Fox News, and the Republican Party for which it stands, has established a nauseatingly predictable response to the sort of tragic event that occurred on Tuesday in Uvalde, Texas. To the cretins on Fox there is never a good time to discuss the causes of, or solutions to, mass shootings. And any effort to do so is characterized as politicizing a tragedy.
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The problem with that is that it guarantees that there will be more carnage and grief for which right-wing partisans will only offer “thoughts and prayers” – again. They seem to be hell-bent on preserving a status quo wherein victims – even children – are repeatedly slaughtered in order to avoid offending the National Rifle Association (NRA) or, even worse, cooperating with President Biden and the Democrats to implement solutions that will save lives and that most Americans favor.
RELATED: HOLY SHHH! Fox News Links Mass Shootings to the COVID Vaccine
Leading the charge of the callous crusaders is Fox’s Senior White Nationalist and bootlicking Putin puppet, Tucker Carlson. And on Tuesday evening he demonstrated his determination to advance the NRA’s ammosexual agenda. In a tiresome tirade seeking to portray Biden as politicizing the shooting, Carlson shamelessly politicized the shooting:
“The president of the United States, frail, confused, bitterly partisan, desecrating the memory of recently murdered children with tired talking points of the Democratic Party, dividing the country in a moment of deep pain rather than uniting. His voice rising, amplified only as he repeats the talking points he repeated for over 35 years in the United States Senate, partisan politics being the only thing that animates him. Unfit for leadership of this country.”
Tucker Carlson accuses Joe Biden of "desecrating the memory of recently murdered children" in his address to the nation following the shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) May 25, 2022
Carlson’s analysis of of the speech that Biden gave on Tuesday (video below) is not just childishly insulting, it’s profoundly at variance with reality. Nothing that Biden said could be coherently described as “desecrating the memory of recently murdered children.” Nor was it “dividing the country,” that is united in support of the reforms that Biden and Democrats in Congress have proposed. But Carlson was just getting started:
“What a moment this would’ve been if he had stopped a sentence in and said we’re gonna pray for these families and let’s let this marinate for a minute. Let’s stand respectfully before a tragedy. And Joe Biden has lived tragedy so he can say that with some credibility. He moved immediately into some DNC rant off a cue card. That’s the president?” […]
“To stand before the image of murdered children, and your first impulse is, ‘I can be more powerful if only I leverage this in the right way.’ I am in shock having seen the president on the United States call for more power for himself. That is his answer?”
So Carlson’s solution is to “let this marinate for a minute”? Whatever that means. And he continues to accuse Biden of having ulterior motives of securing “more power for himself.” However, Carlson never explains how enacting common sense gun reforms that are broadly popular makes Biden more powerful.
Carlson’s guest, Fox and Friends co-host Will Cain, complained that funds were spent on Ukraine and COVID that should be used on “protecting schools” instead. Seriously? The shooting in Texas was unquestionably horrendous. But comparing tragedies to one another is the province of a sick mind. Tens of thousands of lives have been lost in Ukraine and millions of people have become refugees in this battle for democracy. As for COVID, which Carlson has dismissed as a distraction or a hoax, the United States recently passed the one million mark of fatalities. A decent and humane country has a heart big enough to care for all of these matters.
RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Says ‘Vaccines Don’t Work and They’re Not Telling You’
In the speech that Carlson was “shocked” by, Biden showed compassion and commitment to stemming the epidemic of gun violence. And perhaps that’s exactly what bothers him so much.
“I had hoped, when I became President, I would not have to do this again. Another massacre. Uvalde, Texas. An elementary school. Beautiful, innocent second, third, fourth graders. And how many scores of little children who witnessed what happened. […] As a nation, we have to ask: When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done? […] For every parent, for every citizen in this country, we have to make it clear to every elected official in this country: It’s time to act.”
