WTF? According to the New York Times ‘Biden Should Leave the Race’ AND ‘Trump is Unfit to Lead’

One thing that is disturbingly clear at this critical time in America’s story is that the media is not serving the interests of the American people. In the midst of a presidential election that could determine whether the future of the nation will see its democracy preserved, or descends into a populist autocracy, the press is fixated on the horserace to the detriment of the human race.

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Donald Trump calls for a "Unified Reich"

As the election cycle unfolds, the arguments for and against the candidates seems to be an afterthought to the press. Their obsession with President Biden’s age has consumed the attention span of the reporters covering the campaign. Meanwhile, they are downplaying the existential threat that Donald Trump poses to the principles enshrined in the Constitution and even to national security.

SEE THIS: U.S. Intelligence Warns that Russia is Actively Undermining Biden to Boost Putin’s Puppet Trump

As an example of the ideological instability that is infecting the media, the New York Times just published an article by their Editorial Board that declares that “Donald Trump is unfit to lead.” The problem is that this article follows by a mere two weeks one by the same Board that asserted that “To serve his country, President Biden should leave the race.” So which is it? Or does the Times think that both candidates should drop out? And if one or the other doesn’t, then what?

What follows are a couple excerpts from each article…

June 28, To serve his country, President Biden should leave the race:
“President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy.

Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust. He systematically attempted to undermine the integrity of elections. His supporters have described, publicly, a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. If he is returned to office, he has vowed to be a different kind of president, unrestrained by the checks on power built into the American political system.” […]

“Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.” […]

“If the race comes down to a choice between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, the sitting president would be this board’s unequivocal pick. That is how much of a danger Mr. Trump poses.”

July 11, Donald Trump is unfit to lead
“Next week, for the third time in eight years, Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate for president of the United States. A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great.” […]

“Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency. He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.”

A fair reading of these articles would lead the reader to the conclusion that the Board regards Trump as a threat to democracy and the welfare of the nation and the world. But why did the Times choose to publish both articles, giving equal weight to the argument that Biden, while preferable, is just as unfit to occupy the office of the president? It’s a serious disservice to the readers and the nation to provide justifications to withhold support from Biden, who the Times believes would save democracy.

The Times could have published just the article criticizing Trump and included their reservations about Biden in a couple of paragraphs near the end. That would have been a better representation of their opinions, without giving ammunition to Trump supporters. After all, the Times is essentially saying that Biden’s faults are mainly political viability, while Trump’s would lead to actual catastrophe.

Furthermore, the Times could have gone into more detail about why Trump is unacceptable as a candidate. They didn’t mention Trump’s 34 felony convictions related to covering up hush money payments to a porn star; his civil liability for defamation and rape; his $354 million judgment for financial fraud; his theft of hundreds of classified documents about which he lied to the FBI; or his inciting a violent insurrection.

These are not times to be timid or to cling to false notions of balance. It’s okay to speculate about whether Biden presents the best opportunity to defeat Trump. It is not okay to place Biden’s comparatively minor deficiencies on the same level as Trump’s sociopathy that ranges from incompetent to traitorous. And the Times knows better. Or at least they used to.


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Trump Brags that He and Putin are Holding Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich Hostage

The hatred that Donald Trump has for the media has been a core component of what passes for his ideology from before he was even a political candidate. And after he began his career in politics he escalated his animosity by repeatedly referring to the press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” In virtually every public appearance Trump will insult journalists and news networks as “fake,” “corrupt,” and always out to get him.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Trump’s assault on the Constitution’s protection of a free press is part of a calculated strategy to discredit any reporting about him that is less than reverential. He wants his cult followers to dismiss truthful accounts of his noxious words and behavior, and to believe only what he tells them to believe. That sort of messiah worship is, in fact, the prime directive of a cult. And at least so far as his glassy-eyed disciples go, it’s working.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Wednesday Trump posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that is emblematic of both his aversion toward the press and his affinity toward his hero and role model, Vladimir Putin. In the comment Trump boasted that…

“Evan Gershkovich, the Reporter from The Wall Street Journal, who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office. He will be HOME, SAFE, AND WITH HIS FAMILY. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, and WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!”

Gershkovich has been held captive in Russia for just over a year on trumped up charges of espionage. The Biden administration has been working continuously to secure his freedom, just as they did for WNBA star Brittney Griner and Marine veteran Trevor Reed. But this interference by Trump isn’t going to help. To the contrary, it appears to be an unlawful attempt to conduct foreign policy and endanger the lives of Americans in Russia and elsewhere abroad.

