every legitimate case of election fraud in the past several years was the work of Republicans. But Trump has never been one to allow facts to interfere with his fetid fantasies.


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Trump Weighs in on the Campus Israeli/Palestinian Protests in the Most Trumpian Way Imaginable

For the past couple of weeks American college campuses have been roiled by student protests over the conflict in Gaza and the overly harsh measures taken by Israel against the Palestinian residents. Most Americans support Israel’s right to defend itself, particularly after the brutal terrorist attack on October 7th. But the nation is united against the massacre of civilians by the Netanyahu regime.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

While it is nearly impossible to get Donald Trump to shut up about any public matter that he thinks he can exploit to his advantage, it took many days of national demonstrations to finally get him to stake out a position on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And not surprisingly, he has adopted one that features himself as the savior and the only person capable of restoring peace. Which is his knee-jerk reaction to nearly every crisis.

SEE THIS: Self-Appointed Pseudo Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘Nobody Else’ But Him Can Keep Israel Safe

On Tuesday Trump took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to post a couple of comments that said much more than he intended. The first said that…

“Tremendous damage done too, when you look at that building. That’s a landmark and it’s really been damaged badly by these people.”

And the second said that…

“People have to RESPECT LAW AND ORDER in this Country.”

Those are extraordinarily oblivious statements that, for most Americans, will only serve as reminders of the violent insurrection that Trump incited on January 6, 2021. During that riot, that was deliberately designed to obstruct Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election, there was also a building – the United States Congress – that was a landmark and that was also badly damaged by the domestic terrorists of Trump’s cult. In fact, the StormTrumpers caused millions of dollars in damage to the Capitol, as well as injuries to more than 140 law enforcement officers.

That is Trump’s idea of “RESPECT[ing] LAW AND ORDER.” But he wasn’t finished with his ludicrous ranting about the campus protests. He later posted another comment that revealed just how deeply deranged he is, and by association, how gullible and dangerous his cult disciples are. Trump wrote that…

“Do you think that the Radical Left Lunatics that are causing all of the CHAOS at our Colleges and Universities are doing so in order to take the FOCUS away from our Southern Border, where millions of people, many from prisons and mental institutions, are pouring into our Country? Just askin’…???”

That’s right. Trump is dispensing a crackpot conspiracy theory that the student protesters aren’t really there to express their disapproval of Israel’s hostilities toward Palestinian civilians. According To Trump they are covert immigration activists engaged in a clandestine mission to deflect attention away from refugees seeking safety and freedom in the U.S.

What a devious plot. And one for which Trump has no shred of evidence. So where did Trump get this preposterous theory? Apparently from his asinine and demented imagination that is obsessed with the nether regions of the nation. What’s more, he is joining the MAGA GOP crowd in maligning the protesters as anti-Semitic. But the way that we know that that is utter nonsense is that if these protesters were anti-Semitic, Trump would be calling them “very fine people.”

So Trump’s morning outrage has covered his notion that thousands of American students across the country are secretly fighting to bring foreign convicts and mental patients into America. And it also served as reminder of the horrific physical and property damage caused by his January 6th insurrectionists. All of which means that Trump will regard this as a productive day and take the rest of it off. Which he will surely appreciate because he has another strenuous day of napping in court tomorrow.


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HUH? Fox News Reports that the Eclipse is a Clandestine Plot to Sneak Migrants Into America

The “news” editors at Fox News must have been working all night to come up with an angle on the eclipse that would titillate their MAGA cult viewers. There is no way that they would be satisfied wasting untold hours reporting on a rare celestial event without some sort of propaganda to boost Donald Trump and his agenda of hate and lies.