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What the fuck is that going to do – bring lives back? Why aren’t people praying that these massacres don’t happen in the first place? Because praying doesn’t work! It’s fuckin’ useless. If praying did any good, Carlson would be dead and a large meteor would land on Fox News.
If I heard overnight that Carlson had died, my thoughts would be, “Finally!” and my prayers would be “ ”.
So Carlson thinks Joe Biden is partisan? Wants to take care of the gun problem? A man who has said repeatedly he wants a bipartisan approach to government? Only to have most of his bills blocked by Republican senators in congress? Then Tucker saying that Biden is drawing attention to himself intentionally. After a very beautiful speech BY BIDEN. Why does anyone in their right mind listen to Carlson? Which brings to mind an article I read about my favorite person to hate, Ted Cruz, complaining about “the Dems.” politicizing the shooting in Texas. Cruz, Trump, and Abbott are going to speak at the NRA. Guess who will be supporting who.
Knew this was coming. FuKKKer Ret@rdson yet again accuses Biden of what the usual suspects have been doing all day.
And if FuKKKer’s God was capable of saying anything close to what Biden said, FuKKKer would be praising him as a visionary.
Damn you to hellfire, FuKKKer.
If i woke up and the news was,. ” Carlson Tucker was just pushed off of a cliff and is no longer with us”, i would be both relieved and very happy. People like him and TUMP don’t deserve to torment us every day with their barrage of lies and blatant insults. I have gotten to the point where i don’t pay attention to those two asshats. What i don’t understand is, how someone ( like his supporters) could be so ignorant, dumb, and gullible to believe them. Oh, i forgot, the tards that follow those two get off on their insane and hateful rhetoric. i have seen rocks that have more intelligence than Rethuglican voters. Note; My humble apology to all the rocks in the world….. I have concluded that as long as Carlson Tucker and Donald TUMP are alive, they will keep on insulting everyone on the Democratic side of politics. They are all about hate and division. Both of them are the most evil things in the Universe, may their demise come very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that the right is consumed by hatred. But let’s not be like them. We’re better than that.
The only way you can stop these monsters, so it seems, is for them to be gone, dead, or sent to Russia for the rest of their miserable, sorry, evil lives. Take a good look at Germany after Hitler was dead. They are much better off now with a multi culture system, free nation. They actually have laws now that prohibit the public display of Nazi symbolism. Look how far down the hole the United States has went down, Nazi and Fascist symbols all over from guess who? RETHUGLICAN supporters, that’s who…If our Democratic leadership would grow some damn balls and start shoving the Nazi, Fascist, GQP”s lies and hate back in their faces they may shut up, or they may get worse…..i don’t freakin’ know… our Dem leadership needs to wake up, and wake fast before it’s too damn LATE!!!!
It’s interesting that the “bothsider” argument equating the two parties gets so much traction when Democrats would obviously legalize women’s rights that 72% of the country want and gun control that 90% of the country wants and fair taxation that virtually 100% want if they had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.
And what is the 1 thing that’s always squatting in the way of doing something good, productive, positive & useful ~ you know ~, resolving problems & working to better the lives of you, me, the American people? That is, after all, what Congress is generally supposed to do & what they promise when they come begging for our votes, right?!
And 1/2 of Congress (minus 2) wants to do their job & deal with these important issues. But, there in the room, blocking out all light, squats the huge, red, slimy BLOB called the (R) Party! Nothing can get past it & nothing can persuade it to work FOR THE GOOD of the American people & our nation as a whole. In fact, it’s only there to PREVENT what the people want & need, to STOP any progress dead in its tracks! That monstrous ugly blob serves only itself, at the detriment of everything & everyone else, while blaming all others for what it’s doing ~ destroying us!!
Until we get that huge, slimy, disgusting blob OUT of the way, no progress can ever be made. Our people will suffer. Our children will keep dying. And the blob will keep stuffing it’s hideous face & belching out political lies that do NOTHING for our nation & its people.
REMOVE the huge ugly blob & stop the sliming of this Country!