In asserting that Putin will only release Gershkovich to Trump, and only after he is reelected, what Trump is implying is that he and Putin are conspiring to hold Gershkovich hostage in exchange for helping Trump’s reelection campaign. If Trump really has the influence that he is claiming (which is doubtful), why doesn’t he just tell Putin to release Gershkovich now?

Clearly both Trump and Putin are using this situation to benefit themselves. They both want Trump back in the White House. Putin wants him there because he is a malleable and obedient servant who fulfills the interests of Russia, such as dismantling NATO and defunding Ukraine. Trump wants to be there for the power tripping he enjoys so much, and to avoid prison and the other consequences of his illegal activities.

It is reprehensible that Trump would use and exacerbate the suffering of an American – and a journalist to boot – to achieve his own selfish desires. But it isn’t surprising. Gershkovich is not the only American that Russia is unjustly incarcerating. Former Marine Paul Whelan has been there for five years. He was abducted during Trump’s term, and Trump did nothing to secure his release. Biden tried to include Whelan in the exchange with Griner and Reed, but Putin stubbornly refused. Perhaps he was saving him for this arrangement with Trump.

Whelan and his family are probably wondering what happened to that special relationship that Trump supposedly has with Putin. It’s notable that Trump didn’t even mention Whelan in his comment. So why should anyone believe Trump now when he says he can get Putin to release Gershkovich?

The obvious answer is that they should not believe him. Trump is only interested in one person, and that’s Trump. Always has been, and always will be. And anyone who doesn’t believe that is already a fully indoctrinated MAGA cult member.


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Biden Roasts ‘Mentally Unfit’ Trump While Honoring the Free Press at the Annual Gridiron Dinner

The Gridiron Club is a renowned organization comprised of journalists and other media professionals that hosts a dinner every year featuring pundits and politicians delivering humorous observations of the state of the media and the nation. Among the regular participants is the President of the United States. And this year President Joe Biden came prepared to mock his friends and foes alike, and even himself.

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Donald Trump

Coming shortly after Biden’s State of the Union Address (SOTU), this was another opportunity for Biden to demonstrate the fallacy of the Republican smear campaign demeaning him as cognitively impaired. The SOTU so effectively put that nonsense to rest that the GOP had to resort to accusing Biden of being pharmaceutically enhanced because they couldn’t otherwise explain his sharpness and vigor. In the meantime, their own guy, Donald Trump, made an ass of himself live “truthing” Biden’s speech…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Live-Bleating of Biden’s State of the Union Address Was Predictably Petty and Pathetic

Biden’s remarks at the Gridiron Dinner will only exacerbate the anxieties of the MAGA cult. Once again, he showed that he is on top of his game. He delivered the comedic material like a pro, and deftly segued to more serious subjects when necessary. And he wasn’t shy about referencing his opponent with what will likely be the event’s most memorable line…

“The big news this week is two candidates clinched their parties’ nomination for president. One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other is me.”

That however, was not the only zinger in Biden’s monologue. What follows are few choice excerpts from the White House transcript

“It’s great to be here at the Gridiron dinner, though it’s six hours past my bedtime.”

“Look, it’s been a long night. So, I’ll keep my remarks just a few minutes less than my State of the Union.”

“Kamala and I and the members of the administration here tonight are proud — proud of our accomplishments on behalf of the American people: record job growth, wages rising, rigging the Super Bowl for Taylor Swift.”

“Our big plan to cancel student debt doesn’t apply to everyone. Just yesterday, a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, ‘I’m being crushed by debt. I’m completely wiped out.’ I said, “Sorry, Donald, I can’t help you.'”

“I heard House Republicans were going to do a skit tonight, but they couldn’t get a speaker.”

“And the biggest joke of the night: an impeachment inquiry. Imagine believing something so baseless that has a zero chance of succeeding. But Republicans would rather fail at impeachment than succeed at anything else.”

“I’m running against the same guy that I beat in 2020. But don’t tell him. He thinks he’s running against Barack Obama.”

“In the coming months, Kamala and I will be making the case how Americans are better off than four years ago. […] All without destroying the economy, embarrassing us around the world, or — or itching for insurrection.”