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Fox News, Fake News

Well, all of that hard work paid off as Fox News aired a segment about the eclipse on Monday morning’s episode of “America’s Newsroom.” Rather than fiddle with irrelevancies like facts on astronomical events and history, or interviews of scientists, Fox News bravely forged an uncommon path to reveal something that the rest of the media had missed or was deliberately suppressing…

Host Dana Perino: “A rare celestial event collides with a policy failure on the ground. The southern border will be directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun for nearly four minutes.”
Host Bill Hemmer: We are told that officials are bracing for higher traffic than usual. And that means a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in.”
Correspondent Bill Melugin: While everybody is gonna be looking up, if you’re looking down here at the border, here is what you’ll see. Take a look at the video from nearby New Mexico, which is seeing a surge of illegal alien evaders […] You’ll see illegal immigrants dressed in dark clothing, sometimes camouflage, trying to sneak into the United States.

That’s right! The eclipse is really a clandestine operation by liberals – probably run by the evil mastermind, President Biden, and financed by George Soros – aimed at smuggling terrorist migrants into America to vote for Biden and other Democrats. Who knew? And who but Fox News would expose this nefarious plot?

The America-haters responsible for devising this plan to create a deluge of foreign “invaders” – in a four minute cloak of darkness – have thought of everything. Including dark and camouflage clothing to keep them from being spotted in the unprecedented absence of daylight. Naturally, Fox News ignores that there are about twelve hours of darkness every day when the earth itself blots out the sun. Is Biden responsible for that too?

This kind of reporting is somehow accepted by the MAGA cult that watches Fox News. They are the same people who are asserting that the eclipse is a warning from god to repent. Which raises some interesting questions. For instance, if it is a warning from god, then why is it being thrust upon the people of Texas and other Southern states first? Wouldn’t that imply that they are the sinners?

What’s more, if the eclipse is creating an opportunity for migrants to enter the U.S., then wouldn’t it be more logical to assume that god is trying to help the migrants flee violence, poverty, and oppression, and find freedom and safety in America? That, at least, would be consistent with the bible’s advocacy of welcoming and caring for refugees.

This is where it is important to stress that searching for logic in the ravings of Fox News reporters and Republicans is likely to cause a traumatic brain injury. So remember on this day not to stare into the sun or try to decipher the irrational ravings of MAGA cult conspiracy theorists. This has been a public service announcement.


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Watch Fox News Host Prove that She’s Lying About Democrats Using A.l. to Alter Trump’s Words

The mission of Fox News from its inception has been to promote far-right politics and the Republican Party. However, in recent years it has shifted to an even more extreme bias in favor one Republican in particular. The Fox News devotion to Donald Trump and his MAGA cult has been an all-consuming obsession that abandons any connection to journalism or even patriotism.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Consequently, Fox News has never felt compelled to provide any factual basis for their flagrantly dishonest propaganda. It’s why they produce stories like the the one this week about President Biden allegedly prohibiting religious symbols on Easter eggs during the White House holiday event, when that was a rule that’s been in place for 45 years, including during Trump’s occupation of the White House. It’s why Fox News often winds up inadvertently slamming their own GOP allies who they regard as insufficiently committed to lock-step party uniformity, like good fascists…

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

On Thursday morning, Fox News host Harris Faulkner unleashed a segment wherein she disgorged her outrage at Democrats who she accused of distorting Trump’s words. Of course, Democrats have no need to distort anything Trump says, because his rhetoric is heinously offensive without any artificial alteration.

Nevertheless, Faulkner made the wholly unsupported allegation that some unnamed nefarious Democrat employed Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to alter what Trump said at his cult rally in Michigan.

Faulkner: It didn’t happen the way the Dems say it did. Here’s a clip that Team Biden posted from Trump’s speech in Michigan this week…
Trump (Video): Democrats said “Please don’t call them animals.” I said “No, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”
Faulkner: Here’s what he actually said. Trump’s words. Actually said this…
Trump (Video): The 22 year old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. The Democrats said “Please don’t call them animals.” I said “No, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”
Faulkner: First of all, how in the world did they edit all those words together to even put something like what they had. That’s amazing. […] What are they using? A.I.?”

