Tucker Carlson may be the most dangerous, racist, neo-fascist, demagogue on American television. His nightly tirades on Fox News are riddled with flagrant falsehoods, hateful histrionics, and crackpot conspiracy theories. Which explains how he became the face of Fox News and the primary architect of its editorial policy.
Carlson’s rancid rhetoric has recently focused on his preposterous and evidence-free assertion that Donald Trump’s insurrection on January 6th was a “false flag” operation. He has also been promoting the grossly racist “white replacement theory.” And he relentlessly spreads deadly disinformation about the COVID pandemic.
However, on Wednesday evening Carlson made a surprising confession when discussing the Republican Party’s latest manufactured controversy, critical race theory (CRT). Carlson admitted that…
“I’ve never figured out what critical race theory is, to be totally honest, after a year of talking about it. They’re teaching that some races are morally superior to others, that some are inherently sinful and some are inherently saintly, and that’s immoral to teach that ’cause it’s wrong. That would be my view, and I think most voters’ view.”
"I have never figured out what critical race theory is, to be totally honest" – Tucker Carlson pic.twitter.com/43HpfCO1cg
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) November 4, 2021
So Carlson finally tells his viewers the truth about his ignorance of a subject that he’s been seething about hysterically for more than a year. Yet in the same breath he pretends to “know” that CRT teaches moral superiority. Which is not remotely related to the actual study of CRT. For the record, CRT is a field of study of that is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Carlson went on to say that…
“Schools are teaching your children that some races are inherently superior to other races. That’s the definition of racism, that some children are born with the stain of sin, inherently. That’s Nazi stuff.”
It’s cute that Carlson brings up “Nazi stuff,” a subject with which he is intimately familiar as it represents the core of his personal philosophy. Although he may not be the best person to complain about teaching that “some races are inherently superior to other races” when he so frequently exalts his European heritage over that of the “dirty” invaders he fears are being imported to replace him. And as a professed “Christian,” Carlson better reread his bible to bone up on that business about being “born with the stain of [original] sin.”
This would be a good time to remind everyone that Carlson was defended in a defamation case by his own Fox News lawyers, who successfully argued that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes.” Unfortunately, there aren’t any reasonable viewers in Carlson’s audience to be skeptical of his wretched reputation. Just a bunch of Deplorables who believe everything repulsive he says.
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“They’re teaching that some races are morally superior to others, that some are inherently sinful and some are inherently saintly…”
*Who is “they”?
Many in Rethug Party teach/preach it, including *ucker Carlson most nights on his “irate/hate” show, where he seems to hate pretty much everything & everyone, except wealthy white ppl like himself. RWNJs are the main spewers of hating anyone not like them.
“…that’s immoral to teach that ’cause it’s wrong.”
*Color me shocked! He is right about that. Too bad he doesn’t actually think & speak that!
“That would be my view, and I think most voters’ view.”
* That is NOT the view he, & his Faux pals share with the world! But he did say it “would” be his view; not that it “is” his view. And certainly isn’t the viewpoint of his loyal viewers!
The Rethug Party & FauxNotNews is where racist bigoted assholes can feel most “at home”, due to other like-minded haters.
Tolerance of those who are different from you is NOT trait of conservative Retrumplicans ~ yet without tolerance, there cannot be any ‘personal freedoms’ for any of us! As long as 1 person’s freedom doesn’t harm anyone else, they should be free to make their own choices & to be who they are. The hatred & divisiveness we see now does not allow others to just “be”.
“They’re teaching that some races are morally superior to others, that some are inherently sinful and some are inherently saintly…”
*Who is “they”?
Many in Rethug Party teach/preach it, including *ucker Carlson most nights on his “irate/hate” show, where he seems to hate pretty much everything & everyone, except wealthy white ppl like himself. RWNJs are the vast majority openly hating anyone not like them & it isn’t just with words anymore. Don’t see many liberals out there assaulting those they disagree with! Just right-wingers. Tone is set at the top. They’re getting away with whatever they do, so it’s spreading & they think it’s acceptable behavior. It isn’t!
“…that’s immoral to teach that ’cause it’s wrong.”
*Color me shocked! He’s right about that. Too bad he doesn’t actually think & speak that!
“…That would be my view, and I think most voters’ view.”
* That is NOT the view he, & his Faux pals share with the world! But he did say it “would” be his view; not that it “is” his view. And certainly isn’t the viewpoint of his loyal viewers!
The Rethug Party & FauxNotNews is where racist bigoted assholes feel most “at home”, due to other like-minded haters.
Tolerance of those different than you is NOT a trait of conservative Retrumplicans! Yet without tolerance, there cannot be ‘personal freedom’ for any of us! As long as 1 person’s freedom doesn’t harm anyone else, they should be free to make their own choices & be who they are. The hatred & divisiveness we see now does not allow others to just “be”.
I was having a lot of fun when THIS popped up. So, FuKKKer acknowledges he doesn’t know a damn thing.
I guess one shouldn’t be too surprised when the Connecticut heir to the Swanson fortune who went to all the correct private schools turns out to be a Fascist.
It doesn’t matter one bit if they know what they are talking about if it is real or completely made up BS as long as it fires up the poorly educated, the racists, white nationalists, and haters of all things progressive or liberal.
Of course, he doesn’t know what it is. he just reads his script. He is an entertainer who cannot not be believed.
If and when his bunch actually do get total control of the reins of power, you can bet Carlson will be thinking he is the chosen one, fated to be, if not the head guy, at least in the head guy’s inner circle. (For we can be sure that no uppity wimmin will be walking the halls of power in their govt). Just what I always dreamed of, escaping Nazi bombings in ’42 and facing the Nazi private army forming today. My great hope is that someone bombs the ammo factories b/f the civilian massacres really get rolling.
“… uppity wimmin…”
~~> OMG! Totally cracked me up! “Wimmin.”
So that’s what ‘gurlees’ be when all growed up….’wimmin’. Poor li’l Tucker, Trust Fund baby, grew up to be a nasty little man with $$$, trying to prove himself to be somebody.
Rather sad.
Poor li’l richboy Tucker watched Hannity prancing around onstage with Trump and felt severely left out. So he figured he could overtake Sean by being even more of an asshole. It worked. He’s even more of an asshole and goes on TV every evening to prove it.