Not bad for someone that Trump and his MAGA media minions malign as a senile commie who can’t string two sentences together. And in his closing remarks Biden displayed another characteristic that he is well known for, but that his opponent lacks: Reverence for the American Constitution, and in particular, freedom of the press…

“As I said in my State of the Union Address, we live in an unprecedented moment in democracy, an unprecedented moment for history. Democracy and freedom are literally under attack. […] The lies about the 2020 election, the plots to overturn it, to embrace the January 6th insurrectionists pose the gravest threat to our democracy since the American Civil War. […]

“All the while, the other guy calls you the free press. Well, he calls you the enemy of the people, even as many of you risk your lives to do your job and sometimes even give your lives to do your jobs. […] Let me state the obvious. You’re not the enemy of the people. You are a pillar of any free society.” […]

“Good journalism holds a mirror up to a country for us to reflect the good, the bad, the truth about who we are. […] As a result, the choices you make really matter. And each story you make makes democracy stronger.”

That respect for the values articulated in the First Amendment stands in stark contrast to how Trump views this subject. In a Sunday interview on Fox News Trump clumsily slapped a backhanded compliment on the media that he despises.

“They’re like the police and frankly, they keep our country honest in a certain way if they do their job properly, and they haven’t been doing it properly.”

Describing the role of the press as that of the “police” reveals Trump’s twisted perception of the media’s function in a free society. He doesn’t see it as a “mirror,” but rather an authoritarian force to exert control. And he doesn’t think they’re doing that good enough. Were he to have his way, he would revoke the licenses of any media that isn’t sufficiently worshipful of him. And he has said so explicitly…

SEE ALSO: Herr Trump Decrees: If Media Doesn’t Air My Speeches They Should Have Their Licenses Revoked

Every American needs to remember that when they vote in November. There is one candidate who abhors the press and the Constitution; who is facing 91 felony charges for crimes against America; who has been found civilly liable for financial fraud and rape. And the other one is Joe Biden.


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THEY’RE EVIL! Wannabe Dictator Trump Says MSNBC ‘Shouldn’t Even Be Allowed’ to Be On the Air

The first target of every aspiring authoritarian tyrant is always the media. They regard it as an imperative to control whatever “news” is presented to the population that they are trying to plunder. In the process they manufacture flagrant falsehoods and fables intended to malign their opponents and exalt themselves. They invent scandals to denigrate their foes, and take credit for anything considered to be positive.

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Donald Trump TV Set

Sound familiar? Those are exactly the tactics currently being employed by Donald Trump and his malevolent mouthpieces in the MAGA media. Trump doesn’t hide his disdain for the Constitution’s protection of a free press. He has repeatedly referred to the press in Stalinist terms as the “enemy of the people.” His relentless attacks on journalists demean them as “lunatics” and “liars,” determined to destroy the nation, and more specifically, Trump himself. And he yearns to put them out of business, or at least under his command.

SEE THIS: Herr Trump Decrees: If Media Doesn’t Air My Speeches They Should Have Their Licenses Revoked

On Saturday Trump gave a campaign speech in Rome, Georgia, wherein he took another swipe at the media that he despises. And he resorted to the typical barrage of hyperbole and infantile insults and nicknames that are the hallmarks of his obnoxious oratory. This time his target was one of his perennial favorites, MSNBC.

“I tell you what. You take a look at MSDNC, how evil they are. They’re evil. They’re sick. They shouldn’t even be allowed to do what they do. Because it’s so corrupt. They shouldn’t be allowed to do it.

MSNBC has earned Trump’s ire mainly by reporting on what he actually says. So naturally they are evil and sick. But by continuing to advocate for blatant censorship, Trump is telegraphing what to expect should he return to his occupation of the White House. He longs to shut down media that fails to venerate him at all times. At the same rally Trump called the press covering the affair “criminals.” Their crime? Covering him and his bombastic and boneheaded ravings accurately.

This is not the first time that Trump has singled out MSNBC for his unique brand of vilification. For instance, there was this rant that revealed his ignorance of the television business (MSNBC is distributed on privately owned cable networks, not “FREE government approved airwaves”)

Trump Threatens to ‘Come Down Hard on’ MSNBC and ‘Make Them Pay’ for Daring to Criticize Him
Nov 28, 2023: “MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. […] It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country.”

And there was also this…

Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media
Sep 24, 2023: “MSNBC…should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’ […] I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage […] They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”

So Trump is bragging “up front, openly, and proudly,” that he will abuse the power of the government to suppress his critics in the press. Not that anyone will be surprised about Trump’s penchant for abusing government power. This is not someone who should ever be permitted to hold any position of power. It doesn’t matter that he would have no legal authority to conduct the sort of oppressive operations that he is promising. He obviously doesn’t care about the law.