OMG: Did everyone notice that Faulkner’s video of Trump’s blatant racism said exactly the same thing as the video that Faulkner said was the work of Democrats? The only difference was Trump’s preface about the tragically murdered student (about whom he lied saying he had spoken to her family). But that didn’t change the racist context of his remarks at all. He didn’t call just the alleged murderer an animal. He said that “THEY are animals.” It was a clear reference to all migrants.

Contrary to Faulkner’s deliberate lie, there was no modification whatsoever, A.I. or otherwise. Her amazement at how Democrats supposedly “edit(ed) all those words together” is bizarre, considering that the words were identical. And this was her own video “proof” of some sort of Democratic deception? The real question is not “What are they using?” It’s “What is SHE using?”

And yet, the Fox News viewers will likely fail to see any problem with this bullpucky. They will swallow it whole and come away believing that Democrats manufactured everything that Trump said. And at the same time they will agree with everything that Trump said. That’s the nature of a cult. And Fox News is the Ministry of Disinformation for the Cult of Trump (aka the Republican Party), where Trump’s words can be simultaneously fake and correct.


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Trump’s Parking Lot Lawyer on Newsmax: Biden is Bringing in Migrants to Vote for Him in November

The past few weeks have seen Donald Trump suffer some of the worst legal catastrophes in modern times. He was found liable for the defamation and sexual harassment of writer E. Jean Carroll, and ordered to pay $88 million. That was followed by a $354 million judgment for financial fraud

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

In the wake of those crippling losses, the attorney representing Trump, parking lot lawyer Alina Habba, is now making the rounds on MAGA media to talk about completely unrelated matters. In fact, they are purely political matters that are not remotely related to her legal duties. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been watching her for the past several months. Many of her media appearances have focused on the same bizarre tirades that Trump babbles about at his cult rallies.

FOR INSTANCE: Trump’s Lawyer Issues Hysterical Challenge, Daring Hunter Biden to Put Trump on the Stand

On a recent visit to the friendly environs of Newsmax, Habba was asked whether President Biden could be held responsible for the tragic murder of a student in Georgia, allegedly by an immigrant from Venezuela. It is, of course, a ridiculous question that is intended only to blame Biden personally for any and all crimes committed anywhere in America. Never mind that crime has fallen significantly during the Biden administration, particularly “in cities that have received the most migrants.” Unfazed by facts, Newsmax and Habba set about to attack Biden with an especially ludicrous conspiracy theory…

Newsmax Host: Does Joe Biden have blood on his hands at this point?
Habba: 100%. Look, the whole thing with our borders, the whole thing with them bringing these people in so that they could vote in November because they need 10 million more votes to beat Trump. They need more than that. Frankly, this is all by design, and it’s not about keeping us safe. New Yorkers are not safe. America is not safe. And Joe Biden is more concerned with his polls, which he can’t win fair and square because the man can’t even walk. So he has to do this.

HOLY CRAP: So according to Habba, Biden is actually rounding up migrants – probably criminals – and “bringing these people in so that they could vote in November.” Habba doesn’t explain how he plans to get them registered to vote, show up at the polls, and tabulate their ballots, when there is no legal way that any of that can happen. Even legal immigrants must go through a process that takes years before they are eligible to vote.

If that pitiful ignorance of the law wasn’t bad enough, Habba was compelled to malign Biden’s mental and/or physical fitness by charging that he has to recruit these foreigners “because the man can’t even walk.” A real journalist might have followed up by asking Habba “What the f*** does that have to do with anything?” All she’s doing is opening up the conversation to include Trump’s more obvious cognitive decline. Then Habba goes on to make preposterous inferences to Fentanyl (which is mostly smuggled in at legal ports of entry by Americans), and more baseless allegations of electoral cheating.

Furthermore, if an aspiring election fraudster wanted to create phony voters, why would they need immigrants at all? There are millions of Americans who don’t vote and aren’t registered. Their names could be used to manufacture fake voters. Importing people who are likely to be caught and deported would be a much riskier operation And more complex and expensive as well. Plus, it would be taking illegal jobs from native born American criminals.

