Trump is Busy Doing the People’s Work: Pushing for Plastic Straws and Firing Journalists?

It’s good to know that Donald Trump isn’t just playing golf, proposing hostile takeovers of U.S. allies (Canada, Mexico, Greenland, etc.), nominating unqualified and anti-American Cabinet secretaries, terminating career prosecutors and FBI agents, and masterminding fascist coups of government agencies in order to sabotage their work.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

Trump is also steadfastly applying himself to his obligations as president to achieve the goals of the American people that he has pledged to serve. The citizens of this nation should be comforted knowing that they have a leader who is spending his time on critical initiatives like policing who uses which bathrooms, flooding California farmlands, and pitching cheesy merchandise and self-exalting books…

SEE THIS: Trump Wants to Run America Like his Businesses – Trump Media and Crypto – That are Crashing

On Friday morning Trump added to his list of priorities a couple of long-festering problems that have been in dire need of solutions. He posted his intentions on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, to let everyone know just how focused he is on America’s most urgent issues.

Trump’s first message made plain his determination to resolve a matter that surely takes precedence over immigration, school shootings, drug trafficking, homelessness, wars in Ukraine and Gaza, climate change, and the high price of eggs and gas. Trump wrote that

“I will be signing an Executive Order next week ending the ridiculous Biden push for Paper Straws, which don’t work. BACK TO PLASTIC!”

Thank God! We absatively have to drop everything else and ban those horrible paper straws and return to the plastic variety that are known for “releasing chemicals into the soil, air, and water that are harmful to animals, plants, people, and the environment.” Why hasn’t anyone sought to do this before?

Trump’s next message sought to further his long battle against the free press that he refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” He wrote that

“Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post is INCOMPETENT! So sad to see him trying to justify the waste, fraud, and corruption at USAID with his pathetic Radical Left SPIN. He should be fired immediately!!!”

It’s about time that the U.S. government clamp down on wayward reporters who have the audacity to exercise their rights under the Constitution’s First Amendment. Especially Pulitzer Prize-winning columnists like Robinson. And leave it Trump, who regularly castigates the press and calls for censorship by the government, to lash out at a journalist and demand that he be fired.

It’s unclear what Trump was specifically referring to in his harangue. However, it is likely that he watched Robinson on MSNBC offering well-deserved criticism of Trump’s assault on the USAID program that “is the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms.” How dare they?

What probably triggered Trump was Robinson speculating that Trump and Musk were using USAID “as kind of a demonstration project, just to see how we can destroy an agency and demoralize the rest of the federal workforce.” Which would perfectly align with the behavior of the MAGA boys and their orchestrated coup.

UPDATE: Trump added another comment announcing that he is appointing himself as the chair of the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees, and terminating the current chair and “multiple individuals” from the Board. Why? Because he has nothing better to do (Elon’s running everything), and what the Center has been missing is a clod who has no relationship with modern culture?

Sadly, there will be more of this to sort of bullshittery come, until they can be stopped by an uprising of protest among the masses, the Democrats in Congress, and the courts.


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While 2 Big Newspapers Quash Kamala Harris Endorsements, Another Kisses Trump’s…Let’s Say Ring

The role of the media during the 2024 presidential election has not exactly earned the honor that the fourth estate deems itself worthy of. It spent much of this campaign season demeaning President Biden prior to his passing the torch to his Vice-President, Kamala Harris. Following Harris’ entry into the race, many in the mainstream press held her to ridiculously higher standards than they did Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump, Newspapers, Baby, Hate

As CNN’s Van Jones said, “He gets to be lawless, she has to be flawless.” There was little distinction made between Harris, a candidate who has stellar credentials (Attorney General of the largest state in the union, United States Senator, and Vice-President), and Trump, whose resume reeks of personal and professional depravity (a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, financial fraudster, pathological liar, and mentally infirm). What’s more, Trump despises the media and openly threatens its existence.

SEE THIS: Tyrant Trump Demands ALL TV News Licenses Be Revoked and Kamala Harris Concede the Election

This week a couple of prominent newspapers lathered themselves in disgrace by announcing that they would succumb to the MAGA mob and the bullying tactics of Donald Trump by refraining from making any endorsements in the presidential race. As reported by The Guardian’s Margaret Sullivan

“The Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post have decided to sit this one out. Both major news organizations, each owned by a billionaire, announced this week that their editorial boards would not make a presidential endorsement, despite their decades-long traditions of doing so. There’s no other way to see this other than as an appalling display of cowardice and a dereliction of their public duty.”