The law, however, cares about him. And his comeuppance has already begun with nearly half a billion dollars in civil judgments for defamation, rape and financial fraud. The criminal consequences are coming up next. And the media will exacerbate Trump’s mental meltdown by, you know, reporting on it.


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Herr Trump Decrees: If Media Doesn’t Air My Speeches They Should Have Their Licenses Revoked

It has long been established that Donald Trump has unwavering and unabashed aspirations of authoritarianism. He frequently expresses those ambitions himself in remarks that are reminiscent of his heroes such as Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and other notorious tyrants and dictators. It’s a club that Trump very much yearns to be a member of.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

On Monday night, Trump delivered a speech in Iowa congratulating himself on his victory in the Republican presidential primary caucus there. The speech was mostly a rehashing of the same tedious talking points that he disgorges at his cult rallies and posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. And true to form, Trump used the opportunity of the post-caucus address to whine about what a sorry and pathetic victim he is.

When he isn’t lying about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen” from him, he is raging about the multitude of civil and criminal charges that he is facing. He barely had time to brag about the weakness of his predictable triumph over Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory in Iowa Forecasts His Next Defeat When He Faces Joe Biden in November

What Trump did have time to do was to reiterate his contempt for democracy and the Constitution. In his remarks he made a point of expressing his disdain for the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of the press…

“Last night, it was amazing. NBC and CNN refused to air my victory speech – think of it – because they are crooked, they’re dishonest and, frankly, they should have their licenses or whatever they have taken away.”

Of course, Trump would have no legal authority to shut down any news organization. Not that he cares about or respects the law. And for the record, NBC and CNN both aired a portion of Trump’s speech before cutting away when it was clear that he was just spewing nonsense and devolving into incoherent babbling. But there was a better reason to cut him off, which was explained by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who said that “His remarks will not air here live,” and then elaborated saying that…

“There is a reason that we, and other news platforms, have generally stopped giving an unfiltered live platform to former president Trump. It is not out of spite. It is not a decision that we relish. It is a decision that we regularly revisit. And honestly, earnestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.

Exactly! The press has an obligation to insure that the truth is paramount in their reporting. When someone is known to lie profusely whenever they speak, that person’s remarks can be recorded and played later with the proper context and fact-checking. It’s what responsible journalists do.

However, in Trump’s twisted mind, any editing of his divinely inspired insights is tantamount to treason. He has actually said so in those precise terms. And if given the opportunity, he will make the traitors pay. Never mind the Constitution. Trump has repeatedly vowed to punish any and all media that is critical of him. For instance…

Trump Threatens to ‘Come Down Hard on’ MSNBC and ‘Make Them Pay’ for Daring to Criticize Him
Nov 28, 2023: “MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Roberts, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called ‘government’ should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!”

First of all, MSNBC does not use “FREE government approved airwaves.” Cable programming is delivered on private distribution networks. And their editorial positions are protected by the First Amendment. If he’s upset by MSNBC’s honest, left-leaning reporting, he should be equally upset by fox News’ flagrantly false, right-wing propaganda. But in neither case does the government have the authority to “come down hard on them and make them pay” for their views. That’s how dictators operate.

And then there was this…

Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media
Sep 24, 2023: “MSNBC…should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’ […] I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage […] They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done!”

Trump is accusing MSNBC and other news enterprises of treason for exercising their constitutional rights. And he brags “up front, openly, and proudly,” that he will abuse the power of the government to suppress his critics in the press.

Trump’s brazen hostility toward the media and the Constitution is more proof of just how dangerous it would be to allow him to have any position of power. It doesn’t matter that he would have no legal authority to conduct the sort of oppressive operations that he is promising. He doesn’t care about the law. He would impose his own unethical standards on the media – and the nation – to get whatever results he craves.

Hopefully, this November, voters will grasp the imperative to prevent him from seizing that power and destroying America’s constitutional republic. And while they are at it, voters need to oust Trump’s flunkies in the House and Senate, and all state and local offices, and elect patriotic Democrats who will honor and preserve our nation’s principles.