It is no secret where Habba is getting these idiotic lines of inquiry. They come directly from her boss, Donald Trump. He recently posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that asserted the same asinine argument. Trump whined that…

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the ‘Crazed’ Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now.”

MORE HERE: PHEW! Trump Says He Has Figured Out Why Biden is ‘Allowing’ Millions of Migrants Into America

Finally. It all makes sense. Thank goodness we have Trump and Habba to enlighten us all to these alternative facts. And to keep us appropriately frightened of them nefarious ferners.


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The Biden-Harris Campaign Brilliantly Exposes Republican Hypocrisy on the Border Bill

Republicans in Congress are working furiously to establish their reputation for being the most partisan and inept assembly of legislators in modern times. And to their credit, they are doing a stellar job of achieving that goal.

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In the year since they assumed their razor thin majority in the House of Representatives, the GOP has managed to pass a measly twenty bills, most of which have little to no impact on the lives the American people. Instead, they focused intently on ousting their own Speaker, Kevin McCarthy (who it took them 15 votes to elect), and then spent three weeks to select his replacement, Mike Johnson an unknown backbencher with dubious credentials. Having achieved those tasks, they set their eyes on multiple bogus impeachment inquires and smear campaigns.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The latest clown show antics of the newly christened Trump MAGA GOP (Groveling Obedient Peons) sees them obstructing the passage of immigration legislation that they were previously begging for Democrats to support. But after a bipartisan group of Senators gave them precisely what they said they wanted, they turned tail and ran. That’s because Dear Leader Trump ordered them to abandon the bill in order to preserve the problems on the border so that he can blame them on President Biden.

Well, the Biden-Harris campaign isn’t playing along. On Wednesday morning they posted a thread on Twitter that exposed the flaming hypocrisy of Trump and his MAGA minions with evidence in their own words. The brutal and truthful takedown begins with a tweet showing Trump’s duplicity, and includes the following from his loyal cult comrades…

Donald Trump lying that “the only way to properly secure the border is with a bill from Congress.” Followed by Trump saying that “America doesn’t ‘need a bill, frankly’ to secure the border.”

Mike Johnson lying that “passing legislation to secure the border is a ‘top priority.'” Followed by Johnson saying that “‘there’s no way we could’ even vote on the bipartisan bill to secure the border after Trump told him not to.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene lying that “passing legislation to secure the border ‘should be the priority'” Followed by Greene saying that she “’could care less’ about the bipartisan bill to secure the border and that it’s ‘dead on arrival'”

Steve Scalise lying that “America ‘deserves’ Congress to pass a bill to secure the border.” Followed by Scalise saying that “the bipartisan bill to secure the border is ‘dead on arrival.'”

Jim Jordan lying that “‘we’ve gotta’ pass a bill to secure the border.” Followed by Jordan saying that “the bipartisan bill to secure the border ‘shouldn’t even be brought to the House floor.'”

Ted Cruz lying that “the border is ‘a crisis at a level we have never seen before.'” Followed by Cruz saying that “‘we don’t need’ the bipartisan bill to secure the border.'”

Josh Hawley lying that Congress needs to “secure our border.” Followed by Hawley saying that the bipartisan bill to secure the border “should be dead.”

Ron Johnson lying that securing the border “should be” Congress’ “top priority.” Followed by Hawley saying that passing the bipartisan bill to secure the border is “worse than passing nothing.”

Rick Scott lying that “nothing” else should “get passed” before Congress secures the border. Followed by Scott saying that “we don’t” need the bipartisan bill to secure the border.

That’s a damning indictment of the GOP’s shameless sophistry. They couldn’t care less about the border or resolving any issues with immigration. They only want to weaponize what they call a “crisis” for their political gain. And despite their caterwauling, they want you to forget that they passed their own ultra partisan border bill (HR 2, Secure the Border Act of 2023) last year. But now, according to their own rhetoric, they consider that a waste of time that did nothing and wasn’t needed.