This wasn’t a neutral decision by experienced journalists. It was the mandate from the owners after editors had already decided to endorse Harris. As a result, senior editorial staffers at both papers resigned in protest of what former WaPo editor Marty Baron called “Disturbing spinelessness.” Even worse, it’s an implied message of support for Trump who, were he to win, could bring his wrath down on the billionaire owners who both have personal fortunes dependent on government business.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the political spectrum, Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post published its endorsement of Trump, calling him the clear choice for a better future.” Which is peculiar considering that in 2022, the NYPost published a scathing rebuke of Trump with an emphasis on his abhorrent mishandling of the January 6th insurrection that he incited. That article said in part that…

  • “Trump didn’t lift a finger to stop the violence.”
  • “To his eternal shame, as appalled aides implored him to publicly call on his followers to go home, he instead further fanned the flames.”
  • “His only focus was to find any means — damn the consequences — to block the peaceful transfer of power.”
  • “Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.”

So only two years after declaring that Trump is “unworthy” to reoccupy the White House, the NYPost is now endorsing him as “the clear choice”? That’s quite a reversal. And that’s why Trump was so happy to post on his failing Twitter ripoff, “I LOVE THE NEW YORK POST. GREAT ELECTION COVERAGE. THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL ENDORSEMENT!!!” Which is also peculiar considering that Trump has previously posted harsh condemnations of the NYPost…

  • Saying that “Since the New York Post went ‘bad’ on TRUMP, there [sic] numbers have fallen, tremendously. Great, people are tired of hearing Fake News. It used to be sooo good, but not anymore!”
  • And asking “Has anybody noticed how badly the New York Post is doing since going anti-Trump? A beautiful thing to see!”
  • And asserting that “Andy McCarthy, legal pundit of the dying New York Post, who will do anything Rupert Murdoch…tell him to do.”

This is just more proof that Trump is a cognitive mess who can’t recall what his prior lies were, or who his current enemies are. He just unloads whatever crawls into his corroding cranial cavity, knowing that his cult disciples will believe anything he says, even he’s contradicting what he said the day (or the minute) before.

It’s that psychosis that the press is repeatedly failing to report to the American people who need to have this information before they vote. So shame on the L.A. Times and the Washington Post. Their decision to spike the Harris endorsements is not just bad journalism, it’s dangerously unpatriotic.


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TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

Watching the downward spiral of Donald Trump is becoming object lesson in mental deterioration as he descends ever deeper into a bottomless pit of pathos and desperation. Ever since Kamala Harris ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket, Trump has responded with exponentially more extreme exhibits of madness. And he wasn’t exactly a portrait of sanity before that.

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Donald Trump

The media hasn’t been especially good at reporting the severity of Trump’s psychological maladies. While they spent months obsessing over President Biden’s alleged age-related defects, they ignored Trump’s far worse displays of derangement. Biden would get criticized for stuttering, but Trump would get a pass for hallucinating.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

The good news is that some of the biases of the press may be starting to thaw. The Washington Post just published an article that enumerates some of Trump’s recent meanderings into the muck of his mania. The headline summarizes the substance: “Trump’s laundry list of increasingly bizarre claims.” And it doesn’t mince words describing Trump’s meltdown…

“This is bonkers, even by Trump’s own conspiratorial and falsehood-laden standards [and that] It’s difficult to truly compare the relative ridiculousness of Trump’s claims over time, but there is no question he’s pushed the envelope in new and astonishing ways.”

The Post enumerates ten of Trump’s most recent derpitudes, followed by documented fact checks. They begin with one that was just loosed a few days ago: “Harris’s rally crowds ‘DIDN’T EXIST’ and ‘nobody was there.’” Trump claimed that photos of Harris’ supporters were altered by AI, and that there was really no one at all at the event. Never mind all the live streamed video and press accounts – including by conservative media. Trump’s assertion was wholly manufactured from raw fiction.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Dementia Dives Deeper as He Regurgitates Conspiracy Theories About Kamala Harris’ Crowds

The list continued with even more preposterous assertions emanating from Trump’s corroding cranium. Among them, he accused the FBI of plotting to assassinate him. He said that Harris had only recently turned Black. He repeated his ludicrous charge that Democrats support infanticide. Here is the full list…

On Wednesday morning Trump spoke briefly to reporters after voting in the Florida primary. He was asked about the “fake” crowds claim and replied that “I can’t say what was there, who was there. I can only tell you about ours. And we have the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics. We have crowds that nobody has ever seen before.”