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Trump Threatens to ‘Come Down Hard on’ MSNBC and ‘Make Them Pay’ for Daring to Criticize Him

One thing you can say for Donald Trump is that he isn’t ashamed to admit his authoritarian aspirations and his intentions to reign in the mold of his tyrannical heroes Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping. And the American people need to believe him when he promises to replace democracy with a dictatorship with him at the helm.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

This isn’t a momentary lapse in judgement or an inadvertent gaffe. Trump has been bragging about his dictatorial dreams for years. He yearns to have the unchallenged power of Putin whose political foes seem to keep falling out of windows. Those not done in by gravity would be jailed by Trump, who has no respect for the the rule of law or the Constitution.

SEE THIS: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

On Wednesday morning Trump lashed out at the press that he regards, in Stalinist terms, as the “the enemy of the people.” In a post on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump raged that…

“MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Roberts, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called ‘government’ should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!”

There’s a surprising quantity of bullpucky in that brief, bombastic outburst. Let’s start with the fact that Trump, as usual, doesn’t know what he’s talking about with regard to MSNBC’s programming. It is distributed on private cable networks, so there are no “government approved airwaves” involved.

As for Trump’s rant about MSNBC being biased against Republicans, the network has given four hours of every weekday morning to Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, and another two hours in the afternoon to Nicolle Wallace, who was the White House communications director for former president George W. Bush. To be sure, both are avowed critics of Trump, but as appropriately disgusted Republicans, not as “Radical Left Democrats.”

Trump is also showing his ignorance of the media business by citing Brian Roberts as MSNBC’s chairman and CEO. He is not. Rashida Jones is the president of MSNBC. Mike Cavanagh is the CEO the network’s parent company, NBC/Universal. Brian Roberts heads up Comcast, of which NBC/Universal is a subsidiary.

Furthermore, if Trump is so appalled by people on MSNBC criticizing Trump with well-reasoned and fully backed up analyses of his abhorrent positions and personality, what must he think of Fox News? After all, they slobber over him with undeserved and cultish adulation, while defaming his opponents with blatant falsehoods. Isn’t that “a 24 hour hit job” and “ELECTION INTERFERENCE?” It surely is a huge “political contribution” to Trump who actually is committed to “destroying our Country.” And it was Fox News, not MSNBC, who had to pay a nearly billion dollar settlement for their defamation and lies.

SEE ALSO: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

The worst part of Trump’s commentary on MSNBC is his overt threat that, if given the opportunity, he would use the government to “come down hard on them and make them pay.” He is openly trying to intimidate MSNBC, as well as any other media enterprise that is less than worshipful toward him. He yearns to shut them down like Putin does in Russia.

Don’t think for a minute that he wouldn’t do it. He doesn’t believe that the media has the right to express themselves. He abhors the Constitution. Consequently, freedom of the press would become a relic of the past. And any independent reporting would be punishable by the state under his control. Which is another reason that he must never have any control or influence over this nation or the lives of its people.


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Crybaby Trump Whines About Media Accurately Reporting Low Attendance at His Cult Rallies

For as long as Donald Trump has been in public life he has been obsessed with exalting himself as the smartest, handsomest, bestest at everything that any human being ever attempted. It’s the hallmark of a malignant narcissist, which, ironically, is something that he actually has excelled at. He glorifies himself – as he would say – at levels never seen before.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

On Wednesday morning Trump took to his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social, to send more love letters to himself. He posted fifty-one (51!) vainglorious comments in two hours. Every one of which extolled the magnificence that he sees in his funhouse mirror. He harbors a messianic mindset in which he is the sole savior of all mankind.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims that Only He Can ‘End the Bloodshed and Bring Peace to the World’

Among the comments Trump posted was one wherein he employed another skill for which he is proud: Whining! He has literally described himself as “the most fabulous whiner [because] I keep whining and whining until I win.” On this occasion his lament had to do with not being recognized as the most beloved figure in American politics. He began by complaining that…

“Many times when I’m making a Speech, which are always sold out …”

Let’s interrupt Trump here for a moment to note that none of his speeches are ever “sold out.” That’s because they cost nothing to attend. It’s much easier to get a large turnout for a free event. Then Trump continued, saying that…

“Fake News will watch people come down from the rafters (bad seats) onto the floor—nearer the stage…”

Sorry, but another interruption is necessary to note that Trump is actually conceding that his event was not sold out. If it were there would not have been any unoccupied spaces in the front for the backbenchers to move up to. He continues…

“As soon as this happens, the Lamestream Media starts taking pictures of these once fully occupied areas and seats, and then come out with a story…’Trump didn’t have a Sellout.'”

According to Trump the “bad seats” that were abandoned were quickly filled by fresh Deplorables who were waiting outside to get in. However, the pictures of Trump’s rallies with many empty seats were taken well into his speech. The only outsiders still hanging around were protesters and press.