What’s more, Republican Rep. Chip Roy delivered a searing condemnation of Trump and his own GOP colleagues on the House floor about the false Republican talking point that any president could close the border whenever they want and legislation isn’t necessary. He said that…

“I saw former president Trump make that allegation earlier today on one of his social media posts. All a president has to do is declare the border is closed, and it’s closed. Well, with all due respect, that didn’t happen in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. There were millions that came in during those four years.”

President Biden addressed this mess on Tuesday in speech to the nation that spelled out the failure and dishonesty of the Republicans in Congress who were torpedoing the bipartisan border bill. He correctly observed that “the MAGA Republicans said ‘No,’ because they’re afraid of Donald Trump.” then he elaborated saying that…

“If the bill fails, I want to be absolutely clear about something. The American people are going to know why it fails. I’ll be taking this issue to the country… the American people are going to know the reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump.”

From here on out the Republicans own the border and whatever problems they say are occurring there. They refuse to participate in a solution because they are only interested in having a political cudgel with which to hammer their opponents. And they are hoping that the American people are too stupid to catch on. However, with the exception of the minority of MAGA cultists, they are going to be sorely disappointed to learn that the nation is smarter than they think.


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After Losing $83 Million, Big Mouth Trump Hasn’t Made a Single New Attack on E. Jean Carroll

This week there was a historic event in the annals of American law and politics. For the second time in history a former president of the United States, Donald Trump, was found liable for sexual assault and defamation. He was ordered to pay the woman he assaulted, E. Jean Carroll, $83.3 million. Trump was also the perpetrator, and Carroll the victim, the first time this happened, just last year.

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Clearly Trump is an incorrigible, recidivist criminal who has no respect for the law, or for women, and believes that he has the right to commit whatever crimes he wants without consequences. He has said so explicitly.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

Despite Trump’s psychotic compulsion to vilify his perceived enemies, this latest legal smackdown might have finally stilled his slanderous tongue. For months he has been viciously attacking Carroll on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. For the most part, his posts have not sought to make a case for his innocence. They have been blatantly derogatory and insulting and intended solely to tarnish Carroll’s reputation. They reached back into the distant past to grab out-of-context quotes that he distorts in order to falsely portray her as a loose woman. Which he seems to believe would justify assaulting her. On several occasions Trump unleashed 30, 40, or more of these malicious messages in the span of an hour or two.

SEE ALSO: Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

However, in the hours since the jury returned their multimillion dollar penalty, Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet online. He posted a single comment whining that he disagreed with the judgment, then went silent on the subject. Although that one comment was loaded with ludicrous commentary…

Don’t expect Trump to continue holding his fire against Carroll. He has zero self-control and his infantile and hostile tendencies can always be relied upon to reemerge. In the mean time, Trump is reprising that old, reliable, right-wing scare tactic of millions of malevolent migrants invading America to steal your jobs and vote for Democrats. He posted a comment raging that…

“Just 3 years ago we had the strongest and safest Border in U.S. History. Today we have a catastrophe waiting to happen. It is the WORST BORDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, an open wound in our once great Country. TERRORISTS ARE POURING IN, UNCHECKED, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. There is now a 100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA. CLOSE THE BORDER!”

Got that? Trump claims, without a shred of evidence, that we went from the best ever to worst ever border. And has anyone run into any of those terrorists who are “pouring in, unchecked”? And of course Trump is predicting a “100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA.” That’s more of a hope on his part. Just like he hopes the economy will crash, and civil war will break out.

MORE HERE: On Fox News Jessica Tarlov Summarizes the Success of Bidenomics that the Media Refuses to Cover

Trump followed up that post with four more comments about border issues, including one that sought to sabotage the bipartisan immigration bill that is currently being negotiated in the Senate. And naturally his perspective was fraught with animus and ignorance…

It’s cute that Trump thinks that the judgment against him is a “witch hunt” directed by President Biden. Because all that does is reveal that that Biden fella keeps winning. Proving that he’s pretty sharp for a guy that Trump and the GOP say is mentally impaired. If Biden, according to Trump & Co., is a senile communist who can’t put two sentences together, what does that say about Trump and the MAGA Klan that keep losing to him?