Except that Trump actually and explicitly did say who was there (“nobody”). And his claim that he has “the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics” is just plain delusional. However, his next comment was sort of a curious confession. He said that “We have crowds that nobody has ever seen before.” So now he’s saying that he’s the one who has nonexistent and/or invisible crowds that no one has seen?

Don’t try too hard to figure out anything that Trump says. It will only cause acute frustration and possible brain injury.


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Trump Whines that His Lawyers are Overpaid, But Considering What They Go Through, They’re Cheap

The Washington Post has published an extensive analysis of the legal team that Donald Trump has assembled to defend him in the various civil and criminal cases that are in progress. Having recently been found liable for defamation and rape against writer E. Jean Carroll, there remain 91 felony charges pending in four jurisdictions.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

The Post’s article details the chaos and conflict within the Trump legal team, including his frequent changing of “facts” when they don’t further his political goals; his refusal to take advice from his lawyers; his pressuring them to insert extraneous political rhetoric into his legal arguments; and his reputation for failing to pay them. Several attorneys have already quit due to such shenanigans. But not before providing spectacularly awful representation.

SEE THIS: WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

The Post began it’s review of the Trump melodrama by noting the historical anomaly of a former president being indicted for multiple felonies.

“Trump, who is also the leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate, has a court schedule with no parallel in political or legal history — fighting felony charges that include allegedly obstructing a U.S. election and improperly retaining national security information. He is simultaneously facing four criminal indictments and multiple civil cases, a crush of court challenges that led to his political action committees’ spending more than $55 million last year on legal fees, campaign finance filings show.”

They also reported on the idiosyncratic behavior of Trump as a client and a defendant who believes that he knows more about the law than his counsel.

“As a client, Trump is both fickle and demanding [and that he] posts on social media without telling anyone, leaving his advisers and lawyers to read his missives at the same time as the public.”

One particular striking revelation in the Post’s article was that Trump himself has a serious problem with his attorneys. And surprisingly, it isn’t because they have a record of repeated losses and embarrassingly bad strategies. Nope. What Trump is complaining about is how much they are charging him.

“[O]ne adviser said he’s complained that some are overpaid. The lawyers have been told they can’t charge more than $750 an hour after some lawyers sent in bills that Trump’s political advisers deemed exorbitant, this person said.”

It’s actually hard to fault Trump in this regard. What client would want to shell out millions of dollars to attorneys who repeatedly lose, while simultaneously infuriating judges and juries? A mediocre intern could stumble over a bar that low.

On the other hand, it’s revealing that Trump would be concerned about his legal expenses when he claims to be a multi-billionaire. A defendant with allegedly unlimited financial resources wouldn’t pinch pennies in pursuit of an acquittal and avoidance of prison. That’s especially true if he is paying his lawyers with funds provided by the cult disciples who donate to his political action committees.

So it’s fair to speculate that Trump’s worrying about legal bills is a signal that he’s in even deeper trouble than was previously assumed. As for the compensation sought by his lawyers, they are both overpaid for the quality of counsel they provide to Trump, and underpaid for the torture they must endure from him. Which makes it difficult to calculate a fair fee structure.


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GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

Ten months ago the Republican Party assumed a sliver-thin majority in the House of Representatives. That entitled them to choose the Speaker of the House and control all of the business that is conducted, including what legislation is considered and passed. Performed responsibly, it’s an opportunity to shape the direction of the country and to serve the people’s interests.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Unfortunately, expecting Republicans to perform responsibly is just too much to hope for. After an unprecedented fifteen votes to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, they spent eight months of aimless meandering during which they achieved nothing of substance. They barely kept the country from a devastating default on its debt. And they merely delayed a government shutdown because they are unable to pass routine appropriations bills. The only thing they seem to be any good at is holding partisan hearings designed to smear President Biden and the Democrats.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

More recently, Republicans ousted Speaker McCarthy and spent three weeks trying to elect a replacement. Finally, they settled for MAGA Mike Johnson, perhaps the most extreme right-winger to ever sit in the Speaker’s chair. Now the Washington Post is reporting that Speaker Johnson has had a preconceived agenda to weaponize Congress in order to damage Biden’s prospects for reelection. The Post found that…

“In a closed-door meeting with House GOP moderates this week, [Johnson] indicated that there is insufficient evidence at the moment to initiate formal impeachment proceedings, according to people who attended the meeting. [But] Johnson appeared to agree with Republican lawmakers who argued that since Biden’s polling numbers have been so weak, there is less of a political imperative to impeach him.”

