Trump Incites an Attack on the Press at His Cult Rally, Then Celebrates that ‘He’s On Our Side’

There is a unique atmosphere that pervades the campaign rallies staged by Donald Trump. They reek more of conventions of brainwashed cult crackpots than anything resembling a political event. Trump mesmerizes his glassy-eyed audience of indoctrinated disciples with endlessly repetitive tirades filled with flagrant lies and messianic self-exaltations.

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Among the standard features on Trump’s playlist are hostile harangues aimed at the media that he assails in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” His seething animosity toward the press is purposefully included in every speech in order to keep his devotees in a constant state of outrage at what he tells them are “fake” and/or “corrupt” reporters who mean to do him harm. Although he does have his exceptions…

SEE THIS: Trump Thanks White Nationalist as a ‘Great Journalist’ for His Sexist Attack on Kamala Harris

On Friday Trump spoke at another one of his traveling salvation shows. It was typical in most respects with warmed over talking points and pre-chewed propaganda. But there was an episode that erupted that deserves special attention. Not because it was unusual or unpredictable, but because, in fact, it was neither. As reported by the Associated Press

“A man at Donald Trump’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, stormed into the press area as the former president spoke and was surrounded by police and sheriff’s deputies before eventually being subdued with a Taser. The incident Friday came moments after Trump had criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage and dismissed CNN as fawning for its interview Thursday with his Democratic rival Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.”

[NOTE: The AP article was edited after this post was published. It added that “It was not immediately clear what motivated the man or whether he was a Trump supporter or critic.” And it included a reply from the Trump campaign saying that the campaign “tried to distance the former president from the man and his actions, suggesting he was a Trump opponent.” This article has been edited to reflect this new info.]

There is still more to learn about what happened at the rally. But what is known is that Trump has a deep hatred for the press and that he spreads that to his followers. Trump’s deliberately provocative rhetoric has incited violence on other occasions. Most notably the deadly insurrection and attempted coup at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

While the actual motive is still unclear, it is interesting that the alleged attack took place as Trump was lambasting the media for what he believes is biased coverage. Which by his definition is any coverage that isn’t unflinchingly adoring of him and grossly derisive of his foes. Trump believes that the press should model their reporting after his own analyses of political news. Such as his coverage of the Kamala Harris interview on CNN, that Trump deemed “BORING!!!”

Also notable was what was going on as the alleged attack on the media was in progress. Trump interrupted his speech to draw attention to the alleged assault. But he wasn’t disturbed by the apparent violence or concerned about the possible victims. Nope. He literally celebrated the disturbance saying “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?” And he appeared to stand up for the perpetrator by informing the bloodthirsty crowd that “That’s Okay. No, he’s on our side.” Why he thought that is unexplained.

So there you have it. Even if this cretin wasn’t a Trump supporter, Trump seems to be cool with thugs threatening the press, as long as they are his thugs. He is fine with intimidating the media as a means of physically enforced censorship. And his flock of feebles will fall in line, as good cult members do.

Regardless of what motivated the alleged attacker, Trump’s apparent support could embolden others to commit similar crimes. And it is likely to be repeated in November after Trump loses the election. Hopefully law enforcement will be prepared to respond appropriately should that occur. And if it does, the leader must held responsible along with his goon squads.


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One thought on “Trump Incites an Attack on the Press at His Cult Rally, Then Celebrates that ‘He’s On Our Side’

  1. “It was not immediately clear what motivated the man or whether he was a Trump supporter or critic.”

    “The incident Friday came moments after Trump had criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage”

    How clueless is the corporate media?

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