This is typical gaslighting by Trump. He has been doing it since he blatantly lied about his poorly attended inaugural in January of 2017, which he said “was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.” It wasn’t even close.

Undeterred by reality, Trump concluded his comment by stating that “This is a Movement like none other, and the Failing Media should get on board now.” Well, by definition it’s only the “Failing Media” that would want to “get on board.” but more to the point, Trump appears to believe that it is the media’s role to join the cult movements of wannabe dictators. He’s going to be crushed when he finds that the only followers will be his flunkies at Fox News, Newsmax, and the rest of the rightist propaganda press. And if we’re lucky, they’ll follow him right into prison.


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Trump Wants to Star in a Reality TV Version of His Trial – But He Will Regret If It Happens

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump are weighing on him heavily as the prospects of his finally being held accountable for his political and personal crime spree are too obvious for him to ignore. With each new day there is a revelation that exacerbates his fears and produces ever more unhinged reactions.

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Donald Trump TV Set

During the testimony of Trump and his criminal accomplices (Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka) in their New York financial fraud case, America learned that the former first family was repeatedly unable to recall anything about running the business empire that they claim is evidence of their superior intellect and acumen.

SEE THIS: Deranged Donald Trump Whines that the ‘Fake’ Media Reported What Even He Admits is the Truth

What those attending the trial saw were sheepish and frightened defendants who know that they their years of getting away with cheating business associates and the government are coming to an end. Unfortunately, the rest of the country had to be satisfied with descriptions of the melodrama because video is not permitted in the courtroom.

However, Trump’s attorneys in the upcoming federal case wherein Trump is charged with election subversion have just filed a motion to waive the prohibition on cameras and allow the media to record and the report the proceedings. The motion by Trump’s remaining lawyers that haven’t been indicted or disbarred, John Lauro and Todd Blanche, assert that…

“The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness. President Trump calls for sunlight. Every person in America, and beyond, should have the opportunity to study this case firsthand and watch as, if there is a trial, President Trump exonerates himself of these baseless and politically motivated charges.” […]

“There is a high risk that proceeding behind closed doors under these circumstances would serve to further undermine confidence in the United States justice system, while continuing to prejudice President Trump’s rights.” […]

It’s true that the office of special prosecutor Jack Smith has opposed televising the trial. But not because they like darkness. They are concerned about the safety of court personnel, witnesses, and jurors. There have already been incidents of threats and assaults due to Trump’s incendiary rhetoric and intentional acts of intimidation. On the other hand, both the Democrats and the media are also lobbying for cameras in the courtroom. Those are the same parties that Trump’s lawyers accuse of wanting darkness so they can prejudice Trump’s rights.

However, Trump’s lawyers are lying in their filing when they refer to the charges against Trump as being “baseless and politically motivated.” The prosecution has already presented abundant evidence of Trump’s guilt. And there is nothing that points to any political motivations. They are also lying by characterize the trial as being “behind closed doors.” It is an open proceeding that journalists of all political persuasions are invited to attend. And like Trump himself, his attorneys are delusional when they speak of how Trump “exonerates himself.”

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

Trump’s attorneys are arguing that he wants TV coverage of the trial because it will allow the public to “hear all the evidence regarding an election that President Trump believes was rigged and stolen,” and that otherwise the public would have to rely on “biased, secondhand accounts coming from the Biden Administration and its media allies.”

First of all, this trial is not a forum for Trump to continue pushing his “Big Lie” about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen.” That has been tried more than 60 times and found to have no merit whatsoever. This trial is about establishing Trump’s role in undermining democracy, attempting to obstruct Congress from certifying the election, and engaging in a fake elector scam.

Secondly, the media coverage of the trial is just as likely to come from the “biased, secondhand accounts” of MAGA media outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, and certainly Trump himself via his failing Truth Social scam website. As for “accounts coming from the Biden Administration,” it has thus far been completely silent about Trump’s four indictments on 91 felony charges. So that allegation is simply made up by Trump’s lawyers.

The truth is that Trump is still the same reality TV game show host that he was before he ran for president. He believes that his pumpkin-hued presence on camera is sufficient to excite the adoration of everyone in the audience. However, considering the fact that he has never had an approval rating that exceeded his disapproval, and he is less popular now than ever, he is likely to be disappointed by the widespread revulsion he generates should the trial actually be televised.