There are two disturbing revelations in this. First, Johnson doesn’t actually believe his prior insistence that Biden is likely guilty of impeachable crimes. He’s just been saying that to satisfy his rabidly anti-Biden House GOP caucus. And secondly, Johnson is admitting that the real purpose of the impeachment inquiries that he has supported were to hurt Biden, but that since Biden’s polling has declined, so has the “political imperative to impeach him.”

This is reminiscent of former GOP Speaker McCarthy bragging on Fox News that the Benghazi probe’s purpose was to politically hurt Hillary Clinton. In May McCarthy’s lackey, James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, made similar boasts on Fox News about the current Biden/Trump match up saying that…

“You look at the polling, and right now Donald Trump is 7 points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward, Joe Biden’s trending downward. [because] the American people are keeping up with our investigation.”

What is abundantly clear is that everything that Republicans have been doing with regard to investigations of Biden has been solely to denigrate Biden’s character and record. And they are arrogant enough to actually confess their ethically-challenged tactics on national television. They couldn’t care less about alleged “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which they haven’t been able find any of anyway.

SEE ALSO: Fox News and GOP Impeachment Chair Seek ‘Damning Evidence’ Against Biden, But Can’t Find Any

Even after acknowledging their nefarious motives, Republicans are persisting in their campaign of slander against the President. Comer just issued subpoenas for Hunter Biden and James Biden, and requested voluntary closed-door interviews with other Biden family members. Never mind that they have no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing by any member of the family.

This is just the latest effort to defame Biden and, ultimately, to help Trump, for whom there actually is ample evidence of criminal activity (four indictments on 91 felony charges). No wonder Republicans in Congress are so obsessed with disparaging Biden. Look at who their candidate is, and what his problems are.


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Trump Files Ludicrous Lawsuit Against the Washington Post for Defaming His Truth Social Scam

The only business activity that Donald Trump has ever demonstrated any commitment to is baseless and bitter litigation against other enterprises that he is unable to compete with honestly, or simply refuses to deal with fairly. His lawsuits are not much more than personal attacks on anyone he can’t bully into submission.

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Donald Trump

Among the targets of Trump’s pathological litigiousness are media outlets that he believes have blasphemed him or failed to appreciate his divine infallibility. More often than not, his efforts have led to legal humiliation as the cases are dismissed or dropped or lost outright. Which is the likely outcome of his latest loopy lawsuit.

The Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), the parent company of his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, has just announced that it is suing the Washington Post for $3.7 billion dollars for defamation, a figure far in excess of what Trump’s anti-social media firm is actually worth.

Trump has no basis for this suit. For one thing, he is constantly claiming that his Pravda Social is a massive success, greatly eclipsing Twitter. Also, it’s hard to defame a business that began as a fraud and went downhill from there. Nevertheless, according to reports

“The lawsuit, filed by Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (TMTG) in Florida’s Sarasota County, claims that a 13 May article that alleged the company may have committed securities fraud was false and defamatory, and posed an ‘existential threat.’

“The article titled ‘Trust linked to porn-friendly bank could gain a stake in Trump’s Truth Social’ alleged that the company had concealed key details about a proposed merger from the Securities and Exchange Commission and shareholders, citing internal documents provided by a whistleblower.”

Right off the bat, Trump’s lawsuit is invalid. He cannot claim defamation if the Post reported that TMTG, which is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), “may have committed securities fraud.” That’s an accurate presentation of facts. Furthermore, the Post is merely reporting what is happening as sourced to a whistleblower from within TMTG.

Among other things, the SEC is probing TMTG and Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC), the shell company that TMTG is using to get a place on the stock exchange, for possible insider trading and stock fraud. Trump’s operation is also the subject of a Grand Jury investigation in New York. What’s more, it was recently revealed that Truth Social may have violated money laundering statutes in connection with the acceptance of $8 million in Russian funds connected to Vladimir Putin.