UPDATE: 48 hours later and, other than reposting a Breitbart article, Trump has still not mentioned the Carroll judgment himself online or in his campaign speech in Nevada.

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PHEW! Trump Says He Has Figured Out Why Biden is ‘Allowing’ Millions of Migrants Into America

The most easily predictable political tactic of the Republican Party and its rightist propaganda outlets is the traditional fear mongering and demonization of alleged “caravans” of migrants and refugees just prior to any election. It’s a problem that they mostly ignore until it’s time to frighten their flock with flagrant falsehoods of foreign invasions.

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Fox News has been the most vocal disseminator of these nightmarish scenarios wherein hordes of scary brown folks are said to be marching into America bent on taking over the country. It’s a concept that was frequently pushed by former Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson.

SEE THIS: White Replacement Theory Huckster Tucker Carlson Now Says He’s ‘Not Sure Exactly What It Is’

Not to be outdone, Donald Trump has made the same allegations about immigrants plotting to wrest control of America from its rightful white superiors. Recently Trump has resorted to rhetoric that he snatched from Hitler, referring to migrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of the nation.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

On Saturday morning Trump unleashed a flurry of posts to his failing social media scam, Truth Social. In about an hour he dropped 37 comments, mostly exalting himself or maligning his perceived enemies. Among these posts was one that addressed the immigration issue in a way that only a virulent racist like Trump can…

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the ‘Crazed’ Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?”

Let’s set aside the infantile insults about “Crazed Democrats,” and obvious lies about “millions of totally unvetted migrants,” and focus on Trump’s ridiculous assertion that the reason Biden and Democrats are “allowing” migrants in is “SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.” Anyone with even a minimal grasp on reality (which leaves out the entirety of the MAGA Cult) knows that undocumented immigrants cannot, and do not, vote. Even documented immigrants can’t vote until after they have been legal residents for years and become naturalized.

Trump claims that Democrats are implementing a devious plan to alter the electorate by recruiting undocumented immigrants and are “signing them up at a rapid pace.” His evidence of that remains firmly clogged in his atrophied cranium, along with his evidence that the 2020 election that he decisively lost to Biden was “rigged and stollen.”

For the record, migrant apprehensions and expulsions at the southern border are at record highs. Which means that the Biden administration is doing a better job of policing the border than Trump did. And he’s doing it more humanely, without having to incarcerate people in cages or rip children away from their parents.

Another post by Trump about voting mentioned a study that found that “Votes Increased by Up to 8pts in States with Universal Mail-In Voting.” It linked to a right-wing website that surely misinterpreted whatever it was “reporting.” But it’s curious that Trump would promote it considering that he has long insisted that all mail-in voting is rampant with fraud.

Finally, Trump threatens his fellow Republicans, warning that they “better wake up and do something.” You’ll notice that he doesn’t say what they should do. Perhaps he thinks they should start illegally registering immigrants to vote. He’s made it clear that he has no aversion to committing crimes.

One thing we can be certain of is that he is not proposing that they do something legislatively. The GOP has opposed and obstructed every effort to pass a bipartisan immigration reform bill for years. That’s because they want the problem to exploit politically, more than they want a solution. They know that if the problem were solved they would have nothing else to talk about, except maybe Hunter Biden’s laptop.

UPDATE: Trump doubled down on his immigration idiocy with another post wherein he wishes “an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs [who] are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour [sic] Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.” Is he really stupid enough to believe that illegal immigrants will be voting next year? Or is he just confidant that his dumbass cult followers will believe it? The obvious answer to both of those questions is “Yes!”.


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Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

Watching Donald Trump sink ever deeper into the abyss of totalitarianism is a painfully difficult thing for Americans who cherish the principles of democracy and liberty upon which this nation was founded. But as his legal perils mount, Trump is losing whatever threads of morality and decency that he might have pretended to be hanging onto.