The general public is not the same as the glassy-eyed cult followers that show up at his rallies. And Trump would learn that the hard way if the trial were televised. Although that is something he probably won’t have to worry about since the rules prohibiting cameras are unlikely to be changed. And that may be another explanation for Trump’s sudden appeal for “sunlight.” He knows it won’t happen, but wants credit for asking for it. He’s the one who prefers darkness and the ability to lie in the courtroom’s hallways about actually took place.


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Deranged Donald Trump Whines that the ‘Fake’ Media Reported What Even He Admits is the Truth

The accelerating desperation of Donald Trump is impossible to ignore as his legal tribulations mount and his ability to respond coherently declines. The past week saw Trump and his criminally complicit clan (Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka) testify in the financial fraud trial taking place in New York. But employing feigned ignorance is not a particularly clever defense strategy.

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Donald Trump, CNN

The Trumps took the stand reluctantly and each of these self-professed business “geniuses” claimed that they couldn’t recall significant events in their administration of Trump Organization affairs. That crudely coordinated defense relies on the argument that they are either incompetent stooges or suffering from some rare form of inbred amnesia. At least for The Donald, there is some validity to that argument.

SEE THIS: Trump Suffers Mental Collapse Over Poll that Asks About His Obviously Collapsing Mental Health

In the latest of his ongoing online harangues, Trump lashed out at his perennial media foe, CNN. But this time he was outraged that the network reported something that he conceded was true in the very same comment. The post on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, was a marvel of maliciousness and mendacity. What follows is an annotated examination of Trump’s tirade that displays a pathology that is both tormented and impotent. He began…

“Fake News CNN just did a story, leaked by Deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith and his massive team of Radical Left Lunatics, that various people saw papers and boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act.”

Trump is appalled that CNN had the audacity to report that the boxes of classified documents he stole and hoarded at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home were seen by “various people.” He calls it “fake news” even though he agrees that “of course” it was true. And he thinks that special counsel Jack Smith is deranged?

What Trump is referring to is a CNN report that Smith has subpoenaed several Mar-a-Lago employees with knowledge of Trump’s mishandling of the classified materials that he lied to the FBI about having. These employees can not only attest to Trump’s possession of the documents, but to his alleged attempts to hide them from authorities.

What’s more, Trump continues to use the Presidential Records Act to justify his misconduct, even though the Act explicitly states that “Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the [National] Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.” But Trump was just getting started. He continues…

“I even supplied, upon request, Security Tapes to these Election Interfering Thugs. Is this really ‘Breaking News?’ No, it’s ‘Breaking Fake News.’ But what about all of the papers, boxes, and documents found at NUMEROUS Crooked Joe Biden places, like his garage floor by his cherished Corvette, or CHINATOWN where it was just learned that boxes moved freely in and out. He doesn’t come under the Presidential Records Act because he wasn’t President at the time.”

The “breaking” news was that the Mar-a-Lago staff had been subpoenaed. And it was newsworthy enough to catch Trump’s attention and spark his seething anger. And as usual, Trump tries to divert attention from himself to his arch enemy, President Biden. What Trump fails to mention is that Biden never tried to claim that he owned the documents in question. He never lied to the FBI. He never withheld anything after authorities requested it be returned. In short, he never violated any of the many laws that Trump did. But in Trump’s mind, the greater crime is always just the act of holding him accountable for his crimes…

“Deranged Jack Smith has spent over $100,000,000 investigating me on this phony Russia, Russia, Russia, type Scam. How much $’s have they spent investigating Crooked Joe on his much bigger boxes deal?””

For the record, Smith’s investigation had only spent $9 million as of July. Trump is apparently using the same perverted math that he used to mis-value his real estate properties, which is what got him indicted for financial fraud in the first place. The Biden probe has spent less than $2 million, partly because he has been cooperating rather than obstructing, like Trump has been doing. And Trump knows what Smith’s probe has cost because he posted a comment on it at the time…

“Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt.”

The fact that Trump lies incessantly isn’t going to surprise anyone. But his openness and pitifully poor execution remains surprising if only because most people get better at things when they do them so frequently. Trump, apparently, is not only ignorant and dishonest, he’s incapable of learning. But he nevertheless remains impressed with himself and his own perception of his imaginary brilliance. He is what he would call “deranged.”