The litany of lawsuits by Trump & Co. have not only named the Washington Post, but also the New York Times, CNN, and others. He has even sued the board of the Pulitzer Prize committee to demand that they revoke awards given to the Post and the Times for their accurate reporting on his unsavory associations with Russia and Putin’s assistance during his presidential campaigns. For a primer on Trump’s legal maneuvers, see the following…

Trump’s ‘Truth Social’ Faces Legal and Financial Turmoil Amid Disclosures of Russian Funding
The report notes that the sources of the funding include the off-shore Paxum Bank, based in the Caribbean island nation, Dominica. It is notorious for “providing banking services for the pornography and sex worker industries, which makes it higher risk of engaging in money laundering and other illicit financing.”

Trump Sues the Pulitzer Prize Board for Honoring Accurate Stories of His Russian Collusion
The Pulitzer Board had an independent review conducted after receiving a demand from Trump to rescind the awards. That review found that “no passages or headlines, contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes.”

After Goofy Lawsuit Against CNN, Trump Threatens More Suits, Including the January 6th Committee
The crux of Trump’s complaint is that CNN’s use of labels describing him as a “racist,” “Russian lackey,” “insurrectionist,” and comparable to Hitler are defamatory. Apparently his lawyers have not advised him that the truth is a solid defense against allegations of defamation.

Trump Attorney Announces Laughable Lawsuit Against CNN for Accurately Calling Trump a Liar
Lindsey Halligan, one of a string of Trump’s incompetent attorneys, appeared this week on recently convicted Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room’ podcast to announce a threat to sue CNN. The complaint is typically preposterous and offers more opportunity for comedy than for anything of any legal importance.

LOCK HIM UP: Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam is Being Criminally Investigated By a Federal Grand Jury
Digital World Acquisition Corp., revealed in a securities filing Monday that it became aware on June 16 that each member of its board of directors received subpoenas from a federal grand jury in New York.

Trump’s Lawsuit Against His Niece Mary and the NY Times is a Confession that She’s Telling the Truth
Trump announced his latest legal misadventure wherein he is suing his niece, Mary Trump, and the New York Times for, as stated in the filing, “tortiously breaching and/or interfering with his contractual rights and otherwise maliciously conspiring against him.” Because paranoid delusions are another of his known psychoses.

So this latest lawsuit stunt is just another in the series of Trump’s ridiculous and malicious legal misadventures. There is no plausible path for success in these suits. But since Trump is spending the money that he has conned from his cult followers, what does he care about it? He’ll just whine that courts are all rigged after he loses again.

UPDATE: Trump elaborates on his whining with a another post saying “So Dominion gets almost a Billion Dollars and I, after years of Fake News, Hoaxes, Scams, and Investigations, am entitled to NOTHING? Is that really the way it’s supposed to work? I don’t think so!”

Actually, that is precisely the way it works. Dominion proved their case in court. Trump has failed repeatedly, because he has no evidence and no case.

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Unemployed Racist Tucker Carlson is Talking to Trump About Hosting 2024 GOP Candidate Forums

Ever since Fox News announced that it had fired their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson (see this retrospective), speculation has erupted over what Carlson would do next to advance his brazenly bigoted, pro-Putin, crackpot conspiracy theories, and neo-fascist agenda.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump

It’s only been a week and half since Fox pink-slipped Carlson, and in the interim even more evidence of his heinousness have been revealed. They include complimentary descriptions of “how white men fight” with regard to “Trump guys” brutally beating an “Antifa kid,” his seething anger over being deposed by lawyers for the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit, and even some swipes at Fox News.

RELATED: Leaked Video of Tucker Carlson Bashing Fox Nation as a Site that ‘Sucks’ and ‘Nobody Watches’

On Thursday morning the Washington Post published a report that shed some light on Carlson’s next moves. And it is simultaneously shocking and predictable. The Post wrote that Carlson…

“…has aspirations of moving into a larger role that doesn’t limit him to a single medium, according to people familiar with his thinking. And he is willing to walk away from some of the millions that Fox is contractually obligated to pay him, if that would give him the flexibility to have a prominent voice in the 2024 election cycle.” […]

“Carlson wants to moderate his own GOP candidate forum, outside of the usual strictures of the Republican National Committee debate system. The idea, which he has discussed with Donald Trump, the front-runner for the party nomination, would test his vaunted sway over conservative politics. And it would take a jab at his former employer.”