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Donald Trump

At his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, Trump elevated his authoritarian aspirations with language derived straight from the playbook of Adolf Hitler. Referring to immigrants and refugees seeking shelter in the United States, Trump complained that they were “poisoning the blood of our country.” Which is precisely how Hitler described the Jews in Germany that he yearned to exterminate.

Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s fear mongering was quickly condemned by Democrats and other decent Americans who recognized just how repugnant and dangerous that sort of hateful rhetoric is. But sadly, many Republicans defended Trump and attempted to dismiss his hate speech as harmless jargon that need not be taken seriously. That was also the position of the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

Having had several days to reflect on Trump’s language, Fox News is still failing to appreciate the heinousness of Trump’s words. In a segment on their allegedly “news” driven program hosted by Bret Baier, they came up with a novel notion to excuse Trump’s Nazi inspired speech. Baier and fellow anchor David Asman engaged in the following exchange…

Asman: Some of things that Trump has been saying are quite difficult, even for his supporters. He said one the other night…

Trump Video: They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They poisoned mental institutions, and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just in three or four countries that we think about. But all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, Asia, all over the world. They’re pouring into our country. Nobody’s even looking at them. They just come in. The crime is gonna be tremendous. The terrorism is gonna be — terrorism is going to be – and we built a tremendous piece of the wall and then we’re gonna build more.

Asman: Bret, nobody argues that it’s not a disaster. It is, and of course it’s being reflected in cities all over the country. But to use that phrase, “poisoning our blood,” that really got under the skin of a lot of people. Even his supporters. Is there any sign that anybody in his campaign is gonna try to answer that?

Baier: Not really. Listen, it’s the word he chose. I think it raised a lot of eyebrows, not only on the democratic side but in Republican circles. Obviously it hearkens back to some writings. And it’s been written about in numerous articles.

But it’s also important to point out the former president is married to an immigrant who just did a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives to welcome immigrants into the country. So there’s a disconnect there if that’s the dog whistle he’s sending. Some people are saying it is, but other people are saying it’s just the words he chose. Republicans even know – are uncomfortable with that phrasing.

Asman: Sometimes he does like to tweak people too. You wonder whether there was something of that in the whole thing. Meanwhile Biden’s poll numbers are just awful.

There’s a lot of bullcrap to unpack in that. Let’s begin where Asman began, with his contention that Trump’s remarks were difficult “even for his supporters.” It is pitifully obvious that Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples are not particularly bothered by Trump’s language. In fact. many of them are specifically drawn to him because of it.

Then Baier responds to Asman’s question noting, correctly at first, that no one in Trump’s campaign is likely to answer the criticism of his remarks. But Baier couldn’t even bring himself to describe Trump’s source as Hitler. He referred only vaguely to words that “hearkens back to some writings.”

However, Baier then thought he came up with the perfect apologia for Trump. He couldn’t possibly be calling for the elimination of immigrants in America because his wife is an immigrant. In fact, he married two foreigners, providing them and their anchor babies with citizenship. But that doesn’t indicate any affinity for the immigrant population in America. It just indicates the hypocrisy of Trump who is capable of condemning the vast majority of mostly immigrants of color, while separating his White European wives from the hordes of those that he and his followers hate.

Baier seems to notice that there is a “disconnect” there, and that Trump is blowing on his racist dog whistle. But Baier fails to notice that he is the one responding to the whistling with a ludicrous defense for Trump’s fascistic vulgarity. And it’s predictable that Asman closes the segment by trivializing Trump’s offensiveness because “he does like to tweak people,” and then diverting to an attack on President Biden’s polling.

At no point in the segment did wither Asman or Baier condemn Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s words or criticize his tyrannical leanings. So it’s fair to conclude that Fox News is comfortable with all of that. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that we can expect them to continue to advance Trump and his hate speech for the foreseeable future.


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