Trump Says He Watches a Lot of Fox News, That He Also Says is ‘Totally Fake’ and ‘Unwatchable’

The convolutions of Donald Trump’s character are too numerous and perverse to succinctly summarize. Suffice to say that he is a twisted bundle of frayed nerves and psychoses. His contradictions and hypocrisies are legendary. And anyone who thinks that they can anticipate his behavior – other than as hostile and self-serving – is fooling themselves.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

In a new interview conducted by Raheem Kassam of the ultra-rightist National Pulse, Trump put this personality disorder on display. It was 36 minutes of incoherent rambling and rehashing of the same delusional talking points that he has been dispensing for years.

RELATED: Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

The interview began with Kassam asking Trump about the state of immigration: “Did you ever think you’d see this level of American Carnage?” That was a throwback reference to Trump’s infamous “American Carnage” inauguration address. Trump’s reply was a typically tortured tirade that utterly avoided reality…

“No. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. […] Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from. We know they come from prisons. We know they come mental institutions, insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad.”

So in a single reply Trump asserted that “Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from,” then proceeds to tell Kassam where they are coming from. And, of course, it was all completely false and profoundly racist. He went on to lie that there were zero terrorists intercepted by border patrol during his occupation of the White House. (Fact Check: 216 people on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended this year. There were 280 in 2019 during the Trump administration).

The interview briefly touched on Trump’s television habits. We know that he was an avid viewer of Fox News and other right-wing media while allegedly serving as president. He was reported to have watched as much as eight hours of television every day. Most of that was Fox News or some other Trump-fluffing outlet that catered to his massive yet fragile ego. And apparently nothing has changed, according to Trump in the following portion of the interview (see video below beginning at 4:20)

Kassam: You make a point about the press and the media. And I think that most of the media is quite hostile towards you. I think one that I think people are surprised that have been hostile towards you has been Fox. Especially recently…
Trump: We’ve done well with Fox over the years. […] But somehow there’s just an edge there. You take a look at the anchors, look at Sean Hannity, Laura’s been great. They’ve been good. But there’s an overhang if you just feel, there’s something missing.
Kassam: But do you think [Rupert Murdoch] is going, he kind of went all in against you in this primary cycle. And I think he’s realized now that he’s not gonna win that battle. Do you think that’s why he’s kind of shuffling…
Trump: Well they put everything against DeSanctimonious. And he’s not a talented person. He’s just not a talented person. He only won because I endorsed him. He was at 3%, he was dead, and I endorsed him. […]

[Note: It’s always been curious how Trump frequently brags about having endorsed people who he considers losers and liars and incompetents, and then takes credit for their political victories. Why the heck did he endorse them?]

Trump: The anchors are so good. Jesse [Watters] has been great. Greg [Gutfeld] has been great. You look at what he’s done, right? They’ve all been good. You look on Saturday, it’s been fantastic with Pete Hegseth, Rachel [Campos-Duffy], Will [Cain]. So we get a lot of good support. And lately Brian Kilmeade’s been great. But Steve Doocy’s been terrible. I mean, to me he’s been just terrible. He’s hurting the show. Ainsley [Earhardt] is good. […]
Kassam: You still watch it a lot then?
Trump: Yeah, I watch it. I watch it. I watch it, and I watch Newsmax. I try not to watch the other…There’s so much fake news. I mean honestly, somebody like MSNBC, it’s so bad and so vicious, and same thing with CNN, but maybe even to a lesser extent. But I watch these two and honestly, it’s a campaign contribution what they do. It’s a campaign contribution. And they should pay a lot of money. Somebody has to pay for this. Because that’s an absolute campaign contribution. And they can’t be allowed to be able to get away with this. It’s so unfair.

So Trump watches quite a bit of Fox News, despite the fact that he has recently maligned them saying that “Fox News is dead,”, and that “Fox News daytime is not watchable,” and that “Fox News Polls are totally FAKE.”

Trump’s idea of a free press is one that is consistently adoring of him, and anything less than worshipful devotion is tantamount to treason. He recently used that exact language to condemn the media saying that “They are almost all dishonest and corrupt [and] should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’” He elaborated threatening that “when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized,” and that they should not “be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA,” and that they “should pay a big price for what they have done.”

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

The rest of the interview was boilerplate, dishonest Trumpisms about abortion after birth, which is not a thing; the January 6th insurrection that he incited; his efforts to overturn the election with fake electors; the Mueller report and what he calls the Russia, Russia, Russia scam; and of course, his perpetual preposterous whining about Biden being incompetent and/or corrupt. In other words, it was Trump being Trump, and abandoning what the rest of us recognize as a little thing called reality.


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