Indeed, trust fund baby Carlson has plenty of family money, so he can forego some his Fox compensation in order to satiate his craving for relevance and attention. He seeks to wield the clout he’s accumulated from his media perch and convert it into political power. To that end, he has already discussed his king-maker forums with wannabe monarch, Donald Trump, and according to WaPo’s sources, Trump “has told Carlson he’s interested”

This is intriguing on multiple levels. First of all, it is generous on Trump’s part to work with Carlson who recently said that Trump is a “demonic force” and that he “hates him passionately.” That, however, didn’t stop Carlson from conducting a fluff-ball interview of Trump where none of that – or anything else negative – was mentioned.

What’s more, the notion of Carlson being given free reign to produce candidate forums following the disclosures of his abhorrent racism is unfathomably grotesque. That any Republican candidate could consider participating in his events is evidence that they all share his hateful prejudices. We already know that Trump does.

This news of Carlson’s aspirations of being a media mogul and a debate host comes on the heels of CNN announcing their own “town hall” featuring Trump, who is currently being investigated for numerous crimes, from rape, to financial and tax fraud, to sedition, to espionage. It is wholly irresponsible for CNN to gift a criminal like Trump valuable air time for him to rant unchallenged about his fantastical delusions and totalitarian dreams.

SEE ALSO: Questions that CNN Should – But Probably Won’t – Ask Trump During His Town Hall Charade

In the meantime, Trump has already indicated his intention to skip the GOP debates sponsored by his own Republican Party. “I see that everybody is talking about the Republican debates,” Trump said, “but nobody got my approval.” Really? Trump believes that his approval is required for Republicans to hold candidate debates. He is objecting to the first debate being run by Fox News because he is convinced that they are part of the radical, Marxist, Democratic, deep state, that is out to destroy him.

So Trump won’t debate on Fox News because it’s too liberal. Although he will appear on Fox programs hosted by Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. And he regards CNN as “fake news” that nobody watches. But he will show up for a Trump town hall moderated by Kaitlan Collins a former correspondent for Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller.

And if this is getting all too bizarre and convoluted for you, rest assured that you’re not alone. It’s by design, as Trump and his right-wing cohorts conspire to confound and confuse everyone in their cult community to keep them glassy-eyed and obedient.

UPDATE: Carlson is also threatening Fox News and talking to Elon Musk about his future endeavors.

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Trump’s 2023 New Year’s Wish: Hopefully American Newspapers Will Go Out of Business

As 2022 winds to close, Donald Trump finds himself in an accelerating downward spiral of legal, political, and personal distress. His mood is decidedly dour and consumed by hate. And true to form, he is handling it like a colicky infant who thinks his whining and tantrums will deliver relief from the misery that is plaguing him from all sides.

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Donald Trump, Newspapers, Baby, Hate

Trump’s 2022 tribulations are bound to torment him well into 2023. They include disclosure of the financial fiascos revealed in his tax returns that were just released after years of fearful defiance; the criminal charges stemming from his incitement of the January 6th insurrection and his theft and hoarding of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home; the ongoing probes by Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Department of Justice; and his plummeting political prospects of returning to the White House in 2024.

RELATED: Trump’s Dreary Campaign Announcement Speech Drew Dismal TV Ratings

On this New Year’s Eve Trump is fixated on the media that he despises for daring to report what he actually does and says. He is an avowed opponent of of the First Amendment. His assaults on the free press were a hallmark of his presidency, and they have continued uninterrupted in the months since his defeat for reelection.

Consequently, no one will be surprised by the yammering on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, where he posted a link to an article in the Washington Post about the hard times that American newspapers are facing. He said that

“Many of these newspapers are going out of business because they only know how to report Fake News. Hopefully the Amazon Washington Post and the Failing New York Times will soon be among the group! Nobody will continue to sustain such losses, especially for a product undeserving of our once great Nation.”

Trump is veritably giddy that American businesses are hurting. So much for “America First.” And it’s ironic that he’s citing the Washington Post, that he thinks is “fake news,” as his source. Apparently when he sees a headline that he likes – in this case Newspapers are disappearing where democracy needs them most – WaPo becomes a reputable news enterprise. However, It’s unlikely that Trump read beyond the headline, because this article laments the failures of small, conservative newspapers that mostly serve rural communities that are largely populated by Republicans.

