Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, has been slipping deeper into a psychotic swamp of conspiracy crackpottery in recent weeks. He has affirmed his total indoctrination into the cult of Donald Trump by subscribing to the lies that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen,” that immigrants are plotting to take over America, and that the COVID pandemic was a hoax.
Most recently Carlson has gotten on board with Trump’s disinformation about the January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. He even produced a crock documentary advancing the ludicrous theory that the storming of the Capitol was a “false flag”operation orchestrated by the “Deep State.” Carlson released a trailer for his “Patriot Purge” propaganda this week (or as CNN’s Jim Acosta calls it, “Proud Boy Porn”) that is rife with blatant lies and purposefully incendiary rhetoric intended to incite further violence.
However, on Monday Carlson demonstrated that he is also suffering from an acute case of narcissistic paranoia. He appeared on Fox and Friends to promote his crockumentary with fellow Fox wingnut, Brian Kilmeade. Carlson began with an inadvertently truthful statement that “The intentional creation of a dishonest explanation for that day began within hours.” Indeed, that’s precisely what Carlson and the rest of his Fox News comrades did. Then, getting to the meat of his lunacy, he declared that “There was no evidence it was an organized insurrection, an attempt to overcome the U.S. government.”
Never mind that the organized assault on the government was all televised live. And forget that on January 6th Trump was still president in charge of the Justice Department and the FBI that Carlson says is guilty of infiltrating the ranks of his own rioting supporters. And for additional confirmation that it was the result of a carefully planned coup attempt, the Washington Post published an in depth investigation into what happened on January 6th, and the clandestine activities of Trump and his co-conspirators that led up to it.
In response to the Washington Post article, Carlson expressed his utterly delusional belief that it was a reaction to the trailer for his video fictionalization of the Capitol riots. In this abridged transcript of his exchange with Kilemeade (full video below) he asserted that…
Carlson: Several months ago, we sent a group of reporters out to really forensically dig into this. What happened? What are the facts of that day? […] The Washington Post put 75 reporters – 75 reporters – on a rebuttal piece to our documentary, which they hadn’t seen.” […]
Kilmeade: Tucker, as you point out too, the FBI will infiltrate groups whether it’s the mob or Al Qaeda and they’ll try to be one of them and unwind the plot before it takes place. Do you think maybe, perhaps, and maybe you don’t want to give away your series, you find indications that the FBI was actually pushing for this invasion?
Carlson: There were people working for the FBI in the crowd that day. We said that months ago on our nighttime show, hysteria ensued, it turns out to be true. […] The Washington Post spent 75 reporters time rebutting a trailer tells you they don’t want you to know what actually happened. They’re hysterical
Carlson did accuse the FBI of “orchestrating” the violence against Congress months ago. It was just as crazy and unfounded then, as it is now. But he goes even further down the rabid hole with his bizarre claim that the Washington Post’s article was a rebuttal to his pro-domestic terrorism video. The truth is that The Post was working on their story for months before Carlson even contemplated his project. How Carlson can suggest with his confused and constipated smirk that The Post had him in mind when researching and writing their elaborate exposé is laughable. It’s evidence of how profoundly disturbed, self-obsessed, and racked with irrational fear of persecution Carlson is. Does that remind you of anyone?
Speaking of Donald Trump, he had his own reaction to The Post’s article, which they would only publish a portion of, saying that it was…
“…a lengthy written response that included a series of unrelated, inflammatory claims that The Post is not publishing in full. […] He disputed The Post’s investigation as ‘fake news’ and falsely cast people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 as ‘agitators not associated with President Trump.’ The statement repeated Trump’s false claim that the 2020 election was rigged.”
So Trump couldn’t control his Liar’s Tourette’s Syndrome and The Post justifiably condensed it. But Trump did manage to express his tediously familiar, anti-constitutional view that “there is no greater threat to America than leftist journalists and the Fake News.” Because he can’t open his mouth without that canard coming out. And he confirmed that he and Carlson are both suffering from the same sort of neuroses. Apparently it’s going around in Trump World.
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Full transcript of Tucker and Kilmeade:
Here's more of Tucker Carlson claiming that WaPo's feature on January 6 was only done in response to his trailer.
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) November 1, 2021
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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Interesting article. What Carlson fails mention is that on January 6th the Justice Department and the FBI were under the control of Trump himself. So if you want to believe the crapola Carlson is selling, this still was a radical right-wing coup attempt.
Excellent point!
How can otherwise intelligent people believe this nonsense from Carlton and the rest of the nut jobs? What’s scary is that so many listen to and believe this rubbish. We’re in deep trouble.
Yes, we are!
I am however, wondering about those “otherwise intelligent” people actually being that intelligent. To be intelligent, one thinks about all manner of things & seeks out proof, truth, confirmation of facts & theories. For these people to not do any of that on just this 1 topic seems unlikely to me.
Perhaps we give them too much credit for intelligence? Aren’t many of them the same folks who are anti-vaxxers & anti-maskers? Hmmm…
“How Carlson can suggest with his confused and constipated smirk that The Post had him in mind when researching and writing their elaborate exposé is laughable. It’s evidence of how profoundly disturbed, self-obsessed, and racked with irrational fear of persecution Carlson is. ”
Q: How does carlson changae a light bulb?
A: He holds the bulb and waits for the world to revolve around him.
Good one!
It seems like we can finally get a count of low-IQ and gullible people in the US.