Fox Nation vs. Reality: On Tea Party Negatives

Fox Nation continues to inhabit a universe that does not remotely resemble the real one that the rest of us inhabit. Take, for instance, this item posted today:

Fox Nation - Tea Party Negatives

So according to Fox Nation, the poll (from Quinnipiac) shows higher negatives for the Democratic Party (51-35) than the Tea Party (42-29), which, of course, doesn’t exist. That’s actually true, even if it isn’t a complete reading of the poll’s results (more on that later). What the Fox Nationalists omit from their sensationalist headline is that the Republican Party has even higher negatives (53-32) than the Democrats. The gap between the favorable and unfavorable numbers for the Democrats is 16%, while the gap for the GOP is much worse at 21%.

As for the Tea Party’s numbers, it is important to take into account a couple of significant factors. First of all, the survey reported that the number of people that have not heard enough about the Tea Party to have an opinion (29%) is about two and a half times more than for the Democrats and Republicans. Were that number lower, the negatives for the Tea Party would exceed those for the other parties based on the distribution of the Tea Party’s known numbers. Secondly, the Tea Party’s favorable numbers are lower than those for both the Democrats and Republicans.

The bottom line for this survey is that the numbers for the Democrats, while nothing to boast about, are better than either the Republicans or the Tea Party when fully analyzed. And that’s not quite the way the Fox Nationalists reported it – as usual.