Trump did once say once that he “loves the poorly educated,” so his aversion to the availability of news would be consistent with achieving that state of ignorance for his cult followers. Trump went on to post more attacks on the media, digging into his kindergarten bag of insults to say that…

“The Failing New York Times is Fake and Corrupt News. Their motto should be, ALL THE FAKE NEWS THAT’S UNFIT TO PRINT. They are the Enemy of the People!”

It’s nauseating how Trump is so eager to trash American businesses and so full of hope for hardship for American workers. But it’s no less than what is expected from him after establishing himself as the nation’s most anti-American politician. It’s notable, though, that Trump also took a swipe at his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News), whining that…

“Wow!!! So while Trump Hating CNN & MSNBC (MSDNC!) RATINGS are both at record lows, numbers that they have never seen before (‘they’re toast’), Fox News Ratings are also way down because they never say ‘Trump’ or TRUTH, never talk about the Rigged Presidential Election, and is a Fake Polling Network. Our giant MAGA base, much bigger than anyone knows, does not like watching Fox play their games. Their Ratings will continue to sink. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

For the record, Trump has predicted the demise of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and most other news organizations, for years. And as usual, his predictions have failed to comport with reality. For someone who worked on television for fourteen years, he is profoundly ignorant of how it operates. Ratings are down for virtually everything on TV due to increased competition, such as that from streaming services and the return of patrons to movie theaters.

However, Trump’s animosity toward Fox News is particularly curious considering it’s the home of devout Trump-fluffers like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. But he is known for disparaging anyone who is less than totally worshipful, so even his toadies at Fox News are targets of his wrath. Which is endlessly entertaining for the rest of America.

RELATED: Trump’s Year of Vicious Bashing – and Devoted Sucking Up To – Fox News

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Trump Threatens to Sue Pulitzers Over ‘Russia Hoax’ and for Not Giving Awards to Sean Hannity

On Saturday Donald Trump and His Traveling Salvation Show made another stop to put on yet another performance of his tediously repetitive Moldy Oldies Extravaganza. This time he visited Robstown, Texas, to dispense his familiar fallacies about non-existent election fraud (aka the “Big Lie”), his supremacy over every other mortal, complaints about Democrats plotting to destroy America, and myriad whining about what a pathetic victim he is.

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Featured in this outing, as always, was Trump’s unending outrage over having been caught colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. For some reason Trump can’t address the subject without repeating the name of his foreign partner three times (“Russia, Russia, Russia”), as if he were attempting to summon his demon master, Vladimir Putin, in the manner popularized by Beetlejuice.

In the midst of his surly sermonizing, Trump took a short detour to whine about the New York Times and the Washington Post receiving Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting on Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia (video below). This isn’t the first time he’s focused his fixation on this subject. In fact, he has been ranting about it for more than a year.

SEE (October 3, 2021): Trump Whines to Pulitzer Board that Awards for Russian Collusion Stories Should Be Rescinded

During his harangue, Trump announced that he would be filing a lawsuit against the Pulitzer board within the next two weeks. Which is precisely the same amount of time that he promises everything from healthcare plans to border walls to infrastructure bills. he yammered that…

“They gave out the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the Russia hoax. For reporting on Russia, Russia, Russia. So you have reporters from the Washington Post and the New York times get Pulitzer Prizes, and they reported the exact wrong thing. So within the next two weeks, we’re suing the Pulitzer organization to have those prizes taken back. We’ll be doing that over the next two weeks. I think it’s a very good lawsuit, but we’ll see.”

Apparently dotard Trump has forgotten his previous threats to sue the Pulitzers over this. Including this threat just three months ago. He has also forgotten – or failed to understand – the response by the Pulitzer board, who detailed their exhaustive process for reviewing and validating their awards. The board explicitly addressed Trump’s complaint, then dismissed it because two separate reviews found that…

“…no passages or headlines, contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes.“

For the record, there is abundant evidence of the Trump campaign’s numerous unsavory connections to Russia. Much of it is catalogued in the book Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump, by Michael Isikoff and David Corn.

