Fox Nation, the web site of Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, may have lost Glenn Beck and his Nazi Tourette’s Syndrome, but they needn’t worry as long as GOP representative Allen West is around:

West’s apparent Nazi Neurosis has been in effect for quite some time. Here is a sampling of his references to the regime that he can’t stop dreaming about (including the one from yesterday):
“If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine.”
“In 1930 there was a gentleman in Germany who took away private gun ownership. And you know what happened to that population. You must be well-informed and well-armed because this government that we have now is a tyrannical government.”
“If we allow those Gestapo-type intimidation tactics to prevail in the United States of America, what happens to our liberties?”
“In reviewing history, I would say Sir Neville Chamberlain was naive in his negotiations with German Chancellor Adolph Hitler. However […] I cannot attribute this incompetent statement [by Obama] to naivete, but rather to conscious, nefarious, and malicious intent.”
“Mainstream media’s is no longer reporting the news, they are propagandizing and I think that is another dangerous situation that we find developing in the United States of America […] Goebbels is doing somersaults and back flips in his grave.”
West has been admonished in the past for his insensitive exploitation of the horrific atrocities of Hitler and his Nazi Party. He has been condemned by Jewish and civil rights groups. And his usual response is to stiffen his resolve and defend his unconscionable rhetoric.
By repeatedly assaulting his political opponents with talk of Nazis, he trivializes the very real pain and loss of millions of victims and soils their memory. And Fox News is equally accountable for promoting West’s offensive behavior.
How is it that wankers like this can get away with calling the government “tyrannical” while being one of the highest officers in said government? It’s not like his position in the US Reps is akin to a postal clerk. He makes policy. Anybody who buys what he says is simply a fool.
Allen West must have had a horrible childhood. To be as deranged and hateful as he is can only be attributable to being brutalized as a child and I would bet money, if the truth be told, he had that type of upbringing. Either that or he just has some sort of genetic brain damage and has, as a result, no empathy for other humans.
“By repeatedly assaulting his political opponents with talk of Nazis, he trivializes the very real pain and loss of millions of victims and soils their memory. And Fox News is equally accountable for promoting West’s offensive behavior”
Mark, why can’t he say what he wants? So what if it’s insensitive – does it really matter? What words do you think should be banned? This is still a free country isn’t it? I think people don’t honestly speak their mind enough – it’s that self censorship idiocy that comes with political correctness. Let him bear responsibility.
@Steve in York: quit clutching your pearls, assclown. Nobody’s even MENTIONED “banning speech” except for YOU. “Freedom of speech” does not mean “freedom from bloggers pointing out how hateful and inflammatory your speech is”.
Exactly! Thanks for saving me the trouble of replying to that insipid comment.