What’s more, the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that Trump and his campaign “welcomed and encouraged” Russian interference, and that there was sufficient evidence to indict Trump. Even Putin admitted, with Trump standing next to him, that he wanted Trump to win and had helped him do so.

However, Trump added a new wrinkle to his whining this time. He was not only incensed that the Pulitzer board gave awards to the Times and the Post, he was also furious that his friends at Fox News weren’t honored instead:

“Think of it. They got the Pulitzer Prize for wrong reporting. But other people should have gotten the Pulitzer Prize because, frankly, they got it right for years. And they don’t do Pulitzer Prizes for guys like Sean Hannity, but they should, by a different name. And Tucker Carlson, and Jeanine Pirro, and Laura [Ingraham], and so many different people. But they don’t get anything.”

So Trump thinks that people like Hannity and Carlson and Ingraham should get awards (by a different name?) for their ass-kissing lies and propaganda. And he is determined to right this imaginary wrong by suing the Pulitzer board:

“Remember this… By allowing these people that got Russia, Russia, Russia wrong, they’re actually libeling me because they’re saying they got it right and it turned out to be a hoax. And everybody now has admitted that it was hoax. Even the Times, and even the Washington Post, they said it’s a hoax. So if it’s a hoax then let them give the Pulitzer Prizes back, or take them back. They shouldn’t be allowed to keep them.”

Reality check: Neither the Times nor the Post ever “admitted” that their reporting on Trump and Russia was a hoax. In fact, investigations by U.S. intelligence agencies, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and even the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee, found that Russia had an extensive program aimed at disseminating disinformation intended to benefit Trump and to harm Hillary Clinton. And the Trump campaign was well aware of Russia’s efforts, and encouraged and exploited them.

So we’ll see in two weeks if Trump finally gets around to carrying out this old threat to sue the Pulitzers. But if it’s anything like his past lawsuits, he’s just going to wind up humiliating himself even more.

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Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

The Fruitcake Faction of Donald Trump’s Republican Party (which is most of it these days) continues to venture ever further over the edge of sanity. On Thursday the Washington Post and CBS News released a series of text messages exchanged between Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and Trump’s then-Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. The content of these messages is profoundly disturbing and evidence of severe mental rot.

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Ginni Thomas has long been an ultra-conservative activist. But these text messages make it clear that she has crawled much farther out on the QAnon limb than previously thought. This is critically important because her husband is a sitting justice on the Supreme Court and in a position to rule on election related matters.

Despite the obvious risk of undue political influence and bias, Fox News has not mentioned any of it in their reporting on Friday. They did manage to report on a hysterically bogus lawsuit filed by Trump against Hillary Clinton and some forty-plus others. And they are still beating the Hunter Biden story that is wholly bereft of any factual basis. And they have plenty of time to malign President Biden while he is overseas in support of Ukraine against Trump’s BFF Vladimir Putin. But covering the wife of a Supreme Court Justice who is up to her eyebrows in seditionist coup plotting is too much to ask of Fox News.

So for the record, what follows are the some of text messages that Thomas and Meadows wrote one another:

Thomas: Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.

Meadows: This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.”

Thomas: Thank you!! Needed that! This plus a conversation with my best friend just now… I will try to keep holding on. America is worth it!

Thomas: Watermarked ballots in over 12 states have been part of a huge Trump & military white hat sting operation in 12 key battleground states.

Thomas: Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.

Thomas: Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for his back.

Thomas: Mark, I wanted to text you and tell you for days you are in my prayers!! Help This Great President stand firm” and invoking “the greatest Heist of our History. Listen to Rush. Mark Steyn, Bongino, Cleta.

Meadows: I will stand firm. We will fight until there is no fight left. Our country is too precious to give up on. Thanks for all you do.

Thomas: House and Senate guys are pathetic too… only 4 GOP House members seen out in street rallies with grassroots… Gohmert, Jordan, Gosar, and Roy.

Thomas: Sounds like Sidney [Powell] and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down.

Thomas: We are living through what feels like the end of America. […] Amazing times. The end of Liberty.

None of that is considered to be newsworthy by Fox “News.” They just don’t think their dimwitted audience of Trump cultists need to know that the wife of a Supreme Court justice was discussing overthrowing American democracy with Trump’s Chief of Staff. But that shouldn’t surprise anyone. That’s just how they keep their viewers mired in ignorance and eager to sign on to whatever idiocy Trump is disgorging.

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